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Maxie the Cat

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[humans I know|a comprehensive list]
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My Food Lady (userinfowaltzingv): This is the primary human in my life. She provides me with food, entertainment, a clean litter box, and, of course, companionship. I am solely responsible for this human's welfare, and have been since she was 40 (5 human years), when I woke her up crying outside her window, lost and abandoned as I was. Under my watchful whiskers, she recently turned 88 (21 for my human readers) safely.

The Lesser Food Lady: When My Food Lady is unavailable, I can rely on The Lesser Food Lady to fulfill my basic needs, although I suspect my mercurial nature frightens her. She is 4 human years younger than My Food Lady. She belongs to Milo, one of two cats whom I tolerate under my roof.

Smelly: This 211 year-old (62) tomhuman smells like burnt paper, probably because he often chews burning paper. He belongs to the dog, Otis.

Woman I Totally Cannot Handle (WITCH): This is Smelly's mate, and she once shut me in the folding sofa. Accident? I don't think so.

Madame Treats: She is an old human with lots of white patches. She brings me treats. My Food Lady and I used to live with her before I decided I wanted a bigger place for us.

Miss Treats: Sister of WITCH and daughter of Madame Treats, this human live with Madame Treats and has one kitten, Kirby, whom I have not met. I did, however, know and love her late cats Muffy and Ruffles.

Sir Fishy: Named for his personality, he's been hanging around Miss Treats for nearly ten human years now.

Old Lady Tanks: This ancient human doesn't like cats, but she does carry around a large pet tank. She loves her tank so much she carries the leash in her nose. Without her tank, she insists that she'll die. Well, we can only hope...

Squeaky: She's My Food Lady's best friend. She squeaks when she laughs. I tolerate this human because My Food Lady loves her, and I must admit that over the years she has grown on me, too.

Metal Nose: As far as I can tell, this human belongs to My Food Lady. He follows her around and lets her feed him the Stinky Soy Stuff she likes to eat. Maybe metal through his nose is to make him enjoy it, or maybe it's just for decoration. At first I thought it might be for a leash, but I haven't seen one yet.

Sneezy: Every cat knows a sneezy--the one human you love to get up close to and personal with, in hopes that he or she will erupt in a spasm of sneezes. Yes, it warms me to the pads of my pointy little paws to see My Food Lady's friend Sneezy armed with tissues and an inhaler.

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