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Saturday, 5 July 2003
July 4th
hullo my fellow friends
well I hope all of u guys had fun on the 4th
I did
I went swimming at Farfield lake with my friend Rachel and her family and saw God move
I repeat I saw God there
ok so u want to know the story right???
a 17 year old boy drowned
(thats right u read correctly)
a 17 year old hispanic boy drowned
and so the hispanic's r all yelling in their own language
and i dont speak spanish so i didnt understand what they were saying
thank God for Rachel
she can speak some Spanish
so for like ten minutes the hispanics r yelling
and finaly Rachel understood slightly what they were saying
"Carlos" "Cant find him"
thats what she said to me
so (he drowned out by a dock in the water) a bunch a guys r swimming out their looking for him
and finally they find him
so they r doing C.P.R out their on the dock thingy
and I dont know how to do that
so i was just like standing there not doing a thing
(yep inculding praying,I wasnt praying)
feeling useless
and then Rachel and her mom go out there to help
and then her dad
so I am like left on the shore by myself
(y u might ask???cause I was afraid that if i went out there to help look for the kid then i might drown,and i dont know C.P.R so I felt useless)
ok so fast forward
bout ten minutes after they found him the meds finally show up
well ok so the kid is all the way out there in the water on the dock
so they get a jet ski out there to bring the kid in(still not breathing)
and they get him on there and then they go and fall off
(ok so like if things arent bad enough now they r trying to drown him again)(not really it was an accident)(lol)
ok so they finally get him on shore
but they still cant get him to breath
ok so finally Rachel and her parents come back up to our picnic bench
and then we all start praying
and like after 20 minutes or so they finally decided to move him to the ambulance and get him to the hospital
ok so like he is still dead as far as we know
and i am just like stitting their stunded i guess u could say
and starting to wonder if I should ever swim in a Texas lake again
(y u might ask??? because that is the 3rd time i repeat the 3rd time something bad has happen when i am at a Texas lake)
(I suppose u want to know what has happen on the other two times right??? well the first time was at Navaro Mills (the lake that is ten minutes from where i live)(the other one where the kid drownd was at Farfield lake) I was swimming and I had gotten out of the lake and I was heading back to our bench(I was bare foot) when I slip on a rock on the shore and Crack!!!!(sounded more like a glass breaking)and I fall down on the ground because i slipped (duh) and so I look down at the grass and Wow!!!!!their is a bunch of blood on the ground I look at my foot and what do u know I am bleeding (but it really didnt start hurting untill I saw the blood and how deep it was on my foot)well to make a long story short I had cut my foot all the way down to the muscle
ouch right yes I know
I have a scar and my foot is dented right there and that was almost a year ago
ok second time now
back in the fall ( to everyone who lives in texas and around my area will know this best)when we had all that rain
well we(meaing my family)were out camping in it
yuck yes i know but we were waiting on our house to get ready
on one of the days that it wasnt raining we were playing at the lake(same lake where my foot got cut just another camp ground at different park) and my younger brother got mud in is eye to the point that it was scary I thought he was going to be blind in that eye
but thank God he wasnt and we got all A L L all the mud outof his eye and he is ok now
so that is my two things that have happend at texas a lakes)
ok so I am down I guess u could say wondering about things and just sipping my DP
(short for Dr Pepper)
and I was like that for 10 maybe 15 minutes whne finally Rachel gets my laughing and I start to feel better
(I also started to realize that I did what I could and that was praying)
ok so like we leave the park finally
and go eat at a mexican resteruant (I am not quiet sure how to spell that)
I dont remember the name of course Rachel would so go ahead Rachel email and tell me the name so that I can put it on here
(and no Rachel I am not being all RAA and yeah
ok so after we r done eating we went to the hospital in Farfield(that is were they took they kid)
and Rachel's mom went in (cause she knew the kid's name)and asked if he made it and the person said that they were transporting him to Tyler
well I bet u r asking how did God move???
well they wouldnt be transporting a dead body now would they???
so he must of made it
so God came and saved the kid's life
and showed me a few things that I need to learn
such as C.P.R
and then we went back to Corsicana to watch fireworks and then they took me home and I think maybe I have made my entry pretty long
so I will leave it at that


Posted by blog/mysterious_drummer at 4:38 AM
Updated: Saturday, 5 July 2003 4:47 AM
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Wednesday, 2 July 2003
Relient K
i know how to get younger siblings rocking(after about ten miutes of it they r tired and they r quiet for about an hour)
put on Relient K(if they know it,and u have it)
it is soo funny to watch them rock out to the music
i did it today and they were all rocking out even my 12 year old brother
well umm i think that is all i am going to say today
thank for listening

Posted by blog/mysterious_drummer at 5:31 PM
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