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Elijah Lee and Andrew Cooper of South Carolina born 1770s brought their families to Chambers County Alabama, former Creek Indian Lands, before 1840. It has been said that Elijah paid an indian directly for his land. Elijah had married Malinda Phillips of Green County Georgia and some believe the Phillips were of indian blood. Andrew Cooper may have also married an indian woman named Alsey and her last name had never been discovered. On the 1840 census Alsey appears to be widowed with children. 1840 shows Elijah Lee living near a John Phillips. The Alabama Land Records show that Elijah bought land in 1823 so it was long before the Trail of Tears. ( note )

The Lees are buried at the Old Harmony Baptist Church cemetery and the graves of the Coopers are not yet found. Aunt Sissy says that grandpa Levi Cooper is buried by his sons at a church cemetery in Cecil, Alabama. They had resided in Whitehall.

Descendant Susie Mae Cooper Brooks is buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Montgomery Alabama. Her descendant Charlie Brooks is buried at Brookside Memorial in Millbrook, Alabama.


Charner P Cooper, son of Andrew, married Sarah F Lee, daughter of Elijah, and their son Levi Benjamin Cooper married Sarah Elizabeth Carter, a daughter of Thomas Randolph Carter and Mary Josephine Hereford of Virginia. Mary had a beautiful complexion, black eyes and black hair. The grave of TRC born 1820 was found in Hope Hull, Montgomery, Alabama by his first wife, Lacy Jane Bozeman.


The Bozemans came from South Carolina and NC 1700s moving into Alabama as some of the Indian Tribes moved west in the early 1800s. Lacy's father Jesse's headstone shows that he was born 1793. Apparently Jesse had been married twice . Many legal documents exist in Montgomery County regarding the Bozeman families.

Jesse Bozeman was the brother of William Henry Bozeman and administrator of his Estate. Their father was Peter Bozeman of Darlington South Carolina who served in the American Revolution along with his own father, Mordecai Bozeman. Peter and his wife Sarah, had moved their families into Alabama about 1820 and they are probably buried in Hope Hull, Montgomery County, Alabama. Several Bozemans were buying land in Alabama in the 1820s and 1830s.

William Henry named his sons, Meady, Peter Edward, and John Thomas Bozeman. John's descendant, Jimmy Ray has assisted with this research. Meady's descendant Wayne and his wife Sue Carol have also assisted.


Thomas Carter was the son of John Wise Carter who some say was buried in Talladega Alabama. John was born 1792 South Carolina, the son of Elizabeth Wise and Captain John Carter who may have served in the War of 1812 and the American Revolution. John bought land in Alabama in 1821.


Susie Mae Cooper's husband was James Edgar Brooks Sr and their son was James Jr. The parents of James came from Tennessee with the railroad and they resided downtown Montgomery Alabama near the Union Station. They were Annie Clark Ballard and John Brooks, all buried at Greenwood. John's father was also named John, born in Pennsylvania to Dutch parents. He was found in the 1860 census of Giles TN, the same year he met and married Roxanna Permilia Smith.note Our cousin Clarence and his mother Sissy have assisted with this research and contributed to the Montgomery Cemetery research with his survey of Carter-Stokes cemetery in Hope Hull.


The Smith families connect to a Captain John Smith of Virginia.


The Ballards were previously in the Carolinas, as were the Bond, and Ward families.


James Edgar Brooks Jr married Mary Ella Thornton and had a son named Charles in Montgomery Alabama.


Mary Ella's parents were Bessie Mae Hood and Milton Elijah Thornton and they are buried in Slapout/ Holtville, in Elmore County AL at the Cain's Chapel Cemetery near many other family members.


headstones and census records


Elijah's parents came from Georgia, Mary Angeline Partridge and George Thornton; we found their graves behind an old primitive Baptist Church in Central, Elmore, AL on the way to the Lake.


Bessie's parents were Ella Olivia Baxley and Allen Wesley Hood but his headstone has an L W on it. His parents are hard to trace and prove. Hers were James and Marnda Baxley of Cold Spring, Elmore, AL and thus begins the brick wall in our research.


Charles Brooks married Kathy Cochran, daughter of Anne Carter and Frankie Cochran.

*Anne Carter was the daughter of Alice Emma McClain and Cecil Earl Fenn Carter.


Frankie Cochran was born in Kansas a son of Luella Coonfield of Arkansas and Frank Delbert Cochran.


Alice McClain's parents were Lorena Emma Bozeman and Charles Allen McClain of Ramer, Montgomery County, Alabama. The parents of Charles were Elizabeth Broadway and Josiah Marion McClain ( Civil War Soldier of GA). Josiah's ancestors were Elizabeth Moon and Charles McClain of Virginia 1700s. Josiah's father James was found in Alabama on the 1860 census and had possibly married an indian named Anna. The Broadways came out of South Carolina and Elizabeth's father Abner had married Mary Susan Stephens of Alabama.

Lorena's parents were Alice Stephens and John Thomas Bozeman. Alice Stephen's great great grandfather John Stephens had married a full blood Cherokee in North Carolina and began a journey to Alabama where many of his grandchildren settled in Ramer.

Parents of John Bozeman were Nancy Jane Anderson and Peter Edward Bozeman. Peter was the son of William Henry Bozeman. Our Bozeman family says that Peter Edward is buried behind the Hills Chapel Church in the woods where there was once a cemetery many years ago.

Nancy's parents were Lavinia Jane Sellers and Seaborn Anderson. Lavinia's sister married a Cooper. Seaborn Anderson's ancestors and his father Elijah had settled in Lowndes County before moving to Montgomery, Alabama. Elijah's parents were Lavinia Brack and Elisha Anderson who's Will is located at the Montgomery County Archives. This line connects to the Mayflower's Edward Lavinia Brack's mother was Hester Doty, a daughter of Benajah Doty and Elizabeth Farr.


Cecil's parents were Anne Lou Stone and William Frank Fenn of Bullock County Alabama. Tracing back to Michael Stone of Maryland and William Stone of Virginia. Some of the Fanns were Indian Traders into Georgia before settling in Alabama.


Luella Coonfield's parents were married in Arkansas, Lattie Cedonia Little of KY and Benjamin Wallace Coonfield of ARK


Frank Delbert's parents were Clora Jane Miller of Iowa and Jacob Benjamin Cochran of Ohio who settled in Kansas. Jacob had six daughters by his first wife, Mariah, who would also be related. 1880 census shows he had a grandson named Frank by one of those girls. MORE


The Cochran and Coonfield lineage of the midwest. Alexander Cochran raised his family in Pennsylvania and soon settled into Ohio, possibly Quakers, with several sons joining the Civil War and even living in California during the Gold Rush. Later these young men moved to Iowa to farm the new land, and after several years, Jacob Benjamin Cochran moved to Kansas with second wife Clora Jane Miller, a daughter of Mary Clara Parker. Family lore is that Mary shared medicine with the indians and research shows that her ancestors were in the 1600s and 1700s New York Indian Country as well as Mass and Rhode Island, with one cousin, Joshua Tefft was killed by King Phillip. One Mr Sweete was banned from England as a Catholic Priest and lived in exile in France.

As far as documenting the Cochran lineage, I have none beyond Jacob to prove the names of his parents or grandparents. Locating a census record or a will or more would help to prove this lineage. Perhaps Jacob told his children about his parents but reading the census records, I can safely say there were dozens of Williams, Alexanders, and Jacob Cochrans in Pennsylvania and Ohio and even those who migrated to Iowa Territory. Apparently William Cochran married Martha Henderson in Ohio and had Jacob.

Fortunately for many other lineages, those before us have done a lot of research that I can go back and verify for myself leaving reason to believe most of what I can see.

Isaac and Barsheba Clark Coonfield spent many years in early Kentucky and then moved to Indiana with their grown children. She was found widowed on the 1830 census. Her son Isaac Benjamin Coonfield moved his family to Arkansas. This family is mentioned in the book of the Early History of Morgan County Indiana. Benjamin Wallace Coonfield married Lattie Cedonia Little and they had Amy, Ruth and Luella Coonfield. Amy married Joe Gray and I had corresponded with their daughter Verna, who forwarded copies of her late sister's research ( Dorline Gray ) who was trying to connect this lineage to Chief Powhatan. Dorline had also been corresponding with our cousin Martha in Arizona, who also shared a great amount of research with me regarding L P Little. L P Little had a great way of leaving a trail of his elders by giving each child a middle name of one of his ancestors.

Arkansas land records indicate that Isaac Coonfield bought land in 1856.

Hiram Lucius Little, son of Betsy Douglas and Jonas Little, had lost his wife, Catherine Wright, in Kentucky and moved to Texas. His son John Little served in the Civil War as a blacksmith, married, had several children, lost his wife and then moved his family into Arkansas. Our grandma Betsy was found widowed and living with her daughter Betsy Roberts on the 1850 census.

Hiram Little married Rebecca Isabella Adams in Bosque County Texas and had more children including a Hiram jr. Most are buried at the Meridian Cemetery. Hiram's headstone refers to him as a doctor and a mason.

One Hiram Little died at the Alamo and could be connected to this family.

Betsy Douglass Little had another son named Douglass Little who married Martha Ann Wright, his sister in law. Martha named her first son, Powhatan and he was a lawyer, and a judge, who was a great writer and did a lot of research on his lineage; as did his daughter, Laura Simmons Little. They traced Mary Handley to parents Martha Mason and George Handley of Ireland, noting that Mary was born asea, on the trip over. Mary's brother was Captain John Handley. Their notes also chart a Thomas Jones settling in the 1600s on James River in Bermuda Hundred, Henrico County, Virginia and wrote about a Polly Jones who may have been the wife or companion of Charles Weatherford.

Mother of the Wright sisters was Catherine Weatherford, a daughter of Charles Weatherford in Charlotte VA. Alabama land records indicate land sold to Charles in 1841 if this is his grandson by Red Eagle. So far records only indicate one Charles Weatherford born in this time period and it is quite possible that he had more than one wife than history would like for us to believe and if he was indian trader, he probably had many children that have not been noted. History also indicates that the father of Red Eagle was from Scotland, but it does not seem so.

Laura Little joined the DAR and had a monument dedicated to her great grandfather, Captain George Little in Kentucky. Laura's granddaughter in Arizona has assisted with this research. Laura had studied the Weatherfords, Wrights and Chief Powhatan.

Parents of Betsy were Mary Handley and Alexander Douglass who were married in PA. MMary's brother Captain John Handley became a surveyor like Davy Crockett and on one trip to the new land in Kentucky, before 1800, his brother in law, Alexander Douglass went with him and never returned. Alexander was murdered by indians on his way back home. His wife took her girls and moved into a scottish settlement in South Carolina, where her daughter married Jonas little. Later the father of Jonas, George Little, married his son's mother in law. Ironically there was an older Jonas Little in South Carolina, who's descendants moved southward and into Alabama and we can only suspect there may be some connection to George.

Hiram Little's son was John Wright Little who married a Mary Catherine Crigler. John lived with her family before the marriage, with her parents Catherine Roby and Abraham Crigler.

Abraham's parents were Lydia Carpenter and Owen Crigler. Catherine's parents were Kitty Simmons and Reason Roby. These families left Virginia to settle in the new land of Kentucky about 1800 among friendly indians who were also migrating westward.

The Battle of Alamo lists a soldier named Hiram Little and there is a possible connection to our lineage as some of the decendants are found in Texas census records. and one receiving a land grant in Texas.

Much of my research is being added to

Descendant of all of these was Frankie Lavern Cochran born 1927.and Kathy Cochran who was born in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, Oklahoma later moved to Montgomery Alabama after spendng a few years in Arizona. Frankie had dark hair and blue eyes like his father and his younger pictures resemble his father, but as Frankie aged, he resembled his grandpa Coonfield very much. Pictures of Catherine Crigler and then those of the Coonfield women show us they all had long dark hair in braids and dark eyes. Luella Coonfield and her mother in law Clora Jane both smoked pipes. The pipes are in the possession of cousin Stanley.

Aunt Irma talked of granny Clora Jane Miller Cochran being a sweet old lady who stayed with them for a while when grandpa Jacob died. Clora stayed with each of her children, taking turns, as she had no place to go. She taught them about corn and how to pop it. She mysteriously read the ashes of her pipe. Aunt Irma was the child born with a veil over her face. The doctor removed the veil twice as it seemed to grow back and on the third veil, her mother Luella took it and placed it in the Bible where it still exists to this day.

Frankie's sisters have assisted with this research. There are many documents, pictures, census records, letters marriage licenses, death certificates, land records, wills, and our other research posted on Kathy's webpage at

Annie Carter as a baby being held by her Uncle Walton McClain shows us how very dark the McClain boys were just like their father with black eyes and black hair so it is

quite possible that the McClain lineage was of indian blood. Annie 's school picture shows that she had long straight black hair and black eyes, even though she had it curled up in this photo of her in 1953 pregnant with Kathy in Tulsa OK.

Looking at Annie's grandmother, Lorena Bozeman's lineage, I wondered repeatedly about her father's name, John Thomas Bozeman, and how it may have originated. His great grandfather Peter married a widow, Sarah Brown and she named her first son Meade so that may have been her maiden name; then a son was named William Henry and that could have been her father's name; so looking back at the 1790 census of South Carolina, I do find a William Meade and a Thomas Meade so this may be another clue in our mystery of names. We know that William Henry Bozeman might have been the first to name a son John Thomas Bozeman and wonder where the name Thomas came into play.

Digging through mom's letters and cards, I found an article from the newspaper of 1956 that listed Lorena McClain having surgery at Maxwell AFB hospital and later found that grandpa McClain had served in WWI. The article also listed Anne Cochran and family were relocating to Mesa Arizona and it listed her cousin James Duncan was going to San Antonio. These were found in Anne's old blue diaper bag that she used in Mesa AZ and brought back with her to Montgomery Alabama.

Arizana is a small memory in my mind. We had a lot of burritos that mom cooked, took pictures in the desert and grand canyon, went swimming in the Verde River and drove thru well lighted mountain tunnels. Most of our friends and neighbors were indian or mexican and we spoke a little spanish that I have long since forgotten. My cousin Frankie Haraughty was a daily playmate since his mom Eunice Cochran lived nearby. We played with strange bugs and creatures of the land and watched the daily irrigation of the fields when our front ditches filled with water every afternoon at 4.

One of Lorena Bozeman 's distant cousins married a Jordan which is a line leading directly to Pocahontas and some of the Jordans settled in Elmore County. Lorena's uncle Peter Bozeman married a Dillard and that line also connects to Pocahontas.

Cousin Elizabeth helped with the Bozeman lineage as her grandmother Ethel was the sister of my great granny Lorena. Ruby Gibson told me that Charles McClain and Jason Gibson were cousins and we connected their mothers as Broadway children of Abner Broadway and I verified through census records. One of the Gibsons had marched in Governor Wallace's inaugural parade. Ruby also told me that my grandfather Cecil Carter was still in the military when he married my granny Alice McClain but I have not been able to verify.

We do not know if there were any suvivors benefits for Cecil's children as Lorena Bozeman McClain raised them but do know the McClains left Ramer and lived on Highland Avenue for a while. Cecil's adoption records have not been found, but his children knew of his Fenn family and I have contacted some of the Fenn relatives.

Cousin Martha Fenn had only a few blurred pictures of Cecils' siblings and told me where Uncle Frank and Uncle Robert were buried in Coosada, Elmore County, AL.

Her brother, my cousin Bob Fenn, talked about his family on the farm there is Coosada.

I found another cousin, Nancy Fenn, in Montgomery, who connects to the Mathew Fenn who owned the plantation in Eufaula.

Our great grandfather William Frank Fenn had married Anna Lou Stone and his great grandfather Michael Stone came to Alabama from Maryland. There is a Banister Stone in my McClain / Moon family of South Carolina but I have not made any connection; then my husband's lineage in Tennessee has a Catherine Stone of the Carolinas who married John Baptist Bond.

Michael Stone had married Polly Wells in Putnam, Georgia and they are found on a census living in a Captain John Stone's District. Their son Benjamin Wilburne Stone married Sarah Davies and had Augustus Marvin Stone. Augustus married Mary Ann Hendrick, a daughter of Mary Ann Winters and John Hendrick. The 1850 census of Macon County Alabama shows us Michael living next to son William and son Benjamin with their children's names listed.

Anna's brother was Arthur Augustus Stone and his son was William Arthur Stone, known as Tige to the St Louis Cardinals of 1923.

The obituary of grandpa Cecil lists a Walter Stone as a pallbearer. His death certificate is signed by his brother Emmett Fenn. Cecil is buried at Memorial Cemetery in Montgomery and Emmett is buried at Greenwood by their father. Their father's brother Madison is buried by them without a headstone. Madison was known as Uncle Mat. Uncle Mat had married and moved to Texas and never had any children, but came back to Montgomery after his wife died. Mat's brother Thomas had

also gone to Texas.

After taking pictures of their headstones at Greenwood, getting close to the exit I discovered the Bozeman family plot, with Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman buried by her sons Robert and Meady and their families.

My husband's great grandparents Annie Clark Ballard and John Brooks of Tennessee are also buried at Greenwood by Susie Mae Cooper brooks. I would love to learn more about those TN families who had migrated from the Carolinas, during a time of indian removal . Indian Wars also caused many friendly indians to move westward..Annie Ballard was a beautiful dark featured lady who only had one child. Mary Josephine Hereford was from Virginina and her family all moved into Alabama and she wa also another beautiful dark featured lady.

About My Parents

In the beginning land in Alabama was only $2.00 an acre.

new settlers arrive in Alabama


More old photos

Photos page two , page three

census records


Family Photos and other Pictures


More to Come

Headstones and census images .

Surnames and their spouses


1. Luella Ellen Coonfield married Frank Delbert Cochran photo and another of their son, Frankie Lavern Cochran with his sons. Frankie looks very much like Luella's father

2. Lorena Emma Bozeman ( McClain ) in 1941

pictures of Lorena's brother Bob and sister Ethel are posted at

3. Frankie Cochran and wife Annie Carter in 1953

4. Annie's mother, Alice Emma McClain ( Carter ) about 1930

5. another picture of Alice

6. Annie Carter in 1941 school pictures/ she went to Capitol Heights.

7. Benjamin Wallace Coonfield, father of Luella mentioned above, and another photo of his family when he was a small child. I think my brother has Ben's ears.

8. Frank Delbert Cochran and his wife Luella. The parents of Frank Delbert were Clora Jane Miller and Jacob Benjamin Cochran.

9. Charles Allen McClain in 1908 wedding day to Lorena Bozeman

10 Annie and Frankie married in Montgomery Alabama, spent time in Oklahoma and Arizona

11 Catherine Crigler married John Little, holding baby Lattie Cedonia Little, who was the mother of Luella.

12 Frankie Lavern Cochran about 1945 in the USAF, served in Korea

13 John Wright Little about 1900 with his grown up children after they moved into Marble Township Arkansas.

14 Martha Ann Wright was John's Aunt, being a sister of his mother Catherine Wright who married Hiram Lucius Little. Martha was married to Hiram's brother, Douglass Little. Martha named her son Powhatan. The mother of Martha Ann Wright was Catherine Weatherford, who had married John Wright in Charlotte VA 1811.

15 Luella Coonfield with her sister Ruth

16 Lattie Cedonia Little at the age of 16 was born in Kentucky to Catherine Crigler and John Wright Little. They were Cherokee Indian.

17 Frankie Lavern Cochran with cousin Roy Miller in Chetopa Kansas. When Frankie's grandparents left Iowa and settled in Kansas, Clora Miller's brother John followed them - there were several Millers born in Kansas.

18. Katie Bell McClain Coley, sister of Alice McClain Carter. When Annie and Frankie came back from Arizona, they rented a house two doors down from Aunt Katie in 1959 on Maplewood Drive. Katie's sister, our Aunt Mary Ruth McClain Curlee lived a few doors down and their brother, our Uncle Joe McClain came to visit quite often.

Benjamin Wallace Coonfield family photos

Charles Allen McClain family photos

Frankie Lavern Cochran family photos

Granny Cochran photos

Grannies on Annie Carter's line

these pictures show them with curly hair it was very straight - I remember the spit curls - they rolled up their hair with bobbie pins. I recall granny Lorena having long hair that she rolled up in a bun. Her daughters Katy and Alice kept their hair cut short.

Page Two

Page Three

Page Four

Page Five

Page Six

Page Seven

Page Eight

Page Nine

Page Ten

Page Eleven

Page Twelve



Lue Cochran


Luella's daughters

Cleo Cochran and sister


Frank and Lue Cochran

Frank and Lue Cochran

Luella's Death Certificate

Freelon Cochran

with an amazing appearance of indian blood

Inez Gray Coonfield

John Wright Little




DAR Captain George Little

Cochran Children

Ruth and Luella

Uncle Walton


Aunt Bonnie

Grandpa Ben

Uncle Bud

1......Roots and Branches to review...


Little Message

John C Wright on 1850 KY census

Alabama Marriages

Smith to Brooks Lineage

Alabama Cemetery Search Stokes in Montgomery

Mayflower Passengers

Charles McClain of Virginia

Jonas Little of SC to AL

William Stone of VA

Fenn from CT to AL

Kentucky Migrations

KY Cochran


FDCochran Sister, husband and son ( my great aunt)

Dorothy Glass

Michell Stone of Maryland

1850 Macon County Alabama

Peter Bozeman of South Carolina

James and Josiah McClain in Georgia

Draft Card of Benjamin Harrison Cochran

John C Wright in Kentucky

Isaac Coonfield in Indiana 1850

1860 Missouri/William and Thomas Little

1850 Davies Kentucky

Grandpa Charles McClain in SC 1800

Beautiful photo of Anne and Frank Cochran in Mesa Arizona
















1930 my daddy's Cochran family on census Kansas

Page One is a photo of the headstone of Thomas Randolph Carter born 1820

Father of Thomas was John Wise Carter who's parents were Captain John Carter of Virginia and Elizabeth Wise of Edgefield South Carolina

Page Two headstone of Lacy Jane Bozeman born 1827

Three headstone of Jesse Bozeman born 1793 ( Lacy's father ) with another stone marked JFB which may be the footstone of his son James by his second wife Frances Freeman

Jessse was the son of Peter Bozeman, grandson of Mordecai Bozeman

Four Lacy

Five Jesse, Thomas, and Lacy surrounded by her children - this area needs to be cleaned and restored to it's natural beauty and shared with the many descendants of our Patriots of the American Revolution and the early pioneers of the State of Alabama.

Thomas Carter and Jesse Bozeman apparently put a lot of work and money into this family memorial and it now needs the attention that it deserves.

Six Jesse's headstone on one side of a tree and another on the other side could be the stone of his wife.

Seven James Bozeman, son of Jesse

Eight James again, a better view of his broken headstone

Nine children of Lacy Jane Bozeman Carter

Ten James Bozeman, a clearer view

Eleven Jesse

Twelve a road view of the graveyard

Thirteen layout of Bozeman graves

One More Thompson family buried here

Fourteen a distant view

Fifteen another view of Lacy's monument

Sixteen infant daughter of Lacy

Seventeen Thompson and McGehee were they kin? or once lived here

Eighteen Lacy

Nineteen a photo of John Thomas Bozeman, son of Nancy Jane Anderson

Twenty a photo of Lacy and Thomas with their children in 1859

Twenty One is a picture of Sarah Carter, daughter of Josephine and Thomas Carter ( his second wife after Lacy died )

Twenty Two is Sarah Carter's daughter pictured with spouse

Twenty Three could be the headstone of little John Carter

Twenty Four are my simple search notes

Twenty Five is the marriage license of Nancy Hill and John T Bozeman

Twenty Six is a headstone for Will Ella Smith

Twenty Seven is a headstone for Mary Bennett

Twenty Eight is Eli Thompson and Rachel McGehee headstone

Twenty Nine is Carrie Segers headstone

Thirty is a headstone for Anna York and the death date seems to be 1840

Thirty One is the document showing Jesse Bozeman's death and his Administrator of the Estate is Thomas Randolph Carter and the document mentions the adopted son of Jesse, or the son of his second wife. This document is also signed by a Murphee

Census images tracking our Bozeman relatives.

