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My Family History


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Photographs of Family Members, Land Deeds, Census Images, Marriage Certificates and Military Records.  While some may not be known where they first landed,  many of my ancestors were in Pennsylvania and South Carolina during the American Revolution. Census records show brothers and sisters living near each other as they traveled to different territories and resided very close together.
1-Estate-Sale-Includes-Sarah-And-Children-1829.jpg Death of Peter Bozeman in 1829. 
1-Estate.jpg Peter Bozeman's estate sale included Edmond Lewis, Shackleford, Howell Mason,  Joseph McCool, John Stacie, Lanee Hill, David Campbell, Peter's widow Sarah Bozeman, their sons Jesse, Wm Henry, Peter E., and also John McGeHee, John Lewis, Wilson Boothe,
1829GrandmaSarah-DeathOfPeter.jpg includes Vincent Joiner.
1838-Land-Estate-Divided.jpg includes Sterling Campbell.
George Little in Kentucky
32-LPL.gif photo of Lucius Powhatan Little
Election of 1872 includes Lucius Little, U. S. Grant, J. B. Cochran, Ed Hawes, :
John Handley and George Handley 106-SenatorJohnHandley.gif
130-Little.gif George Little of Scotland
132-Little-Handley.gif Alexander Douglass, John Handley, Anthony Thompson
Hiram, son of Jonas, moved to Texas 1870-Bosque-Texas-HiramLittle-Rebecca-Kiziah
while brother Douglass remained in KY 1870DouglassLittle-Alonzo-enumerator.jpg
Hiram's son John went to Arkansas 1900-JohnLittle-Arkansas.gif
First Families of America First.jpg  GeorgeLittle.jpg

Broken Arrow
More Info on Kentucky Littles
George Little on Message Boards
Census of Kentucky
Ohio Tombstone of Granny Sarah Tefft Parker

1790 SC Stone, Lee, Spray, Riddle, Pool, Cooper, Wright, Wm Tate,
1790 SC Geo Little by Hunt Ezekial Stone, John Carter, James Moseley, Thomas Wright,

George Little, Samuel Hunt, Hill
1790 by Geo was Daviess and Barren Dukes, White, John Little, Lewis Hunt,  Nathaniel Tate,

Pickett, Savage, Harrell,
1790 Uncle Jonas Little in SC Brock, Spray, Gabriel Phillips, John Minton, John Thompson,

Peter Phillips, Thoms Minton, Will Rogers, Uncle Jonas Little, Cooper,  Lee.
1790 SC Uncle Joseph and John Little by Colonel Brandon Uncle Joseph Little beside

Colonel Branson, John Little, Lee, Roberts,  Lamb, Glenn, and Geoge McClane,
1790 SC-Hendrick, Brock, Hardin, Wright, Branson,
1790 SC
1790 SC last page
last page, Wright, Clark, Dav is, Crittendon,,

Elisha and Joseph Stephens 1850ElishaStephens
Abner Broadway 1860AbnerBroadway
DAR-marker.txt Kentucky
J.B.McClainandwife2.jpg contribution by McClain cousin
JohnLittle-photo.txt contributions to the Kentucky page
Quick Notes on Central Kentucky Families Little, Crigler, Roby, Simmons, Duval
HillAbner.bmp  Father of John Hill ?
tracing John Wise Carter of SC to Talladega AL
Aunt Ethel Bozeman Gibson newspaper article Mama's Aunt Ethel
1.gif 1822
3.gif 1824
5 John Stephens
7.bmp 1824
7.gif  Julian
15.jpg Map 1824 Bozeman Land
16.gif  "   " 
1738.bmp  Many names
1743.bmp Tithables
1774Martin.bmp Martin Weatherford in Georgia Gazzette
AFFIDAVIT.jpg Carrie Fenn's mother in law was Cherokee
Audit1.pdf  3 pages by Benjamin Lewis and John Stacy
Flinn-Bozeman Alabama History
GeorgeThornton1866.jpg buried near Santuck
JamesSSetzer.jpg to Christine Carter
Weatherford1753Lunenburg.bmp Charles Weatherford
w.html  Weatherford, Blackstone, Anderson
1820oxford.jpg Cochran went to Ohio with Military Land grants
Guffie.txt  Guffie wrote about the Little family
ANDERSON/ Elisha died in Montgomery 1834
BOZEMAN/ Peter died in Montgomery 1829
BROOKS/ John came from Tennessee to Montgomery
CARTER/ a mix of Carters, John came to Talladega in 1821
COCHRAN/ from Scotland to PA to OH to Iowa Territory to  Kansas
FENN/ Indian Traders from VA to GA in 1776
ParkerTefft/ from 1600s Rhode Island to Ohio to Iowa Territory
1inezwedding.jpg Inez Gray Coonfield
1samlittle.jpg Sam Little and guitar
3.html Captain John Carter of South Carolina 1700s
1830abnerbywmgeolewisinsc.jpg Abner Broadway in SC
1840-SterlingCampbell.gif Aunty Lucy Bozeman born 1795
1840PeterByAnderson Uncle Peter by grandpa Anderson
1840abner.jpg Abner Broadway in Montgomery
1840josephinxford.jpg Uncle Joseph Cochran
1850AbandNancy.jpg Grandpa Abner Broadway in 1850 in Montgomery
1850MontgomeryALbyJesse-Carter-Anderson Thomas Carter by Anderson
Abner Broadway Jr married Mary Stephens and had our Elizabeth
Broadway Aunts and Uncles 1870BobinRamerb1810SCsonofSusanPack.jpg
Lorena's father John T. Bozeman 1870Peter-sonOfWm-NancyJane-HadJohnThomasBozeman
Carrie Fenn's father in law 1900-Johnson-Nat-beside-JamesJohnson
Emeline's son Madison A. Fenn "Uncle Mat"1900MadisonFenn
Thomas Randolph Carter and David Calloway buy Bozeman property AdminJesseMentionsTRCarter-hisSonInLaw
Frank Cochran 1933cookschool.jpg
AlamoHLLittle.htm son of Jonas? son of William Little?
AnniesBrotherCecilCarter.jpg Cecil was called Junior
CharnerPCooper.html grandpa to Mamaw
Aunt-Savilla-Cooper-McGehee.htm Charner Cooper's sister went south to old Creek Nation
BROOKS.jpg "Mamaw" Susie Mae Cooper Brooks
Bozeman-williamHenry.txt Henry was Lorena's great grandpa
CivilWar.html my relatives
DrLittle.jpg Tombstone of Grandpa Hiram Lucius Little in TX
Anderson died in Montgomery 1834 and attending his estate sale were Miles Brack and Alfred Sellers
Family-17.jpg Charles Brooks, Victor Cochran, Larry Fuller
FannFennStoneCarter.htm Grandpa John Fenn of GA in Tuskegee
John was the son of Elijah Fenn-1840-Elijah-EarlyGeorgia.jpg
Elijah's brother Matthew in Eufaula FennPlantationEmployedIndians.gif
John Stephens Cemetery in Wilkinson GA
Flinn and Jesse Bozeman in Alabama History at the Archives
GLittle.html-land grants and cherokee
GeorgeThornton.jpg Mary Ella's grandfather
GideonMoon.txt father of Elizabeth Moon McClain of VA to Spartanburg SC
GideonMoonBeef.txt Am Rev Patriot offered supplies
Mom's Aunt Gilly GillyBozeman.jpg
Hereford.jpg Hereford, Blackstone, Scrimpshire Cherokee Nation
JamesMcClaneCivilWar.bmp Choctaw Chickasaw Mounted Rifles
Laura.htm daughter of L P Little
NJ-J-Hill.bmp Nancy Jane
NancyKBozeman Aunt Nancy Kizar
martin.bmp Grandpa Martin Weatherford led the Creeks
Crigler, Abraham & Lydia (Carpenter)
ca 1777 Lydia Carpenter is born - probably Culpeper or Madison Co. VA? d/o Michael &
  Rebecca (Delph) Carpenter
ca 1795 Abraham marries Lydia Carpenter
ca 1800 son Owen Crigler is born in VA or KY
ca 1805 son James Crigler is born in KY
1810 deed from William & Mary Pennabaker to Abraham Crigler, all of Bullitt Co. KY
   $240 for 80 and 1/4 acres on Long Lick Creek, part of a one thousand acre survey in the name
   of Isaac Baker.   Dated 12 Dec 1810  (Bullitt Co. Will Bk C p. 2)
1812 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.  1 black over 16 / 2 total
   223 (?)  acres on Long Lick

1821 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 5 total
   202 acres on Long Lick Creek
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 2 blacks over 16 / 10 total
   202 1/4 acres on Long Lick in Bullitt Co. first entered in the name of King & Taylor
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 7 blacks over 16 / 10 total
  200 acres on Long Lick, Bullitt Co. KY
1848 will and slave appraisal of Abraham Crigler left in Bullitt Co. KY

Crigler, Abraham Jr. & Catharine (Roby)
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

1848 Abraham marries Catharine Roby 14 Sep 1848 in Bullitt Co. KY - G. W. Miles, a minister
  of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiated

Crigler, James
ca  1796 - 1805 son James Crigler is born in KY (have seen birth year vary on records)
  s/o Abraham & Lydia (Carpenter) Crigler

1821 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
1836 James marries Cynthia Ann (Lutes) 9 Jul 1836 in Bullitt Co. KY
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.  
  573 acres on Long Lick, Bullitt Co. KY

Crigler, L (or S?) (female)
ca 1766 born
on 1860 census of Bullitt Co. age 94 years in HH of Jas. Crigler age 64

Crigler, Lewis
1876 marriage in Bullitt Co. KY for G. W. Purcell to Mary E. Hogland - 6 Dec 1876 at the bride's
  home in Bullitt Co. - wits were Thos. Robins and Lewis Crigler.  

Crigler, Nicholas
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16 / 2 total
  120 acres on Long Lick, Bullitt Co. KY

Crigler, Owen &  Mary
ca 1800 Owen Crigler is born in VA or KY s/o Abraham Crigler
1821 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land
ca 1827 son Lewis is born in KY
1830 census Bullitt Co. KY
1844 Edwin Carpenter marries Lydia Crigler  "dau. of Owin Crigler" 31 Dec 1844
  H. C. Ulin, Methodist Minister, officiated.
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
  49 acres on Long Lick, Bullitt Co. KY
1850 census Bullitt Co. KY
Carpenter, Michael
1812 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.  No land.
1821 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21
  no land for himself but taxed for 150 acres on Crooked Creek as Admr. of the estate of
  Joel Carpenter dec'd
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21.
  130 acres on Long Lick, Bullitt Co. KY

Carpenter, Edwin & Lyida (Crigler)
1844 Edwin Carpenter marries Lydia Crigler  "dau. of Owin Crigler" 31 Dec 1844
  H. C. Ulin, Methodist Minister, officiated.
1845 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land.
Roby, Lawrence
1792 tax list of Nelson Co. KY - Gabriel Coxs Dist. 1 white male over 21. 165 acres
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
   (this list only has count/does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21
    also taxed for 175 3/4 acres in Bullitt Co. on Coxs Creek
1817 estate
appraisal for Lawrence Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY

Roby, Lawrence & 1. (_____)  2. Nancy (____) (Ritchie)
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21.  No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21.
   100 acres on Salt River, Bullitt Co. KY
1840 Lawrence Roby Jr. marries Mrs. Nancy Ritchie "widow of Jesse Ritchie dec'd"
  8 Aug 1840 in Bullitt Co. KY.  G. W Crumbaugh, Methodist Episcopal minister, officiated

Roby, Owen 
1808 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21. No land
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white over 21.  No land.
1838 estate appraisal of Owen Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY

Ruby, Peter
1801 tax list of Shelby Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 1 16-21

Roby, Reason & Catherine "Kitty"  (Simmons)
1814 m. Kitty Simmons 13 Jan 1814 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21.  No land
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21
   210 acres on Cedar Creek, Bullitt Co. KY
1844 will of Reason Roby left in Bullitt Co. KY

Simmons, Jesse T. & Rachel (Wells)
s/o Jonathan & Elizabeth (Swearingen) Simmons
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 2 blacks over 16 (this list does not detail land)
1801 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 2 blacks over 16/ 3 total. Also taxed for:
   257 acres in Bullitt Co. on Cedar Creek
8 April 1805 purchased livestock at the estate sale of Humphrey Simmons (Bullitt Co. Will Bk A p. 13
1810 census Bullitt Co. KY
1815 Rachel Simmons dies 5 July 1815 in Bullitt Co. KY
1819 Jesse Simmons dies 5 Apr 1819 in Bullitt Co. KY - leaves will in Bullitt Co.

