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[ Name ] Neko~Neko
[ ~Status ~ ] ...Forever Yuki`s Yuki`s Forever...
[ Location ] Mississauga
[ Zodiac ] Capricorn TiGer~Rwar!
[ Hobbies ] My Bunnie!, Game, Anime, Mp3s, Music,
[ Music ] Asian
[ Ethnicity ]


[Bunnie! I want!] Right after eating kimchi at lunch today with Tito Dante and his friend Clarence, I hurried back to school trying to make it to my 3rd period class. By the time I got in the school I was already late. I saw my class rushing down and a friend told me that we were staying in a portable today. Ahh great I have to go to the 3rd floor to get my bag and back down again. I didn’t bring my bag in the first place cuz the stupid zipper was stuck :p. so I got it, went back down and out the school towards the portables. On my way there I happen to notice something odd in the peace garden. (a small garden area in my school) I was staring at something black on the ground, which I though was garbage bag. But when I came closer I noticed that it was alive…it was a Black Bunnie!!! So Kawaii! It didn’t look like the normal brown wild rabbit that you see(maybe it was a lost pet). This one was pure black and stayed calm when I came close to it, unlike the brown rabbits that run like wusses. Well this one did move a lil bit, but it only hoped less that a foot from my shoe. Damn I didn’t noe whether to catch this or not. I noe I can just easily grab it but I wasn’t sure if it may have any diseases. Beside I was late for my 3rd period so I decided to leave it alone and hope it’ll still be there after wards incase I change my mind. When I got to my class I didn’t get in trouble which was a good thing, but that Black Bunnie was still on my mind. Hmm what to do if I caught it? keep it in my backyard or give it to My Yuki. For sure im gonna tell Her what I saw. I couldn’t get the Bunnie out of my mind and I really wanted it.So what I did was asked to go to the washroom. (Actually gonna go back to try to get that Bunnie) When I came out the Bunnie was nowhere to be found I checked in the bushes and I saw nothing. DAMN! Noooo aww crap! I wanted that! Good thing no one saw me throwing rocks in the bush in attempts to try to get it out. O well… itz probably gone by now….But Still! Damn! I wanted to catch it… eww ok ill stop now, It was nice seeing it at least. Besides I always have My Yuki Bunnie~! Oct 19/03 [Black ears does not really match me] Freaky thing happened today, im not sure what it is or what it means. It wasn’t freaky at first until My Yuki stated talking about ghost and being all superstitious. This happened when I was working on a wallpaper in Adobe PhotoShop. This is like the first time im using Adobe cuz normally I use paint. Yea so cheap of me… any wayz I opened a new layer and I drew a Grey rectangular box shape cuz I was trying to make some sort of a computer monitor or a chalkboard for another blog page of mine. Then I opened a new layer again so that I can copy what I drew onto the layer. The weird thing was that the new layer I opened was a smaller rectangle shape about 1.5cm x 6cm, normally when you open a new layer it is the same size as the layer before it, but this time itz was a smaller size. Yeah so the thing was when I selected the Grey rectangular box (I drew) and copied it “Ctrl + C” and pasted it on the new layer “Ctrl + V” what came on the new layer was a small sentence saying, “Black ears does not really match me” At first I was like yea whatever. Im guessing itz just a glitch cuz I rarely use Adobe and it could be some sort of indirect way of saying that I did something wrong. I was on the phone with My Yuki while this happened. She too did exactly what I did cuz she wanted to try to see if that would happen to her. When she tried nothing happened. Another freaky part to this was that just yesterday I bought “Black” cat ears and they do sorta not match me cuz they’re kinda small. So what the sentence was saying would be true if it was meant for me. Kidna freaky isn’t it, plus My Yuki started adding scary theories to it while I was in my basement (where the computer is) which at the same time is freaky in itz own way. Yeah… well for the people who have lots of experience with Adobe, they can laugh cuz they might know what exactly what I find freaky. But since im a newbie at it yeah…I could be just a glitch I don’t know about. Oct 18/03 [$1Store/Tai-kwon-do] Just before Tai Kwon Do I went to some dollar store to look around. Well to be honest I was planning on buy ears…don’t ask me why but yes. I already had tiger ears, but hey why not get some neko ears itz only a dollar, and it comes with a tail and bow. Jeez how childish can you get. Any ways I did not want to buy it right away cuz there were too many customers lining up. I don’t wanna look stupid buying this. Well I could say itz for My Yuki but it kidna more like moment on the spotlight thing. So I looked around the store and saw Mashimaro notebooks!!! Holy Shit! I never thought id find this kidna of stuff here. I wasn’t sure if it was real so I check, and YES! It was real! So cool! But Damn im broke! Itz either the neko ears or one of the notebooks. Since I choose the ears for sure I will get the note books another time. I’ll buy three of em, one for Myself, My Yuki and her Brother A.K.A Mashimaro. Yes there is always a next time… I just hope the notebooks are still there next week and that I have more money. Any ways it was almost 10:30 am the usual time I call Yuki. So I had to but the neko ears now. There I was holding the package with my arm covering it andtrying to fall in line. Damn why’d I do that it made me look I was trying to steal it…eww the lady working there just gave me a weird look so I quickly paid for it and went out the store and towards the payphone. From 10:30 – 11:25 I talked with My Yuki who is still like half-asleep aroundthis time. Aww Kawen just woke up? Good morning Hunnie :) Any wayz during Tai kwon Do everyone was pushed a bit way too hard today. Every one was having a hard time keeping up, plus there was no water. I didn’t even know which way was left or right any more. How the hell can we focus when we’re all like half dead. Errr. Good thing I brought a big jug of sunnyD along :) but still…so freaking tired…abs hurt…must… not…let Christian finish…Bottle…

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