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Marlise's Home

Happy Hallowe'en!
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Summer's gone, and the long nights follow.

What better to cook up than a new Web site, this time using Microsoft® FrontPage® 2002? I can think of a bunch, most of which include some hot, pungent liquid as in the picture..

Now, I'm not delighted about having to slog through tutorials and books on still another program, but it's the name of the game. Check out my business site for Ad Hoc Associates (AHA!). We live to mess with new programs.

Sigh. . .

When I discovered that Angelfire would give me free hosting and also supports FrontPage®, I figured it was time to practice.

This site is therefore my homemade BLOG (Weblog for you newbies) on the trials and tribulations of FP and how it reacts with playmates like Angelfire in the real world.

Expect tears. Some cussin', major and minor. Maybe it'll help some other poor soul.

Proceed to the BLOG? Click here. If not, there are some techie news headlines below so it won't be a total loss.


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Last revised on 10/04/2003.
© 2003, Ad Hoc Associates
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