Lorena's brother and sister, Bob and Nancy photos

beautiful picture of Annie in 1953

look at that car...

Both Anne and Frank were Cherokee Indian.

1. grandpa Cecil Earl Fenn Carter

2. grandma Alice McClain

3. the Carter Kids were very dark, with black eyes and black hair

4 brother of Alice is Joe McClain

5 grandpa Cecil at Fort Bliss, El Paso TX

1. The funeral memorial book of Charles Allen McClain who died in 1949 Montgomery Alabama.





E bio

F names of his parents

G Relatives, there was no Lorena Curlee, she was named Linda Carol

H has error on his date of birth

I shows the Bozeman relatives

2 children photos of Alice McClain ( pictures )


4 picture of Uncle Chester Coonfield

headstone of Uncle Sam Little

Elisha Anderson

Josiah McClain


"My Webpages"

Carter Connections

Carter's Broadway and Bozeman/ Gibson links

Bozeman and Coonfield links

Bozeman, Anderson, Brack, Fenn

Anderson to Stephens & Bozeman & Carter

Abner Broadway to Elizabeth Broadway McClain

Little Family to Coonfield and Cochran

Luella Coonfield Cochran

Family Bible Records

Henderson to Cochran

Miller and Parker cousins

McClain, Bozeman, Stephens, Cochran

Carter, Fenn, Stone/ a Bozeman in Rev War


Draft Cards and Census Records

Family Photo Mixture

Photo of John Thomas Bozeman

John Brooks of Holland in Tennessee and Smith

Colonel John Smith of Virginia

Brooks, Ballard, Baxter, Craig in Tennessee

Brooks, Ballard, headstones in Montgomery

Brooks Headstones in Prattville


Michael Stone and sons Benjamin & William

Emeline Harrell Fenn

Stones from GA to AL and back to GA

Josiah McClain b 1788 headstone

Draft Card Cochran (197 KB)
Benjamin Harrison

1860 census Wm Little (52 KB)
Saline Missouri

census Coonfield (697 KB)
great great great great grandpa Isaac Coonfield

Draft Card McClain (193 KB)
Great grandpa Charles Allen McClain was born 1886 and died 1949 in Montgomery Alabama

1800 census Charles McClain (19 KB)
Spartanburg SC

Michael Stone in Tennessee (584 KB)
1840 census image

1860 census YOUNG (35 KB)
Boone, Harrison Indiana shows Martha Young as a child

Draft Card Cochran (25 KB)
Great grandpa Jacob Benjamin Cochran

1850 census John C Wright (25 KB)

1870 census Hiram Lucius Little and Rebecca (927 KB)
Texas - new family, 6 new children plus two more from Kentucky - Brooks family nearby - Hiram's baby is named Brooks.

census 1860 Young (776 KB)
complete image to see the neighbors and I wonder who the parents were of Martha's mom

1850 census Hiram Little (46 KB)
moved to Texas as widowed and remarried

1820 census Charles McClain (29 KB)
South Carolina

census 1840 Georgia McLain families (703 KB)
Josiah and his son J.W.McLain families are here in 1840

James and Wesley Little (59 KB)
census image

1860 census Jacob Cochran (66 KB)

census 1860 GA Josiah McClain is 70 (586 KB)
with wife Ann on census image

John Abraham Little draft card (176 KB)
census image

Michell Stone from Maryland (16 KB)
Alabama census

1850 census Cochran from Ireland (749 KB)
Alexander is 86 and living with another family

John Wright Little draft card (29 KB)
census image

1870 census Douglas Little (29 KB)

18570 census Cochran brothers living together (691 KB)
Alexander living with William

census 1790 Peter Bozeman (50 KB)
South Carolina

1850 census Catherine Little (17 KB)

1900 census Jacob Cochran (985 KB)
with family

census 1840 Kentucky (547 KB)

Charley Little (211 KB)

1860 census B Stone (803 KB)
Benjamin Stone in Alabama

census Lousiana (38 KB)
great great great UNCLE Peter Bozeman died of Cholera

Michael Stone in Putnam Georgia (661 KB)
1830 census image NOTE Captain John Stone's District !!

Cochran Family Album


Peter James Bozeman/Dora Ann Dillard headstone (30 KB)
son of Peter Edward Bozeman

1800 CENSUS Elisha Sellers (18 KB)
Wilmington, Brunswick, North Carolina

John Thomas Bozeman headstone (7 KB)
son of Peter Edward Bozeman

1840 CENSUS William Sellers (549 KB)
Richmond Georgia

Velma,Eunice,Wayne/wifeCoonfield,Harvey/Dolly (23 KB)
Coonfield relations

headstone of Jacob Benjamin Cochran (42 KB)
buried in Hill City Cemetery Kansas, wife of Clora, father of Frank and Joy Benjamin and several other children

1800 census Marlboro District SC (20 KB)
William Sellers

Martha Ann Wright Little (22 KB)
Catherine G Weatherford Wright's daughter

Little, H L jr marriage license (60 KB)
Hiram Lucius Little junior, half brother to John Wright Little

1790 census South Carolina Anderson (346 KB)
Elijah Anderson

Emma Alice McClain Carter (21 KB)
wife of Cecil Earl Carter married about 1931

Hood, Bessie Mae Thornton and siblings (7 KB)
Mother of Mary Ella Thornton Brooks

1790 census South Carolina JOSEPH LITTLE (420 KB)
union regiment

Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman (19 KB)
wife of Peter Edward Bozeman

1830 census Obediah Clark (527 KB)
Henry Kentucky - probably the brother of Barsheba Clark Coonfield

Meady G Bozeman (61 KB)
son of Peter Edward Bozeman

1830 census BARSHEBA Coonfield (497 KB)
Henry Kentucky, Barsheba Clark Coonfield lives by her brother Archelus Clark, near brother Obediah Clark who married Susannah Coonfield. Archelus/Archibald married Lanarah Coonfield

Bozeman Plot (204 KB)
family of Peter Edward Bozeman

1810 census ISAAC Coonfield (169 KB)
Henry county Kentucky, Isaac was also on the 1800 tax list of Kentucky

James C Wright (9 KB)
unknown family beside Bozeman plot

1820 census ISAAC Coonfield (126 KB)
West Port, Henry county Kentucky, Isaac was also on the 1800 tax list of Kentucky

1820 census James Epperson (209 KB)
Montgomery County Kentucky

Roberta Bozeman Page headstone (59 KB)
Bozeman plot

Robert H Bozeman headstone/Corrie Huffman (60 KB)
Bozeman plot

Victoria Carter (33 KB)
daughter of Cecil, died about 2000

1820 census REASON ROBY (338 KB)
taken at Shepherdsville, Bullitt, Kentucky

Catherine Crigler Little (38 KB)
wife of John Wright Little

1830 census REASON ROBY (495 KB)
Mount Washington, Bullitt, Kentucky

Ben and Martha Coonfield 1885 (316 KB)
top row, William, John, Ella, Wallace bottom row: Albert, Benjamin, Martha, Edward, Tom

1810 census ABE CRIGLER (199 KB)
Bullitt Kentucky


1830 Abe Crigler in Bullitt KY, father of OWEN (179 KB)
someone is about 70 years old in this household if you browse across the page and look at the ages.


1850 census Owen CRIGLER, son of Abraham (478 KB)
Bullitt Kentucky, wife Mary Duval and living next to Carpenters


1810 census Michael Carpenter (335 KB)
Montgomery County Kentucky


1810 census Weatherford families (442 KB)
Charlotte VA


Jesse Bozeman headstone (49 KB)
born 1793 SC died in Alabama

James Bozeman headstone (46 KB)
buried near Jesse in Montgomery Alabama

headstone of Clora Jane Miller Cochran (45 KB)
wife of Jacob buried in Hill City Cemetery Kansas

James Stephens, Half Blood (197 KB)
So easy to see his Cherokee features.

Robert Lee Fenn (13 KB)
William Fenns' son never appeared on census yet he was known as Uncle LEE and was buried beside his brother Frank Jr in Elmore County AL

Joe McClain (22 KB)
So easy to see his Cherokee features. Uncle Joe was told to sit in the back of the bus !!!

Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman b 1843 (19 KB)
wife of Peter Edward Bozeman buried in Greenwood Cemetery

W E Stephens (72 KB)
So easy to see his Cherokee features. They all ventured from the Carolinas and settled into Ramer Alabama

Charles Wayne Brooks b 1981 (19 KB)

death certificate of Wm Fenn b 1855 Tuskegee (449 KB)
parents John and Emeline Fenn from Georgia to Tuskegee, Macon, Alabama

Alice McClain (21 KB)
had Cherokee grandmother

Frankie Lavern Cochran (58 KB)

Obituary 1939 Cecil Earl Carter (30 KB)
Who is Walter Stone listed as pall bearer and the others??

Charles Allen McClain with son Walton (25 KB)
Farmers in Ramer Alabama, Charlie is buried at Dublin Church of Christ cemetery

Frankie Lavern Cochran jr (58 KB)
6-29-1956 born in Mesa AZ

Uncle William Little (874 KB)
brother to Lottie Cedonia Little

William Lawrence Carter b 1935 in Oklahoma (42 KB)
Played harmonica, had Carter Roofing Company in Enid Oklahoma

Charles Wayne Brooks weds Kathy Cochran in 1972 (36 KB)
Montgomery Alabama

Georgia Alice Little Nelson b 1853 (169 KB)
sister of John Wright Little, daughter of Hiram Lucius Little

1934 Walton McClain holding Annie Carter (16 KB)
probably taken downtown Montgomery Alabama where they moved to Highland Avenue

Matthew Cochran b 1998 (13 KB)
with his great Aunt Pamela Anne Cochran Fuller b 1961

Lattie Cedonia Little b 1871 (32 KB)
surrounded by photos of her family and husband Ben Coonfield

1940 Charlie McClain behind granddaughter Annie (13 KB)
probably taken downtown Montgomery Alabama where they moved to Highland Avenue...Annie Carter was raised by her grandparents

Kathy Cochran 1970 (56 KB)
with cousin Linda on Dexter Avenue in front of the capitol in Montgomery Alabama

Lucius Powhatan Little (47 KB)
grandson of Hiram Lucius Little, in Kentucky

1940 Charlie McClain with wife Lorena Bozeman (10 KB)
probably taken downtown Montgomery Alabama where they moved to Highland Avenue...Annie Carter was raised by her grandparents

Kathy Cochran finds great great grandpa's grave (34 KB)
W F Fenn buried in Montgomery, was born in Tuskegee and his line traces to John FANN of NC who came from England and married Mary STone

John Wright Little Family (195 KB)
with his children

Kathy Cochran with sis and family (56 KB)
Frankie Cochrans girls and grands

Mary Ella Coonfield b 1871 (2 KB)
sister of our Benjamin Wallace Coonfield

Cochran Twins (24 KB)
There are many twins in our Coonfield - Cochran line

Cochran Family, Frank and Anne (19 KB)
with her brothers at the bottom

Annie Carter on left about 1940 (5 KB)
with Ethel Coley, who was raised by Katie McClain Coley

Charles Wayne Brooks b 1953 d 1998 (28 KB)
married Kathy Cochran in 1972

Victoria Carter d 2000 (23 KB)
daughter of Cecil Earl Carter Jr b 1932

Martha Ann Wright Little b about 1810 (13 KB)
married Douglas Little and had son Powhatan

Grandpa Cecil Earl Carter - "Fenn"adoptedbyCarter (15 KB)
son of Wm Fenn and Ann Stone was born 1899 or 1900 was in USArmy and died on Columbus Street in Montgomery Alabama at age 39

Marriage License (232 KB)
Luella Ellen Coonfield married Frank D Cochran

Billy Carter and Victor Cochran (45 KB)
in Montgomery AL

My flutist child (38 KB)
Musicians are abundant in our family and ancestry

Frankie Lavern Cochran 1968 (39 KB)

Cochran Guys (41 KB)
in Montgomery AL

Mama Annie Carter Cochran by Darrell Cochran (27 KB)
Broken Arrow, Tulsa Oklahoma

Frank Delbert Cochran (8 KB)
wedding day

Cochran Girls (45 KB)
in Montgomery AL

Mark (5 KB)
son of Uncle Cecil Carter in North Carolina

Frankie Lavern Cochran (10 KB)

Cochran Grands (8 KB)
Frankie Lavern Cochran's Grandson and great grandson

Annie Carter b 3/14/1934 (16 KB)

Lattie Coonfield and Benjamin Wallace Coonfield (402 KB)

1930 census Labette Kansas (1097 KB)
my dad and his family

Indians in Barbour County History on Fenn Farm (116 KB)
Evidence they were here! They worked together and died together.

