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Never A Final Fantasy

The large white craig seemed to touch the rainbow that ran across the sky. A team of six fighters dash across the wet grass twords a shattered crystal on a high platform, and quickly they dissapear into the light. A familillar voice talked to them all as the trans-dimention area unfolded before them. A small girl with long ears mumbled under her breath at the sight. Never a final fantasy? The group looked twords her and smiled, nodding at the statement. They moved forward into the muddy colored area determned to win.

Welcome, welcome! This is the home of the long-eared, slightly un-porportioned, Elvaan, Meilin of Quetzalcoatl! I'm a self-proclaimed FFXI addict, and I'm briging to you the adventures of my Vanadiel. Hopefully my travels will aid others in theres, because were quite the mix of people. I warn you now, my language and my friends language in the screenshots, may be slightly adult themed. Why? Were a bunch of sickos, allright? Were the people your parents warn you about. Ok.. maybe not me..