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Nikaveli's Editorial
Wednesday, 25 June 2003
Under/Over Rated
The Sopranos--I've recently watched the first season this past month on DVD, and damn....I'm hooked. I know it's very popular as it is, but it would almost worth the price in HBO alone (whatever that might be) just for this show.

Summer Vacation--I'd rather be in class when it's warm out, than tred through the snow and freezing cold temperatures everyday to get to class. If I had it my way, I'd reverse the lengths of Christmas and Summer Vacation. That'd be sweet.

Posted by blog/nikaveli at 12:52 PM CDT
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Ball and Chain, Whipped, Attached at the's sad
Certainly one of the biggest issues that seems to effect more college aged students than any other is that of the significant other. In my three years at Purdue, I have never seen anything else cause so much stress to people (including myself). I can’t be totally negative, the joys of having one are very tremendous as well. People get a lot of pleasure (perfect word there), as well…let’s not forget that.

The thing that gets to me most is how pathetic some relationships, and people within those relationships have become. Say whatever you want to me, that I don’t really know what it’s like, that I’m just jealous…blah blah blah…that’s fine. But I just don’t think I could ever get myself to be like these people who are almost literally attached at the hip. These people tend to forget about the outside world, or the world they knew before this person came into their life. Folks, we’re still kids here…let’s not fool ourselves. There’s a time and place to become lovebirds. But for now, I think we should embrace the time we have left to be somewhat irresponsible kids and go out and have a good time, party, and what not. I believe that some of these people that are so deeply invovled with this ONE person will later on in life wish they had spent more time “with the guys/gals”…more time with their friends. This is one of our last opportunties to hang out with one another, we should be taking advantage of the close proximity we have with everyone while at school. If you’re so SURE you’re in love with this person and want to spend the rest of your life with them then you both will have PLENTY time for that in the future. These people should be more concerned about hanging out with the people who they won’t be spending their entire lives with, and the time to be doing this is getting very thin.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it is a very beautiful thing to have someone to call their own. I just wish some people would realize what they’re doing. I wish people would stop pressuring themselves to spend every waking moment with each other and save that for another time. Don’t up and ditch each other, couples should certainly spend time together and care for each other, just don’t overdo it. There’s one couple I know that is going one year strong, and they aren’t pathetic lovebirds. These two are with each other when they get the chance to be, but allow themselves to have a regular life with other people. They certainly don’t have the I-can’t-live-without-you-for-ten-minutes thing going on that I see in some relationships. The bond between these two is no less than those I am sending this message to. It’s great to see this, I wish more had this figured out like they do.

Spend more time with your pals that may not be in your life 3-4 years from now, create a better balance between friends and gf/bf/lover/etc. Peace. I’m out.

Posted by blog/nikaveli at 12:14 AM CDT
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