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The Home Made Silencer (For Airsoft Obviously =P)

Written By: Terry (Ninj4) Kim


*NOTE: It may be illegal to make a silencer in some states. Please be sure to check with your state/country's law's before you proceed. I am in no way responsible for the actions you take. (hehe yeah..sounds stupid, but I don't want to get blamed if someone get's in trouble for something)

Mmmmm...can't think of anything else....oh people know the rest...

1 1" PVC Pipe (Or whatever thickness you prefer)
2 1" (if your PVC Pipe is bigger, you will need bigger caps) Plastic Button Caps (Might want to get some more just in case)
1 Can of Black Spray Paint (Black, Green, Pink, whatever you want)
1 1/4in Copper Pipe (Or you can just use Bic Pens. More on this later)
1 Flash Hider (I just use the orange ones)
1 Drill with assorted Drill Bits
Longer Inner Barrel (Would replace copper pipe)
Sealant Foam
Fine Sandpaper

PVC Pipes come in lengths of about 10', so you will have to cut it down. Usually, the good folks at the Home Depot or ACE Hardware will cut it for you free of charge if you ask them. Of course, you could go home and cut it with a hacksaw, but you would have to be very careful and precise in making the cut as straigh as possible. You could always use one of those nift table saws (or some other tool) if you have one. If you will be using an extended barrel for it, be sure to cut it the right length. If not, just cut it as long or as short as you want. The one pictured below is just about 7" in length.

Now what you want to do, is spray paint the thing. I wouldn't think someone would need directions on how to spray paint just take your Black/Green/Pink colored spray paint and just..paint it. You could also sand it down with some really fine sandpaper for better results, but just painting it normally will do just as good. You should have something like this when you are done:

Next, you want to drill some holes in the Plastic Button Caps. Now..."What the heck is a plastic burtton cap?!" you say? Well here are some pictures to help you. You may just want to bring these pictures to the hardware store while you are getting your supplies just in case. Just..tell them try and imagine it without the holes in the center =P.

Now, if you want it to be real realistic, you will have to drill the hole as big as the diamter of the bullet that goes through the real steel counterpart. This one will be for an M4, so the hole will have to be 5.56mm. Since a BB is just about 5.95mm (6mm), I just used a 1/4in drill bit. Be sure to make the hole real clean, because if the hole is even a millemeter too thick, the BB will have trouble getting out of it.

For the other end, you will have to drill a bigger hole. Since an M4 has a 14mm thread, I just drilled in a 1/2" hole.

Just BE SURE to make it centered....almost exactly...


Next, you want to install the copper pipe. Copper pipes usually come in lengths undesirable to this project also, so you will have to cut it yourself, or have it cut for you. If you will be cutting it yourself and don't have the propper tools, I highly suggest that you pick up a manual pipe cutter, which will give you really nice cuts, and won't cost you an arm and a leg.

I mentioned the thing about the Bic pens earlier. A Bic pen is just a tad bigger than a BB, and are cheap and easy to find (unlike the 1/4in copper pipe I mentioned), will be perfect for this project. Now to do this, you will most likely need more than one pen. You will have to gut out the pen (take both the ends off and the inner pen tube thing out). This is a farely simple task, which you shouldn't have and problems with. You should end up with something like this (the pen pictured below IS NOT a Bic pen, but is the exact same thing..just a bit shorter)


Now, just take the propper amount of BIC pens, and wrap it up in Duct/Electrical Tape. Make sure it is really tight, so that it doesnt move. You can also use Super Glue, but it will take a while to get it perfect.

Now, you will have to attach the pen/pipe to the plastic caps. You can glue it, tape it, Epoxy it, whatever. Just...MAKE SURE that it DOES NOT MOVE.


Now, take the flash hider, and put it in the Plastic Button Cap. The Cap is JUST big enough, so the flash hider almost friction fits on it. Of course, you would have to still put some type of glue on it to make sure that it does not move. If you are using something smaller, such as an MP5 flash hider, make sure to make it exactly centered with the other hole on the other cap.


Now, take the cap with the smaller hole and put it on one end of the pipe. If you want, you can glue it, but it is a real tight fit, so you will not really need it. Put it up against the end of the barrel of the gun to make sure the pipe/pens are the right length and is centered (is perfectly aligned with the inner barrel, touches it, etc. etc) If not, make the appropriate adjustments.

Now, stick on the other cap, and screw it on, and you should end up with something like this:

Well..that is..if you are making it for an M4/M15 =P

Now if you want, you can take the Sealent Foam and fill the pipe up with it so that it silences the gun. Just know, that if it is an AEG, it will not make much of a difference. Just maybe make the pitch lower. If it is a GBB Rifle/SMG, most of the noise comes from the bolt moving back and foth, so that will not really silence it either. I haven't tried it on a NBB Rifle/Sub Machine Gun, it would theoretically reduce the sound, but I can not verify this. Niether with the GBB.

If you DO decide to fill it with foam, DO NOT fill it over 3/4 full, as that will probably be enough to expand out of the pipe. Just be sure to cover the open hole of the pipe/pens with something, and if it overflows, you can always just take a knife and cut it off.