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Life Is Like....

A New Home


Welcome to my new home on this ever increasing web of pointless web pages.  This one looks a lot better than my previous attempts... hopefully you like it as much as me, let me know if you do.


There is plenty to look at, whether or not you will be interested in it is another matter, so if you are, enjoy... if your not...tuff, its my website after all :p











All material copyright of Sarah Arnold 2003 - Please ask if you wish to use anything from this site for your own sites





I am currently updating the site. Most of the content  is not yet available but please bear with me and i will have it  online ASAP.

Well... lookie here, a completely new layout and design that I am half excited about.  I have made so many different versions on my computer but seem to have found one that I liked...***SHOCK HORROR***

Hopefully once I have finished it, I will actually be satisfied enough to keep it *prays*.

I am seeing what happens as I go at the moment. I have ideas falling out of my head, it just depends if I can create them...wish me luck...