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MY PACEY GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm like a proud parent or something I was so happy!

Anyways nothing else real important happened---Pacey took a job on a boat. Dawson and Joey kissed before they both left for college. Dawson went to LA and got fired from his intern job. And then he went to Joey's (being college in Boston) after saying he couldn't make it b/c of the intern job (this was before he got fired). Jen met Charlie (aka Chad Michael Murry).

BTW Jen, Jack, Joey, and Grams are all in Boston going to school...except for Grams. Dawson is (was) in LA going to USC Film school. Pacey is in Boston--my guess is thats where his boat job landed.

LOL this was all a bit confuesing and short but none-the-less it was an update! L8a!
Sara paced herself @ 5:21 PM

Hey--sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Charlotte is kinda making me. Anyways I'm gonna give a breif run down on what's been happening on the Creek.

There was a senior trip to go ski-ing but Dawson couldn't go, b/c Mr. Brooks died (Mr. Brooks is the old guy he had been helping and he used to be a movie director..they got really close ) and Mr. Brooks had left Dawson lots of Money. On the senior trip Jen hurt her ankle and her and Jack were very close to doing the dirty. Speaking of doing the dirty Joey and Pacey finally did. On another note Joey got into Worthington--her dream school-- but she didn't have enough money to pay for it, so Dawson gave her some of the money that Mr. Brooks left him so that she could go to college there. Pacey my main man has being quite the butt head lately. On Senior Ditch Day he went to school and took a test. But who else was there? None other than Drue Valentine. Drue beng Drue he invite Pacey to ditch w/ him and go drinking. Pacey took him up on that offer and they got caught for public drunketness (sp?). Dep. Doug came to the rescue so they didn't get arrested. As Pacey's punishment though he had to go on a camping trip w/ Dougie, so Dougie could "knock" some sense into him. Pacey didn't tell Joey about getting drunk and he lied to her and said he was going fishing. Joey found out by way of Gretchen (Pacey's older sister and g/f to Dawson). ANYWAYS later on there is the prom and Pacey wants to make everything perfect, but poor Pacey messed everything up. He let the coursages mess up and got a dumpy lemo--but he tried. Later at the prom Pacey was yelling at Joey and being a but and they broke up. Gretchen broke up w/ Dawson b/c he still loved Joey and b/c he was to young. Plus Jen tricked Jack into going w/ Tobey to the prom and so Jack w/ revenge on Jen had Drue take her to the prom.

Thats about it for now lol if I think of anything else that needs to be said TRUST ME it will be! OOOh I thought of something lol Dawson's mom had the baby her name is Lillian Leery. lol and Joey thought she was pregnant but she wasn't thank goodness. Ok thats all folks! lol L8a!
Sara paced herself @ 6:39 PM

Hey! Sorry I didn't update yesterday.
Just a little re-cap on yestderdays Dawson's Creek. Pacey made a good grade on a paper and wanted to go sailing. But Joey couldn't go b/c she got stuck w/ an assignment -b/c of Drue- that she had to do w/ Dawson. SO anyways Pacey went w/ Jen b/c she was like oooh I'll go. Pacey and Jen went sailing and Joey and Dawson went to the Country Club thing to work on their assignment. A big storm came and everyone was all worried about Pacey and Jen. Dawson being Pacey's (ex)best friend knew where he would be, so he had to go after them b/c that's they way Dawson is. ANd joey being her was like no I can't let you go by yourself b/c I can't worry about you and PAcey. Blah Blah Blah they found them everyone was safe except "True Love". They had to leave her in the water. PAcey was very sad about that b/c of the memories he had of it.
Nothing much happened in the next episode except Drue told everyone it was Jen's birthday and so he had a party for her. He gave her extacey(sp?). ANd Pacey told Joey not to worry about leaving him for college b/c where ever she would be he would be too.

ON TODAY'S episodes Dawson find out that his mom is pregnant. HAHA I don't think Dawson got the idea at first b/c he looked all what's going on I'm confuesed. lol so anyways Joey went to a free clinic to get all kinds of info. and stuff on sex b/c she was thinking her a Pacey might be getting ready to go there. lol! And Jack and Andie become coaches of a soccer team. This lady hits on Jack and he has to tell her he's gay and then some little kids had to quit b/c their parents said he was "dangerous". IN NO way is Jack dangerous "he's a (to quote Charlotte) a loveable huggable gay man."

