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Peaceful Solutions


I hope everyone had a very nice Valentines Day. It has been rather busy at my house. I guess that is what happens when you have teenagers in the house.
I am currently working on some new backgrounds and I am looking into buying a website for our guild. So far I like the way angelfire has been treating me, so it is very possible that this will be the permanent site of our guild. I have gotten a few more pages transferred over and will continue to work on them, but this is going to be a long process since I work and have a family to take care of also. I wish I could devote more time to this project, but I already feel that I live on the computer sometimes.


Some have asked me to work on our backgrounds and edit them for our user lookups. I had to sit down with a couple of tutorials, but I can do some now. I will try to work on them in the next week or so, but work is starting to pick up and I don't know how much I can do. CSS is a little harder than HTML, and I am not very good with HTML yet.
I am trying to get our food for the soup kitchen back from the abandoned account. So far we have been pretty much ignored. Until I can find someone else to take over the soup kitchen, it will be on snoozer66. After what has happened, more than once, the council will be very picky about who gets to handle guild type accounts. 2/2/04

In case you haven't noticed I made a banner for the POTM. Only the pets picked are allowed to display this banner in their shops for six months. Then the banners will be deleted to make room for new banners.


I am working on the webpages as well as some changes to the guild. I am hoping to have the PSP active at the end of February, ready to begin in March. The PSP will be special points to earn rare and retired items. I am not completely sure what items will be available yet, but I already have some gourmet foods and rare books marked for PSP use. I also know that you will have to be active to get these things. They will rely some on donations, as donations keep the guild running, and some on activities.


I am still in North Carolina right now. Believe it or not, North Carolina got hit with a nice size snow storm. I blame my husband, since he is the one that insisted we come here in January.
My son has given me an HTML book. As soon as I get the chance to REALLY sit down and read the book I will be able to do more with the webpages. I am trying to make this a good informative site. If you have any suggestions, just let me know.


I hope everyone had a good New Year so far. I am going to be working on some new backgrounds as I get the chance. Someone neomailed me that they would like a party type background and I think that would be a good idea. They take time to make so be patient while we find the pictures and put everything together.
I just added some new things to the site. Please take a moment to look around. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with things now that the holidays are over and the mourning period has pretty much passed.
I also wanted to warn people that there are a couple websites that carry spyware on them. I read about it on a couple of sites I was exploring and thought to test it for myself, and sure enough I ended up with 6 items I picked up on this particular site (the site was the only place I visited between running the scans, and I only spent about 15 minutes there.


Thanks to everyone for their support. I am proud to have guild members like you (and you know who you are).

I will be adding the updates here, so keep checking back often.

It is New Year's Eve and I wish all of you a happy new year. Be happy and safe.