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Peachcake's Home Page


Peachcake: Deisgned by John and Stefan. The realtionship dates back to countless appearances together in many different punk/hardcore/Indie Rock projects. Now the duo has grown up, and we have evolved the Peachcake extraordinare!

What is Peachcake?
Peachcake can only be described as a mixture of emotions. It is the process of the evolution of a humans mind, influences, interest's, and intellect. Peachcake is also melodic/dance Indie Rock on Electronic format.

Led by these two, J&S hope to achieve world peace.

Paid for by the J&S DUDE! Campaign.

Aug. 27th @: Off the Hook W/ Stomper Melvin, Xeno Glossia, Contrite, All Too Much, plus. $5 8PM
Sept. 15th @: Modified (407 E. Roosevelt, Phoenix), $5 8PM. W/ Vinegar Sting, The Heroine Shieks.
Sept. 26th @: Modified. W/ Tora Tora Torrance!, Missouri Loves Company, Hot Fought Cold, Living Science Foundation. $6 8PM