Next episode! There is a RAVE in Capeside. Jen and Andie are talking and Andie finds out about Jen's ex. that she got from Drue. Andie is all down but who knows why she just got into HARVARD. But anyways Jen let's her hold it and when she goes to ask for it back Andie had taken one. But little did Jen know Andie was on her other medication to. So after Andie tells Pacey that he was the love of her life and everything she goes and "jumps". And while she is "jumping" she gets all dizzy and icky. They have to call and ambulance and Jack finds out that the reason he was supposed to keep and eye on Andie is b/c she had taken ex. and he gets all GRR and Jen. even though it wasn't her fault. Andie totally took it all on her own Jen didn't know she tried to get it back. But anyways they all rush to the hospital to find out what happened. Luckily she's okay but she could've died. Pacey being the all so nice guy he is stays there at the Hospital w/ Her (well so does Jack and her Dad but they're realted to her lol.)

LOL thats about it sorry I didn't put more of a "spin" on it--I was just lazy today! lol!
Sara paced herself @ 7:02 PM

Hey! So it's the week-end no Dawson's Creek. Sad isn't it? =( But don't worry there will be more on DC tomorrow! loL!

So anyways my brother is so accident pron. Yesterday him and his friends went golfing and my brother was driving the golf cart (I think he was the only one in it at the time). So he was driving and this squirel ran right in the middle of the road. He swirved to miss it and while he did he tumped the golf cart over, hit his head, and got all scratched up from tumping and from some plastic thing. But he's okay he's just a little banged up. He's got scratches and a bump on his head but he's fine.

I'm so stuffed I just ate a hamburger--it was mighty big--and I'm really tired. I'm thinking about taking a nap but I dunno yet. lol Knowing me I will prob. end up taking one. I can't pass up a good nap. Especially since it's Sunday--what else are ya gonna do? lol.

SO yeah I'm gonna go get on that nap. L8a!
Sara paced herself @ 1:36 PM

Ahh back to the wonderful life at Capeside! on the Dawson's Creek Joey and Pacey got back from their summer long boat trip. Time to face reality folks! lol Anyways so of course everyone was like ooooh what'd ya do all that time on the boat--NOTHING duh Pacey would totally not take advantage of Joey like that. Anyways so Joey got invite to the Dive-in. Ha it's so awesome--the movie theatre is in the water and everyone is all in boats or on the beach or whatever. So GREAT--we should so have one here. And OH I was sitting there watching this episode right? LOL anyways so Andie was talking to these two supposedly French guys and I was thinking that blonde one is pretty cute but then it dawned on me hello!!!!!!!! That's Danny from Real World New Orleans--only the hottest gay guy ever to be on the Real World.

NEXT episode there was worry about my Pacey (yes MY Pacey lol) had to go to the guidance counselor which just so happened to be Mitch(ster) Leery...he was filling in for the old one whom Pacey ran into early retirement. Anyways so he was all Pacey you shouldn't have been on that boat this summer blah blah you should have been in summer school beacuse you are in DANGER of not graduating--oh by the way this is their senior year! lol! Ok so later on Pacey and Joey were on the boat eating nummy pizza and Joey was saying something about Townies and Pacey took offense b/c ya know he might be a townie and so he was like What so If I were a townie would that make me less appealing to you? ANd she didn't really say anything so of course he was like OH well I guess thats my answer (yes). Anyways so Mr. Leery was all talking to Dawson and Dawson was like oh I can't talk to Pacey we aren't friends anymore but then Mitch was like oh well I know someone you can tell that can help PAcey. SO of COurse it is JOey duh who didn't know that ?! So Dawson talks to Joey blah blah and then Joey goes to talk to Pacey and something happens and they get mad at each other. SO then Pacey talks to Gretchin ( his sister who is back in town and he is living in a house with) and so then Pacey goes to talk to JOey and they are all like we can make this better and Pacey is crying it is so sweet and they kiss. SO good--you all should so watch the Creek. WEEKDAYS @ 10 and 11 a.m.