Simmons, John & Sally (Miles)
1816 John m. Sally Miles 26 May 1816 in Bullitt Co. KY

Simons, John Jr.
1808 tax list of Hardin Co. KY with 1 white male over 21. No land

Simmons, Jonathan & 1. Elizabeth (Swearingen) 2. Elizabeth (Child)
1749 Jonathan b. 1 Oct 1749 in Prince Georges Co. MD
1799 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY 1 white male over 21, 2 16-21, 3 blacks over 16 / 7 blacks total
    (this list does not detail land)
1770 m. 2nd wife Elizabeth Child 7 Dec 1770 in Anne Arundel, MD
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1824 Jonathan died 22 Apr 1824 in Meade Co. KY.  Sale for estate 3 Sep 1824
Swearingen, Jesse
1815 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY with 1 white male over 21, 4 blacks over 16 / 11 total. 
   Also taxed for: 150 acres in Bullitt Co. on Floyds Fork, firs entered in the name of Camron?
1820 census Bullitt Co. KY
1825 tax list of Bullitt Co. KY  1 white male over 21. 1 black over 16
   111 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Leach
   105 acres on Floyds Fork, Bullitt Co. KY first entered in the name of Leach

Swearingen, Joseph
1829 Archibald Cameron, and John C. Brown of Shelby Co. KY, and Archibald C. Brown, 
    Samuel Brown and Jane his wife of Bullitt sell for $1956.00 to Joseph Swearingen
    a tract of land in Bullitt Co. 326 acres, part of John Cameron's original 1000 acre preemption.
    wits: Austin Hall & Obed Swearingen  (Bullitt Co. Deed Bk G p. 199)

Little, Hiram Lucius & Catharine 
ca 1822 Hiram Lucius Little is born
1850 census Daviess Co. KY, Dist. 2  HH 237 shows H. L. Little age 28, Catharine Little age 28
  Lavinia Little age 9, John W. Little age 7, Joseph M. Little age 5, Susan R. Little age 4 and
  Ann K. Little age 1 - everyone in HH born KY

Little, John Wright & Mary Catherine (Crigler)
ca 1844 John Wright Little is born in KY s/o Hiram Lucius Little
1870 census Bullitt Co. KY - Shepherdsville Dist - p. 254  HH 165 shows Abe Crigler age 47
  farmer, b. KY, Catherine Crigler age 43 keeping house b. KY, Mary age 19 b. KY, Sadonia
  age 15 b. KY and John W. Little age 26, blacksmith, b. KY
1880 census Bullitt Co. KY shows John W. Little age 36 blacksmith, wife Mary C. age 29,
  dau. Georgie A. age 9,  dau. Lottie S. age 7, son John A. age 5, dau. Mort age 3 and
  son Charles age 1 - everyone in HH born in KY with parents born KY

abrahamc194gms.txt Letters .....Abraham Crigler 1k 3-09-2007 Kathy Cochran
families192gms.txt Letters .....Families Of Handley 1900 2k 3-09-2007 Kathy Cochran

