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  • Butcher Tag
    Minimum Players: 6
    ETs play: Yes
    Maximum Players: None
    Explination: Tag the Nombie style. using your
    sword players play tag. No tag backs are
    allowed and the butcher
    *the one who tagged someone* steps out of the arena untill a new butcher
    is made. With 3 people left the butcher rule is
    removed and once 1 person dies the remaining
    people spar for the win.
    Prize: 1/2 Coin

  • Duck Duck Goose
    Minimum 4
    Ets play: no
    maximum 6 Explination: one person starts out it
    he goes to ever person saying duck
    till he finds the person he wants to race.
    Then satying duck thehy both race for the
    seat. The It person goes Counter Clockwise
    and the goose goes Clockwise.
    If you lose when you are It
    you are out of the game
    however if you lose when
    you are the goose you become it.
    This Continues untill there are two left. they
    then circle the table and the Et will unblock 1 chair the person sitting in that chair wins

  • Floydia Fort Race (FFR)
    Minimum Players: 4
    ETs play: No
    Maximum Players: None
    Explination: Everybody comes to floydia fort.
    after a signal from the ET up top everybody starts
    to make there way up floydia fort. However you
    are allowed to kill the other members who are
    competing against you.
    Prize: 1/2 Coin

  • Gladiator
    Minimum Players: 5
    ETs play: yes
    Maximum Players: None
    Explination: Normal Gladiator) Everybody drops
    to 1 heart while the ET stays at 9. 1 by 1 each
    member goes against the ET who has 9 health.
    The player that hurts the Et the most wins.
    Team Gladiator) Everyone gets in Teams.
    the same rules of Normal Gladiator apply except that
    this time there are teams of 2 or 3.
    Prize: 1/2 Coin

  • Hide and go Seek (HAGS)
    Minimum Players: 3
    ETs play: No
    Maximum Players: None
    Explination: The ET hides and the competitors have
    to do there best to find him.
    Prize: 1/3 Coin

  • NOM Trivia
    Minimum Players: 4
    ETs play: No
    Maximum Players: None
    Explination: The ET asks a question, and the
    competitors try and answer the question correctly
    first. Once the player has correctly answered the question first he must do it a 2nd time
    in a row. If however he does not answer the
    second question first another player will have the chance and
    can answer his second question correctly. The
    name of the game is to answer the questions 2
    times in a row. after a player does this he
    will be given a 1/3rd coin and a new round will
    begin. the same rules apply accept this one is worth 1/2 coin
    Prize: 1/3rd then 1/2
  • Numbero
    Minimum Players: 4
    ETs play: Yes
    Maximum Players: 6
    Explination: Normal Numbero) Everyone pms a
    Number 1-5 to the ET. the ET who had a preplanned
    number in the start then collects the number. Any
    numbers that the players send that match up are worth
    one point. If however the player matchs up
    the ETs number the player gets 2
    points. This goes on till someone reaches 10 points.
    Free For All Numbero) The rules for Numbero above
    aplly however there are a few motfications. The ET
    is now playing in the event and thus counts as a
    player. This means that you cannot get 2 points
    from 1 round and also that the ET may win
    (Note: The ET has a right to Cancel the game if he
    has suspicions that the players are pming each
    other as that obviosly is not allowed.)
    Prize: 1/2 Coin

  • Obliterate The Rabbit (OTR)
    Minimum Players: 7
    Et's play: Yes
    Maximum Players: 9
    Explination: All players drop to 4.5 health.
    The Et splits the 6 players into even
    teams, and puts on his bunny costume. everyone
    goes to a wide open space like brothers field.
    The goal of the game is to wipe out the
    oposing team OR kill the ET.
    Once you die you are not allowed back into the game.
  • Phrase-opoly
    Minimum Players: 3
    ETs play: No
    Maximum players: 6
    Explination: The ET gives a phrase to the
    players. except he takes out every second letter.
    after everyone geusses once the ET reveals another 2
    letters. This keeps on happening till somebody
    geusses the correct phrase, and thus wins.
  • PK Frenzy
    Minimum Players: 4
    ETs Play: Depends
    Maximum Players: None
    Explination: All players give the ET there
    current number of kills. everyone goes to the pk< cave
    and fights for 5-15 minutes depending no what the ET
    says. after that is done everyone gives there
    new number of kills. then finds out by
    comparing the 2 who gained the most kills. The
    player who does wins.
  • Rock Paper Scissors
    Minimum Players: 3
    Ets play: No
    Maximum Players: 5
    Explination: Explination: each person pms the ET
    either rock paper or scissors, the ET who
    before hand had also picked one
    of these will determine if you get a point.
    Rock beats Scissors Scissors beats
    paper and paper beats rock. If you tie
    with the ET (get the same) you get
    a 1/2 beat him you get a full point but lose
    you get nothing. first up to a
    set amount of points wins
  • Scavenger Hunt
    Minimum Players 4
    Ets play: No
    Maximum Players: 6
    Explination: The ET gets a
    list of items for the player to get, the first player
    to bring back all those items wins.
    you also do not need to get them in the same
    order as the list.
    Team Scavenger Hunt: Same rules apply
    except the players are on teams

  • Trivia
    Minimum players 3
    ETs play: No
    Maximum: 5
    Explination: An ET asks a
    question, the first player to correctly
    answer trhe questions gets a point the first player
    to win 5 poitns is the winner

  • Weakest Link LMS
    Minimum Players: 5
    ETs play: Depends
    Maximum players: None
    Explination: everybody does an lms
    after the lms everyone
    votes who they want outta the game. the winner
    of the lms cannot be voted. then the player
    who is voted out is out. this keeps on going untill there are 2 left and those
    2 spar.

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