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Bridging the Gap between Concept & Execution













My name is Christian Mayaud.     I build companies.

 I specialize in --

    Optimizing Company Performance  

Ask yourself the following --

Is your company maximizing it's ability to generate value?

Is your current tactical plan based on an up-to-date strategic plan?

Does every stakeholder know the answers to the following questions?

Where are we today?

How did we get here?

Where are we going?

How are we going to get there?

Are the incentives of all stakeholders fully aligned?

Are you satisfied with the overall performance of your organization?

If you answered No to any of the above --


      I can help your organization    

   achieve it's Maximum Potential  

It doesn't matter whether your company is --

  • growing, static, or contracting

  • large or small,

  • public or private,

  • Early Stage or Late Stage,

  • High-Tech or Low-Tech,

  • in a Growing, Static, or Contracting Market,

or perceived as --

  • highly successful,

  • unsuccessful,

  • troubled, or

  • a lost cause

My approach to building successful companies has grown from my roles as

Founder, Chief Executive, Director, Investor, and Advisor

to a wide variety of private and public companies.

Management Philosophy

My involvement

can be staged and can involve any combination of roles --

  • a member of Senior Management

(e.g., CEO / President / COO / Managing Director),

  • a member of the Board of Directors,

  • an Investor, or

  • an Advisor

My geographic preferences

NONE: open to any location, both domestically and internationally

My length of engagement

FLEXIBLE: from several months to several years

My compensation

is commensurate with my responsibility and performance and

is a mix of cash and equity (ranging from "all cash" to "all equity")

I also have an extensive network you can use to --

  • find someone more appropriate than myself,

  • build a cohesive management team from scratch, or

  • augment an team with specific new capabilities.

Please review my Resume / CV.


Also, be sure to check out my Resource Centers on --


Venture Capital, Corporate Development, Market Strategy, Management, e-Health, e-Prescribing, Clinical Trials, Executive Recruitment, etc. 


Also check out the dynamic citation & reference applications in the Resource Centers.  They are set up so that you can have instant access to the latest "up to the minute" thinking on a given topic . 


N.B., Don't hesitate to contact me anytime by phone or email to discuss any special situation or answer any of your questions.

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Revised: 09/17/03.

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Bridging the Gap between Concept & Execution

Copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved.