
Where did early hominids get their energy from?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Wild vegetation  
Game animals  
Student Response all of the above Student Response  
Score: 1/1


What was the only type of food-production system until about 12,000 years ago?
  Student Response Correct Answer
nomadic herding  
Student Response hunting and gathering Student Response  
irrigation agriculture  
Score: 1/1


Ethnology is the branch of cultural anthropology that is concerned with
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response comparing diverse cultures Student Response  
predicting future cultural developments in small-scale societies  
describing the way of life of nonhuman primates  
the application of anthropological knowledge to solve practical problems  
Score: 1/1


In social species, the perpetuation of an individual's genes
  Student Response Correct Answer
is impossible.  
can depend on climate and geography.  
Student Response can depend as much on the reproductive success of its close relatives as on its own survival and reproduction. Student Response  
can depend on the level of technology within the society.  
Score: 1/1


The name for the kind of written description of a society's way of life that anthropologists write is
  Student Response Correct Answer
physical anthropology  
Student Response ethnography Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Humans may have a genetically controlled propensity, shared with other primates, to
  Student Response Correct Answer
find childbirth to be an extremely painful experience.  
feel that family life is a tiresome burden.  
Student Response find children to be emotionally appealing and to derive emotional satisfaction from holding and fondling them. Student Response  
find children to be an unnecessary burden and expense.  
Score: 1/1


Scientists have not yet been able to figure out exactly when human language began.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Anthropologists focus careful attention on a society's system of food production because
  Student Response Correct Answer
they believe that all societies basically produce food in the same way.  
they believe that a society's system of food production never changes in any significant way.  
Student Response they believe that the system of food production influences many other aspects of the culture, including such areas as religion, economics, art, family structure, etc. Student Response  
they want to stop the spread of industrialized manufacturing throughout the non-Western world.  
Score: 1/1


The etic description of a culture is one which
  Student Response Correct Answer
never makes reference to religion or mythology.  
Student Response makes use of concepts and distinctions that are meaningful to the scientific observer. Student Response  
makes use of concepts and beliefs that originate in ancient historical times.  
utilizes only quantitative methods of analysis.  
Score: 1/1


The counter-flow of economic benefits from children to parents in industrialized society
  Student Response Correct Answer
has steadily increased.  
is not a factor in the reproductive patterns of families.  
has neither increased nor decreased.  
Student Response has steadity decreased Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Elementary tool use can clearly be seen among nonhuman primates.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The rise of service industries has led some sociologists to refer to the United States as a __________ society.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response postindustrial society Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Which of these societies has the highest standard of living?
  Student Response Correct Answer
farmers of India  
Student Response horticulturalist from Amazonia  
!Kung San Student Response  
the seal-hunting Inuit of the Arctic  
Score: 0/1


The claim that the infrastructural dimension of culture plays a determining role in why a particular culture has specific values, beliefs, and practices is referred to as
  Student Response Correct Answer
etic theory.  
anthropological relativism.  
Student Response cultural materialism. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Primate learned behavior is individually acquired through a process of trial and error.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Some societies have only two or three color terms. Which of the following statements is true?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Color terms control the level of technology of a society.  
Such societies are hampered in their development.  
Student Response Those societies can still refer to colors by referring to the color of familiar objects. Student Response  
Lack of color terminology indicates a poor understanding of natural processes.  
Score: 1/1


Superstructure consists of the behavior and thought devoted to symbolic, ideational, artistic, playful, religious, and intellectual endeavors.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


English language time perception is perceived as spatial units.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


When cultural traits are passed from one society to another, anthropologists refer to this as
  Student Response Correct Answer
cultural relativism.  
the behavioral dimension of culture.  
cultural materialism.  
Student Response diffusion. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


When bilingual speakers move back and forth from one language to another, it is called
  Student Response Correct Answer
deep structure  
Student Response code switching Student Response  
Score: 1/1