Chester Coonfield headstone (41 KB)

1790 census SC Joseph Little near George (420 KB)
and near Jonas

Cecil Carter death cerificate Proves his parentage (216 KB)
Now we know his real parents !

Lavern Coonfield headstone (16 KB)

1790 census SC John Little near George (498 KB)
and near Jonas

Cook School Class Photo (90 KB)

1790 census Jonas Little (1549 KB)
near his brothers

Charles Wayne Brooks b 1953 (13 KB)
died on 6-1-1998

Our Family Tree (14 KB)
Searching the past, for our children's future

Cecil Earl Carter Jr (37 KB)
Dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, several wives and several children, all very dark complected

Frank Fenn 1920 (38 KB)
my Uncle Frank was Grandpa Earl's brother

Frankie Lavern Cochran weds Annie Carter (38 KB)
Montgomery Alabama 1951

While our William Fenn worked this plantation, he is probably connected to this famous Fenn in Barbour County history. The story of Indians in our line is confirmed, they worked together, and it confirms the location. It is said that our grandparents were Cherokee...

census 1910 Kansas, Cochran (281 KB)
Wm and Mary

DEATH CERTIFICATE of Wm F Fenn, father is JOHN FAN (449 KB)
amazing links to the past....John Fann/Fenn of Tuskegee Alabama back to Elijah Fenn of Georgia

Kathy and children 2005 (53 KB)

census Coonfield (313 KB)
Harrison and Inez

DEATH CERTIFICATE of Cecil Carter , father WFenn (216 KB)
another clue....Cecil was adopted !!! as his mother Annie lee Stone was leaving her family behind, Frank Fenn held a crying baby Cecil in his arms and said YOU might as well take this one with you !!! Annie remarried, but so did FENN Cecil Earl was always coming back to visit his father and brothers.....they said he was MEAN, so hard to get along with.....military and

FlutePlayer (40 KB)

census 1870 Emeline Fann (339 KB)
wtih Sarah

receiving travel pay from Beaumont Texas back to his bonafide home in Macon Georgia.....description shows DARK RUDDY COMPLEXION

Clora Jane Miller Cochran (15 KB)
Smoked a pipe and read the ashes. Her ancestry came from New York Indian Country

census Clark-Cofield-Cochran (301 KB)
1920 Kansas

Dorline Gray (59 KB)
another cousin researching our Powhatan connection

Jacob Benjamin Cochran (18 KB)
A Western Pioneer! Some researchers think his mother's line intermarried with native americans.

census Alexander Cochran (287 KB)
1920 Kansas, with Sarah, both from OHIO

Powhatan Little (619 KB)
grandson of Jonas Little...does the name Lucius appear often in this line? perhaps Jonas's ancestry has a Lucius in it.

James Henry Stephens, half blood Cherokee (197 KB)
John Stephens took a North Carolina Cherokee full blood wife and gave her a Biblical name and they fled to Alabama....some went to Florida and into Panama becoming the Banana People of today.

census Thomas Coonfield (267 KB)
1910 Arkansas, with Julia

Walter Stone 1939, Leo Logan, Charles Dickey, ?? (30 KB)
Pall Bearers at Cecil Carter's funeral in 1939...with A J Stough, Willie Prescott, who are they??? Cecil's mother was Annie Lee STONE and she was not surviving....his brother Emmett signed his death certificate

Alice McClain Carter d giving birth to 3rd child (21 KB)
Beautiful granny died so young. In labor wanting to call her mother for help, he pushed her down the stairs and she lived only a few hours after giving birth to William. Both her parents have native american ancestry and strong spiritual lives.

census Charles Coonfield (299 KB)
1920 Arkansas with Dona

Mary Catherine Crigler (45 KB)
Mother of Lattie Cedonia Little, and the wife of John Wright Little

John Chester Coonfield (98 KB)
with Cochrans

Fenn Graves (34 KB)
So who is Preston ORR who owns these plots?

Harry Cochran (15 KB)

Jacob B Cochran (74 KB)
Harrison's father, & Frank Delbert's father

Joe McClain, brother of Alice (22 KB)
Uncle Joe, native american, was told to sit in the back of the bus with the blacks...US Navy man and Montgomery Alabama Fire Fighter in 1954

Charles Allen McClain weds Lorena Bozeman 1908 (17 KB)
Descends from Charles McClain and Elizabeth Moon of Virginia with several unknown brides in that line, lead us to believing his native american background.....Lorena's Bozeman line does the same, with Stephens, Anderson, Brack and Doty backgrounds

William Lawrence Carter born 1934 (28 KB)
Cherokee beautiful dark man, loved music and women, never had any children, died in a car accident on Wetumpka Highway

Cochran Twins (24 KB)
children of F D Cochran and Luella

Frank Delbert Cochran weds Luella Coonfield (60 KB)
my great grandparents, he was an apple farmer and she picked herbs in the field, smoked a pipe and gave birth to a daughter with a veil on her face

Elijah FANN and Martha Rich headstone (287 KB)
Fann Cemetery now called Mother's Home

Littles (47 KB)

Lattie Cedonia Little m Benjamin Wallace Coonfield (32 KB)
Descends from DAR Captain George Little

1910 census James E Brooks (384 KB)
James Edgar Brooks

Carters and Cochrans (23 KB)
Descends from DAR Captain George Little and Edward Doty of the Mayflower

1900 census image Bozeman (283 KB)
Nancy with J T Bozeman

Ethel Bozeman with Jason Gibson 1915 (135 KB)
Ramer Alabama

1800 census image McClain (192 KB)
Charles McClain in South Carolina

Annie Lee Alice Carter in 1915 (26 KB)
Highland Avenue, Montgomery Alabama Cherokee

cencus image John Thomas Bozeman (280 KB)
with Samantha

1934 (44 KB)
Cecil Earl Carter...was a FENN until adopted as a child with his children

cencus image 1920 Coonfield (299 KB)
Ben Coonfield

1887 Benjamin Coonfield weds Lattie Cedonia Little (12 KB)
His dark black hair had a blue shine to it

census image Coonfield (321 KB)
and Little

census image Coonfield (312 KB)
Wallace, Lattie, Sam

census Wm Cochran (380 KB)
age 71 of Scotland


Charles Allen McClain WWI registration card

1920 Madison Fenn on Commerce Street, Montg, AL (817 KB)
he is Carrie's Uncle Mat or our great grandfather Wm F Fenn's brother who died in 1927 and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery by Wm F Fenn and near Emmett Fenn. Whomever buried Uncle Mat listed him as Matthew A Fenn, so they did not know much about the family's real names. Madison was a night watchman at a grocery store, according to this census, being widowed as his wife had died in Texas, prompting his return to Alabama. There is also a Rewis family on this census which we later find connected with Emmett Fenn.

1930 James Brooks and Susie Mae Cooper (1086 KB)
Montgomery Alabama census... John BROOKS Self M Male W 42 PA Farmer HOLLAND FRANCE P. R. BROOKS Wife M Female W 38 TN Keeping House TN TN Nora C. BROOKS Dau S Female W 18 TN At Home PA TN Walter H. BROOKS Son S Male W 13 TN At Home PA TN John H. BROOKS Son S Male W 7 TX PA TN Lula C. BROOKS Dau S Female W 5 TX PA TN ... W. BROOKS Son S Male W 3 TX PA TN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Source Information: Census Place Precinct 1, Lamar, Texas

. 1930 Uncle Wm Frank Fenn near Highland Avenue (998 KB)
Carrie's brother, also brother of our grandpa Cecil Earl Fenn Carter. Uncle Frank, his wife Neva Mae Walraven, and her mother are living between Panama Street and Highland Avenue. He works on the railroad, like his brother Emmett. Uncle Frank later buys land in Coosada on Airport Road and has a family cemetery which includes his brother Robert's grave. The land later becomes Coosada Elementary School. Some is donated to the church for a cemetery. This is where cousin Martha remembered her mom, Neva, boiling Frank's workclothes in a pot outside from his job on the railroad. There was once a housefire where they lost many of their family photos and mementos, but one son remembered Frank having a photo of a guy in baseball uniform signed by Wm Arthur "Tige" Stone

. 1920 Susie Mae Cooper (763 KB)
Montgomery Alabama census with her mother Sallie E Carter, widow of Thomas R Carter and his first marriage was to Lacy Bozeman

1930 Eva Dakota Fenn on McDonough Stree (21 KB)
She is now alone. At some point she moved in with her stepson Wm Frank Fenn Jr because my mother in law Mary Ella Brooks knew her and actually took her in when Eva and Frank did not get along. This might have happened in Montgomery before they all moved to Elmore County but yes, Mary Ella took care of the lady !! What a small world we live in < smiles >

WWI Draft Registration Card (24 KB)
James Edgar Brooks is in Forsyth Georgia so is he in our line?

1820 Elijah Fann/ Fenn in Laurens Georgia (407 KB)
One of our great great grandfathers....married to Martha Rich and had John who ended up in Tuskegee Alabama and had a son named William Frank Fenn . Elijah's ancestors came down through the Carolinas and the wars and some were listed on the Georgia land lottery - such amazing history here !!

1910 James E Brooks in Montgomery AL (384 KB)
on Hull Street with father in law listed as Crawford, children John and Dorothy....?W. P. BROOKS Self M Male W 55 TN Farmer NC VA Carrie BROOKS Wife M Female W 33 TN Keeps House TN TN John D. BROOKS Son M Male W 25 TN Mule Trader TN TN Roxanna BROOKS DauL M Female W 22 TN At Home TN TN Walter BROOKS Son S Male W 19 TN Farm Laborer TN TN Rolla BROOKS Son S Male W 5 TN TN TN Lilly BROOKS Dau S Female W 3 TN TN TN Kate JONES Other D Female B 35 TN Dom. Servant TN TN Oscar JONES Other S Male B 3 TN TN TN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Source Information: Census Place District 16, Maury, Tennessee

1930 Mary Ella Thornton ( married J E Brooks ) (855 KB)
age 3 with her parents Milton Elijah and Bessie Thornton on Park Avenue in Chisholm, Montgomery County Alabama

1850 Cooper (93 KB)
Chambers Alabama Alsey Cooper is widowed with children in Chambers.

. 1910 Wesley Allan Hood, father of Bessie Thornton (342 KB)
Elmore County Census shows Mary Ella's grandfather but Bessie is listed on page two with her two brothers

John Thomas Bozeman photo (386 KB)
father of Lorena, husband of Alice Stephens... Peter E. BOZEMAN Self M Male W 46 AL Farmer SC SC Nancy J. BOZEMAN Wife M Female W 34 AL Keeping House AL GA John Thos. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 14 AL Field Hand AL AL Peter J. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 12 AL Field Hand AL AL Corintha BOZEMAN Dau S Female W 10 AL AL AL Robt. H. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 8 AL AL AL Martha J. F. BOZEMAN Dau S Female W 5 AL AL AL Allie Lucie BOZEMAN Dau S Female W 2 AL AL AL George M. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 1 AL AL AL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Source Information: Census Place Dublin, Montgomery, Alabama

1910 Wesley Allan Hood's children listed on PAGE 2 (19 KB)
Elmore County Census shows Mary Ella's grandfather but Bessie is listed on page two with her two brothers

1930 Creek County, Oklahoma, Carrie Fenn Johnson (993 KB)
Cousin Martha said that Aunt Carrie married a Ben Johnson and moved to Oklahoma where they had one daughter named Jean and they lived a very poor life and probably died there. Ben is shown to have been born in Texas.

