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Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Well, I guess I'll go ahead and write today. I just got done with an hour and a half meeting which seemed to last a lot longer than that. I was going to head to lunch but then I got stuck talking to Keith and the time just passed by. Its now almost noon and its a pain to try to go find some food at this time in Chicago because everyone is out. I guess I'll go later. Looks like it might rain again, hope not, I'm sort of sick of this funky weather.

Keith has to take his grandmother to the doctor today for a bunch of tests and then he's going to stay over at his mom's place tonight and help with some painting and such. I guess they are going to try and sell their house so they're working to get it into shape. Steph was supposed to come over tonight for dinner and to practice volleyball but she has a hot date so I guess thats not going to happen. Steph has just started seeing this guy. We'll see what happens.

Last night was sort of uneventful. We watched both the Cubs and the Sox lose ~ totally sucky sports evening.

I received a package slip in my mailbox yesterday but I forgot to go down and pick it up so I went this morning. I was expecting it to be just a sample of something. I'm on a lot of those free sample email lists and I often receive things that don't fit in my mailbox. So I figured I'd go pick up whatever it was this morning. Well, it ended up being this huge box from my Great Uncle with a bunch of genealogy information in it. He had told me he would be sending it but I didn't think I would be getting it so soon. So now I'm looking forward into checking all of that out when I get home. I've been doing a lot of genealogy research in the last year which you may see here. I've been away from it for a while but I need to get back into it. I have several more family branches and a lot more information to add! I really need a new laptop because it would make it so much more convenient to work with!

I'm just not in a very happy mood today for a lot of reasons but I'm not sure I want to get into it right now. Hopefully this afternoon will be better. I'm stuck working with this customer on a product I know absolutely nothing about. I have no idea why this was assigned to me but oh well. Guess I'll go look for some help from one of my co-workers and see what I can do for the user.

I'm still having some problems with this site. I'm not sure if its the template or if its blogger in general but I have to keep resizing my browser screen in order to see the complete pages. Maybe I need a new template. Keith is so talented with all of that, I really should ask him to make one for me.

If you stop by, sign my guestmap here!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Back again today during my lunch hour! I keep messing with this site and trying to make a few changes to it. This seems to have a lot of little quirks to it so I suggest if you're reading this and it looks weird to resize your browser screen - that tends to take care of a lot of the problems. Hopefully I'll dress this site up a little more in the future but we'll see if I ever have time.

Yesterday was sort of strange day weather-wise. When I left work the temperature was showing as 98 degrees and I believe it actually was that hot. It was horrible. I decided to walk home anyway; bet I lost three pounds on the walk home. Thats always good! Then it finally cooled off some and we had a horrible lightening storm - I couldn't sleep. It was pretty freaky!

Anyway, so I got home last night and watched the Cubs game with Keith. Yes, he still hates them but he wanted to see if they would lose or not. What a loyal Chicagoan. That reminds me that I'm supposed to email my mom and tell her that Keith was mostly kidding about the Cubs jokes he made to my dad this past weekend. I know my dad knows he was kidding but I think Keith was a little bit worried about it so I will. Keith is a huge White Sox fan and I have become one as well. He talked it up so much when my parents were here that my dad ended up buying two White Sox t-shirts. Well, my dad likes t-shirts of all kinds and has all kinds of sports shirts and hats that I think he just wanted them. I think it would take a lot for Keith to convert my dad to any other team! So anyway, the Cubs ended up winning so that didn't make Keith happy. I don't know why he is this way, I keep telling him that no matter how many games the Cubs win, its not going to help the Sox in the least. He knows it. I suppose he's just going thru some kind of phase because he never really cared that much about baseball before. At least we can watch a Sox game tonight and hopefully they will win!!