When carrying capacity is exceeded, productivity increases.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Nineteenth-century scientists tended to think of natural selection as
  Student Response Correct Answer
a mythical idea that had no basis in reality.  
Student Response the direct struggle between individuals for scarce resources and sexual partners. Student Response  
a principle that applied to some but not all types of living things.  
a direct struggle between the younger generation and the older generation.  
Score: 1/1


Which species of humans was the first to grow its own food?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Homo erectus  
Homo habilis  
Australopithecus africanus  
Student Response Homo sapiens Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The people who share information about their language and culture with an anthropologist are called
  Student Response Correct Answer
expert witnesses  
Student Response informants Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The important characteristic of human language that distinguishes it from primate language is
  Student Response Correct Answer
that apes and chimps communicate while sleeping, whereas humans do not.  
that human language is basically a mathematical system, whereas the language of the apes and chimps is not.  
that human language can convey information only about the past and the future, but not about the present.  
Student Response none of the above Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Pastoralists have sometimes used their animals to raid sedentary villagers to steal grain.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Enculturation can account for the continuity of culture, but it cannot account for
  Student Response Correct Answer
the destruction of the environment.  
cultural innovation and change. Student Response  
Student Response social chaos.  
population size.  
Score: 0/1


The belief that one's own culture is superior to all others is known as
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response none of the above. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Diseases such as smallpox, typhoid fever, flu, bubonic plague, and cholera are primarily associated with
  Student Response Correct Answer
swampy areas.  
very warm climates.  
southeast Asia.  
Student Response urban environments. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Alfred Wallace and Charles Darwin were responsible for discovering that organic evolution is the result of natural selection.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Which type of primate is known for its peaceful, friendly, and sociable lifestyle?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Japanese macaques  
Student Response the chimpanzees of Gombe  
homo habilis  
bonobos Student Response  
Score: 0/1


Scientific objectivity arises from
  Student Response Correct Answer
eliminating all biases on the part of the researcher  
imposing one's own values and beliefs on the people being studied  
taking care not to let one's biases influence the method or results of research Student Response  
Student Response all of the above  
Score: 0/1


Anthropologists believe that every human society is absolutely unique, and that there are no cultural characteristics that are shared throughout all human societies.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Semantic universality is a characteristic of all human languages.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Linguists use the term __________ to refer to the capacity of language to communicate beyond the immediate here-and-now situation of the speaker.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response arbitrariness  
displacement Student Response  
Score: 0/1


Which anthropological field method is the most distinctive and relevant?
  Student Response Correct Answer
the clinical profile method  
Student Response participant observation Student Response  
case study research  
in-depth interviewing  
Score: 1/1


Both production and reproduction are equally important in shaping the course of sociocultural evolution.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Speakers of the Romance languages must indicate
  Student Response Correct Answer
time and distance for each noun.  
Student Response the gender of each noun. Student Response  
the exact number and quantity of each noun.  
all of the above  
Score: 1/1


The scientist who is most well known for studying the social life of chimpanzees is
  Student Response Correct Answer
Charles Darwin.  
Dr. Richard Leakey.  
Bronislaw Malinowski.  
Student Response Jane Goodall. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Anthropological fieldwork involves
  Student Response Correct Answer
living near the society that's being studied for a brief period of time, and getting to know a few people who live within that society  
library research and laboratory experiments  
Student Response living within a society for a prolonged period of time and taking part in the daily activities of the society Student Response  
trying to educate the people whose culture is being studied, so that they can acquire a more civilized lifestyle  
Score: 1/1


The pattern of language use in a bilingual community, where two languages are used according to social circumstances, is called
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response diglossia. Student Response  
none of the above  
Score: 1/1


The principle process responsible for biological evolution is known as
  Student Response Correct Answer
genetic fitness.  
Student Response natural selection. Student Response  
all of the above  
Score: 1/1


