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What's New: SAME CAMP These are pictures from the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)camp that I went to in June with 27 other juniors and seniors from MS and LA. (21 guys and 8 girls) It was the best week ever! It was soo much fun and it wasn't all about engineering. We went bowling, swimming, got muddy from rollin around in a field full of mud, and attempted to stay up all night for the last night of camp and have a "slumber party" in the guy's room; which was also the rec room. There were three teams of ten people on each team; the red, white and blue teams. My team was the red team. We did learn alot, and by the end of the week we walked away knowing the difference between concrete and cement lol, how to lasso and tie a boat to dock (and realized that if our careers as engineers fell through, we could easily get a job docking ferries lol), how to pilot a barge, how to make "homemade" concrete, how to make homemade radiators and how to build bridges out of straws and straight pins with minimal bleeding lol, and some of us even improved our duck-taping someone to a cot skills (It was soo worth it! LOL) By the time Friday night came, we were all were begging the counselors to tell our parents not to come pick us up. None of us imagined that saying our last goodbyes would be so hard. No one wanted to give that last hug and say bye. It was incredible how much we all "bonded" and became close. So here are pictures from camp:



