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  • Tell us about what you desire when we take on your pet.
  • Tell us of any habits your pet takes on.
  • Tell us of any medical history you believe may be useful to us.
  • Make sure that you read the terms and conditions carefully.


  • Please don't hand us pets that are seriously ill.
  • Please don't give us a potentially harmful animal without at least informing us beforehand.
  • Please try to be reasonable about the amount of time your pet will have when being cared for.
Local Services for Local People

Pet Sitting

We all love our pets, right?
They always care, they always
love unconditionally, and they
never nag. However, sometimes
they can hold you back from
going on holiday, or having a
relaxing week-end. That's where
we come in!

What we do

We take pets off your hands for
as long as you want! We feed, water,
groom, exercise, care and clean them
for you when you go on holiday, or when
your sister who hates animals visits,
or if you just need a break! We visit your
houses or keep them at our own!

We believe that local people should help each other, which is why we give discounts to all people who can give us a reason about how they help in the community!
  • Dog Care
  • Cat care
  • Other care
  • < ahref="">FAQ
  • Terms and conditions
  • Service form
  • Guestbook
  • Staff

    Special Offers
    Discounts - Xpts
    Holidays - Xpts
    Coupons - Xpts


    -13.07.2003: Site begins

    We update almost every day


    Please only use this e-mail address
    when it is urgent and your query is not
    mentioned in the FAQ. Please use the service
    form, or guestbook for any questions or comments
    about the site.

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