John Brooks of Pennsylvania in Texas 1880 census (833 KB)
Shows his father is from Holland and his mother is from France and his wife is from Tennessee. John is 42 on this document and his children are born in Texas so they have been here nearly 20 years apparently. Roxanna Permilia Smith is using P R for her name on this.

1900 Choctaw Nation Texas, Ben Johnson (927 KB)
some of Ben's siblings are born in Indian Territory but he shows born in Texas - all citizens are listed as white. There is another Johnson family living next to them. Ben's mother is born in Alabama. They must have returned later to Alabama when he met Carrie Fenn and married her and then they moved on to Oklahoma.

1860 John Brooks in Giles County TENN from PENN (643 KB)
young man is a boarder in this household, just before he married Ms Smith and then they moved on to Texas

. 1920 Carrie Fenn in Alabama with her father (701 KB)
on Commerce Street with her stepmother Eva, we do not know why Carrie/ Carolyn never lived with her own mother, but her father was ill and she stayed. Her brother Emmett is also there but we do not know why they show his middle initial as J when his middle name was Marvin, but census officials were not perfect and if Eva was the person giving out the information, she probably had no clue. Eva Dakota Fenn was very young too !!

Dorline Gray Notesfamily t

page two

page three

page four

page five

page six

page seven







Kathy and thanks to Melody!!!



1. cherokee ancestors

2. Clora Jane Miller Cochran

3. Clora and family photos

4. Fenn headstones and poorhouse story

5. WF Fenn

More Pictures

1 Grandmother Clora Jane Miller Cochran or is this Aunt Eunice

2 Clora Jane and family, a sheet of photos sent by Aunt Bernice.

3 Frankie Cochran and his Miller cousins.

4 Frankie Cochran's sisters.

5 Frankie's parents, Luella Coonfield and Frank Delbert Cochran

6 The Little cousins, photo sent by Bernice Cochran

7 more Littles

8 a Little cousin's obituary

9 great granny Clora Jane Miller

10 Clora's family photo

11 Jacob and Clora

12 Emmett Fenn with his siblings

13 Uncle Emmett Fenn's headstone at Greenwood

14 great grandfather William Frank Fenn buried by Emmett

15 William Lawrence Carter, or Uncle Billy, mom's brother was the light of her life, played harmonica and pencilled beautiful pictures we enjoyed.

16 Uncle Billy's photo by his father, handsome indians

17 Uncle Billy's , Uncle Frank Fenn, nice resemblance.

18 headstone of Frank Fenn's brother, Robert, also brother of our grandpa Cecil.

19 Annie Carter's boys, Victor, Frankie, baby Daniel and Frank.


Frank Delbert Cochran on the left of his family photo

Frankie Lavern Cochran and Anne Alice Carter with children

Anne and Frank Cochran family pictures

Frankie Lavern Cochran USAF




"Frank CochranFamilyFaces

a. Census 1800 and 1820 grandpa Charles McClain in South Carolina.

b. Census 1850 Davies Kentucky showing our Little families and neighbors.

c. Census 1850 Harrison Indiana of grandpa Isaac Coonfield.

d. Census 1850 Macon Alabama of grandpa Augustus Stone, his dad Benjamin and his grandpa Michell Stone.

e. 1860 Missouri with Uncle Thomas Little

f. 1910 shows grandpa Augustus Stone back in Bibb Georgia.

g. Draft Card for Uncle Benjamin Harrison Cochran.

h. 1790 South Carolina - grandpa Peter Bozeman

nothing found yet on his father Mordecai Bozeman

i. 1840 Cobb Georgia, elder Josiah McClain with J W McClain family nearby

could be father and son, also my grandparents

j. Uncle Ky Cochran Draft Card

k various census finds on Little families

l Bozeman 1790

m Michell Stone

n Grandma Martha Young in Indiana as a teen on Indiana census 1860

o Various kinship notes to follow up on

p Alexander Cochran of Ireland - William Cochran of Pennsylvania

q 1810 Ohio County KY shows grandpa George Little and Jonas Little plus we find John Little

r 1930 LaBette Kansas shows Daddy with his parents and siblings

s Family Tree

t. Roxanna Permilia Smith Brooks married John D. Brooks

1. Granny Annie Lee Stone Fenn's pictures of her children.

2. Granny Lorena Bozeman McClain photo and lineage.

17. Grandpa Charles Allen McClain born in Ramer

6. photo of Annie Carter Cochran about age 9 on her bike.

Kathy and Frank in 1954

Lorena Emma or Emma Lorena

Ruth Cooper

Grandpa Charles McClain's funeral memorial book

Coonfield Headstones

Bozeman Headstones

Clora Ann Cochran?

Uncle Chester Coonfield Photo


great great great grandpa James McClain (26 KB)
son of Josiah and named his first son Josiah Marion McClain

1995 Charles Brooks (22 KB)
with Samantha

family of James (429 KB)

Frank's son (30 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (38 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Meady G Bozeman and Thomas Hill (1394 KB)
lawsuit in Shelby County over a cow

Frank's family (30 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (34 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Meady G Bozeman and Thomas Hill 2 (1601 KB)
lawsuit in Shelby County over a cow

Frank's family - Kathy and Samantha (26 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (34 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

John Little (479 KB)
Civil War

Frank's family - Victor Daniel (28 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (36 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Frank's family - kathy's son and grandson (48 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (33 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Frank's family - Kathy and her daughter (26 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (32 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Frank's family (17 KB)
Alabama Cochrans

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (32 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

McClain grandparents (25 KB)
Alabama Carters

McClain grandparents (49 KB)
Uncle Joe

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (36 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (39 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (36 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Velma Gray (786 KB)
Velma - Coonfield / Gray lineage

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (36 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Benjamin Coonfield (69 KB)
birth certificate

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (38 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Benjamin Coonfield (57 KB)
with his brother

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (34 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Carl Coonfield (50 KB)
per Ben

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (33 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

H L Little (60 KB)
marriage license

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (34 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Inez Harrison Mae Lattie Lou (26 KB)
old photo

Cochran and Carter Old Photos (37 KB)
Some of Cochran's family and some of Carters

Ethel Mae Bozeman (31 KB)
Article she wrote for the newspaper

1992 Charles Brooks (21 KB)
with Samantha

Jesse Bozeman born 1793 headstone (49 KB)
found in Stokes-Carter Cemetery in Hope Hull, Montgomery, Alabama just off I-65 where his daughter Lacy Bozeman married Thomas Randolph Carter,

Clopton Gibson (1487 KB)
Montgomery Alabama

Clopton Gibson (184 KB)

Isaac Coonfield article (195 KB)
from Indiana book

Nancy Bozeman Adaway (765 KB)
daughter of John Thomas Bozeman, sister to our great granny Lorena Bozeman McClain

photo of Martha Frances Young (68 KB)
with Ben Coonfield

Anne Carter Cochran (18 KB)
with baby Kathy in 1954 Mesa Arizona - we had tiny scorpions in the yard and they even got into the house. One got into the cookie drawer so Mom bought me a big blue cookie jar that now sits in my china cabinet. When Mom was pregnant with Victor she slapped the top of her leg, after feeling a sting and a tiny scorpion fell out of her skirt and she went to the doctor to make sure she was ok

Lydia Coonfield article (142 KB)
daughter of Lydia Epperson and Isaac Coonfield in Indiana History

Marriage License (16 KB)
Lattie Little and Ben Coonfield

John Wright Little in 1914 (39 KB)
photo with his children in Arkansas

Tige Stone (48 KB)
cousin or uncle, grandmother Ann Stone Fenn Carter sent him picture home to her children. He was William Arthur Stone of the St Louis Cardinals, attended Mercer University in Macon GA where he played baseball and later moved to Jacksonville FL

George Thornton (542 KB)
Elmore AL

Martin Weatherford was banned from the state of GA (178 KB)
he could have been the grandfather of our granny Catherine Weatherford Wright in Charlotte Virginia. Some of the Weatherfords were Indian Traders and some moved on to the Bahamas. Martin was the husband of Mary Half Blood and father of Charles.

Mary Angeline Partridge Thornton (300 KB)
grave in Elmore AL

Isaac Coonfield (17 KB)
nice picture

Clora Jane Miller Cochran (102 KB)

Uncle Joe McClain with his son James (49 KB)
Georgia Broadway and her son, She was Joe's second wife.

Isaac Coonfield article (195 KB)
from Indiana book

Grandpa Michell Stone from Maryland to Alabama

Sam Little Photo, son of John

Catherine G Wright Little on 1860 census

Was Grandpa John C Wright an Indian?

Grandma Clora Jane Miller














John Thomas Bozeman's Headston, Montgomery AL

John Wright Little b 1843

Lattie Cedonia Little Coonfield

Charles Allen McClain Funeral Register Names

Cochran Children

Annie Lee Stone Fenn Carter

Cherokee Visions

Annie Lee Stone

William Franklin Fenn b 1855

Their son, Cecil Earl Carter b 1900

Cecil Carter's Children

Carter Cochran Unite

DAR Captain George Little of Scotland to SC



Tracking Our Roots

1 Grandpa Elisha Anderson







8 last will and testament of Elisha Anderson



Anderson, Brack, Sellers at Elisha's estate sale

Cecil Earl Fenn Carter in 1926 born at Thompson Station to Anna Stone and William Fenn

Great granny Anna Lou Stone age 5


Early Settlers

Our Many Generations

Brooks, Cooper, Bozeman, Carter - John Brooke

Graves of Charlie's ancestors in Hope Hull

Lucius Powhatan Little

John Wright Little and his daughter, Lattie Cedonia Little Coonfield

Myrtle Gray Brandon

Charles Brooks - page two - three - Tommy

Tracking Our Roots on

smiles and fun


Cochran Family Tree / Lineage

1 links 1800 and 1810 census

2 Lorena's Bozeman lineage

3 Kathy's links at bravehost

4 Brooks ancestors to John Smith in Virginia

Brooks to Carter,

5 George Little in 1800 SC lives beside Spray, John and his son Jonas. Jonas had Hiram and Hiram had our grandpa John who had Lattie.

6 George Little in 1810 Kentucky by Hunt and Handley

Captain George Little of the American Revolution

7 his son John Little in 1810 KY was in Civil War * Hiram

8 Isaac Benjamin Coonfield tracks from 1800 Kentucky to Arkansas also went to Indiana and back to ARK

9 Josiah McClain born 1788 headstones

10.Cooper lineage of Chambers County Alabama


11. Grandma Elizabeth Broadway in 1860 at age 7 later married Josiah Marion McClain after his civil war service.


12 Grandma Emily Harrell Fenn

13 Bible Records and some census records

14 Jonas Little in Kentucky 1810

15 Josah McClain was Josiah * noting name alterations

16 and his son was James W McClain who married an Anna "unknown"

17 Charlie Brooks lineage

18 McLain headstones

19 more Cousins

20 Granny Sarah Brown Bozeman of SC to AL with Peter of the Am Rev.

21 Jonas Little in 1810 by Spray and Atterbury

22 John Handley in Ky 1810

23 Elijah Lee in Alabama born 1777 SC and Malinda Philips to Cooper and Brooks

24 Susie Mae Cooper and son

25 Bozeman and Carter links

26 Lorena Bozeman and Charles McClain wed 1908

27 McClains buried in Indian Creek Cemetery



30 my dearly beloved

31 Alice McClain Carter and little Annie Alice

32 Anne and Frank Cochran


34 Billy and Junior Carter, sons of Alice

Stepping Stones into Our Past

35 Catherine Crigler and John Little

36 Amy Coonfield and Joe Gray

37. Myrtle Gray Brandon

Cleo Cochran headstone

Cleo's brother, Freelon Cochran

John Little

Carter Ancestry

Many others researching indian roots

Uncle Frank Fenn in WWI


Cochran Photos, One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Lavinia and Clara Anderson

***John Brooks - Mary Thornton Brooks and James Brooks

Cochran Genealogy

Dorline Gray kept research notes

Coonfield headstones at

Surnames in alpha order


pictures on



and Page Two

1. an 1810 census of Charlotte VA with Patsy and Charles Weatherford

2. and 1810 census of Bullitt KY with Simmons and Swearengin

3. 1830 Wilkinson GA with Eleazor Brack

4. 1820 Henry KY with Isaac Coonfield

5. 1820 Jefferson GA with Lavinia Anderson near William Sellers

6, 1850 Montgomery AL with Seaborn Anderson

7. 1810 Montgomery Kentucky with Michael Carpenter

8. 1830 Barsheba Clark Coonfield in Kentucky near Clarks

9. 1850 census of Daviess Ky with Catherine Weatherford and John C Wright living with daughter Mary Waltrip.