Prolonged nursing can result in birth-spacing intervals of what length?
  Student Response Correct Answer
6 to 8 months  
Student Response 3 years Student Response  
12 years  
21 days  
Score: 1/1


___________ refers to the learned, socially acquired traditions of thought and behavior.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response culture Student Response  
the fine arts  
Score: 1/1


Anting refers to what behavior?
  Student Response Correct Answer
the human use of ants in pesticide development  
birds feeding ants to their young  
Student Response chimpanzees using sticks to collect ants for consumption Student Response  
human destruction of ants with pesticides  
Score: 1/1


The difference between direct infanticide and indirect infanticide is dependent upon who kills the child (e.g., father or mother).
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Generally, Creationist ideas are not considered to be factual because
  Student Response Correct Answer
they are based on religious principles.  
Student Response they have not withstood careful testing and they are largely contradicted by a lot of evidence. Student Response  
there is political repression aimed at any religious group that tries to influence public morality.  
no part of the Bible has ever been proven.  
Score: 1/1


Using more people in production, working longer hours, and working faster to produce greater yields is called
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response intensification Student Response  
forced labor  
Score: 1/1


Which food-production technique has the ability to produce more food than any other preindustrial mode of production?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response irrigation agriculture Student Response  
peasant grain agriculture  
slash-and-burn farming  
mixed farming  
Score: 1/1


A cross-cultural perspective on human languages shows that
  Student Response Correct Answer
some languages are more primitive and others are more advanced.  
some languages use morphemes but others do not.  
Student Response all languages have complex grammar and syntax. Student Response  
a certain portion of small-scale societies have no language whatsoever.  
Score: 1/1


Hunter-gatherer societies tend to have less warfare than village societies.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


What type of domesticated animal did Hawaiians use?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response pig Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Tax-paying by United States citizens is a form of
  Student Response Correct Answer
gift exchange.  
Student Response stratified redistribution. Student Response  
silent trade.  
Score: 1/1


How does a reciprocal society cope with the problem of a freeloader who doesn't make any productive contribution to the group?
  Student Response Correct Answer
The freeloader is not dealt with as there are no formal mechanisms of punishment.  
The freeloader is brought to trial in a court of law.  
Student Response Subtle sanctions and group disapproval are used to curb this behavior Student Response  
The freeloader is cut off from all food until he starts working harder.  
Score: 1/1


Harris and Johnson view warfare as
  Student Response Correct Answer
an expression of innate human aggression.  
Student Response a particular form of organized activity that has developed during cultural evolution. Student Response  
animal-like behavior which humans share with other species.  
an absurd game that people play when they are bored.  
Score: 1/1


The marriage relationship has an economic dimension in agricultural societies, but not in industrialized societies.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The rise of state-level government shows a tendency for people to be more and more separated from working in food production.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


In !Kung San society,
  Student Response Correct Answer
boys and men spin fibers and process grains.  
girls and women hunt game animals.  
Student Response men hunt and women gather vegetables. Student Response  
women fish, hunt, and construct dwellings, while men spin fibers and plant crops  
Score: 1/1


Of the following, which is not an advantage of exogamy?
  Student Response Correct Answer
long-distance networks of kinspeople  
reduction of gender imbalance in a small group  
Student Response maintenance of close ties between female members of the society Student Response  
territorial flexibility essential to subsistence strategy  
Score: 1/1


The supreme leader of the Inca Empire was believed to have been
  Student Response Correct Answer
the devil.  
Student Response god-on-earth. Student Response  
related to the King of Spain.  
Score: 1/1


Among the Suiai of Papua New Guinea, a big man is called a
  Student Response Correct Answer
leopard skin chief.  
Student Response mumi. Student Response  
none of the above  
Score: 1/1


Both the sororate and levirate are forms of preferential marriage.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Which form of postmarital locality is related to bilateral descent in hunter-gatherer societies?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response bilocality Student Response  
A and B  
Score: 1/1


What is one mechanism for trading with people from distant groups which avoids hostility?
  Student Response Correct Answer
purposeful trading  
Student Response silent trade Student Response  
silent exchange  
silent agreement  
Score: 1/1


What is the duty of the Nuer Leopard Skin chief?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response to use supernatural powers as a neutral intermediary in resolving disputes and preventing the escalation of hostilities Student Response  
to direct a song duel whenever there is a conflict within the group  
to use supernatural powers in order to predict in advance when there is going to be a crime in the society  
to personally transfer cattle from one family to another  
Score: 1/1


The Melanesian big man system is similar to that of the __________ in that leaders compete to achieve high rank by hosting elaborate feasts and giveaways.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Kwakiutl Student Response  
ancient Greeks  
Student Response Nuer  
Score: 0/1


The Inuit song duel is an annual seasonal celebration which is held each winter, during the coldest time of the year.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Among the Bunyoro of East Africa, the Mukama (or king) redistributes all the goods he receives.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Harris and Johnson argue that the best explanation of warfare in nonstate societies is the desire for revenge.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Sodalities and other nonkin associations serve the important social function of
  Student Response Correct Answer
preventing foreign invaders from entering the group.  
generating income and wealth for women.  
Student Response bringing people together from different domestic groups, thus creating bonds between people which cut across ties of kinship. Student Response  
allowing people to escape from the society if they want to.  
Score: 1/1


Why does warfare take place on a larger scale among village people than within hunter-gatherer society?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Why does warfare take place on a larger scale among village people than within hunter-gatherer society? Student Response  
Village societies have gardens and permanent structures. Student Response  
People in village societies are sedentary and cannot readily move to a new location. Student Response  
Student Response all of the above Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The Kapauku, as stated by Leopold Pospisil, are a rare, if not unique, example of what form of exchange?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response reciprocity  
primitive capitalism Student Response  
Score: 0/1


Kathleen Gough's definition of the marriage relationship
  Student Response Correct Answer
makes no reference to sexual access or sexual performance.  
does not require the relationship to be between males and females.  
focuses on the status of the child.  
Student Response all of the above Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Teenagers in American society best exemplify which exchange pattern in their relationship with their parents?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response reciprocal Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The nuclear family consists of the mother, father, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and in-laws.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response False Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Most societies believe that misfortunes[]such as game animals becoming scarce or people falling sick[]result from
  Student Response Correct Answer
natural causes.  
Student Response someone practicing witchcraft in order to harm others. Student Response  
random accidents.  
none of the above  
Score: 1/1


The destructive potlatch came about as a result of European contact with the !Kung San.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True  
False Student Response  
Score: 0/1


If ego and his wife live with his father's sister's family, this is said to be
  Student Response Correct Answer
neolocality. Student Response  
Student Response avunculocality. Student Response  
amitalocality. Student Response  
bilocality. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The Inca Empire is an example of
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response a highly centralized state system in the New World which incorporated many smaller chiefdoms. Student Response  
an agricultural society that was unable to produce storable staples.  
a chiefdom that was spread out over a vast territory.  
a network of village societies that never achieved unification.  
Score: 1/1


In what system of exchange is absolute modesty about one's contribution a requirement?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response reciprocity Student Response  
stratified redistribution  
egalitarian redistribution  
Score: 1/1


Westermark is associated with the idea that
  Student Response Correct Answer
males and females have virtually nothing in common.  
nearly every culture is based on some form of male domination.  
Student Response boys and girls growing up in close quarters will develop a sexual aversion toward each other. Student Response  
males and females who attend the same schools will develop a sexual aversion toward each other.  
Score: 1/1


Which cultural group probably works the most hours per week?
  Student Response Correct Answer
the !Kung San  
the Netsilik  
Student Response Americans Student Response  
Eastern Europeans  
Score: 1/1


