Click here to visit my journal -

I know that I have experemented with Blogging sites in the past (namely Angelfires) but I have never actually used one consistantly, always returning to the good old fashioned way of web-building. But that was until I got hit with LiveJournal the other day. And because one of my flatmates had a spare activation code lying about, I decided to accept the offer of a LiveJournal to update.

Now what has made me make that desicion? Take a look at the last couple of posts. I have never, ever posted this much in a go. It's actually become cumbersome updating a post offline in Dreamweaver, and then uploading it to this on Angelfire. LiveJournal means I can get stuff up quicker with less effort, something I can enjoy. Also, the fact that compared to other Blogs this is easier to customise, which is always a bonus.

Not to say that I'll be taking this site down. I intend to use this for what I have been using it as for the last little while. I will still update this site when it's needed, just not as much as I have been.

So for the last time for a while, I'm signing off from this site.



Well, I am proud (?) to report that there was no more random destruction after the door carnage. Peter did sober up, and after being locked in to the spare room he did escape through the window. The fact he left the window open after that didn't help things, naturally, with a vast ned population up here in Dundee.

Dom's friend from home came up yesterday, and after they had started talking about their LiveJournals I decided to go page-hunting now that we have got a phone line (Means I can update this without going near the library ) I actually found a good spin on my birthday night:-

Dom said on his Livejournal:

we did karaoke last night, may I say that, without a doubt, did me, Peter, Sandy and Mark completely and utterly murder Bohemian Rhapsody. Who cheered for us? We did. Despite the alcohol coursing through my system I was still embarassed!

This coming from the person who piled the Birthday person (me!) with Aftershock! He was embarassed? I could take that list and add rat arsed to it to describe how I felt. Nah, Dom's sound and at least there someone here that I can talk to about the course if nothing else. I can also say that in a previous entry, he got the description of me right on the head: Yes I am quiet... when sober anyways.

Oh yeah, another thing relating to Dom's friend arrival- me and Stuart were subjeted to "the innocence test", which gauges how innocent you are. I scored an OK 15 out of 30; but I'm a little worried about Stuart. He's 19 and scored an impressive 28. I think he may have lead one hell of a colourful life. I'm going to try and get a copy of it to put it up, so the list of Cool Stuff is about to grow quite considerably.

Just before I sign off, I'm noticing I'm updating a hell of a lot longer than I have ever before. I'm thinking I'll have to archive a lot more, or this page is going to get huge. Until next time...



After seeing what I have tonight, I think that alcohol should come with a big, bold health warning-

Alcohol will cause random distruction.

My flatmate decided it would be a great idea to start drinking fairly early (It could be possible he has a problem about staying sane when concerning drink) and at the time of writing he has broken and ripped my cupboard door of its hinges, taken his room door of its hinges and broken a plate. And that's without mentioning the possible destruction that may happen concerning our dartboard. The really disturbing thing is that he is normally anti-destructive!
(side note; as I have been writing this, he has managed to find himself trapped in the spare room, although the fact that we have locked the door with the keys still in the lock has nothing to do with it.)

In the past week since I last posted, I have-
Listened to Muse- Absolution (Fantastic album, 100% recommend it)
Watched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Underrated, even if it did follow the standard superhero film script to a tee)
Did a lot of uni work (I seem to be taking really well to programming in C. Could be interesting...)
Watched a lot of films on DVD (waiting for 2Fast 2Furious, and watched the Matrix 1 and 2 to prepare myself for Revolutions)

Also, while recommending things, I have been introduced into the hilarious cover world of Wierd Al Yankovich. Whether it be his 6 word song, or the ramped up version of Bohemian Rhapsody, I have yet to find something against him, which is a good thing. Get on out there and get your hands on it soon. And on the matter of Bohemian Rhapsody, I was shown a Glasgow-style version of the lyrics. Once I get my hands on it, and I get it onto my laptop, I'll get it up. Actually, if I can get all the "funnies" he had, I'll put them all up.

On a closing note, I seen the Rangers-Man Utd. "Battle of Britian 1" on Wednesday, and my opinion - which has been echoed by a large amount of people who support both teams - is that if Man U hadn't got the first blood, it would have been at least a draw. Quite frankly we, ie Rangers, could survive in the Premiership if we consistantly put up performances like that. I personally cannot wait for the rematch at Old Trafford. Ok, we're doomed, but it is gonna be one hell of a killing...

Thus ends the longest post I have written in a while for this site.



A small side note, my ability to recover from illness rather quickly means I feel great today, even though I have a bit of a cough and a sore throat (it was 100 times worse yesterday).

I heard Scotland's Euro 2004 playoff opposition today, and the huge high from winning on Saturday (and getting to the playoffs)came quickly down. You'll either see Scotland or Holland in Portugal. Can anyone else see what is about to happen next month?


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