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I Really Do Love You

Sorry about the page, I didn't have much time to make it look nice. I will improve it if you like it.

I wanted to show you my face. I had these taken today to show you. You never know what life might throw at you. So I want to make sure that I tell you now how I feel incase something happens and I never get the chance to. I want you to always know how much you mean to me. And if I would have died in an accident on Saturday...I want you to know you will come with me in my heart and soul, to where ever I go after this life. We fight like crazy but you will always be my love, my life, my best friend, my soulmate, my other half on my heart.

But I'm so upset. I want to express to you how I feel but my heart is completely broken. So All I can do is express it through music. There are three pages please listen to them. This is a song that makes me think of you. Because you are so beautiful. And at the same time it breaks my heart because of what he says at the end. And I don't want that to be the case for us

I wish with all my heart that you could really see how much I love you. All I want is my baby back, the one I remember when we first met

Love for you
You are too far away