10. 1790 census of Newberry SC with Elijah Anderson

11. 1840 Montgomery AL with Eleazor Anderson

12. 1790 Union SC with George Little and Hunt

13. 1790 SC next to George Little

14. Reason Roby in Shepherdville, Bullitt KY census

15. Reason Roby in 1830 KY census

16. 1800 SC with Sellers families

17. 1790 SC with Elijah Anderson

18. Sellers in 1840 GA

19. 1790 SC Joseph Little , kin to George ???

20. Lucius Powhatan Little

21. L P Little and mother Martha Ann Wright Little wife of Douglass

22. Charles Brooks lineage

23. Carter, Cooper and Brooks letters from Clarence

24. Clarence

25. Letters re: above

26. ditto

27. ditto

28. Lorena Bozeman and Charles McClain

29. death certificate of Cecil Earl Fenn Carter

30. Cecil's obituary and photos

31 Martha Ann Wright Little.

32. Charles Brooks

33. Sam Little, son of John and Catherine

34. Frankie Lavern Cochran and parents

35. Amy Coonfield Gray , sister of Luella

36. Lorena Bozeman McClain

37. Little family photo from Bernice with no names.

38. headstone of John Thomas Bozeman

39. Alice Emma McClain Carter

40. Anne Alice Carter Cochran with Frank and kids

41 List of Links

42. Ruth Coonfield Bates

43 Notes and Links.

44. Cochran and Coonfield notes

45. Cecil Carter death certificate

46. Lorena, Alice and Annie

47. Lattie Cedonia Little Coonfield

48. Barsheba Clark

49. Amy Coonfield Gray

50. Amy and Joe

51. Lorena McClain

52. Fenn brothers of Cecil

53. unknown Littles

54. Anne Carter Cochran

Ancestry Links

Fenn Brothers



Elijah Fenn/ Fann

Mary Lou Cochran

Anna Stone to Augustus, Benjamin, Michael Stone


pictures of headstones that I found in Hope Hull cemetery of Jesse Bozeman, Lacy

Bozeman and her husband Thomas Randolph Carter and their children - these graves are located only two miles off the Interstate 65 on McLean Road.

Family Webpage Listing

John Wilkes Booth in Montgomery Alabama

1. Freelon L "Coonfield" Cochran died in Korea

2. Cleo Cochran's headstone

3. Catherine Crigler and John Wright Little photos

4. Benjamin Wallace Coonfield married Lattie Little

5. Coonfield Photos

6. Kathy Cochran

7. Alsey Cooper

8. Clara Cooper with sister Lavinia Anderson

9. Victor and Pamela Cochran

10. pony photo

11. SusieMae Cooper's son James Edgar Brooks and his wife Mary Thorton

12 Bessie Mae Hood Thornton, mother of Mary

13 giggles

14 Frank Delbert Cochran family photos

15 Carter brothers of Anne Carter Cochran

16 Anne's husband, Frankie Lavern Cochran "Bud"

17 Sam Little photo, son of John

18 Bozemans unknown connection thus far

19 Anne and Frankie Cochran family photos in Arizona and Alabama

20 Lattie Cedonia Little photo

21 Lavinia Parker Mills

22 Charles Wayne Brooks and his granny photo

Bibb, Governor's grave in Coosada

Coosada Photos

Pickett Springs Photos

Train Station Photos

Charles Wayne Brooks

Frankie L Cochran " Bud"

Montgomery photos



Notes @


Cochran Family

John Little of Kentucky had daugher Lattie Little and granddaugher Luella Coonfield

Isaac Coonfield Farms

Captain George Little

Article on L P Little:

Grandma Lorena Bozeman and a photo of

her father John Thomas Bozeman in Ramer Alabama and his fathers from South Carolina Indian Nations

McClain in Indian Creek Cemetery came from South Carolina and Virginia

My Roots and Links

1. Ballard and Brooks of Tennessee

2. More Cochran Links

3. Luther Hill Cooper

4. Wesley and Ella Hood


6. Elijah Lee and Malinda Phillips

7. Coopers in Chambers County AL in Creek Territory.

8. Allen and Barney Hood * Bubber

9. Jacob Benjamin Cochran & Clora



12. Indian feet

13. Mary Lou Cochjran

14 Lueela Coonfield weds Frank Cochran

15 Alice McClain and Earl Carter

16 William Little

17 Carter, McClain and Duncan cousins

18 Catherine Weatherford Wright with Martha Little

19 Clora Jane Miller notes...


21 Alzira Cochran article online

22 L P Little article

24 Frank notes

25 Links

26 Hir am Lucius Little headstone

27 Anne Carter and Frankie Cochran

28 Wesley Hood and Ella Baxley headstones

29 Cooper and Brooks headstones

30 Elijah LEE and Malinda Phillips headstones

31 Lorena McClain family photos

32 ditto

33 Mary Ella Thornton lineage


Our Indian Roots


Uncle William Little

Aunt Bernice and Bonnie Cochran

Frank and Luella Cochran

Aunt Mary Lou Cochran

Carter , McClain, Duncan

Mary Lou Obituary

Frankie Lavern Cochran and his


Bernice and brother Cleo Cochran

Uncle Sam Little

George Little

Charles Wayne Brooks

Fenn, Carter, Cochran links

Douglas Little and Lucius Powhatan Little

Captain George Little in Kentucky census & neighbors

Family Group Sheet Project on





My Ancestors

3. Carter Fenn Brothers.
















































Our families born in Alabama

had ancestors from all over the world who came to America,

many migrating to Alabama, or having descendants in Alabama,

with land rich for crops and raising livestock.

Several tribes existed in this new land, many moved west and many intermarried

with our ancestors.

Anne and Frank Cochran married in Montgomery Alabama 1951 and both are buried at Memorial Cemetery.

Mary and James Brooks lived in Montgomery, then Elmore County, and are buried at Prattville Cemetery on Hwy 14 in Autauga County Alabama.

Collecting documents and photos I have posted online, including uploading information to so that others can reach out to us and connect.

ENTER my genealogy pages

Family Page with pictures

John Little (479 KB)
Civil War Papers

Frankie Lavern Cochran family (44 KB)
Anne Carter Cochran and children about 1965

headstone of Tige Stone (48 KB)
William Arthur Stone, our cousin from Macon Georgia, played one season with the St Louis Cardinals.

Isaac Coonfield b 1827 Indiana (83 KB)
Indiana history

Frankie Lavern Cochran family (27 KB)
Anne Carter Cochran and children about 1968

1880 granny Anna Stone (124 KB)
on census with parents Mary Ann Hendrick and Augustus Marvin Stone, has a brother Arthur.

Isaac Coonfield b 1827 Indiana (83 KB)
Indiana history

Frankie Lavern Cochran's daughters (36 KB)
2004 out tracing our roots

Freelon Cochran (19 KB)
Military - died in Korea

Isaac Coonfield and Archibald Clark (147 KB)
Indiana history about the Kentucky families settling in IN

Frankie Lavern Cochran's mother's headstone (27 KB)
Luella Ellen Coonfield Cochran

Martin Weatherford (178 KB)
Early Georgia History

Isaac Coonfield and the Clarks (195 KB)
Indiana history, better copy///

Frankie Lavern Cochran's brother died in Korean Wa (33 KB)
Freelon Cochran, son of Luella and Frank Delbert Cochran

Cochran, Aunt Eunice with Kathy (22 KB)
Mesa AZ 1954

Isaac Coonfield photo (17 KB)
Indiana history to Arkansas, nice picture of grandpa Isaac

Frankie Lavern Cochran's great uncle Sam Little (29 KB)
Sam Little was brother of Luella's mom, Lattie Little

1887 Lattie Little and Ben Coonfield (309 KB)

Isaac Coonfield photo (17 KB)
Indiana history to Arkansas, nice picture of grandpa Isaac

1842 IRWINTON Ala stampless letter FENN, GEORGIA (21 KB)
The letter reads: "I give to Adaline Griffin thirteen head of stock Cattle and mark and brand mark crop and half cross in the left year [sic] and two under betts [?] in the side Recorded by me and brand A G." Apparently, Fenn was out of town, and so addressed this letter to himself, and the Post Master at the General Store (or such) in Bainbridge had probably been told to open his mail in Fenn's absence, and the Post Master took this to the courthouse, where the county clerk signed noted it "recorded" and signed it "A.D. Smart, Clk." Decatur county. It's a quarter of a full lettersheet. Maybe there was a shortage of paper, or there was other writing that was torn off and long gone, who knows. Postal marking cover is all there

. Jacob Cochran photo with Clora Jane (113 KB)

Coonfield families (26 KB)

Headstone of George W Thornton (542 KB)
spouse of Mary Angeline Partridge, found in Central, Elmore County, AL at the Mt Hebron East Baptist Church about 5 miles from the caution light.

Aunt Nancy Bozeman (765 KB)
sister of Lorena, daughter of John

Anne Carter Cochran (18 KB)
1953 with Kathy

Headstone of Mary Angeline Partridge Thornton (300 KB)
spouse of George W Thornton, found in Central, Elmore County, AL at the Mt Hebron East Baptist Church about 5 miles from the caution light............Mother of Milton Elijah Thornton who had married Bessie Mae Hood

Marriage License (16 KB)
Coonfield and Lattie Little

Charles Weatherford and Sehoy (153 KB)
Early Alabama History

Isaac Coonfield on the 1800 Kentucky Tax List

Cochran Family Tree on

Carter Family

Cecil Carter was adopted!

Cecil was Native American, his Fenn family in Tuskegee, Macon, AL former Creek Territory.

Michael Stone of Maryland to Alabama

residing in Creek Territory, Macon, Alabama

Cochran Family

John Little of Kentucky had daugher Lattie Little and granddaugher Luella Coonfield

Isaac Coonfield Farms

Captain George Little

Article on L P Little:

My Ancestors

Roots and Branches

Grandma Lorena Bozeman and a photo of

her father John Thomas Bozeman in Ramer Alabama and his fathers from South Carolina Indian Nations

McClain in Indian Creek Cemetery came from South Carolina and Virginia

My Roots and Links

List below…

1. Ballard and Brooks of Tennessee

2. More Cochran Links

3. Luther Hill Cooper

4. Wesley and Ella Hood


6. Elijah Lee and Malinda Phillips

7. Coopers in Chambers County AL in Creek Territory.

8. Allen and Barney Hood * Bubber

9. Jacob Benjamin Cochran & Clora



12. Indian feet

13. Mary Lou Cochran

Uncle Bill Little

14 Luella Coonfield weds Frank Cochran

15 Alice McClain and Earl Carter

16 William Little

17 Carter, McClain and Duncan cousins

18 Catherine Weatherford Wright with Martha Little

19 Clora Janem Miller notes...


21 Alzira Cochran article online

22 L P Little article

24 Frank notes

25 Links

26 Hir am Lucius Little headstone

27 Anne Carter and Frankie Cochran

28 Wesley Hood and Ella Baxley headstones

29 Cooper and Brooks headstones

30 Elijah LEE and Malinda Phillips headstones

31 Lorena McClain family photos

32 ditto

33 Mary Ella Thornton lineage


Our Indian Roots


Uncle William Little

Aunt Bernice and Bonnie Cochran

Frank and Luella Cochran

Aunt Mary Lou Cochran

Carter , McClain, Duncan

Mary Lou Obituary

Frankie Lavern Cochran and his


Bernice and brother Cleo Cochran

Uncle Sam Little

George Little

Charles Wayne Brooks

Fenn, Carter, Cochran links

Douglas Little and Lucius Powhatan Little

Captain George Little in Kentucky census & neighbors

William Henry Bozeman, great grandfather of Lorena

Family History

Elijah Lee and Andrew Cooper of South Carolina born 1770s brought their families to Chambers County Alabama, former Creek Indian Lands, before 1850.

