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[+] Final Fantasy - pictures down.
[+] Linkin Park - featuring LP:tv player
[+] Dollmaker!
[+] Chat Room - may not work
[+] Lyrics
[+] Meteora Lyrics
[+] Random Kool Dolls - all should work
[+] Dolls. - made by my friends
[+] Quotes! - heh heh
[+] Our Group! - its a bit crazy.
[+] My Xanga! - check it out
[+] ashleys and my dolls. - many dont work.

Layout Credit: Digital-Talent.Net, Linkin pics
Site Copyrighted © 2003 Kyrie

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LINK ME! if u dont ill make you suffer a horrible doom... maybe one involving sticks!
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or you could use...
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highlight the whole box text and paste it where you have out an image! these link buttons were from my first ever layout , thats why they dont match , and i cant be bothered to change them :) please link me!

Ooooooooooooooooooooo , Green.

Kyrie Screamed @ 20:13 on 22/07/03:::
Topic:: Kyrie
The name Kyrie gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious. You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships. Although you have a clever, quick, capable mind, your progress in life is restricted by instability in your affairs and misunderstandings with people. Your impulsive nature can lead to actions which you later regret taking, or to accidents. Relaxation is elusive, and depletion due to nervous tension can develop to the point where you become subject to moods of depression and morbid thoughts. Nervous tension centres in the solar plexus, with nervous indigestion and stomach ulcers a possible result.
thats me! lol :)

Kyrie Screamed @ 16:37 on 21/07/03:::
Topic:: im off to change the music , the wonderful music of mine! heh heh
hiiiiiiii people! not updated in a while , and i need to change the music from marilyn manson to.. hmm.. less than jake i think :) ( all my best friends are metalheads ) and thats a great song !the last weekend was boring , and i didnt do anything at all . oh i went to bolton and got some bracelets , but thats all. damn. (".) i love linkin park , and Mike Shinoda! heh heh funnie. anyway im off to change the music :) bye byes!

Kyrie Screamed @ 09:27 on 15/07/03:::
Topic:: Tumbleweed
does anyone know how to make a chater box on xanga work? it doesnt work and im getting annoyed with it , because i have to keep changing the code. dammmmmmmmit. anyway im in geography now so im going to have to go and do some work ( that ive finished *snigger*) heh heh. soooooooooo.... people saying all of linkin park cept mike are mean and rude , i agree with the mike part being good and all , but i dont think the rest of linkin park are mean. ok so bye

Kyrie Screamed @ 12:22 on 12/07/03:::
Topic:: Ho Hum.
im really really bored. oh yeh i didnt update when i got home yesterday because i couldnt and my dad went on the computer and i watched big brother. im gonna tell you what pissed me off. jons back in the house. i dont know why , and i dont give a fuck. grr arg. heh heh. i mean the one person i wanted out , and when he goes out , a few weeks later , he goes back in! dammit. oh well enough about big brother , that will just bore you all to hell. i updated my xanga this morning , just a few pictures and stuff , go visit it now. heh heh . Ohhhhh yer Linkin Park's new song is 'apparently' going to be numb. i like that song , its great. if u want to hear it visit my xanga , its on in the background. yeh i think thats all. bye bye

Kyrie Screamed @13:52 on 11/07/03:::
Topic:: Hello.
heylo! i need to update because i havent done in a while and my sites been down because of bandwidth problems :'( oh well. its back up now and shouldnt go down again , i think it was because i used the music on my xanga. yupp. anyway ill update when i get home later. bye bye

Kyrie Screamed @ 17:00 on 07/07/03:::
Topic:: "fun" day
yeah... "fun" day. loadsa fun too -.- . YOU KILLED MR.TIDDYWINKLES! murderers... i have to operate on him , and patch him up.... i also have to amputate his arm , dammit. and hes bevans son... poor bevan , i think hes distraught. :( oh well he'll be better in no time at all. heh heh. right , seeing as it is monday , im going to change the music. seeing as NO-BODY emailed me , im going to change it to mad world by gary jules :) woohoo... i did say it didnt have to be linkin park. but there you go. anyways im going to change it all now , so bye byes xXx

Less Than Jake/ all my best friends are metalheads:::

Do you think it's strange
that there's this way of how you look at,
how you act like, and how you think and pretend
they're not the same as you
Do you know about his strength of convictions
or how she puts all her faith in religion
Did you ever take the time
to really discover how little we know about each other?
this all becomes one more chance to
keep us from saying anything
and separate from everything.
And all this really means
you're one in a crowd and paranoid of every sound
another friend you won't miss anyhow

heh heh. to request a song and lyrics for me to put here
scream at me
and ill see if i can. if there is more than one request i will pick at random. bearing in mind that it cant be any - pop , dance , r&b , rap and that shit , i will accept any songs.