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My Blog
Monday, 15 September 2003
Relaxing Day
Sorry, I haven't posted anything on my blog in a few days. I've been busy working on my website. Which I will give you the url to :). Soon I will have a guestbook on it, but right now, I'm rearranging things, and moving some of my things to a new site because I was making so many that, they needed more space. Well today went by pretty fast, wishing it didn't but anyways. I'm excited for Thursday because my brother doesn't have to go to school on Friday so that means I don't have to wake up at 7:00am to get him ready for school, so that means sleeping in time for me LOL!. Which is good, because I get 3 days to sleep in, and I like that! Well, I'm not going to write much more on my blog for today, because I want to work on my site before I go to bed.

Before I go my url to my site is:

I'm making a new site as well, for my shop blogs on neopets, and I'm making 2 more sites for guild layouts, and userlookups :).

Well night :).

Posted by blog/lusciouslips23 at 10:34 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
Cloudy Day
Today is really cloudy, I'm not sure if it's going to rain but I bet it does.*sighs* a few weeks ago, it rained the whole week, but it didn't lightening or anything like that. So it was pretty good! :). Today is going pretty good as well, this is my second day to work on my blog :), I'm sure these little stories are boring to you. But aren't blogs used for silly, boring, exciting stories? :P. Well, I guess that's it for today, not very long like yesterday but it will do :D.

Posted by blog/lusciouslips23 at 10:05 AM EDT
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Thursday, 11 September 2003
First Blog
Today, I got my first blog :). I'm so happy about it also, for a minute I thought you had to pay but I guess they started allowing you to use this one for free or you could upgrade. I want to upgrade sometime! After I turn 18 though. Which is in about a month, and 8 days from today:). Anyways I remember my 17 year birthday. My mom made me stay in my room, and my aunts, uncles, and some of my cousins showed up. And I was so happy about that too! My aunt and uncle gave me this big boxed present, and as I was opening it, they were smiling and so was I, well I'd open the box, and there would be another box, so I'd tear the paper off, and open the box, and there would be another box, I'd repeat this probably another 5 times, and soon it came down to a small box. I open the box laughing from having to open a ton of boxes just to get down to the smallest one, and to find out what was inside was a stick of gum! LOL I started laughing so hard! And everyone laughed as well, and then my aunt said " Ahh we are just kidding here is your real present" And they got pictures taken of me opening all of those boxes. My real present was a beautiful, gold heart necklace! I love that thing so much! It's really pretty if your into that sortof thing. Well if you ever want to pull alittle birthday prank on your cousin/sister/brother/friend/parents there is one right there!;). Today has been a really great day, it rained alittle bit here, then went sunny, and then cloudy alittle bit with the sun still out. But anyways I guess I've wrote enough for one night huh?

Posted by blog/lusciouslips23 at 10:30 PM EDT
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