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%Kala's Diary%

Omg hey people i have yet ANOTHER DIARY PAGE! haha and i said that angelfire isnt that good for diarys haha well it is now it rocks ya! i hope you like the new layout!

Friday, oct 24 ,2003


ok first i wanna get this over with ohh boo whoo i didnt make president its ok cause its all daniel's fault that this year is going to suck!

ok now lol sara we got to watch the guys play AGAIN today lol i think they did even worse then b4. but mickey u still rock at it lol!

omg lol i cant wait till we play the guys in volleyball!

hmmm wat am i gonna do this weekend , probly go to mi cuzins and im loaded wid homework, well we have to do the science project anyways!

like what the fuck am i going to use to make a cell lol like hopw gettho is that lmfao!

mi sis and her friends where just here lol there so jokes!

sry nicole sab court and cynthia i didnt want to stop and talk at the corner cause i wanted to go home! you know i wanna kinda pissed bout not gettin president and all!

anyways.... um lol that was so funny when we where walkin home bertao jeff muise and those ppl got told off by sum irish lady lmfao! i think she called the cops haha!

anyways , hmmm where going to get a lexcure from the principle when we go back to school on monday and probly wont be aloud to walk home anymore which will really really suck!

hmm what else can i say1 omg im so blonde the toronto maple leafs didnt even play until 10:00 pm last night and i feel asleep watching them lol it must have been an interesting game cause they won 5-4 thats alot of goals at least i think!

well i gotta go now and talk to you people later when there is alot more to talk bout kk bye bye people!

*Lookie What I Made*

hey people looked what i made

ill put it on mi new layout cause im gettin a dairy-x account tommorow *Yay*

because its easier to keep tract of your old entires! DONT FORGET TO SIGN MI GUESTBOOK!

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