News article - Capt. George Little and Sgt. Anthony Thompson

  • 1950? Brooks (30 KB)
    Mary and James
  • Carter (22 KB)
    Michael and Jeri
  • Brooks (35 KB)
  • Brooks (350 KB)
  • Coonfield Lineage
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  • About The Family
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  • George Bruce of 1811
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  • Darlington South Carolina is where many settled by 1800
  • Lee and Cooper
  • Little's History of Green River
  • Craig, Connelly, Pennington
  • Covington County Alabama
  • Stone and Fenn
  • Clendenning and Sturgeon
  • Miller and Parker
  • Carter
  • DNA
  • Bozeman
  • Dillard and Johnson married Bozeman - connect to Pocahontas
  • Iowa History mentions grandpa Dr. Wanton H. Parker
  • LDS new search page
  • Letter from cousin Clarence
  • Grandfather Alexander Miller book
  • Kentucky Links
  • Maryland Archives
  • History of Cherokee by Starr
  • Little in the Alamo must be son of William or John
  • Montgomery early settlers traveled the Old Federal Road
  • Indian Books online
  • Cherokee by Emmett Starr
  • Iowa History: pg 528 Dr. W. H. Parker
    • Family (66 KB)
      Westbrook Circle
    • Mama (700 KB)
      With Nubbie
    • MC (39 KB)
    • God Bless (34 KB)
    • Mama's Aunt Ethel (95 KB)
      Good Neighbors
    • Tombstone of Sarah Tefft Parker 1821 (132 KB)
      Ashtabula Ohio Mother of Wanton Horatio Parker who had Mary Clara Parker Miller who had grandma Clora Jane Miller Cochran.
    • Peter 1 (2559 KB)
    • Hood (865 KB)
      Cain's Chapel
    • Bozeman Hill Cemetery (275 KB)
      Family uncovers small grave stone from the 1800s
    • Peter 2 (1452 KB)
    • Uncle Powhatan (40 KB)
      Luella's cousin
    • Peter 4 (1153 KB)
      Wm Henry and Vincent Joiner
    • Frank's Mom (82 KB)
    • Peter 3 (562 KB)
      Wm Henry Bozeman in 1822
    • Frank's Grands (103 KB)
      Sam and Bev
    • Peter 5 (1038 KB)
      Julian Joiner 1824 + Sons of Meady. Peter states he is giving land to his three grandchildren. Julian is the daughter of Vincent Joiner so he must have married Ellen Bozeman, the daughter of Peter. Peter states that Jesse and Peter are the sons of Meady, and these two boys are raised by Ellen and Vincent Joiner. The young Peter becomes known in history as Captain Peter Bozeman in the Mississippi Calvary during the Civil War.
    • Partridge (213 KB)
      SueCarol and Bev locating Grandma Partridge grave.
    • Peter 6 (1001 KB)
      Map of his land in 1822. This was four years before the great migration of the Bozeman families of Darlington into Montgomery, Alabama.
    • Family (699 KB)
    • KC (33 KB)
    • Family (667 KB)
      Westbrook Circle
    • AC (16 KB)
    • Census of Bozeman (107 KB)
      Many of my grandfathers are traced back to Peter Bozeman, the son of Mordecai; Mordecai being born in
    •  1735 Bladen County North among many indian tribes as the colonies were being developed.
    • Peter's mother is an unknown mystery. Peter and his family migrated into Alabama about 1826-1827, except
    •  for his son James, who remained in Darlington SC.
    • Search (6 KB)
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      My Ancestors
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      Various Webpages
    • Ella Olivia Baxley Hood (5 KB)
      Holt, Baxley, Hood, Partridge, Thornton.
    • Brooks (21 KB)
      Brooks Family of TN
    • 5 (29 KB)
    • Webpages (87 KB)
    • Notes (60 KB)
      Family Study
    • 6 (167 KB)
    • Records (86 KB)
      Collection of Various Webpages
    • 1840 (49 KB)
      Montgomery Transciption
    • 7 (731 KB)
    • *Research (201 KB)
    • Bacley (22 KB)
      Baxley grandparents to Mary Ella
    • 8 (999 KB)
    • *Notes (240 KB)
    • 1816 (2 KB)
      Peter Bozeman
    • Pink (7 KB)
    • Collection of Documents (92 KB)
      Related Pages and Articles
    • DAR Records and Numbers (184 KB)
      Many of my grandfathers are recognized by the DAR for their service in the American Revolution, such
    • as Alexander Cochran, Elisha Anderson, Eleazor Brack, Peter and his father Mordecai Bozeman,
    • Nicholas Crigler, Abner Broadway, Charles McClain, Gideon Moon, Jesse Simmons, etc.
    • Blue (52 KB)
    • 1 (9 KB)
    • DNA Bozeman (111 KB)
      Many of my grandfathers are traced back to Peter Bozeman, the son of Mordecai; Mordecai being
    • born in 1735 Bladen County North among many indian tribes as the colonies
    • were being developed. Peter's mother is an unknown mystery.
    • Blues (426 KB)
    • 2 (9 KB)
    • pink border (9 KB)
  • Welcome
  • Books
  • Families Of Grandfather Mordecai Bozeman
  • Search South Carolina Records Archives
  • Families of Cochran and Brooks
  • Notes to Ponder
  • Names
  • Southern Roots
  • Tombstone of T. Carter of the Civil War
  • List Of Important Names in this Family
  • Roadtrip to Coosa River
  • Family
  • Cherokee Roll Registration of Julia America King McClain.
  • Cherokee Roll Registration of Aunt Lettie Fenn Rich
  • Files of Fenn, Carter, McClain families
  • Colonial Records
  • Getting to Know Them
  • James Westbrook of the Civil War
  • Amos Westbrook
  • Mary Ella Thornton
  • Census Records Of My Alabama Families
  • Native American Books Online
  • Intro
  • Jacob Cochran of the Civil War families
  • Isaac Benjamin Coonfield of Pennsylvania in Kentucky 1800
  • Coonfield of the Civil War, his son married Little
  • Moses Westbrook
  • Tans
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • Census of Grandfather Little's families 1790 - 1850
  • 07
  • 08
  • 09
  • 10
  • Contents
  • Bits And Pieces
  • Images and Records
  • Alabama Kin Images and Records
  • Book by Emmett Starr
  • Blog Brooks Hood Thornton
  • Census of Grandfather Little's families through 1910
  • Blog Bozeman
  • Blog McClain
  • Blog Cochran
  • Kath's Genealogy
  • KC at angelfire
  • Anne Carter Cochran's family
  • My Parents in 1950 Broken Arrow Oklahoma
  • ...........................Next
  • Grandfathers Henderson and Cochran of Oxford, Guernsy, Ohio
  • Frank D.
  • Search Land Records
  • Anderson in Alabama
  • Native American Granny
  • 1800 Roby in KY
  • 1820 Roby and Crigler
  • 1817 John Wright of KY
  • 1817 John Wright of KY
  • Kentucky Archives
  • U S Archives
  • George Grauer
  • 1843 John Little
  • Search Civil War Records
  • John's father in law, Abraham Crigler
  • Home
  • Tombstone and Kentucky History of Grandfather Little
  • Ancestors Of Charles Brooks
  • Brooks
  • Montgomery Pioneers
  • Baxley
  • Emmett Starr's History of Cherokee
  • Milo Custer's Rev Alexander Miller
    1837GrandpaCoonfield.gif Coonfield Land Purchase
    John Wright Little CivilWarRegistration.gif
  • Lorena's daughter Alice (19 KB)
    Alice Emma McClain married Cecil Carter and she died at the age of 19 giving birth to their third child.
  • Henry Boseman (225 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Alice's daughter Anne (37 KB)
    Alice Emma McClain had Annie in 1934. Great granddaughter of Alice Lorena Stephens and John Thomas Bozeman.
  • Mordecai1 (40 KB)
    Bozeman in SC Militia, father of Peter, John, James and probably Ralph and Paul. Mordecai could have been the son of Mary White and Samuel Bozeman
  •  of Bladen County North Carolina and born 1735, while it was still Cherokee Indian Territory. The researchers of his son John claim that John was half
  •  Cherokee so the other sons would also be half blood. This makes sense since nothing is known about his wife and his marriage is not recorded
  • anywhere thus far - some speculate that his wife was called Elizabeth
  • Richard Boseman marriage of 1778 (531 KB)
    Frederick County Maryland
  • Jacob Boazman (167 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Lorena's son Walton (18 KB)
    Walton McClain holding Anne, his niece. Grandson of John Thomas Bozeman and Alice Lorena Stephens - of Elizabeth Broadway and Josiah Marion McClain.
  • 1908 Wedding Day (13 KB)
    Lorena Emma Bozeman and Charles Allen McClain
  • 1880 William Thomas Bozeman (684 KB)
    4 Jimmy Ray - William is staying with Stacy
  • Jesse and Gabriel Bozeman and Brack (151 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Alice's daughter Anne 2 (44 KB)
    Anne Carter married Frank Cochran who was the grandson of Clora Jane Miller and Jacob Benjamin Cochran - and of Lattie Cedonia Little and Benjamin
  •  Wallace Coonfield.
  • 1779 Peter Bozeman (107 KB)
    Lorena's great great grandfather in the American Rev sold his land in 1826 and moved to Hope Hull, in Montgomery County, Alabama, wrote letters
  •  found in the Archives in 1828 claiming to be injured
  •  and an invalid but they had no proof and rejected his claim but he managed to get his land in Alabama which was sold and divided in 1838 according
  • to the documents in Alabama Archives.
  • Georgia Land Grants (104 KB)
    Bozeman and Brack - Rev War Veterans
  • William Sellers (445 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Peter James Bozeman Tombstone (14 KB)
    brother of John Thomas, son of Peter Edward and Nancy Jane Bozeman in Ramer.
  • 1779 Peter Bozeman (103 KB)
    Lorena's great great grandfather in the American Rev resided in Darlington SC before Alabama
  • 1785 Peter gets payment (176 KB)
    Rev War Service
  • Westbrook (154 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Tombstone of John's wife, ALB (78 KB)
    Alice Lorena Stephens Bozeman - The family story is that her great grandfather John Stephens served in the American Revolution in North Carolina and
  •  married a full blood Cherokee woman, gave her a
  • Biblical name, and due to Indian unrest they migrated into South Carolina and then Alabama. John named a son John who married Jane Tillman and
  • they were proud of his Indian blood, shared stories
  • and the sons loved music and art.
  • 1866 John (31 KB)
    Lorena's father born and died in Ramer, John Thomas Bozeman was married to Alice Lorena Stephens
  • Victor Daniel Cochran (119 KB)
    Son of Anne Carter and Frank Cochran was the grandson of Luella Coonfield and Frank Delbert Cochran - and of Alice Emma McClain and Cecil Earl Fenn Carter.
  • Ralph Bosman (147 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Anne's death certificate (440 KB)
    Lorena's granddaughter by Alice Emma McClain Carter, - Anne was the great great granddaughter of Nancy Jane Anderson and Peter Edward Bozeman -
  • and of Mary Ann Hendrick and
  • Augustus Marvin Stone- and of Emeline Harrell and John Fenn.
  • 1866 John Bozeman (31 KB)
    Lorena's father born and died in Ramer, John Thomas Bozeman was married to Alice Lorena Stephens - Whomever placed his tombstone had it i
  • nscribed "Estimated Age"
  • Peter Bozeman Captured 1779 (401 KB)
    Colonial Soldiers of the South
  • Rev War Land Grants (166 KB)
    Grandpa Edmund Anderson and his sons - descendant Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman
  • 1866 John Bozeman Tombstone at Hills Chapel Cem. (19 KB)
