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Periagoge, a publication of the Academy, exists to provide a forum for differentiated moral discourse for the Olivet Community.

Submissions are welcome from students of all Majors, as well as from any Faculty, Staff, or Alumni.

Periagoge comes from the ancient Greek meaning “turning around, conversion.” It is Plato's term for “the cognitive and moral reorientation toward the True and the Good as such."

Periagoge Staff

Editor: Mark Miller

Contributing Editors: Larry Allen, Kumar Bhooshan, Katie Morris, & Adam Smith.

Contributing Writers: David Blasdel, Mike Carlisle, Adam Kotsko, Chris Miller, Katie Morris, Michael Podguski, Phil Rexroth, Philip Schwada, Adam Smith, Anthony Smith, & Tara Smith.

Table of Contents
Volume I, Issue 01

  •  Redemption by Chris Miller

  •  Is it Time for Repentance? by Tara Smith & Anthony Smith

  •  Towards a Christian Patriotism by Adam Smith

  •  On Being Unbiased: Or, How To Be In Favor Of Nothing by Adam Kotsko

    Volume I, Issue 02

  •  Back to Irenaeus by Katie Morris

  •  How To Be A Good Student by Adam Smith

  •  A Christian Approach to the Ethics of Gene Therapy by Mike Carlisle

  •  You Won't Find "Responsibility" In My Dictionary by Phil Rexroth

    Volume I, Issue 03

  •  Biblical Justice and Income Taxation by Philip Schwada

  •  Ruminations on Grace by David Blasdel

  •  A Call to Arms: Of Brotherhood by Michael Podguski

  •  Order and Compassion by Adam Smith

    The views expressed in the essays are not necessarily the expressed views of Periagoge, the Academy, Olivet Nazarene University, or the Church of the Nazarene.

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