Its a little cooler today but the humidity up here makes things such a mess. I guess I better get used to it because Keith and I are headed off to New Orleans in a few weeks for a couple of days of fun down there. We love New Orleans and decided to go back this year after having such a great time last year. Its just such a nice place to go and do nothing but walk around, enjoy the sites, have some drinks and experience an extrememly unique nightlife. Hey, its New Years Eve every Friday and Saturday night down there (as well as some weeknights), how can you complain about that!? So anyway, with the heat and humidity here in Chicago it just makes it difficult to become inspired enough to go work out after work. And, I like to work out and I should. I don't know, I guess I need some more motivation. I would swim in the pool at the apartment but sometimes its just so packed. I really need to get a new bathing suit so maybe I should take care of that this weekend.

Speaking of the weekend, I'm not really sure what we're going to do. I suggested to Keith that we drive the Corvette somewhere. We've only taken it out a few times this year - Indy 500, and a short trip to Michigan. The weather really stunk before the last couple of weeks with cold and rain so now that its better we should take advantage of that. I don't know, maybe we can go to Wisconsion or back up to Michigan or something. We'll definitely drive it down to Indy for the Brickyard 400.

I guess thats about it for now. Please check out my homepage and sign my guestmap here!

Monday, July 07, 2003

Hello all! This is the first journal posting I am making to my personal website. I hope to be able to update it almost daily. I won't be posting anything too controversial so if you're looking for some juicy gossip, its best to go elsewhere!

We had a very busy weekend over the 4th of July holiday. Thursday my parents came up, Keith cooked an awesome dinner for us and then Keith and I, my parents, and my cousin Grant headed over to Navy Pier to watch the City of Chicago fireworks. It was a nice evening.

Friday was a busy day as Keith, my dad and I went to see the Cardinals-Cubs game at Wrigley Field. It was a fun time but sort of a blow out as the Cardinals killed the Cubs with some really bad pitching on the Cubs part and great hitting by the Cardinals. Keith hates the Cubs so it was good of him to go. My dad has been a lifelong Cubs fan and really enjoys going to the games at Wrigley - this was his second game to go. Later that evening we met Keith's mom and grandma at Navy Pier for dinner and then watched the Navy Pier fireworks at the pier. Another lovely evening.

Saturday was a super hot day and my parents, Keith and I all headed down to the Taste of Chicago. The place is nuts but you have to go at least once a year and I knew my parents were curious about it so we all went. We mostly enjoyed the desserts which I think are the best choices there. There are so many food choices so when you start mixing all kinds of things, sometimes they don't mix well. The desserts are great though. So we sweated it out with several thousand people during the day and some strange weather but it was a good time as well. Saturday evening we met Keith's mom and grandma and my sister at the Chicago Brauhaus for a German dinner. Its a really fun place to go and has great authentic German food. We drank a lot of beer and had a great time making fun of the German "band" that was playing. I'm not sure how many people realized it but they were lip synching and fake playing their instruments the entire time. We were totally cracking up to the point where the lead singer noticed and kept giving us some funny looks. He knew why we were laughing, I'm sure. And, then when he did go to sing for real it was sort of a nightmare - "Lady in Red" with a German accent. It was so funny - we're still laughing about it a few days after the fact.

Sunday morning my sister came over for a visit and Keith headed over to his mom's to cook dinner. My parents eventually took off back to Sullivan and I went to Keith's mom's for dinner. Great food as usual - Keith is such a great cook! So we hung out there for a while and then headed back into the city. It was such an eventful weekend that I'm really really tired this morning. It was all I could do to get up.

On top of everything, it was totally nuts at work today. I got completely inundated as soon as I picked up the phone and ended up taking like 16 customer calls in 4 hours. I guess it was because of the holiday and backed up work but it drove me crazy. The only good thing about those shifts is that they tend to go really fast. So now I have some work I should be doing and some customers I should be contacting but I'm just not up for it right now so I've been wasting some time working on my homepage, etc.

Anyway, thats about it for now. Like I said, I'm going to try to keep this updated and get into this whole web log craze. I'm sure I'll screw up a bunch of stuff, but whatever.

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