    Lorena's father born and died in Ramer, John Thomas Bozeman was married to Alice Lorena Stephens
  • Morris Bowsman (160 KB)
    Rev War Land Grant
  • Rev War Land Grants (151 KB)
    Grandpa Brack - descendant Lavinia Jane Brack Sellers to Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman - Grandpa Brack had married Hester Doty in North Carolina 1700s.
  • John's mother Nancy Jane Anderson (18 KB)
    Lorena's grandmother kept them for a while when Alice Stephens Bozeman died, until John married Ellen Bean. Nancy was married to Peter Edward Bozeman
  • and filed for his Civil War Pension
  • Mordecai Bozeman (362 KB)
    Colonial Soldiers of the South - served in the Militia
  • Henry and Thomas Bozeman in Rev War (449 KB)
    Colonial Soldiers of the South
  • Wm and Levin Bozeman (206 KB)
    Historical Sketches of North Carolina
    • 1885 (386 KB)
      Sketches12-14 This Samuel Bozeman was probably the brother to our grandfather Mordecai Bozeman, and
    •  they were sons of Samuel Edward Bozeman.
    • 1885 (392 KB)
    • Isaac Coonfield death record (436 KB)
      Mortality List
    • 1885 (420 KB)
    • Death Certificate of Anne Carter (440 KB)
      wife of Frank Cochran. On that last night with her she told me to go home to my babies because a
    • "lady in white" had visited her and told her that
    • she was about to "go home"
    • Tombstone of Alice Lorena Stephens Bozeman (78 KB)
      found in the woods behind Hills Chapel Church by Peter Edward Bozeman's tombstone on the old John Hill
    • plantation. Alice was the wife of his
    •  son John Thomas Bozeman who was buried across the street in another cemetery. Stone reads " My Darling ALB "
    • Grandma Stone (88 KB)
      Informant is our great granny Annie L Dasher who later became Annie Carter, previously a Fenn in 1893.
    • Anne Carter Cochran in Arizona (6 KB)
      They lived in Mesa near Aunt Eunice Cochran in 1953
    • Grandpa Augustus Marvin Stone (90 KB)
      Father of Anna Lou Stone Fenn Carter Dasher - grandfather to Cecil Earl Fenn Carter.
    • George Little of Scotland in SC and KY (24 KB)
      S C Roster shows Frank Cochran's grandpa and probably the brothers of George Little.
    • Cecil Earl Fenn Carter (525 KB)
      Military Discharge shows dark ruddy complexion of this handsome Cherokee. There were three documents where
    •  he re-enlisted and served about
    • twenty years at Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas. Cousin Ruby Gibson once told me that Cecil was still in the Army
    •  when he married Alice McClain.
    • 1920 Annie Stone (133 KB)
      Shown with Mother - apparently Annie married 3 times, Fenn, Carter, Dasher but no marriage record has been located.
    • John Stephens (23 KB)
      S C Roster shows Anne Carter Cochran's grandpa - also grandpa to Lorena Bozeman
    • Catherine Crigler and her baby girls (53 KB)
      wife of John Wright Little
    • John Franklin Fenn 1862 (7 KB)
      Macon County - Civil War
    • Wm Sellers (23 KB)
      S C Roster shows Anne Carter Cochran's grandpa - also grandpa to Lorena Bozeman - Some researchers say
    • that Mr Sellers had married an indian
    •  woman in South Carolina before moving to Alabama.
    • Catherine Crigler 's son Sam Little (43 KB)
      son of John Wright Little
      One of my daddy's many grandfathers on Luella's side - her mother was Lattie Little.
    • Broadway (21 KB)
      S C Roster shows Anne Carter Cochran's grandpa - also grandpa to Charles McClain's mother
    • Hiram Lucius Little (94 KB)
      Father of John Wright Little married first to Catherine Wright and second to Rebecca Isabella Adams.
    • Peter Bozeman (173 KB)
      Jesse petitions the court to sell or divide the land that his father owned, dated 1838 - Peter died in 1829 after
    • writing letters to the War Dept and
    • Bounty Land Office because he knew that he was to receive that free land grant for his service in the American Revolution. Obviously he got the
    •  land in Hope Hull Alabama but I have not found any type of Land Deed until this item shows that Peter did in fact
    •  own land in Alabama. Now we need
    • to go back and find the followup to this document to see when the land was sold and to whom.
    • Moon (22 KB)
      S C Roster shows Anne Carter Cochran's grandpa - also grandpa to Charles McClain's father
    • Lattie Cedonia Little Coonfield (177 KB)
      daughter of John Wright Little - beautiful Lattie was my great grandmother and of Cherokee blood
    • Jesse Bozeman born 1793 was Attorney (1352 KB)
      When his brother Peter E. Bozeman died, Gilly asks him to be her lawful attorney regarding this estate in 1851.
    • signed by John Stephens and Gilly's X mark.
    • Brandon (23 KB)
      S C Roster shows Brandon, under which many of our elders served
    • Benjamin Coonfield (53 KB)
      Husband of Lattie Little, father of Luella - Aunt Deloris said the Coonfields had such rich black hair that it looked blue.
    • 1838 Jesse Bozeman Attorney (173 KB)
      Dividing his father Peter Bozeman's land among the heirs named on this document which is signed by Judge Bibb.
    • McClaijn (21 KB)
      S C Roster shows several McClains, not our Charles
    • Aunt Ethel and her Gibson husband (22 KB)
      With my great Grandmother Lorena
    • Bowsman Peter (22 KB)
      S C Roster shows grandpa Peter Bozeman
    • 1 (118 KB)
    • John Carter - married Elizabeth Wise (33 KB)
      1700s North Carolina Militia
    • John Wise - father of Elizabeth Wise Carter (38 KB)
      1700s South Carolina Militia - Elizabeth named her son John Wise Carter and he settled into Talladega Alabama
    • about 1820- 1830 and married an
    •  unknown woman having a son named Thomas Randolph Carter.
    • Lattie Cedonia Little & Ben Coonfield (177 KB)
      Ben Coonfield family - Lattie told her children they were of Cherokee blood and some of another tribe
    • Benjamin Coonfield's parents (28 KB)
      Husband of Lattie Little, his parents were Martha Frances Young and Benjamin Wylie Coonfield of Indiana
    • Chester Coonfield (43 KB)
      Ben Coonfield 's son, brother of Lattie
    • James T. Miller (271 KB)
      from milo custer's book
    • John Wright Little photo (26 KB)
      father of Lattie
    • McCoy (97 KB)
    • Bond (34 KB)
      1700s North Carolina Militia - Edgecombe County - our John Baptist Bond went to TN into the Brooks lineage
    • John Wright Little photo (67 KB)
      family in Arkansas
    • Alexander Miller (256 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • Ballard and Smith (35 KB)
      1700s North Carolina Militia - Granville County - our Ballard went to TN into the Brooks lineage
    • Amy Coonfield (38 KB)
      Ben Coonfield 's daughter - sister of Luella and Ruth
    • Alexander Miller (184 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • Grandpa Zachariah Fann (35 KB)
      1700s Georgia Rangers also includes John Hill
    • John Wright Little pension (403 KB)
      Civil War Service
    • Clora Jane Miller (218 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • 1885 (343 KB)
    • Holley (34 KB)
      1700s Granville North Carolina Muster Roll - to the Westbrook lineage of Alabama
    • John Little Pension (144 KB)
      Civil War, Kentucky Infantry
    • James Miller in War of 1812 (271 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • 1885 (299 KB)
    • Westbrook (34 KB)
      1700s Onslow North Carolina Muster Roll - to the Westbrook lineage of Alabama
    • John Wright Little family (39 KB)
      Civil War Service
    • Frank Cochran (295 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • Cooper and Lee (35 KB)
      1700s Edgecombe North Carolina Muster Roll - to the Susie Mae Cooper Brooks lineage of Alabama
    • Isaac Coonfield photo (22 KB)
      Louisville KY
    • Clora Jane Miller's children (295 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • Grandpa John Stephens (35 KB)
      1700s Edgecombe North Carolina Muster Roll
    • Alexander Miller 2 (184 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • Dillard and Stone (33 KB)
      1700s Chatham North Carolina Muster Roll - There is a story online about the Dillards and Jordans being related
    •  to Pocahontas
    • James Miller (213 KB)
      From Milo Custer's Book
    • Flowers and Stone (34 KB)
      1700s Edgecombe North Carolina Muster Roll
    • Deer and Clark (35 KB)
      1700s Granville North Carolina Militia
    • Charles Wayne Brooks 1953 - 1998 (63 KB)
      taken about 1975 at a friend's wedding reception - handsome son of Mary Ella Thornton and James Edgar Brooks Jr.
    • Charlie had never gone to doctors
    • until that Christmas Eve 1996 when he got sick with colon cancer.
    • Charles' Grandpa Thomas Carter (40 KB)
      Thomas Randolph Carter born 1820 with his firt wife Lacy Bozman lived in Hope Hull. He married secondly to Mary Josephine Hereferd of Virginia and
    • they had Sarah Elizabeth Carter who married Levi Benjamin Cooper - Sarah's baby was named Susie Mae Cooper and she marrried James Edgar Brooks Sr.
    • ( Thomas Carter's grandfather served in the American Revolution ) When Thomas died his wife Mary had him placed
    •  by his first family and then she went to
    • live with her daughter. Thomas and Lacy have beautiful tall tombstone monuments in Hope Hull where he purchased
    •  land thru her father, Jesse Bozeman,
    • from the William Henry Bozeman Estate. Father of Thomas was John Wise Carter, a son of Elizabeth Wise and John Carter
    • of South Carolina. Serving
    • in the American Revolution was a John Wise, a John Carter and a Thomas Carter who may have been a brother to John.
    • Charles' Grandpa Brooks (24 KB)
      John Brooks and Annie Clark Ballard of Tennessee had only one son James E Brooks Sr in Montgomery AL. James
    •  married Susie Mae Cooper and
    • named their son James Jr. James Jr married Mary Ella Thornton and had Charles. ( The first Hans Brooks came from
    • Holland and settled in PA with a
    • french wife and had John in 1837 who was in Giles TN in 1860 marrying Roxanna Smith and having a son named
    • John in TN )
    • Grandpa John Wright Little (26 KB)
      Luella Coonfield Cochran's grandfather was born in Kentucky 1843 and claimed to be Cherokee. He moved to
    • Arkansas after his wife Catherine Crigler died.
    • John was the son of Catherine Wright and Hiram Lucius Little. Catherine Wright's mother was Catherine Weatherford,
    •  a daughter of Charles according to
    • the Virginia records online. Researching Charlotte Virginia, I found a young Charles Weatherford who could have
    • been her brother and then a
    • Patsy Weatherford who might have been her mother. Family legend is that John's family refused a land allotment
    •  in Indian nation Oklahoma, but it is a
    • mystery as to why he chose to move to Arkansas.
    • Amy Coonfield Gray (32 KB)
      Joseph Gray
    • Indians at Fenn Plantation in Alabama (161 KB)
