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My Quizzies!

Saturday June 28th, 2003

You will die young, doing something daring.  Your death will be tragic.  Sorry.
Young. Really young. I'd say anywhere from 15-35.
But you'll go out with a bang. You'll get in a
car accident or be shot. You'll never have to
see yourself get old. Sad though. Really sad.
By the way, its common knowledge that more
people with great goals and aspirations die
young. And if you want to die old, you'll die
young and vice versa.

At what age will you die?
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The Angry Princess
The Angry Princess

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
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You have the Power of Flight!

What's Your Magic Power?
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I love climbing trees ^_^! I'd rather stare at the stars and moon than the clouds though. But it's fun trying to make shapes out of clouds I guess o_o;

You are Brian!
You are Brian Molko!

Who are you?
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I am punk music!!
Rock on, dude! You are Punk music!

What type of music are you?
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KoRn isn't Punk ...I think. FUCK OFF DAMMIT! o_o; //deep breath// okay calm down... heh heh fuck...

You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
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Is that good?


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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Nihilist Bear
Nihilist Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
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What the hell is up with all the fucking goth results dammit?! o_o; //kills!//

You are Black
What color are you? (Anime Pictures)

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...Yay? o_o; //laughs at the silent part//

So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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I seem to always get this result no matter how many times I take this quiz. *sweatdrop*

Wednesday, April 09, 2003.

sex appeal

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
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You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
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your fuck.

What swear word are you?
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Romantic movie! You probably won't star in a porno
anytime soon. You seem to be really into the
whole "love" thing...romantic sex
with perfumed sheets and candles all over the
place. You're probably a hopeless romantic. You
value sex and respect your partner too much to
do anything like porn. AWWWWWW! <3

What kind of porno would you star in?
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parents sex

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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...actually yes I have *twitch*...

You are the typical feminist, depressed, artist.
You go against the crowd and do everything you
can to be different. Too bad noone notices.
Try communicating with people, not just looking
down on them.

What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
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Idealistic Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
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You're A Hero! You live to save the world! You are honest, true,
and always victorious! You may not always get
the girls/boys, but all you really want to do
is battle the bad guys.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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Thursday, April 03, 2003.

What anime hue are you?

^~ Why thank you!

What's Your Anime Weapon?

Cool... ^_^!

Heavily Armed
What Video Game Hero Are You?

That's nice.

Take the Anime soundtrack Quiz


Hot Headed
Find out what anime character cliche you are.
You are the most destructive video game cliche. You can start out calm, but you quickly become a rage of emotions that leaves everything in your path in ruins. People try to stay on your good side...then they realize that your good-side isn't much safer than your bad-side.


Strong Man
What's Your Anime Power?

Oo;... right................

Take This Quiz!


Find out what anime series you belong in.

Lotsa Lights
Find out what Cartoon location you are.

Monkey Genius
Find out what Cartoon villan you are.


Millions Knives
Find out what anime villan you are.
Once again, another genocidal maniac. Aren't you proud? You tend to want to remove everyone from your life...or life in general...except for one special person. This person may get on your nerves at times, but you love him/her dearly. Be careful though...this person's dreams may begin to interfere with your own.