The concept of consanguineal relations refers to
  Student Response Correct Answer
kinship relations based on descent (or parentage). Student Response  
relations between neighboring agricultural societies.  
Student Response kinship relations based on marriage.  
relationships between cousins within an extended family.  
Score: 0/1


The primary group in society which provides for basic human biopsychological needs is called
  Student Response Correct Answer
the clan.  
the social infrastructure.  
Student Response the family Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Patrilineality is a form of which descent rule?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response unilineal Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Anonymity and impersonality are characteristic of reciprocal exchange.
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response True  
False Student Response  
Score: 0/1


The Mehinacu of Brazil believe that the fetus
  Student Response Correct Answer
originates outside the body of the mother.  
Student Response is built up gradually over repeated acts of sex. Student Response  
is already fully grown from the moment of conception.  
none of the above  
Score: 1/1


The shell ornaments traded by the Trobrianders in the Kula are called
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response vaygu'a. Student Response  
Score: 1/1


One of the places where Westermark's theory of incest avoidance has been able to be tested is
  Student Response Correct Answer
United States inner cities.  
Inis Beag, Ireland.  
the Israeli kibbutz. Student Response  
Student Response Indonesia.  
Score: 0/1


Hunter-gatherers and small scale agricultural societies
  Student Response Correct Answer
never engage in any market activity whatsoever.  
sell everything they produce on the open market.  
Student Response engage in limited market activity, frequently using a barter system. Student Response  
attach a definite monetary value to everything they produce.  
Score: 1/1


Which of the following state systems was most centralized?
  Student Response Correct Answer
medieval Europe  
the Bunyoro of central Africa  
Vietnam of the tenth century  
Student Response the Inca Student Response  
Score: 1/1


The fact that the state can execute prisoners
  Student Response Correct Answer
supports the notion that the state is all-knowing and wise.  
Student Response demonstrates that the state has ultimate authority over its members. Student Response  
shows that politicians are cruel and violent.  
is demeaning to all members of the state.  
Score: 1/1


The rise of destructive potlatches among the Kwakiutl came about as a result of which of the following factors?
  Student Response Correct Answer
contact with Europeans  
shrinking populations  
larger and larger amounts of wealth being owned by fewer and fewer people  
Student Response all of the above Student Response  
Score: 1/1


A big man is
  Student Response Correct Answer
the leader of an elite army of highly trained soldiers.  
Student Response a local entrepreneur who successfully mobilizes wealth on behalf of his group. Student Response  
a merchant who controls long-distance trade routes over a vast territory.  
an indigenous philosopher who fully understands the folklore of his society.  
Score: 1/1


The __________ is a dwelling space, shelter, residence, or household in which certain universally recurrent activities take place.
  Student Response Correct Answer
social structure  
Student Response domestic sphere Student Response  
family dwelling  
Score: 1/1


Anthropologists believe that marriage occurs
  Student Response Correct Answer
in most cultures.  
only in stratified societies.  
Student Response in all societies. Student Response  
primarily in agricultural and industrialized societies.  
Score: 1/1


When the newly married couple resides with the husband's father, they are following which postmarital residence rules?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response patrilocality Student Response  
Score: 1/1


What is probably the single greatest reason for the sharing of fixed resources (e.g., water holes) by different bands of hunter-gatherers?
  Student Response Correct Answer
the general good will of the people in the different bands  
the fact that the members of the different bands are related through intermarriage Student Response  
the regular payment of tariffs by each band  
Student Response none of the above  
Score: 0/1


Which of the following groups is not included in the maka'ainana class?
  Student Response Correct Answer
Student Response religious practitioners Student Response  
Score: 1/1


Unlike the redistribution in a chiefdom, the Mukama of the Bunyoro of Uganda kept much of what he received from the peasants and
  Student Response Correct Answer
then redistributed what was left back to the peasants.  
destroyed large quantities of goods in a destructive potlatch.  
Student Response gave much of what he kept to family members and close kin. Student Response  
sold it all on the open market.  
Score: 1/1
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