      cousin Matthew Fenn employed Indians on his farm and my grandpa William Fenn was the Manager according
    •  to the census records. They all descend from
    • Travis Fenn and Elijah Fann but this area was indeed Creek Nation as the whites began to settle and plant, they
    • all had to work together to survive.
    • Kathy's GG granny Mary Catherine Crigler (53 KB)
      Married John Wright Little in Shepherdsville Kentucky and had Lattie Cedonia Little who married Benjamin
    • Wallace Coonfield in Arkansas. Lattie named
    •  her daughter Luella Ellen. Luella married Frank Delbert Cochran and had my daddy, Frankie in 1927. Catherine
    • wore her long black hair in braids. The
    • Criglers were of German blood, read the Germanna Colony pages online and how they lived so close to the indians
    •  of that era.
    • Benjamin Wallace Coonfield and Lattie (14 KB)
      holding Luella
    • 1821 John Wise Carter (212 KB)
      3 land records exist in St Clair County
    • John Thomas Bozeman, son of Peter Edward (386 KB)
      Born 1866 in Dublin Alabama, married Alice Stephens and had my great granny, Lorena Emma Bozeman - John was
    •  the son of Nancy Jane Anderson
    • and Peter Edward Bozeman. His grandparents were Martha Hill and William Henry Bozeman who migrated from
    • Darlington South Carolina about 1826. The
    • Andersons and Bozemans lived next to each other in Hope Hull 1830 with Peter Edward being born in 1834. When
    • William died, Martha Hill Bozeman moved
    • to Dublin near her brother John Hill, who created the Hills Chapel School and Church........ After the Civil War
    •  Peter and Nancy bought land in Ramer/ Dublin
    • area along the Meriweather Trail close to John Hill. John Hill donated land for their family cemetery which
    •  I visited, and he donated land for the Hills Chapel
    • Church and another cemetery across from it where John T Bozeman is buried.
    • Marriage License (58 KB)
      Eureka Kansas
    • 1821 William Cochran Land Record (35 KB)
      only one in this township !!! Bought land in 1821 and had Jacob Benjamin Cochran in 1822.
    • WWI Charles McClain (36 KB)
      his birth date is wrong, should be 1886 but it shows his wife as Lorena Bozeman. Charles was the son of Elizabeth
    • Broadway and Josiah Marion McClain's who's families migrated from South Carolina into Georgia, then Alabama. Josiah
    • descends from Elizabeth Moon and Charles McClain of 1750s Virginia. Elizabeth Moon had named a son Josiah and
    • his son James had married an indian woman called Anna - Anna had a son named Josiah. I have seen three
    • different dates of birth for grandpa Charlie but they had very little education, some could not read nor write
    • at all, so the numbers are often mixed up. His mother Elizabeth was the daughter of Mary Stephens and Abner
    • Broadway, and when Josiah died about 1897, she remarried to John Gardner of Dublin. Elizabeth and John and
    •  Charlie are found on the 1900 census, then again in 1910 with Lorena.
    • Uncle John Coonfield (39 KB)
      brother of Ben - the Coonfields had very black hair with a blue shine to it
    • 1837 Grandpa Abner Broadway Land Record (58 KB)
      Montgomery, Alabama. Grandpa Abner and Grandma Nancy migrated from South Carolina.
    • Hood and Baxter (34 KB)
      1700s Anson North Carolina Militia
    • Document - Bozeman (26 KB)
      copied from book
    • Cochran siblings (26 KB)
      Frank Delbert Cochran's brothers and sisters.
    • 1834 Grandpa Elisha Anderson (207 KB)
      Land Record in Alabama
    • George Hill, Smith and Clark (35 KB)
      1700s North Carolina Militia
    • Document 2- Bozeman (1061 KB)
      copied from book
    • Freelon Cochran (400 KB)
      brother of my daddy, died in Korea - dad had told him to stay home
    • 1900 Grandpa John W Little (66 KB)
      Land Record
    • Abner Hill, Carter and McGeHee (34 KB)
      1700s North Carolina Militia
    • Lucius Powhatan Little (40 KB)
      cousin to John Wright Little - L P was an attorney, a judge, a writer and a genealogist. His daughter Laura Simmons
    • Little tried to prove this line connected to a sister of Pocahontas, named Cleopatra. Laura also joined the
    • Owensboro Chapter of the DAR.
    • 1823 Uncle John Bozeman (32 KB)
      Land Record - Peter's brother went to Mississippi
    • Contents page of book (21 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Aunt Eunice Cochran (26 KB)
      dad's sister had alzheimers
    • 1824 Lewis Bozeman (197 KB)
      Land Record
    • Abner Broadway (38 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South - May have married an indian woman before they began to migrate into Alabama.
    • Cook School (134 KB)
      1933 photo includes 7 Cochran children
    • John Stephens (34 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South - John married a full blood Cherokee and migrated into Alabama.
    • Luella Coonfield Cochran (116 KB)
      Death Certificate - the cancer was so bad that her husband had to okay they take her off the machines. Luella had
    •  many children, including two sets of twins
    • Benjamin Sellers - Wm B (35 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Preface (49 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Ward, Simmons, Jones (34 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Georgia Settlement (27 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Mordecai 1 (40 KB)
      Receipt of payment for service in the American Revolution - he is also listed online in the South Carolina Archives
    •  under the Roster of the Continental Army serving in the Militia.
    • Mordecai2 (52 KB)
      Receipt of pay for his services in the American Revolution.
    • Peter Bozeman captured in Am Rev (107 KB)
      1779 article from SC Archives - the surname spelling varies but these people could not read so it just didn't matter. Peter
    • and his wife Sarah signed with only an X mark on various documents. Peter was the son of Mordecai and moved his
    • family to Alabama about 1826
    • 1824 Lewis Bozeman (197 KB)
      Land Record
    • Grandma Lorena Bozeman McClain (11 KB)
      1941 she was mother of Alice McClain Carter and raised the children of Alice ( Cecil Jr, Anne Alice, William Lawrence)
    • Lorena was wonderful to visit, churning butter, sewing quilts, gardening, and read her Bible daily, having a very special
    • gift of healing.
    • LAND RECORD (59 KB)
      Grandpa Isaac Coonfield
    • Anne Carter and Frankie Cochran 1950 (44 KB)
      married in 1951, moved to Broken Arrow in Tulsa Oklahoma and then to Mesa Arizona, living next to his sister, Eunice
    •  Cochran Haraughty. Both had Cherokee heritage. My daddy always called my mother his darling little 5'2" indian squaw.
    • Brack Land Grant (151 KB)
      Eleazor and George Brack served in the Am Rev along with the Bozemans and Andersons and Sellers, all of whom eventually migrated from SC to AL - all being intermarried and becoming our grandfathers and grandmothers
    • LAND RECORD (86 KB)
      1837 Isaac Benjamin Coonfield
    • Uncle Billy Carter (25 KB)
      Anne's younger brother was killed in a car accident on hwy 231 - had married several, had no children. loved living in
    • Oklahoma around the indians because he was indian and felt at home with them. Named William Lawrence Carter, he
    • loved being called Billy or Larry. Obviously named after his grandfather William Fenn.
    • William Sellers Land Grant (445 KB)
      ended up in Alabama
    • LAND RECORD (57 KB)
      1859 Grandfather Isaac Coonfield in Arkansas
    • Frankie Cochran in 1949 (9 KB)
      left Chetopa Kansas and served in Korean War, was copilot of a bomber and was shot in the shoulder, sent to Maxwell
    • AFB in Montgomery. While seeing the sights in downtown Montgomery he ran into Anne Carter, and he told her that
    •  night that she was the one he wanted to marry. She was about 17 and working at the old Kress store on Dexter
    •  Avenue, waiting for her bus to take her home.
    • John Bozeman (132 KB)
      1781 Loyalists - sided with the British during our War for Independence
    • LAND RECORD (176 KB)
      1831 Grandfather John Hill
    • Confederate Pension Application (18 KB)
      Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman filed for widows pension after Peter Edward died. He had served in the Shelby County
    •  Reserve
    • 1756 John Bozeman is 18 (101 KB)
      Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • LAND RECORD (35 KB)
      1832 Alexander Cochran, either the brother or the father of William, land purchase in the same township as William.
    • Harrell -Bryant - Gunter (33 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Uncle Walton McClain (18 KB)
      about 1936 holding Anne Carter. Walton was a very dark handsome man, well educated, and military all his life, now
    •  buried at Arlington Cemetery. Walton wrote to Kathy very often, calling her his little princess. His title was Doctor, PHD.
    • 1748 George Bozeman in Maryland (64 KB)
      Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • LAND RECORD (220 KB)
      1834 Uncle Meady Bozeman
    • George Bell - Henderson - Westbrooks (35 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • Anne Carter in 1940 (37 KB)
      school days at Capitol Heights, they moved around, Maryland Avenue, and Yougene Streets, attending Highland Avenue
    • Church of Christ but some old letters from the 1950s talk about church on Saturdays so they must have switched
    • religions at some point.
    • John Hill in 1754 (64 KB)
      Lt in North Carolina - this could be the father of the many Hills who moved into Montgomery Alabama along with
    • the Bozemans in 1826 - He would be our grandfather
    • LAND RECORD (61 KB)
      1837 Uncle Peter Bozeman
    • Parker - Carter - Vann - Rogers (33 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South
    • John in Mississippi 1830 (43 KB)
      Rev War Soldier could be the brother of Peter or the son of Mordecai - Mordecai's lineage had not been researched
    • until this decade. I see that his son James remained in Darlington SC but John did not and Peter did not. John and
    •  Peter may have married indian women and migrated into Alabama and John moved on into Mississippi which was
    • at that time Choctaw Nation. John and Peter both had difficulty after their migration proving that they had served
    • in the American Revolution even though it is recorded where they got paid in 1785.
    • LAND RECORD (34 KB)
      1834 Uncle John Coonfield
    • Benjamin Dotey (33 KB)
      1700s Colonial Soldiers of the South - they all trace back to the Mayflower's Edward Doty and the first Thanksgiving
    • of the Pilgrims.
    • Continental Paper Money (121 KB)
      6 dollar bill
    • LAND RECORD (83 KB)
      1920 Grandpa Joseph C Stephens
    • Bond (20 KB)
      S C Roster shows Charles Brooks grandpa John Bond
    • Smith (24 KB)
      S C Roster shows Charles Brooks grandpa Henry Smith
    • 1885 (277 KB)

