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In these lands, the females are on top. A fully matriarchal society. Can you cope with living under the rule of femmes...?

come in! come in!

we don't bite!

Well hey there to everyone and welcome to Permanence, a slightly new twist on wolf rp. The hierarchy is twisted. The females rule! But don't get me wrong, there are places for males in the pack! We are an all-level, friendly wolf rp. Just sit back, relax, and have fun!

Site updates

Admin: L a e t i ~ A d o r e m u s

L a e t i - 15.07.06
Well it's gonna take a lot of work, but we have the first page up. Keep checking back. I'll keep the progress up in the Quick Updates. Chelle -x-


Look what we have! A lil chat box so you can post comments or even have a lil chat with online members! How cool! (Please no abusive language!)