The Lees are buried at the Old Harmony Baptist Church cemetery and the graves of the Coopers are not yet found.

Descendant Susie Mae Cooper Brooks is buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Montgomery Alabama. Her descendant Charlie Brooks is buried at Brookside Memorial in Millbrook, Alabama.


Charner P Cooper, son of Andrew, married Sarah F Lee, daughter of Elijah and their son Levi Benjamin Cooper married Sarah Elizabeth Carter, a daughter of Thomas Randolph Carter and Mary Josephine Hereford of Virginia. The grave of TRC born 1820 was found in Hope Hull, Montgomery, Alabama by his first wife, Lacy Jane Bozeman.



The Bozemans came from South Carolina and NC 1700s moving into Alabama as some of the Indian Tribes moved west in the early 1800s. Lacy's father Jesse's headstone shows that he was born 1793.


Thomas Carter was the son of John Wise Carter who some say was buried in Talladega Alabama. John was born 1792 South Carolina, the son of Elizabeth Wise and Captain John Carter who may have served in the War of 1812 and the American Revolution.


Susie Mae Cooper's husband was James Edgar Brooks Sr and their son was James Jr. The parents of James came from Tennessee with the railroad and they resided downtown Montgomery Alabama near the Union Station. They were Annie Clark Ballard and John Brooks, all buried at Greenwood. John's father was also named John, born in Pennsylvania to Dutch parents. He was found in the 1860 census of Giles TN, the same year he met and married Roxanna Permilia Smith.note


The Smith families connect to a Captain John Smith of Virginia.


The Ballards were previously in the Carolinas, as were the Bond, and Ward families.


James Edgar Brooks Jr married Mary Ella Thornton and had a son named Charles in Montgomery Alabama.


Mary Ella's parents were Bessie Mae Hood and Milton Elijah Thornton and they are buried in Slapout/ Holtville, in Elmore County AL at the Cain's Chapel Cemetery near many other family members.


Elijah's parents came from Georgia, Mary Angeline Partridge and George Thornton; we found their graves behind an old primitive Baptist Church in Central, Elmore, AL on the way to the Lake.


Bessie's parents were Ella Olivia Baxley and Allen Wesley Hood but his headstone has an L W on it. His parents are hard to trace and prove. Hers were James and Marnda Baxley of Cold Spring, Elmore, AL and thus begins the brick wall in our research.


Charles Brooks married Kathy Cochran, daughter of Anne Carter and Frankie Cochran.


Anne Carter was the daughter of Alice Emma McClain and Cecil Earl Fenn Carter.


Frankie Cochran was born in Kansas a son of Luella Coonfield of Arkansas and Frank Delbert Cochran.



Alice McClain's parents were Lorena Emma Bozeman and Charles Allen McClain of Ramer, Montgomery County, Alabama. The parents of Charles were Elizabeth Broadway and Josiah Marion McClain ( Civil War Soldier of GA)

Lorena's parents were Alice Stephens and John Thomas Bozeman.

Parents of John Bozeman were Nancy Jane Anderson and Peter Edward Bozeman.

Nancy's parents were Lavinia Jane Sellers and Seaborn Anderson. Lavinia's sister married a Cooper. Seaborn Anderson's ancestors and his father Elijah had settled in Lowndes County before moving to Montgomery, Alabama.


Cecil's parents were Anne Lou Stone and William Frank Fenn of Alabama.


Luella Coonfield's parents were married in Arkansas, Lattie Cedonia Little of KY and Benjamin Wallace Coonfield of ARK


Frank Delbert's parents were Clora Jane Miller of Iowa and Jacob Benjamin Cochran of Ohio who settled in Kansas. Jacob had six daughters by his first wife, Mariah, who would also be related.


The Cochran and Coonfield lineage of the midwest. Alexander Cochran raised his family in Pennsylvania and soon settled into Ohio with several sons joining the Civil War and even living in California during the Gold Rush. Later these young men moved to Iowa to farm the new land, and after several years, Jacob Benjamin Cochran moved to Kansas with second wife Clora Jane Miller, a daughter of Mary Clara Parker.

Isaac and Barsheba Coonfield spent many years in early Kentucky and then moved to Indiana with their grown children. She was found widowed on the 1830 census. Her son Isaac Benjamin Coonfield moved his family to Arkansas.

Hiram Lucius Little, son of Betsy Douglas and Jonas Little, had lost his wife in Kentucky and moved to Texas. His son John Little served in the Civil War as a blacksmith, married, had several children, lost his wife and then moved his family into Arkansas. Our grandma Betsy was found widowed and living with her daughter Betsy Roberts on the 1850 census.

Parents of Betsy were Mary Handley and Alexander Douglass who were married in PA.

Hiram Little's son was John Wright Little who married a Mary Catherine Crigler.


Descendant of all of these was Frankie Lavern Cochran born 1927.and Kathy Cochran who was born in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, Oklahoma later moved to Montgomery Alabama. There are many documents, pictures, census records, letters and our other research posted on Kathy's webpage at



My photos of downtown Montgomery


Headstone of Charles Wayne Brooks

Death Certificate of Kathy's grandpa Cecil Earl Fenn Carter Pictures of Kathy's mom, Anne Carter and grandpa Carter

Pictures of Kathy's great granny Lorena Bozeman McClain Grandpa Carter's pictures Pictures of Frank Fenn, brother of Grandpa Cecil Fenn Carter Alabama Genealogy Fenn family on census image of Thompson Station Kathy found great grandpa W F Fenn's grave in Montgomery


Grandma Mary Ella Thornton found on 1930 census

Ballard Brooks and Cooper research


Catherine Crigler Little photo submitted to KY Archives

Owen Crigler on 1850 KY census

Civil War notes on John Wright Little, husband of C Crigler

Notes on the Little families

great grandpa Jacob Cochran

Brooks, Ballard and Thornton



A ton of research is being done on these families:


Journey of our Elders basic introduction

Grandpa Josiah Marion McLain/ McClain// Family Matters



Hunting For Bears Genealogy Society

Michael Stone of Maryland

1850 on

Index of /~kyfootst/files/SURNAMES/L/Little RootsWeb's WorldConnect

Project: Stone, Avera, Berry, English, Thrower, Dismuk

USGenweb Project - Bosque County Texas

1 Family Tree of Brooks, Cooper, Cochran, Coonfield and Little

WSFA TV Montgomery, AL - Teacher Charged with Sexually Abusing Child

Grandma Mary Ann Winters Hendrick to Granny Anna Stone Little Tidbits

John Little

Carter and McClain Family//

Alice`s Corner/Hendricks, Woodall, Post, Steeley, Huitt, Dye, Preston, Worrell

Cherokee Roots And Branches, Photos, Birthdays, Anniversari

Chief Doublead Historical Links & Genealogy

edit...Journey to the Past

Pioneers and Old Settlers

Midwest Migration

Our Southern Connections

Our Early Settlers

sailing Our Ancestors

Charlie's family


Tracking Our Elders


Lorena Emma Bozeman McClain in 1941 Montgomery Alabama

Hills Chapel Cemetery, Dublin County, Alabama Stands Tall PhotoDORA DILLARD Photo JOHN T

HEADSTONES Smoke and Ash

Bozeman IN SC 1790





Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman family headstones

PETER AND JOHN Bozeman family headstones




edit / Roots Branches and Twigs

John Wright Little , Military Discharge shows Dark

Isaac Coonfield born 1827 Indiana History

Coonfield and Clark in Indiana

Coonfield Families in 1918

Isaac Coonfield

edit....Family Tree of Brooks, Cooper, Cochran, Coonfield and Little

Lorena's Legends and Lore

about My Alabama Ancestry

Journey to the Past

1 Family

horse Our Early Settlers

edit Lorena

Photos for our Southern Genealogy

headstone partridge Photos for our Southern Genealogy



AlabamaGenWeb, Photos, Birthdays, Anniversaries

Ancestors of William Franklin Fenn Sr.

JohnFenn edit

Charles McClain and family photos

American State Papers Home Page: U.S. Congressional Documents




My One and Only/


Family updATED


Walking the Path of the Old Ones


Family Photos

Family Photos2

bob bozeman photo

My Family Tree

Family Tree Research



Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Samuel Walker, Revolution


Quakers in SC

John Little families refused land allotment


The Family Tree

Thomas Randolph Carter born 1820ALABAMAGENWEB

Stones wm



CARTER pictures

Grandma Alice Carter

Journey of our Elders/

Chester Coonfield and then Sam Little's headstone


Brooks and Cochran/

Family Matters//////////

Augusta, Alabama

Bibb County Georgia Genealogy

Bibb County, GA Genealogy Forum - Message Boards

John Wright Little, a Cherokee Indian, served in the Kentucky Infantry of the

James,George and Martha Young, Harrison Indiana 1860x


My One and Only

Native American



Elijah Lee and Andrew Cooper in Chambers County Alabama


My Alabama Ancestry

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Southern Connec

Anna Lou Stone married William Franklin Fenn in 1893 Bullock County Alabamax

Anna Lou Stone married William Franklin Fenn in 1893 Bullock County Alabam

Augustus Stone father of Anna

Anna Stone in 1880 census

James and his mother Sarah

Benjamin and Sarah Davies Stone in 1860 Macon Alabama

MichellStoneNOTES !!!!






Hiram Lucius Little of Kentucky






Carter and McClain Family


Links to my Research Pages

John Wright Little , Military Discharge shows Dark description

Family Tree kath36110

Cherokee Ancestors

Family Tree//


Brooks and Cochran

Roots Branches and Twigs////kathysgenealogy

Family Tree of Brooks, Cooper, Cochran, Coonfield and Litt

Benjamin and Lattie Coonfield

Index of /pub/usgenweb/va/charlotte

Genealogy of Kathy Cochran

Mill Hill History

The Little Lineage


1805 Georgia Land Lottery - Letter B

- 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entit

1805 Georgia Land Lottery - Letter B - 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entit

Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File Indexes

Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File Items Between Douglas, Alexander

PA State Archives - RG-17 - Patent Index P-1 to P-19 Interface

Little Burials Grounds

Query/Message Boards

Census Project (USGenWeb) at RootsWeb - Pennsylvania Archives Census - USGenWeb

Passenger Ship Records - USGenWeb Archives

PA UsGenWeb Archives - Multiple County Miscellaneous

Dauphin County PA USGenWeb Archives Index Page

va on - Search Court, Land, & Probate Records

The Civil War in Alabama Homepage

Civil War Soldiers and Sailor System

Grandpa Abner Broadway


Links to our many Grandfathers/

Broadway-McClain-Gardner Family Bible Records/

Oklahoma History

1870 Abner and Mary Stephens Broadway in Montgomery AL

Re: Alabama McLain's & Josiah Marion McClain

Josiah McClain of South Carolina, his son James and grandson Josiah Marion



Cochran Family Album

MUSCOGEE: CREEKS, Original Inhabitants of most of AL and GA

Creek Indian Wars

Some Other Families 2

Grandmother Catherine Weatherford married in 1811 Charlotte VA to John C Wrigh

Some Letters of Alexander McGillivray


RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Southern Connectionssss

Jacob Benjamin Cochran headstone

Morgan County History And Genealogy-Index-Volume 7-2001



Stepping Stonesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Carter Ancestry/////////// McLain Family Headstones

Disappearing Indian BOZEMAN COUSINS

Weatherford photos Cochran and Carter Ancestry Lorena's Lineage, Legends, and Lore







Lorenas lineage

My Writings

Our Indian Roots

Family Tree of Brooks, Cooper, Cochran, Coonfield and Little

Roots Branches and Twigs

Photo Listing


Mary Angeline Partridge Thornton

Thomas Randolph Carter born 1820

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: South

Re: 2nd Alabama Calvary

The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Message Index



George Little of Scotland

Betsy Douglass Little Kathy's Family Tree Miller and Parker Cousins

FAMILY TREE//////////////// - Genealogy Databases - Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.) - The Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) - Search Family & Local Histories - Dawes Commission Index, 1898-1914

Kentucky Land Grants -- Family History Search - The pioneer to the Kentucky emigrant : a brief topographical & - Resources of Arizona Territory : with a description of the Indi - History and genealogy of the Cochran family of Kirkcudbright an - Indiana and Indianans : a history of aboriginal and territorial - Recollections of the early settlers of Montgomery County, Alaba - Pennsylvania German Pioneers

Georgia, Timeline of State History - SHG Resources

William Weatherford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weatherford: Free Encyclopedia Articles at Online Library

The Creek Stories Index

Indian Books On Line

cherokeeblood : Cherokee by blood

Goochland County, Virginia VAGenWeb Project Home Page

Henrico County - Recreation and Parks - Names & Places in Henrico

henrico.txt on

Charlotte County, VA USGenWeb Archives McClain...