NON-Creek Stuff lol! So tonight some of my friends came over and we had an "Ice-Cream Party" and Charlotte brought rainbow sprinkles. SO we were like I wonder if the sprinkles all taste different. So we sperated them and tried them all lol--we thought there was a difference but the only difference is that the brown ones are made of COCOA!

SO yeah thats about it for today! L8a!
Sara paced herself @ 11:18 PM

Hey! So this is my new blog diary thing--lol my good pal Charlotte hooked me up with the layout and everything! The theme of this blog diary thing is Pacey Witter aka Joshua Jackson and all the many adorable things *Pacey* did on Dawson's Creek today--which is the main place to get your daily *Pacey* dose. I might slip in a couple off topic things just to switch it up a bit. lol.

On to the happ's on the Creek today. But first let's fill you in a smidge. Dawson and Joey dated broke up. *Pacey* realizes that he is in love w/ one Joey Potter. He kisses her and then they kiss some more. Dawson finds out about their "relationship" and everything turns messy. Dawson is mad at *Pacey* for going after his "girl". And *Pacey* is mad at Dawson for still thinking Joey is his "girl". And JOey she is all confuesed b/c she doesn't know who to pick or what to do! ANd so and so forth.

SO ANYWAYS onto todays happenings...So there is the Junior prom at Capeside High but Jack was basically being descriminate against b/c he's gay. HE wanted to bring a guy to the prom but some chick who was selling tickets was like hello you can't do that boys can't dance with boys and blah blah blah! So Dawson decides to come up w/ an Alternative Prom--which is of course gonna be way better than the real one. It's held at Dawson's Mom's restaurant. Joey goes w/ Dawson b/c of some pact they made when they were kids. *Pacey* goes w/ ex-girlfriend/friend Andie McPhee. Jack goes w/ his guy and Jen goes w/ Henry.(I like Henry!) SO ANYWAYS before the dance Dawson lends Joey some ear-rings that he thinks she'll like--she wears them lol. And of course they go to the dance and well they Dance! While they are dancing *PACEY* shows up. And Dawson is all like what makes him think he can be here at the prom I organized. ANd Joey's all ughh Dawson (as she should be b/c *PACEY* is so better!!). But anyways Joey and Dawson get into a fight b/c Joey is all this is a friend thing and Dawson's all I can't believe you think that I want to be more than friends duh! lol! They kiss blah who cares. So Joey goes in and asks *PACEY* to dance. And *PACEY* is all sweet like always. He's like where'd you get those ear-rings they aren't you and then he's like this braclet is. And Joey says this was my mom's braclet. ANd he's all I know. SO Joey's all aww *PACEY* your awesome! (Jen and Henry get into and arguement b/c Henry is going to football camp during the summer and didn't care about Jen. blah blah)

NEXT! So ya know Dawson's parents were divorced-ville for awhile but now they are getting married AGAIN! Joey is the maid-of-honor and Dawson is the bestman. And at their wedding Pacey is there dun dun dun. But he shows up for the parents not for Joey b/c hello he's no Dawson. But he does talk to Joey. He's all I'm gonna leave Joey (he's going on his boat so perfectly titled "True Love" on a trip to the Keys) I'm gonna give you the chance to ask me to stay or something like that but of course my *PACEY* is way more sweet about it lol. But she doesn't b/c she still all I don't want 'Dawson' to be mad at me and not be my friend. But anyways Dawson gives his bestman speech about how love is being able to forgive. WHich is nice--I was proud of him. And he tellsn Joey to go after *PACEY* b/c he knows that's what she wants. SO of course she does b/c who wouldn't go after *PACEY*?! And she gets to Pacey and he's getting ready to leave. She's like I think I love you *PACEY* but he's like you think or you know? And so she says I KNOW! SO they kiss and head off on TRUE LOVE on some kinda summer trip.

WHat's up for the crazy teens on the Creek? WHo knows tune in tomorrow! lol!

I don't wanna write much else b/c it's already way long so maybe tomorrow you'll get more off topic info. lol! I'm out l8a!

Sara paced herself @ 7:11 PM