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John Wright Little

John was a mixed Cherokee Indian man born 1843 to Hiram Lucius Little and Catherine Nancy Wright and later moved from Bullitt Kentucky to a mountain top in Marble Township Arkansas, claiming to be white so he could get work and land. He was in the Civil War and was married to a dark haired Mary Catherine Crigler. John was the great grandson of Captain George Little of the Rev War. John was a blacksmith by trade. When John's mother died, his father Hiram moved to Texas and remarried to Rebecca but John stayed behind with his Uncle Douglas Little and cousin Powhatan. Douglas also married one of the Wright sisters. The mother of the Wright sisters was Catherine G Weatherford. Catherine Weatherford's parents may be Polly Jones and Charles Weatherford of Charlotte Virginia. The mother of Charles Weatherford was Mary Half Blood according to the records found on the LDS site at so this is likely the same father of Chief Red Eagle. John's daughter Lattie Cedonia Little told her children that they were Cherokee plus another tribe and that they were one quarter Cherokee Indian blood......................Over the past one hundred years, our relatives have attempted to find documentation proving the Indian Blood in the Little family, yet there is only the stories passed on, that we must rely on and appreciate - the Indians were great story tellers and if they chose not to join the Trail of Tears, then we must respect and honor their wishes, and live with the choices they made..........Nobody has seen the grave of John Little, somewhere on that mountain top, and we must also respect his wishes to live the life he chose.

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Crigler Connection

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Dorline Gray Research
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Hiram Lucius Little, father of John
1850 census of H Little family
Catherine Crigler Little Photo
1870 H L Little in Texas
1860 H L Little in Texas
Catherine Weatherford Wright and Douglas Little

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