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adri's column
Thursday, February 05, 2004
i hope i typed it right....

aku punya mata manyak sakit hor...
manyak ngantuk.. *yawn*
dunno why i feel so might be an after effect from yesterday ...yesterday was definitely very tiring..
the day has passed by so fast..yerr..dun fren

new maroon 5 song..

This Love

I was so high i did not recongnize
The fire burning in her eyes,
The chaos that controlled my mind
whispered goodbye she got on a plane
never to return again
but always in my heart

this love has taken it's toll on me
she said goodbye too many times before
her heart is breaking in front of me
i have no choice cause i won't say goodbye anymore..

i tried my best to feed her appetite
to keep her coming every night
so hard to keep her satistfied
kept playing love like it was just a game
pretending to feel the same
turn around and leave again

ba dum dum
this love has taken it's toll on me
she said goodbye too many times before
her heart is breaking in front of me
i have no choice cause i won't say goodbye anymore...

i'll fix these broken things
repair your broken wings
and make sure everything's alright
my pressure on your hips
sinking in my fingertips
into every inch of you
cause i know that's what you want me to do

this love has taken it's toll on me
she said goodbye, too many times before
her heart is breaking in front of me
i have no choice cause i won't say goodbye anymore

this love has taken it's toll on me
she said goodbye too many times before
her heart is breaking in front of me
i have no choice cause i won't say goodbye anymore..
this love is taking it's toll on me
she said goodbye too many times before...
Outro.. lalala..

very nice can go to and watch the video..not for little kids..
Thursday, January 29, 2004
poor miss winnie... form 5 class clash with form 3 class... still cold... can't feel fingers.. goose pimples all over...
Must blog at least once a week because emma worked very hard on it for me.... i feel guilty... so fingers are numb...must be an effect from the rain yesterday..
I've become so numb i can't them there..
Become so numb so cold and frozen
I'm going to stand, right in front of the big pot they use for making soup for the whole school...and scald myself... me no like cold... not at this very moment tho...
Thursday, January 22, 2004
mei tau ta che xiau xiang...bla bla bla...gong xi fa cai to everyone who reads this!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2004
lala la...
Thursday, January 15, 2004
jangan conteng di atas dinding sekolah...
conteng di atas kertas atau buku
no emma sad...
juen nin, su-shan, suzana etc all have a plan to enialate me...thing is i dunno how..dunno when...i shall be hiding in the toilet if anyone needs a football from su-shan this nice.. Thank you su-shan!
i shall have to wait for the weekend to celebrate my birthday with my family...very busy wor...but never mind...asking me what i want...i also everything...still nice...maybe i can get a new cupboard..the one i have now is falling apart..i keep having to hammer it in place..such sad shape...
Hi emma whever you are..near tioman...jealous...
Thursday, January 08, 2004
dum dee dum...lalala...
Absentmindness is looking for the horse you are riding on....
cinta tidak akan datang kalau tak dicari,
cinta tak akan didapat kalau tak diberi...
stuck in first CSA class for the year...where's miss winnie?!?!?!???
see said she'll teach us!!....i shall forever hold it against her for the rest of my life...or until the next raya..mesti ampunkan semua insan ....

Wednesday, January 07, 2004
i shouldn't be here...this is bad...supposed to be looking for definisi populasi for sains...die man..hate using the computer for's ok for now...must work hard this year...
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
fuh long didn't blog..not that i have anything interesting to say or type.....must be the sea air....yes...i'm still in langkawi....i had a bad dinner yesterday...the food was terrible...the service was slow...the whole meal was overpriced....know what the place is called?..Tian Tian Lai...bleh..yuckles...but the food is great know there are only 3 KFCs on the whole island and only 1 Mcdonald's??...but the nature makes up for it's lack...breathtaking....anything interesting happened to me?....hmm..let me think....i dunno....maybe the fact my dad lost his glasses and sprained his little finger makes a person was so funny though...bent 90 degrees...