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Kendra's Groove Out

Last Updated: February 17th 2005

Holy canoly. Yes, you're eyes do not decieve you, i am actually updating my website!! Shock, applause, random poking. ...yes. so tonight i was oging to have a sex and the city marathon with my friends but grr, they all have things to do. grr. arg. and so forth. I really have nothing of value to say. umm. updates...i am awesome, but that's not all that new. umm. i have possibly the easiest semester in the hisotry of history. Annnnd yes. i added random 'icons' or whatever they're called cause i find them amusing. so there you go.

My account:

yeah copy adn paste it jerkface. cause i odnt' know how to make it all linkable. and if copy adn apste into the address bar is too confusing, there's alink at the bottom.

Semester 2:

1: Spare 2: Spare 30 3:ELAB30 4: Draaaaaama. 30 5: Gym

Semester 2:

This is the poster for the best movie ever, 'Donnie Darko'. I love this movie like a child.

Sexy. That's about all I can think of to sum up the incredible sexiness and overall greatness of Johnny Depp.

Best show ever! Go watch it!

Well , now since I've put up a few pictures for your viewing pleasure, I shall be on with other delightful ...stuff.


" Originality is just undetected plagarism"- Albert Einstein

" Imagine no possesions, it's easy if you try, no need for greed or hunger"-John Lennon in his song 'Imagine'

" Consumed like a...fine...cloth..?"-Joelle trying to make a simile that didn't work out so well

"She's pretty from a far, but far from pretty."-Annoymus?

"There is no good and evil, only power and those too weak to seek it."- J.K. Rowling

" The government is stealing my money!"- Nicole

"Love is a snow mobile racing across the tundra. When suddenly it flips over pinning you underneath. At night the ice weasels come." -Matt Groening (Thanks for the quote Shannon aka Nubby)

"Wheeeee! We're lubricated!"-Nicole, making fun of someone on TV

"I was you, long beffore you were you...*confused expression*"- Nicole my dear sister

" ...Can I lick it?"- Joelle. Although i say it often and laugh and laugh and she gets angry. tehee.


School this semester is easy as kate. aha. seriously. P>



0 stars

Once again I MUST state that Hilary Duff is not a human and does not produce music of any sort, rather shrieking about boys not calling her, yet miraculously she still is famous. Hilary Duff was in that awful show, 'Lizzie McGuire', which somehow was popular and made into a friggin movie! Not only did Hilary Duff, the star of 'Lizzie McGuire' got a friggin record deal and produces horrible music, along with videos that make no sense and may I point out a paticular lyric that i think is pure NONSENSE, 'You always dress in yellow when you wanna dress in gold' What? What the hell is she talking about? 'Lizzie McGuire' is one of the stupidest shows I have ever seen, it is so bad that i want to stab myself int eh eyes with a chopstick, swirl my brain around just to rid myself of the memory of this show, she has idiot friends, along with idiot problems, and quite frankly i think that a monkey could write a better show without trying i might add. Yes a monkey, that's gold! or is it yellow?

My Obsession:


What were you expecting? Of course i'm going to go on and on about my beloved beatles. Most of you have heard the name, but only because I talk about them , so most of you have never heard the amzing music they made, and i pity you but then again the majoirty of you like horrible 'music' like, rap 'music' or 'punk music' which is really just idiots making fools of themeselves PLAYING POP MUSIC! *cough, avril lavigne , cough* Anyways, The beatles were insanely popular in the 60's and released their first album in 1964, and it was very popular, especially in Britian where they members of 'The Beatles' originated from, but it was also very popular , pretty much all over the world. To mention a few of their number one hit songs; 'Love me Do',' Yesterday', and 'Help!'. The members of the Beatles were as follows, John Lennon, Paul McCartny, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. At first 'The Beatles'played very love type songs all happy, which were insanely good, don't get me wrong, but then they started to play more in depth songs, ( I call this stage the marijuana stage)And although they were into marijuana at this time it didn't stop them from writing insanely great songs. 'The Beatles' also starred in several movies, inculding the most popular ,' A Hard Day's Night' and another popular movie 'Yellow Submarine'. The band unfortunatly broke up in 1969, I do believe but this may not be correct.Unfortunatly some loon (who should burn in hell and be beaten with a heavy object on his shins) shot John Lennon on December 8th 1980, Another member of the Beatles unfortunatly also was lost to us in 2000, due to a brain tumor. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, the surviving memebers, both are still touring seperatly. 'The Beatles' will never be forgotten and will be rememberd as the best band ever, in millions of peoples eyes.


Hobbies and Stuff (This is very old and i forgot about it...oops)

What do you do in your spare time?

sexual favors 4 (44%)

Ahaha, such sick minded friends i have.

reading 0 (0%)

Am i shocked? No. Do i want cheese? Yes.

almighty tv 2 (22%)

But of course. Almighty indeed, it truly is. Make sense i don't.

movies and such 0 (0%)

I'm kind of shocked about this one actually... Then again movies now a days are prety craptacular.

sports 1 (11%)

Hmm, once again, shock. I didn't know i had friends with talent, hmm..

musical talents 0 (0%)

Yeah.... I don't know what to say to this, but that i'm disappointed. At least Harmonica Jo will live on.

listening to music 1 (11%)

Ahhhh, a wise choice indeed

hanging with friends 0 (0%)

Ahaha, that's amusing... for some reason...

creative talents (i.e.arts,) 0 (0%)

This is also shocking since i do have friends wiht artistic talents... i suppose none of them visit this site yeah...

Other 1 (11%)

Erm.... Yeah.

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Hey where'd the rest of my page go?

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