    • Westbrook (73 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (73 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Civil War (74 KB)
      Those who served
    • Hello!! (62 KB)
      As aol begins to close it's doors to their hometown webpages that so many have used to save their
    • notes on, here we begin a vast attempt at saving research
    • Peter Bozeman (36 KB)
      Peter had married Sarah Brown in 1786, having three daughters on the 1790 census followed by
    •  sons Meade, William Henry, Jesse M. Peter E,- Ellen married Vincent Joiner, Lucy married Sterling
    • Campbell and the third daughter has not been found unless she was at the estate sale in one of
    • those other familiar names like Seller, Mason, Watkins or Stacie or Campbell.
    • Research (675 KB)
      Updated Related Files
    • Peter Bozeman's possible ancestors (42 KB)
      Bozeman Relations
    • Research (675 KB)
      Updated Related Files
    • 1709 Samuel Bozeman (5 KB)
      shown as a witness
    • Files Home Page (1569 KB)
      Old Documents, Images, Records
    • Bozeman and Browning in Seminole Lands (5 KB)
      Tracing the Browning family in Georgia Seminole Lands
    • 1747 Henry Bozeman (6 KB)
      Virginia Militia
    • 123 (1207 KB)
    • Mary Bozeman Slater (6 KB)
      Chickasaw Tribe
    • 1734 Thomas Bosman (4 KB)
      Virginia Wills
    • Some Resources (220 KB)
      Family Study
    • Captain Bozeman (10 KB)
      Nottaway Tribe - Indian Chief grandson
    • 1792 Joseph Bozman (5 KB)
    • Files (456 KB)
      Notes and Records
    • Early Bozemans (7 KB)
    • 1792 Peter Bozeman (7 KB)
      Settlement of Revolutionary War claims Previously Barred by Established Limitations - they had set
    • deadlines for filing !
    • Mama (832 KB)
    • Bozeman in Blount County Alabama (8 KB)
      1836 removal of indians
    • My Montgomery Kin (16 KB)
      Those who settled in the capitol city.
    • Bozeman (4 KB)
      1600 Virginia
    • Coonfield Indian Blood (85 KB)
      Other researchers of the family - Long before I began studying my family tree, there was talk of
    • indian blood in this line. But even now my 94 year old aunt tells me that her mother Luella
    • Coonfield was part indian.
    • Bozeman (4 KB)
      Indian Claims
    • Bozeman (8 KB)
      1774 James and Martha in Georgia
    • Bozeman (8 KB)
      Talley applications to Cherokee Nation
    • Bozeman (7 KB)
      Land grants for "importing" others to America
    • Resources (477 KB)
    • Alabama Bozemans (29 KB)
      Including Jimmy Ray
    • Charles McClain married Lorena Bozeman (61 KB)
      1920 WWI - son of Elizabeth Broadway and Josiah Marion McClain.
    • 1 . Family Webpages (57 KB)
      Brooks, Carter, Cochran, Westbrook, and all others involved plus documents and historical records.
    • Charles McClain married Lorena Bozeman (6 KB)
      1910 They lived with his mother and her second husband John Gardner.
    • Mama (145 KB)
    • Civil War - Bozeman (16 KB)
      Peter Edward Bozeman married Nancy Jane Anderson
    • Read First (288 KB)
    • Civil War - Seaborne Anderson (16 KB)
      Nancy Jane's father served along with his brothers and father - some of this family died in the War
    • - Seaborne was the great grandfather to Lorena Bozeman McClain - Seaborne's great grandfathers
    •  served in the American Revolution.
    • Read 2 (450 KB)
    • Bozeman (8 KB)
      Samuel and Luke in 1730
    • Civil War - Josiah Marion McClain (70 KB)
      Lorena Bozeman McClain's father in law was married to Elizabeth Broadway - He had deserted his
    •  first wife Julia King in Georgia and joined the Civil War in Alabama. He was wounded. He married
    • or lived with Elizabeth having two girls around 1870 who died but had Charles Allen McClain in 1886 .
    • Josiah died soon after. Josiah's mother was known as Anna and his father was James McClain who
    •  might have also served in the Civil War. It is believed that Josiah's mother was native american -
    • Charlie McClain was a very dark tiny man and very spiritual and faithful.
    • Anderson Sellers Bozeman (53 KB)
      Alabama Pioneers of the 1820s.
    • Caleb Bozeman (7 KB)
    • Civil War - Thomas Randolph Carter (9 KB)
      son of John Wise Carter and "Elizabeth", Thomas married Lacy Jane Bozeman first and Mary
    • Josephine Hereferd second. Mary had a daughter named Sarah Elizabeth Carter who married
    •  Levi Benjamin Cooper. Grandfathers of Thomas served in the American Revolution. Mary's
    •  mother was Jemima Ramsey of Virginia.
    • Anderson Sellers Bozeman... (53 KB)
      Alabama Pioneers of the 1820s resided near George Bush and John Booth.
    • Bozeman 1600 (18 KB)
    • Links (53 KB)
      A Few documents
    • Stepping Stones (2334 KB)
      Step by Step
    • Bozeman 1700 (9 KB)
      Edgecombe County NC
    • Notes (1005 KB)
      Everything I read and research is saved on a webpage for future reference.
    • Anna Stone (1485 KB)
      Grandmother born 1875 Macon Alabama.
    • Bozeman 1700 - Micajah (11 KB)
      Northampton County NC
    • Files (4 KB)
      Research on John Brooks of Holland, his son's marriage to Roxanna P Smith of Tennessee, her son's
    • move to Alabama and descendants in Montgomery
    • Bozeman - Michael (10 KB)
      Lowndes County Alabama and into Arkansas
    • Kentucky to Arkansss to Alabama (136 KB)
      Frank Cochran and Luella Coonfield's lineage to the Brooks.
    • Bozeman - Michael (13 KB)
      Lowndes County Alabama and into Arkansas
    • Bozeman - 1700 (15 KB)
      Timeline continued
    • Bozeman - 1700 (10 KB)
      David J. was son of Luke
    • Westbrook Genealogy (12 KB)
      Penton, Jones, Johnston, Braswell, Grauer, Porter, Glass, etc
    • My Webpages (2 KB)
      Links to much of my research - I save everything, scan every document or photo, and someday I just
    •  might get it organized and alphabetized
    • Grandpa Abner Broadway (123 KB)
      father of Elizabeth B McClain - he had married Mary Stephens. Abner was born in Montgomery and his
    • parents had come from South Carolina, another Abner Broadway and "Nancy unknown"
    • Abner Broadway (936 KB)
      Born by 1800 in SC his son Abner born about 1830 in Dublin or Ramer Alabama.
    • Grandpa Elijah Lee and Andrew Cooper (101 KB)
      Chambers County census shows how close they lived together. Charner Cooper married Sarah Lee and
    • had Levi Benjamin Cooper. Levi married Sarah Carter and had a daughter Susie Mae Cooper Brooks.
    • Page 6 (1752 KB)
      Roots and Branches
    • Grandpa Cochran (3 KB)
      Family Group Sheet
    • Ancestors (163 KB)
      The many ancestors of the Brooks children.
    • List 1 (546 KB)
    • Grandpa Anderson married Lavinia Brack (91 KB)
      from the Carolinas to Montgomery Alabama - Soldiers of the American Revolution, received Land
    • Grants and migrated into Georgia, then to Montgomery County Alabama.
    • McClain, Josiah Marion - Civil War Record (3 KB)
      My great great grandfather married Elizabeth Broadway and had Charles Allen McClain
    • List 2 (141 KB)
    • Grandpa Brooks and Bond (27 KB)
      from the Carolinas to Tennessee to Texas and then Alabama
    • Surnames (37 KB)
      Baxley, Cochran, Crigler, Fenn, Little, Miller, so many names in my family tree.
    • Path of my Elders (497 KB)
      Thank you for visiting.
    • 1840 census Montgomery AL (32 KB)
      only half of my transcription, more to come on page 2 - the pages are quite difficult to read
    • Notes and Research (1052 KB)
      A big thank you to my many internet found cousins who have shared their lineage and pictures with
    • me to help verify the journeys of our ancestors.
    • Babies (38 KB)
    • My Census Notes (3 KB)
      My families migrated into several counties of Alabama by 1830 1840
    • Mordecai Bozeman (3 KB)
      Account being audited for claims of Am Rev War
    • Baxley (19 KB)
      From Joseph to James to Ella Olivia
    • * Links (28 KB)
      Related Pages
    • Notes (695 KB)
      Research of related families
    • Mordecai Bozeman and sons (6 KB)
      Account being audited for claims of Am Rev War
    • Many Names in my family (161 KB)
      My Family Jewels
    • Related Links (911 KB)
      Collecting Family Webpages
    • Captain George Little (28 KB)
      to Jonas to Hiram to John to Lattie to Luella
    • Related Links (3 KB)
      Collecting Family Webpages
    • Kentucky Census (63 KB)
      Following my Littles into Kentucky 1800
    • * * * Story (149 KB)
      About Us
    • Westbrook (140 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Census (53 KB)
      Following the Littles out of Kentucky
    • Westbrook (10 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Alabama Relatives (3 KB)
      Tracing my roots in Alabama
    • Westbrook (11 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (143 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (6 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (162 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Mordecai's son Peter Bozeman in SC (11 KB)
      Ralph and Peter received Land Grants - they might have received several acres each time they re-enlisted - Ralph even got a land grant in Georgia
    • Mordecai Bozeman's son Peter in SC (11 KB)
      Peter and Ralph received Land Grants
    • Ancestral Index (887 KB)
      Many Names and photos
    • Images (187 KB)
      List Of
    • Families Settled in Montgomery AL (1 KB)
      Several names listed - this was the capitol city - with land rich for farming, slaves and indians
    • willing to work the crops, and the Alabama River used for travel. The railroad also came through
    •  Ramer and into Montgomery - the Union Station sits along the banks of the Alabama River in
    • downtown Montgomery where historical signs indicate this was once a large indian village. Even
    •  the parents of Chief Red Eagle ( Sehoy and Charles Weatherford) lived along the Alabama River.
    • Brooks in Montgomery (1 KB)
      Descending from John Brookes of Holland who settled in Pennsylvania, then his son went to
    • Tennessee by 1860 where he married R P Smith
    • Carolina 1700s (19 KB)
      We were both Quakers and Loyalists
    • Brooks in Montgomery (3 KB)
      Ancestors of Kathy and Charles
    • Mordecai - White - Meade (12 KB)
      Interesting notes on these families in 1700
    • Documents (47 KB)
      Marriage Licenses, Death Certicates, Articles of Interest
    • Indians in Virginia (10 KB)
      Wm G Bozeman
    • Grandpa John Stephens -Am Rev War Soldier (16 KB)
      from Florida to the Carolinas, he fought for Independence, married a full blood indian and migrated
    • to Alabama
    • Bozeman - Shawnee Tribe (4 KB)
      Reid married Bozeman
    • Westbrook (144 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Grandpa Cecil Carter's ancestors (36 KB)
      Fenn of Virginia and Stone of Maryland, all migrating south through the Carolinas during the War
    • and into Georgia's Land Lottery and then to Montgomery Alabama where the land was two dollars
    •  an acre. The Fenns were Indian Traders in very early Georgia, 1700s, and their wives were
    •  likely native americans.
    • Cherokee Bozeman (3 KB)
      John married a Cherokee in SC and moved to MS
    • Westbrook (32 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • DAR Jesse Bozeman (10 KB)
      Unknown connection but our Peter named a son Jesse so this could be a brother to our Peter in
    • Darlington - there was a Jesse living two doors away from Peter in 1800 Darlington census. Peter's
    • son was named Jesse M Bozeman and I can only suppose that M was for Mordecai and then can
    • suppose it is possible that was also Peter's father's go back to the Jesse who
    • served in the American Revolution and wonder if his middle initial was also M - could he have really
    •  been Peter's father living so close to him in 1800.............we may never know.
    • Bozeman in Choctaw Nation (4 KB)
      James Boozman and Percila White - this name White takes me back to the mother of Mordecai,
    • thinking what if she were also indian....we will never know.
    • Westbrook (1 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Luke Bozeman married an indian (5 KB)
      Ward - Bozeman
    • Westbrook (351 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Indian Town Creek 1700 (6 KB)
      Samuel Bozeman, White, Parker
    • Westbrook (92 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Louis Bousman (3 KB)
      Indian Territory and Billy The Kid.
    • Westbrook (19 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • John and the Indian Wife (5 KB)
      John Bozeman and Elizabeth in MS
    • Westbrook (170 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (6 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (159 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    • Westbrook (187 KB)
      Cemeteries in Alabama
    1st .
    • Church (2270 KB)
      1820s map.. built on my mom's grandfather's plantation
    • 1861 Capitol of Montgomery Alabama (1740 KB)
      Inauguration of Jefferson Davis. Did my ancestors attend? They sure fought in the war with him..
    • 1819 Court Square (137 KB)
      Selling Cotton My family was there.... My mom's family grew and sold cotton and hauled it to Dexter
    • Avenue to sell and spent the night in a hotel that was probably one of the projects of Abner McGee.
    • 1886 (136 KB)
      Confederate Memorial Day in Montgomery
    • Lavinia's Great Granddaughters (56 KB)
      1970 Montgomery Capitol Kathy and Linda are cousins from the same granny Lavinia Jane.
  • Welcome
  • Dad's grandfather buried in Kentucky
  • Capt. Benjamin Lewis of SC may be our Uncle
  • Elisha Stephens in mom's line1829
  • A family tree tombstone marker
  • The Family Tree
