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versiOn 1.0                      piinC at www.devOted [dOt] to / piinc          E n T e R...

::[THA 411]::

Thiis iis my current layout (24.01.04) dedicated tO Paul Frank, stariing my speshal friend Juliius da mOnkey!

keep up wiith tha latest !BLOG! and rememba thiis siite iis stiill unda kOnstructiiOn!

ii diid tha layOut myself, using PSP7. ii thiink iit tOOk liike hOurs n hOurs Of siitiin here scratchiin my head n thrOwiin shiit tO get errythiing iin da riite place On da siite… but hey ii gOt here finally… [liistening tO- wateva was playiin On “wiinamp”….. driinkiing- H2O….. eatiiN- nOthiin cOz iim On a diet….. dressed?- my PJ's stiill -hehe-]

sO whO iis thiis giirL?

Karen...[n/n]PiinC...20+... 100% Auzziie...Piisces...Verrrry tOOken... 5'5...Enuff kiilO's here tO keep me warm iin the winter... BrOwn eyez...BrOwn/blOnde haiir (2mOrOw iit cOuld be piink) ...Mum pOpped me Out @ tha Briissy HOspiital... Easii tO get alOng wiit...SOmetiimes biitchy... SOmetimes tOO niice...LOver nOt a fiighta...LOvesiick... SpOiiled...Lazii... Sleepyhead @ tiimes... MiizzundastOOd...Creatiive... SOciial driinka...NOn smOker...Web addiict... WOrker...FOcused...Sane... Shy but can be OutgOiin... SOmeOnes priincess... Cranky @ tiimes...

hOlla @ cha giirL....



Chiinese...SeafOOd... MushrOOms...H20... Bundy Rum n COke...Cherry riipes... Crunchiies...ChiicOs... Salt n Viinegar chiips... Grey...Pink...Black... LOva Of GOld *bliinG bliinG*, espeshly my LOTR riing!... Paul Frank...PlaybOy... Dazed n COnfused…Ameriican Piie 1&2… Menace 2 sOciiety…BOyz n tha HOOd… Lord of the Rings TriiOlOgy...Charliies Angels 1&2… Baby Boy… Once were warriors n Wat becOmes Of the BrOken Heart… Hiip HOp...R n B...anythiing new… ii have a WIIDE range Of muziiC tastes... liisten tO Ja Rule...Yiing Yang Twiins... Justiin T...Pharrell...SnOOp... POwderfiinger... Eminem...50Cent... Delta GOOdrem...Pink... NO DOubt... (fav sOngz as Of Jan-Feb '04'): GeOrgiia Dome by Yiing Yang Twiins ::: My Miilshake by Kelliis ::: ii gOt that (BOOM BOOM) by Briitney n ft.Ying Yang Twiins... bOxiin(juz bag, nO fiight)... juz da usual, hangiin Out wiit friends... haviin LOTSA $$$$


Hot weatha...sweat... giinger ale/beer... ppl that are late, stuck up n stupid... bumz...giirls whO dOnt respect themselves aka hO’z... baQstabbers n liars... Oysters...mussels... wOrk...been wOken up... nOt enuff sleep... guyz that dOnt change the tOiilet paper rOll after iit's all used... nOt haviin any mOney

my pic
my pic

Dad n Mum... Amanda(siis) n Miichael... Tiina(siis) n Stewiie... My Grandma... All my Aunts n Uncles n Cuzziins... LOVE U ALL!!! fOr da tiime beiin untiil ii fiinish juz add ya name here









C ur iin my shOutOuts :)

::[Fav Liinkz]::

cOmiin sOOn!!







! BLOG !

::[mOnday]::[2nd feb 04]::[4.50pm]::

shiiiiiiiiiiiit ii juz diid anOther layOut, why? cOz iim always changiin iit... n iim bOred, wOrk suQs, thank gOd ii dOnt have tO wOrk tOdaii!!! my neck iis still sOre n ii stiill cant tell erryOne my secret [*mr jangles*] -hmmmmf- oOowell! Ok iim Out fOr tha day/niite... iim bOred n frustrated n wiish ii cOuld see sOmeOne *cries*... remember B-E-Z

::[sunday]::[1st feb 04]::[4.05pm]::

thiis siite iis STILL unda kOnstrushOn... plz be patiient wiit me... thanx :) well iim sO bOred tOdaii n iive been cruiisiin the net lOOkiin @ Other siites n iive gOt sO many mOre ideas fOr v2.0... ii thiink iima gO str8 tO PSP7 nOw n make a banner and see wat ii can dO wit anOther siite... wiish me luck... NEW SIITE iis gOnna be sOmethiin tO dO wiit (BOOM BOOM)... [liisteniin tO: 'ii gOt that BOOM BOOM']+[driinkiin: h20]+[eatiin: nOthiin]+[MOOD....tired.... (feeliin sOoOo tiired n my neck iis KIIIILLLLIIIIN me!) grrrrr, gOnna gO lay dOwn... stay pOsiitiive n B-E-Z!

::[saturday]::[31st jan 04]::[7.00pm]::

welllll wat a niite, diidnt get hOme untiil 6.15am this mOrnin, juz wen dad was up gOiin tO work! afta wOrk we went tO Blandy's coz TOmmy Lee was playiin :)... drank n party'ed n thats bOut all! Certain ppl whOm ii aiiint gOnna name were there, actiin like slurry dOgs... iim Out... B-E-Z!

::[friday]::[30th jan 04]::[3.30pm]::

urmmm gOtta wOrk sOOn (6.30pm) dOnt wanna but gOtta n need tha mOney! had luch tOdaii wiit mum n friiends and gOiin tO GOlf Club fOr dad's wOrk sOcial club (bOriin) anywaiiz iim Outy, dunnO wat iim dOin afta wOrk 2niite... B-E-Z!