Mothers Home Cemetery Miller County Georgia Fenn/Fann

Confederate Muster Rolls

Civil War

Am Rev


Research Links

Old Photos

Ruth Coonfield -


Cochran Genealogyxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Jacob, Clora, Frank





Captain George Little of American Revolution

My Research Pages







NEW Cochran Genealogy

Colon Cancer Diary


Grandpa Cecil Earl Fenn Carter2

Carter Ancestry

Family Tree2

Jacob Benjamin Cochran Brooks Family Tree

Uncle Rollie Bozeman

Uncle Emmett Fenn

Mead G Bozeman

Uncle Millard Bozeman Stepping Stones

fenns Alabama Connections!

John Little civilwar

Mordecai Boseman

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System

Am. Rev. 6

Cochran and Carter


Native American Families and Early Settlers

1900 Davies KY L P Little

Jonas Little in Davies Kentucky 1830 Census

John Bozeman born 1760 a soldier in the American Revolution Sweet Little Indian Roots Family Historyxx Elisha Anderson of North Carolina in Montgomery Alabama. Luella Coonfield Family Research. Family Bible Records Pioneer Cousins


Stepping Stonesx


Charles McClain born about 1750 ADD BACK TO SAM

Charles McClain Peter Boseman of Darlington SCx

Kathy and Charles Brooks




Stepping Stones into Our Past................

Elisha Anderson in 1834 Last Will and Testament

Elisha Anderson 1834

Elisha Anderson in 1834 Last Will and Testamentx

Elisha Anderson Estate - Jane and Lavinia

Elisha and Lavinia Brack Anderson

Elisha Anderson Last Will and Testament

Anderson Family History

Newspaper Indian Territory

History of Samuel W Cochran 1st



Bullitt County

Alabama Connections


Family pictures




1919 Kansas

stones mom



Cochran Genealogy - A Hosted Site

Main Page @ - A Hosted Site

Captain George Little Kathy's Kin LONG LONG AGO

Luella Coonfield Elisha Anderson of North Carolina in Montgomery Ala

CecilCarterAnnieWilliamL Tracking Our Roots..

Elijah Lee born 1777 SC buried in Chambers Alabama by Malinda Phillips Lee


Military Records



WELCOME ! @ - A Hosted Site


Cochran Ben Harrison

Banister Stone Photo

Charles Allen McClain

Jacob B Cochran

john abraham little

John wright little

Anne Carter


Cemetery Registration-Kentucky

Cemeteries of Kentucky - Cemetery Records - Genealogy

Index of /pub/usgenweb/ky/bullitt/deeds

Main Page @ - A Hosted Site


Cochran headstone JACOB

Coonfield and Fenn

James,George and Martha Young, Harrison Indiana 1860

Kentucky Cousins

FTP directory /pub/usgenweb/al/chambers/census/1850/ at

Sarah Peter Boseman of Darlington SC Elisha Anderson of North Carolina in Montgomery Alabama


Peter Edward Bozeman

Re: Annie Stone 1881 Alabama to Georgia ?

Pioneers Smoke and Ash

Pioneers work on this one

Amanda Caroline Austin McClain


James W McClain born 1810

Early Settlers

Find A Grave: Kath

AlabamaFamilies Tracking Our Roots

Brooks Genealogy

Stone Families to Fenn

Family NC to TN to AL

Jacob's headstone

Our Alabama Connections



Brooks of Holland




"The Civil War ~ Cemetery Listings ~ Bartow Co., GA"

Grandpa Cecil Earl Fenn Carter

My Favorite Links

City of Warwick, Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries - 10

Descendants of John Tefft

Sara Tefft

Years Ago

Family Tree

Indian Roots

Indian Roots1


Labette Co. KS



Carter Brooks and Cochran Families @

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Southern Connections

Genealogy & History

Grandma EmilyHarrellFenn

My Home Page

Cooper Grandpa James Brooks


RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Marsett Family

Preserving Our Past

Land Patent Details

Brooks and Cochran Family Tree

Cochran Genealogy -

Land Office Grants - Basic Search

Land Office Grants - Full View of Record

............Bullitt Co Ky Archives TOC (Deeds)

Bullitt County KY - FGS Index

Betsy Douglass Little

Iowa County IAGenWeb: Records - Newspaper Articles

Links to our many Grandfathers Kathy's Family Tree//////////////// Photo

1 st Page of Family

Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: Photo Alabama Connections!.


Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: Photo..

1810GeorgeLittleOhioCountyKentuckyNearJonas Smoke and Ash Photocoonfield

Tracking Our Roots/



Carter Brooks and Cochran

Cochran Genealogy

Little Tidbits

Cycle Of Life

frogs Ben







Family Matters




Main Page @ - A Hosted Site



Small Town Newspaper-A newspaper directory featuring small town newspapers and

Indian Home

Stepping Stones

Bullitt Co. KY Genweb: Quick Notes COM-CU


Grandfather Isaac Benjamin Coonfield from Pennsylvania to Kentucky in 1800 Isaac Coonfield Farms

ALGenWeb Archives Post Your Records


Louisiana Tech University - Special Collections::M-076

Elmore County, Alabama: Home

Cherokees, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek, 1896 Applications

Cherokee Rolls, First People of Tennessee, Indian, Native American, Cherokee, C

Digital Copies Summary

ARC Search Results: Details

Marion County, Indiana INGenWeb - History

Grandfather Isaac Benjamin Coonfield from Pennsylvania to Kentucky in 1800

Jacob Benjamin Cochran////////////// Presents Peaceful Bands of Roving Indians In Early Benton


Home - BLM GLO Records

KSGenWeb Kansas Civil War Veterans County Listing

Grandpa Cochran in the Civil War

Morgan County Indiana Coonfield families

John Coonfield born 1796

Alabama Ancestry Native Roots Tracking Our Roots/

Freelon L "Coonfield" Cochran died in the Korean War 1953 Luella Coonfield Family Research


Family traces ancestors back to Alamo defender

Labette County Kansas Surnames A - F

Joseph W. Cochran

Labette County, Kansas - Family History Pages - Family Tree Maker Family History Software and Historical Record Southern Roots and Branches Kathy's Family Tree

Bullitt Co. KY Genweb: Quick Notes L

Stepping Stones


EDIT Family

Index of /~cenfiles/al

Index of /pub/usgenweb/al/montgomery/cemeteries

Index of /pub/usgenweb/al/montgomery/cemeteries.

ADAH:Civil War Service Database, Search Instructions

McClain, J. McClain, J.2 McClain, J.3


Military Records

The USGenWeb Tombstone Transcriptions Project - Alabama


Links Native American Links

AnnieLeeStone PICTURES

Fenn Tige Stone CARTER photos Kaths pics



Broken Arrow

William Frank Fenn born 1855 Tuskegee, Alabama

fennwf Tracking Our Roots


Anna Stone, Augustus and Benjamin, Alabama to Georgia


Fenn Brothers Cecil



Cecil Earl Fenn Carter born 1900 Thompson, Alabama, lived in Macon, Georgia and

Thompson Station

Father and Son

John Fenn Mystery Unravels in Alabama

Anna Lou Stone married William Franklin Fenn in 1893 Bullock County Alabama

Tige Stone - BR Bullpen

Tige Stone Statistics -

Mercer University

Brooks, Cooper, Carter and Bozeman

Brooks and Cooper

Brooks And Cochran Genealogy Kathy's Family Tree//

Journey of our Elders//

Photo Listing


Family Tree/ Family///


Re: John Wise Carter bn 1792 SC>AL1

Re: John Wise Carter bn 1792 SC>AL...

Re: Dr. James Carter Powhatan Co and William Carter

Family2 Family Family1

Our Genealogy of Brooks and Cochran, Coonfield and Little, Thornton and Hood

Family ROOTS

Tracking Our Roots

Index of /pub/usgenweb/al/montgomery/census

John Wright Little John Wright Little/

John Wright Little, great grandson of

Captain George Little George Little of Scotland/

George Little of Scotland/

Grandmother Catherine Weatherford married in 1811 Charlotte VA to John C Wright


Time Line of History

Maryland Native American Resources

Cherokee Roots And Branches, Photos, Birthdays, Anniversaries

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Southern Connections

The USGenWeb Archives Project - Montgomery County, Alabama: Court Records

DAR | Library - Online Catalog

KyGenWeb/ Bullitt County KYGenWeb Home Page

Daviess County, Kentucky//

Index of /~usgenweb/ky/daviess/census/1840

KYGenWeb Archives, Bullitt County

The Creek Documents 8


Family Matters



Grandpa Josiah Marion McLain/ McClain


Homepage of Brooks and Cochran Genealogy

WHITE Family Genealogy

Dale County CSA Records

The Alabama Civil War Infantry Commands

Company K

Family Research

The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Message Index

Cochran Genealogy Kathy's Family Tree///////////

Links to our many Grandfathers///////////// Southern Roots and Branches/



Family of Bozeman

Bozeman Families

Homepage of Kathy

Marion County, Indiana INGenWeb - Surnames "B"

Graham County Kansas Genealogy

ALGenWeb Project - Montgomery County Research Resources

The USGenWeb Archives Project - Montgomery County, Alabama: Carter-Stokes Cemet

The USGenWeb Archives Project - Montgomery County, Alabama: Cemetery Records

The USGenWeb Archives Project - Montgomery County, Alabama: Tombstone Photograp

ALGenWeb Project - Montgomery County Family Pages

Bullitt Co. KY Genweb: Quick Notes L/

COCHRAN Iowa County IAGenWeb: Community Help: Family Websites

Westbrook Family Matters// Ancestors of Samantha

Kathy And Charlie Ancestry NC to TN to AL headstones Mordecai Boseman

Kathy And Charlie Ancestry//

1 Berniece

Cochran Family Album//


Family Tree of Brooks, Cooper, Cochran,


Cochran and Coonfield

Cochran and Coonfield//

Jacob Benjamin Cochran//

Isaac Coonfield//



Main Page @ - A Hosted Site

Hiram Lucius Little of Kentucky

My Alabama Ancestry

Ancestors of William Franklin Fenn Sr.

AlabamaGenWeb, Photos, Birthdays, Anniversaries

My One and Only




Journey to the Past


Grandma Mary Ann Winters Hendrick to Granny Anna Stone

Family Tree of Brooks, Cooper, Cochran, Coonfield and Little

Journey of our Elders