  • The Brooks
  • Mom's grandmother
  • Early Research
  • Memorial Cemetery on Bozeman Drive at Simmons
  • Bozeman Hill Cemetery
  • Dad's Notes
  • Bozeman Hill Cemetery
  • List of Documents
  • List of Documents
  • Facebook - Barry
  • John Fenn
  • Names
  • Martha Fenn McClain
  • Mom's trip to Line Creek
  • Fenn Family Cemetery Plot
  • Travis Fenn Bounty Lands 1785 - Mom's line
  • Dad's Family Album
  • A Brooks Family Tree
  • A Carter Family Tree
  • Brown Bozeman and Little Families
  • Little DNA Project
  • Mom's grandchildren
  • Our Tour of Hills Chapel
  • Cemetery Preservation Page
  • Mom
  • Carter
  • Charlie
  • Dad's Images
  • Green
  • Uncle Matthew Fenn plantation of Barbour County
  • William Weatherford - Chief Red Eagle
  • Bozeman and Lewis
  • My Census Notes of Family
  • My Colonial Records
  • Coosa County History
  • George Grauer Westbrook
  • Sophia Porter
  • James Westbrook may have died in the Civil War.
  • His mother Luella
  • Anderson in Choctaw Nation
  • Uncle Rollie Bozeman's grandson in Texas
  • Anderson Roots
  • Bozeman Roots
  • Library of Virginia
  • Library of Virginia, What We Have
  • Southern Families
  • S C Archives
  • Smallpox Island
  • Georgia Roster
  • His Daughter
  • Georgia Gen Web
  • Civil War Search
  • Maps
  • Civil War Records of Alabama
  • Cornell Library
  • Joe Stephens
  • U S Census Project
  • Southern Links
  • Cochran Family
  • Home Page One
  • Index
  • Home Page Two
  • DAR Notes
  • Spirit Walks Tall
  • Southern Kin
  • Bob and Nancy of Dublin
  • 1956 and Broken Arrow
  • Darlington South Carolina
  • FTM
  • 1910 OK
  • Cooper
  • Getting Started
  • Covington
  • Grandchildren
  • List
  • Links
  • Links
  • Links
  • Draft Cards
  • Links
  • Links
  • Hiram Little 1821
  • Links
  • KC
  • Lue
  • Anna Lou
  • Charlie
  • Family Webpages
  • William and Anna Stone Fenn (327 KB)
    1900 Alabama census
  • Elijah Fann (158 KB)
    1820 census of Laurens Georgia
  • Ida Fenn daughter of John and Emeline (464 KB)
    1900 census of Girard in Russell County Alabama- Ida may have been 14 or 15 when she married a
  •  man 20 years older - how and why I do not know - she was the sister of William and his second
  •  wife was much too young for him - hard to understand this family's traditions.
  • Augustus Stone (273 KB)
    1910 census
  • Elijah Fann (293 KB)
    1830 census of Decatur Georgia
  • Ida Fenn daughter of John and Emeline (387 KB)
    1910 Lee County - named a son Kapolem???
  • Matthew Fenn (116 KB)
    Plantation owner of Barbour County employed indians - page from early settlers book as indicated
  • Elijah Fann (386 KB)
    1840 census of Early Georgia
  • Carolyn Fenn daughter of Annie and William in 1930 (517 KB)
    She married a mixed indian from Choctaw Nation Texas and moved to Creek Nation Oklahoma.
  • William Franklin Fenn (64 KB)
    Tombstone by Madison and Emmett
  • Michael Stone (219 KB)
    1820 census of Putnam Georgia father of Benjamin
  • Robert Lee Fenn 1920 WWI Navy Hospital (440 KB)
    Son of Annie and William was buried on brother Frank's farm beside him - this is the first time I have
  •  located our Robert on a census record. Family says he married after the war and lived in Chicago
  • until just before his death.
  • Madison A Fenn - son of John (521 KB)
    known as Uncle Mat and mistakenly buried as Mathew beside his brother William
  • Augustus Stone (484 KB)
    1880 Alabama with daughter Anna
  • Hendrick Christopher in 1850 Troy, Pike, Alabama (324 KB)
    Grandfather C C Hendrick,father of Mary Ann Stone, and spouse of Mary Ann Winters living with
  • Jeremiah Frazer
  • Madison A Fenn 1920 (420 KB)
    Widowed - returned to Montgomery Alabama living around the corner from his brother William Franklin
  • Fenn - they were all close to the Train Station
  • Benjamin Stone - son of Michael (356 KB)
    1850 Alabama - father of Augustus
  • Hendrick 1870 (433 KB)
    Grandpa Christopher took his family to Wood County Texas and perhaps he died there, unable to
  • find him after this census record.
  • William Franklin Fenn 1920 (364 KB)
    Downtown Montgomery near the Train Station on Commerce Street which crosses Madison Avenue -
  • William with his second wife and his daughter Carrie and his son Emmett who did work for the
  •  railroad. William died in 1922 and Emmett handled the paperwork.
  • Stephen Rich, father of Martha Fann (305 KB)
    1830 Decatur Georgia
  • Albert and Amelia Winters 1820 Franklin Georgia (300 KB)
    parents of Mary Ann Hendrick
  • William Franklin Fenn Junior 1920 (415 KB)
    Downtown Montgomery near the Train Station on McDonough Street which crosses Madison Avenue -
  •  Frank worked for the railroad, shoveled coal into the fire- hauled prisoners of war - wife was Neva
  • Mae Walraven - Frank told his children that the baby his mother took away was only a half sibling
  •  and that Carrie was also a half sibling creating quite a mystery for genealogists. Soon after this
  • census Frank's father died and Frank Jr bought a large farm in Elmore County. Frank's children
  • receives nice gifts from their grandma Carter and said they remembered Frank leaving on the
  •  train to attend grandma's funeral in Macon Georgia.
  • John Fenn, son of Elijah (260 KB)
    1850 Decatur Georgia, John and Emeline are at the bottom of this census page but their new infant son
  •  William is on the next page and they also live near John's sister, Letisha or Letty Fenn and her
  • husband Thomas Rich - perhaps they married cousins.
  • Amelia Winters must be widowed in 1840 (368 KB)
    Jackson County Georgia census helps us with their ages and number of family members and it shows
  •  no slaves - Jackson County was once part of Franklin which was Cherokee Territory.
  • William Franklin Fenn 1910 and son Arthur Lee Fenn (435 KB)
    Barbour County Alabama William with second wife, family called her Eva Dakota - she is younger than
  • his children - son Arthur Lee died young - Carrie is not present so she could have joined her mother
  • - Robert does not appear on census either but I did find his tombstone by Frank Jr. Family says that
  •  brother Robert moved to Chicago but came back to his brother Frank's farm.
  • John Fenn, son of Elijah (529 KB)
    1880 Tuskegee, Macon County, Alabama
  • Thomas S Fenn son of John (343 KB)
    1910 Montague Texas, brother of William and Madison married Lula and had a son named Thomas Jr
  • Draft Card Cochran (197 KB)
    Benjamin Harrison
  • 1860 census Wm Little (52 KB)
    Saline Missouri
  • census Coonfield (697 KB)
    great great great great grandpa Isaac Coonfield born 1808 in 1850 with wife Mary Epperson and
  • daughter Lydia named after his first wife.
  • Draft Card McClain (193 KB)
    Great grandpa Charles Allen McClain was born 1886 and died 1949 in Montgomery Alabama Grandpa
  • Charles did not read nor write and his age seems different on every document but the census with
  • his mother gives us accuracy.
  • 1800 census Charles McClain (19 KB)
    Spartanburg SC
  • Michael Stone in Tennessee (584 KB)
    1840 census image -Probably brothers, Michael and William on same page.
  • 1860 census YOUNG (35 KB)
    Boone, Harrison Indiana shows Martha Young as a child
  • Draft Card Cochran (25 KB)
    Great grandpa Jacob Benjamin Cochran
  • 1850 census John C Wright (25 KB)
    Kentucky - he and wife Catherine Weatherford Wright living with daughter Mary Waltrip came from
  • Charlotte VA.  There is a Phillip and a James Wright in this area who may connect.
  • 1870 census Hiram Lucius Little and Rebecca (927 KB)
    Texas - new family, 6 new children plus two more from Kentucky - Brooks family nearby - Hiram's baby
  • is named Brooks.
  • census 1860 Young (776 KB)
    complete image to see the neighbors and I wonder who the parents were of Martha's mom
  • 1850 census Hiram Little (46 KB)
    moved to Texas as widowed and remarried
  • 1820 census Charles McClain (29 KB)
    South Carolina
  • census 1840 Georgia McLain families (703 KB)
    Josiah and his son J.W.McLain families are here in 1840
  • James and Wesley Little (59 KB)
    census image
  • 1860 census Jacob Cochran (66 KB)
  • census 1860 GA Josiah McClain is 70 (586 KB)
    with wife Ann on census image - Josiah was son of Charles and also the father of James.
  • John Abraham Little draft card (176 KB)
    image-military registration includes name of wife 
  • Michell Stone from Maryland (16 KB)
    Alabama census
  • 1850 census Cochran from Ireland (749 KB)
    Alexander is 86 and living with another family
  • John Wright Little draft card (29 KB)
    census image
  • 1870 census Douglas Little (29 KB)
  • 1850 census Cochrans living together (691 KB)
    Alexander living with his son William - may be our Uncle Alexander.
  • census 1790 Peter Bozeman (50 KB)
    South Carolina
  • 1850 census Catherine Little (17 KB)
  • 1900 census Jacob Cochran (985 KB)
    with family
  • census 1840 Kentucky (547 KB)
  • Charley Little (211 KB)
  • 1860 census B Stone (803 KB)
    Benjamin Stone in Alabama
  • census Lousiana (38 KB)
    great great great grandpa Peter Bozeman died of Cholera
  • Michael Stone in Putnam Georgia (661 KB)
    1830 census image NOTE Captain John Stone's District !!
  • Search my site (30 KB)
    Webpage collection
  • Cousin Elizabeth (41 KB)
    Meeting at Hills Chapel 2007
  • About Us (39 KB)
    About My Family
  • Guestbook (38 KB)
    Sign my guestbook and read the archives
  • Bible Belt of the South (19 KB)
    Describes my family very well, faith and loyalty got them through the bad times.
  • Southern Families (27 KB)
    Describes my family very well, faith and loyalty got them through the bad times.
  • Names (9 KB)
  • Names (15 KB)
  • Sketches (52 KB)
  • Resources (1103 KB)
    Related Articles and Webpages
    • 1920 Madison Fenn on Commerce Street, Montg, AL (817 KB)
      he is Carrie's Uncle Mat or our great grandfather Wm F Fenn's brother who died in 1927 and is buried at Greenwood
    • Cemetery by Wm F Fenn and near Emmett Fenn. Whomever buried Uncle Mat listed him as Matthew A Fenn, so they
    •  did not know much about the family's real names. Madison was a night watchman at a grocery store, according to this census,
    • being widowed as his wife had died in Texas, prompting his return to Alabama. There is also a Rewis family on this
    • census which we later find connected with Emmett Fenn.
    • 1930 James Brooks and Susie Mae Cooper (1086 KB)
      Montgomery Alabama census...
    • John BROOKS Self M Male W 42 PA Farmer HOLLAND FRANCE
    •  P. R. BROOKS Wife M Female W 38 TN Keeping House TN TN
    • Nora C. BROOKS Dau S Female W 18 TN At Home PA TN
    • Walter H. BROOKS Son S Male W 13 TN At Home PA TN
    • John H. BROOKS Son S Male W 7 TX PA TN
    • Lula C. BROOKS Dau S Female W 5 TX PA TN ...
    • W. BROOKS Son S Male W 3 TX PA TN -
    • ---------------------------------------------------------
    • ------- Source Information: Census Place Precinct 1, Lamar, Texas.
    • 1930 Uncle Wm Frank Fenn near Highland Avenue (998 KB)
      Carrie's brother, also brother of our grandpa Cecil Earl Fenn Carter. Uncle Frank, his wife Neva Mae Walraven, and her
    • mother are living between Panama Street and Highland Avenue. He works on the railroad, like his brother Emmett. Uncle
    • Frank later buys land in Coosada on Airport Road and has a family cemetery which includes his brother Robert's grave.
    • The land later becomes Coosada Elementary School. Some is donated to the church for a cemetery. This is where
    • cousin Martha remembered her mom, Neva, boiling Frank's workclothes in a pot outside from his job on the railroad.
    • There was once a housefire where they lost many of their family
    • photos and mementos, but one son remembered Frank having a photo of a guy in baseball uniform signed by Wm Arthur "Tige" Stone.
    • 1920 Susie Mae Cooper (763 KB)
      Montgomery Alabama census with her mother Sallie E Carter, widow of Thomas R Carter and his first marriage was to
    • Lacy Bozeman
    • 1930 Eva Dakota Fenn on McDonough Stree (21 KB)
      She is now alone. At some point she moved in with her stepson Wm Frank Fenn Jr because my mother in law Mary Ella
    • Brooks knew her and actually took her in when Eva and Frank did not get along. This might have happened in Montgomery
    •  before they all moved to Elmore County but yes, Mary Ella took care of the lady !! What a small world we live in < smiles >
    • WWI Draft Registration Card (24 KB)
      James Edgar Brooks is in Forsyth Georgia so is he in our line?
    • 1820 Elijah Fann/ Fenn in Laurens Georgia (407 KB)
      One of our great great grandfathers....married to Martha Rich and had John who ended up in Tuskegee Alabama
    •  and had a son named William Frank Fenn . Elijah's ancestors came down through the Carolinas and the wars and
    • some were listed on the Georgia land lottery - such amazing history here !!
    • 1910 James E Brooks in Montgomery AL (384 KB)
      on Hull Street with father in law listed as Crawford, children John and Dorothy....?
    • W. P. BROOKS Self M Male W 55 TN Farmer NC VA
    • Carrie BROOKS Wife M Female W 33 TN Keeps House TN TN
    • John D. BROOKS Son M Male W 25 TN Mule Trader TN TN
    •  Roxanna BROOKS DauL M Female W 22 TN At Home TN TN
    • Walter BROOKS Son S Male W 19 TN Farm Laborer TN TN
    •  Rolla BROOKS Son S Male W 5 TN TN TN
    • Lilly BROOKS Dau S Female W 3 TN TN TN
    • Kate JONES Other D Female B 35 TN Dom. Servant TN TN
    • Oscar JONES Other S Male B 3 TN TN TN ----------------
    • -- Source Information: Census Place District 16, Maury, Tennessee
    • 1930 Mary Ella Thornton ( married J E Brooks ) (855 KB)
      age 3 with her parents Milton Elijah and Bessie Thornton on Park Avenue in Chisholm, Montgomery County Alabama
