.: MyThoughts ::
Breif Summary On My Day & How I feel

A Quick Note
On this page you find a log of each day. Here I will write my true feelings of the moment. Keep in mind that I may say things that are not always nice or "Hot".<lol I think that, that statement is rather funny, yet true> But it is all done in the spirt of being truthful. I am a nice guy and dont want to hurt any ones feelings. And so, please feel free to read my feelings on today, yesterday, and the day before that!

Today is: 06-21-03
I have worked on this site for two days. but less than 6 hours. I am happy in my progress but not sure about the "look and feel" of my site. I like color blue and have decided that it looks good with white. I hope everyone else likes it.
Today I went to the movies and it was fun. I liked hang out with my friends more than the movie. I guess thats how it always turns out. I do not sugest that any one see "Identity". While it had great twists in it, it lacked something from its plot. <Don't ask me what. I just know it was missing!> I hope that I will get out more with my friends this summer as it can get very boring sometimes when I am alone.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out today! It looks promissing, with its 870 pages and 38 chapters. I will have to tell you what I think of it when I am done. I will say I hope that the next book is even longer. It's to bad J.K. Rowling is only writing two more books. It will end on a lucky 7. But a las great things must always come to an end. I feel: Happy.

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