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So ya, this is all about me. Not much to say I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana...and after 7 years of that, moved to Pembroke Pines florida. Twas fine, didnt have many friends first 2 years. But its 6 years now, (2004) and all is well. Im settled, and its great.

Um, every summer i go to Mississippi to see me old friends and such....

I play guitar. Im desent. Descent....Deesent, ::frustration:: Um. Ya. Ill add more here I day.... Im guyanese. -_- Its that little sliver of a country next to venezuela. And not the French Guiana, the British one, GUYANA. Yup, that one. ::shakes fist at the french:: My parents were from that place, and 5 generations back, my family was directly from India...and me, well, theres some white in me, some Indian, lots of Guyanese and thats it. Everyone has trouble guessing what i am.

Aint nothin else interestin about me...Religion wise, i dont know what i am. Brought up Catholic....not strictly tho.. will learn more just going to my journal. The place where you WERE.