    • 1850 Cooper (93 KB)
      Chambers Alabama Alsey Cooper is widowed with children in Chambers..
    • 1910 Wesley Allan Hood, father of Bessie Thornton (342 KB)
      Elmore County Census shows Mary Ella's grandfather but Bessie is listed on page two with her two brothers
    • John Thomas Bozeman photo (386 KB)
      father of Lorena, husband of Alice Stephens...
    •  Peter E. BOZEMAN Self M Male W 46 AL Farmer SC SC
    • Nancy J. BOZEMAN Wife M Female W 34 AL Keeping House AL GA
    • John Thos. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 14 AL Field Hand AL AL
    • Peter J. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 12 AL Field Hand AL AL
    • Corintha BOZEMAN Dau S Female W 10 AL AL AL
    • Robt. H. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 8 AL AL AL
    • Martha J. F. BOZEMAN Dau S Female W 5 AL AL AL
    • Allie Lucie BOZEMAN Dau S Female W 2 AL AL AL
    • George M. BOZEMAN Son S Male W 1 AL AL AL -----------
    • Source Information: Census Place Dublin, Montgomery, Alabama
    • 1910 Wesley Allan Hood's children listed on PAGE 2 (19 KB)
      Elmore County Census shows Mary Ella's grandfather but Bessie is listed on page two with her two brothers
    • 1930 Creek County, Oklahoma, Carrie Fenn Johnson (993 KB)
      Cousin Martha said that Aunt Carrie married a Ben Johnson and moved to Oklahoma where they had one daughter named
    • Jean and they lived a very poor life and probably died there. Ben is shown to have been born in Texas.
    • John Brooks of Pennsylvania in Texas 1880 census (833 KB)
      Shows his father is from Holland and his mother is from France and his wife is from Tennessee. John is 42 on this
    • document and his children are born in Texas so they have been here nearly 20 years apparently. Roxanna Permilia
    • Smith is using P R for her name on this.
    • 1900 Choctaw Nation Texas, Ben Johnson (927 KB)
      some of Ben's siblings are born in Indian Territory but he shows born in Texas - all citizens are listed as white. There is
    • another Johnson family living next to them. Ben's mother is born in Alabama. They must have returned later to Alabama
    •  when he met Carrie
    • Fenn and married her and then they moved on to Oklahoma.
    • 1860 John Brooks in Giles County TENN from PENN (643 KB)
      young man is a boarder in this household, just before he married Ms Smith and then they moved on to Texas.
    • 1920 Carrie Fenn in Alabama with her father (701 KB)
      on Commerce Street with her stepmother Eva, we do not know why Carrie/ Carolyn never lived with her own mother,
    • but her father was ill and she stayed. Her brother Emmett is also there but we do not know why they show his middle
    •  initial as J when his middle name was Marvin, but census officials were not perfect and if Eva was the person giving
    • out the information, she probably had no clue. Eva Dakota Fenn was very young too !!
  • Allen Wesley Hood (109 KB)
    buried in Slapout AL , brother of Bessie and Barnie - son of Ella O Hood and L Wesley Hood........could be husband of
  •  Jessie Swindall
  • Annie Clark Ballard Brooks (89 KB)
    wife of John, mother of James; the daughter of Eudora Craig and James Ballard of Lawrence TN plus her four grandparents
  •  were all born in Tennessee.
  • Brooks - Cooper headstone (69 KB)
    Greenwood Cemetery, behind the Last Supper monument; all the way to the back road of the cemetery.
  • Barnie or Buster Hood (88 KB)
    buried in Slapout AL , brother of Bessie and Allen - son of Ella O Hood and L Wesley Hood
  • Luther Vernon Ballard (72 KB)
    must have been brother to Annie as all are buried near each other in Greenwood Cemetery, Montgomery AL
  • R E Thornton (74 KB)
    Cains Chapel, Slapout Alabama
  • L W Hood - great great grandpa (115 KB)
    buried in Slapout AL , husband of Ella Mae O Hood and father of Bessie Mae " Bubber" Hood Thornton............Bessie
  • named her sons Lister and James...........
  • James Edgar Brooks SR (106 KB)
    buried by his wife Susie Cooper and near his mother Annie...........we found his father JOHN buried in a different section of
  •  the cemetery; yet this section had a large marker named Cooper-Brooks located in Greenwood Cemetery, Montgomery AL
  • BROOKS - Mary Ella Thornton (87 KB)
    wife of James Edgar Brooks, mother of Charles Wayne Brooks; buried in Prattville Cemetery beside James and their
  • other son John
  • Barnie Hood's wife (98 KB)
    Augusta Hood
  • Susie Mae Cooper Brooks (73 KB)
    buried by husband James Edgar Brooks Sr - Susie was known as Mamaw
  • BROOKS - James Edgar Jr (68 KB)
    beside wife Mary Ella Thornton and their son John in Prattville Cemetery - father of Charles Wayne Brooks, John Milton
  • and Thomas Earl Brooks
  • Dorothy Hood (89 KB)
    Hood family in Slapout/ Holtville, Elmore County, Alabama - this cemetery is behind Cains Chapel Methodist Church
  • on the corner of the intersection of Hwy 111
  • Zona Cooper (97 KB)
    buried in the Cooper Brooks plot
  • BROOKS - John Milton (73 KB)
    Johnny died young, buried by his parents James and Mary Brooks in Prattville AL
  • Jessie Swindall Hood (110 KB)
    Hood family in Slapout
  • Walter Cooper (80 KB)
    buried in the Cooper Brooks plot
  • BROOKS - Charles Wayne born 1953 (57 KB)
    son of Mary Ella Thornton and James Edgar Brooks; buried in Millbrook Alabama at Brookside Memorial.
  • J William Thornton (83 KB)
    Thornton and Hood family in Slapout
  • Mollie Cooper (99 KB)
    buried in the Cooper Brooks plot
  • John Brooks 1880 Texas census (833 KB)
    shows his father from Holland and mother from France....married Permilia Roxanna Smith in Tennessee and had their
  •  son, John Brooks who married Annie Ballard and came to Montgomery AL
  • Lela Thornton is beside J Wm Thornton (90 KB)
    Thornton and Hood family in Slapout
  • Bessie Mae HOOD Thornton (80 KB)
    buried in Slapout AL wife of Milton Elijah Thornton, and she was mother of Mary Ella Thornton who married James Edgar
  • Brooks JR
  • Wesley Hood on 1910 census (342 KB)
    census image shows him as head of household with ELLA as his wife, so it leaves confusion as to the L W Hood headstone
  • Marlon Thornton (119 KB)
  • Milton Thornton (52 KB)
    buried in Slapout AL , he married Bessie Mae Hood and he is father of Mary Ella Thornton Brooks
  • Bessie Hood on census (19 KB)
    census image
  • Minnie Hood (79 KB)
  • James and Susie Brooks on census (1086 KB)
    1930 census image
  • 1930 Mary Ella Thornton Brooks (855 KB)
    Living on Park Avenue in Chisholm, Montgomery, Alabama she grew up to marry James Edgar Brooks JR
  • 1860 Roxanna Permilia Smith in Tennessee (613 KB)
    with her brother John and her mom Caroline and new step father Cox
  • 1880 Roxanna Permilia Smith Brooks in Texas (833 KB)
    John Brooks
  • 1860 young John Brooks in Giles Tennessee (643 KB)
    must be renting a room here with many others - John is a tailor from PENN
  • 1870 Permilia Smith Brooks in Lamar Texas (691 KB)
    and husband John Brooks
  • 1930 James Edgar Brooks in Montgomery Alabama (1086 KB)
    with Susie Mae Cooper as wife plus both of their mothers are living with them. He works for the State as a bookkeeper.
  • 1920 Annie Brooks and John (768 KB)
    On Adams Street in Montgomery Alabama with no children in household on this census record.
  • James Edgar Brooks (24 KB)
    WWI draft registration card in Forsyth Georgia
  • Susie Mae Cooper Brooks age 17 (763 KB)
    In 1920 she lived on Mulberry Street in Montgomery Alabama
  • 1930 James and Susie Brooks (1086 KB)
    They lived on Fourth Street in Montgomery Alabama and they had James Edgar Brooks Junior
    • 1920 John Brooks in Alabama (768 KB)
      John Brooks and Annie Ballard in Montgomery Alabama
    • Ballard and Baxter in 1850 Lewis Tennesee (770 KB)
      Finding Larkin Ballard and his inlaws appear on the same page. It is Larkins' granddaughter Anna thru James Ballard
    •  who married John Brooks in TN and had our James Edgar Brooks later found in Montgomery Alabama
    • 1860 R P Smith in Mt Pleasant, Maury TN (613 KB)
      Caroline Bond Smith has remarried to John shows her children living in this household as Smith before Roxanna
    •  Permilia married John Brooks.  She is found as Roxi, Annie, P. R. , and P.R.
    • 1910 Montague Texas Thomas Fenn (617 KB)
      Thomas of Alabama with wife Lula. Thomas was son of John and Emeline Fenn, born in Tuskegee AL
    • WWI draft card registration (24 KB)
      James Edgar Brooks
    • 1900 Emily Fenn (782 KB)
      mother of Thomas and William Fenn, wife of John, she is found in Russell Alabama living with her grandson by Ida, young
    •  W O Murry and his wife Annie Fletcher Murry. Emily was known as Emiline Harrell born in Macon Georgia where she
    •  married John Fann and they later moved into Tuskegee, Macon County, Alabama having William, Madison, Thomas,
    • Ida in the 1850s.  Thomas and Ida are later found as Fennell instead of Fenn....but the cursive handwriting back then had
    • large loops which could be misinterpreted as letters.
    • 1930 James Brooks in Montgomery AL (1086 KB)
      with wife Susie Mae Cooper and James Jr
    • 1880 David Craig (966 KB)
      Lawrence Tennessee - this family connects to Annie Ballard Brooks
    • Rebecca Caroline Pennington (587 KB)
      1860 Lawrence Tennessee - She married Wm Craig and they had Willie Eudora Craig who married James Ballard. The
    • Ballards had Anna Ballard who married John Brooks and Anna had James Edgar Brooks who went to Montgomery
    • Alabama and then married Susie Mae Cooper ( Mamaw )
    • 1880 Anna Ballard (1002 KB)
      Lawrence Tennessee with many relatives living around them.
    • 1900 Anna Ballard Brooks (885 KB)
      Lawrence Tennessee - with husband and baby Edgar. Her father James Ballard is at the bottom of this page.
    • 1860 John Brooks (643 KB)
      Giles Tennessee, working as a tailor, John is from Pennsylvania
    • 1880 John Brooks in Texas (833 KB)
      shows his father from Holland
  • Peter James Bozeman/Dora Ann Dillard headstone (30 KB)
    son of Peter Edward Bozeman
  • 1800 CENSUS Elisha Sellers (18 KB)
    Wilmington, Brunswick, North Carolina
  • John Thomas Bozeman headstone (7 KB)
    son of Peter Edward Bozeman
  • 1840 CENSUS William Sellers (549 KB)
    Richmond Georgia
  • Velma,Eunice,Wayne/wifeCoonfield,Harvey/Dolly (23 KB)
    Coonfield relations
  • headstone of Jacob Benjamin Cochran (42 KB)
    buried in Hill City Cemetery Kansas, wife of Clora, father of Frank and Joy Benjamin and several other children
  • 1800 census Marlboro District SC (20 KB)
    William Sellers
  • Martha Ann Wright Little (22 KB)
    Catherine G Weatherford Wright's daughter
  • Little, H L jr marriage license (60 KB)
    Hiram Lucius Little junior, half brother to John Wright Little
  • 1790 census South Carolina Anderson (346 KB)
    Elijah Anderson
  • Emma Alice McClain Carter (21 KB)
    wife of Cecil Earl Carter married about 1931
  • Hood, Bessie Mae Thornton and siblings (7 KB)
    Mother of Mary Ella Thornton Brooks
  • 1790 census South Carolina JOSEPH LITTLE (420 KB)
    union regiment
  • Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman (19 KB)
    wife of Peter Edward Bozeman
  • Mordecai Bozeman (52 KB)
  • 1830 census Obediah Clark (527 KB)
    Henry Kentucky - probably the brother of Barsheba Clark Coonfield
  • Meady G Bozeman (61 KB)
    son of Peter Edward Bozeman
  • Mordecai Bozeman (53 KB)
  • 1830 census BARSHEBA Coonfield (497 KB)
    Henry Kentucky, Barsheba Tracy Coonfield lives by her brother Archelus Clark, near brother Obediah Clark who married
  •  Susannah Coonfield. Archelus/Archibald married Lanarah Coonfield
  • Bozeman Plot (204 KB)
    family of Peter Edward Bozeman
  • 1810 census ISAAC Coonfield (169 KB)
    Henry county Kentucky, Isaac was also on the 1800 tax list of Kentucky
  • James C Wright (9 KB)
    unknown family beside Bozeman plot
  • 1820 census ISAAC Coonfield (126 KB)
    West Port, Henry county Kentucky, Isaac was also on the 1800 tax list of Kentucky
  • 1820 census James Epperson (209 KB)
    Montgomery County Kentucky
  • Roberta Bozeman Page headstone (59 KB)
    Bozeman plot
  • Robert H Bozeman headstone/Corrie Huffman (60 KB)
    Bozeman plot
  • Victoria Carter (33 KB)
    daughter of Cecil, died about 2000
  • 1820 census REASON ROBY (338 KB)
    taken at Shepherdsville, Bullitt, Kentucky
  • Catherine Crigler Little (38 KB)
    wife of John Wright Little
  • 1830 census REASON ROBY (495 KB)
    Mount Washington, Bullitt, Kentucky
  • Ben and Martha Coonfield 1885 (316 KB)
    top row, William, John, Ella, Wallace bottom row: Albert, Benjamin, Martha, Edward, Tom
  • 1810 census ABE CRIGLER (199 KB)
    Bullitt Kentucky
  • 1830 Abe Crigler in Bullitt KY, father of OWEN (179 KB)
    someone is about 70 years old in this household if you browse across the page and look at the ages.
  • 1850 census Owen CRIGLER, son of Abraham (478 KB)
    Bullitt Kentucky, wife Mary Duval and living next to Carpenters
  • 1810 census Michael Carpenter (335 KB)
    Montgomery County Kentucky
  • 1810 census Weatherford families (442 KB)
    Charlotte VA
  • Jesse Bozeman headstone (49 KB)
    born 1793 SC died in Alabama
  • James Bozeman headstone (46 KB)
    buried near Jesse in Montgomery Alabama
  • headstone of Clora Jane Miller Cochran (45 KB)
    wife of Jacob buried in Hill City Cemetery Kansas
  • George Little history notes (11 KB)
    history and will
  • Hello (2 KB)
  • Coonfield Research notes (36 KB)
    finding Isaac in 1800 Kentucky tax lists but never finding his father anywhere
  • Followup (82 KB)
    Research never ends
  • Civil War Message Board (135 KB)
    Alabama families share their findings
  • Civil War (16 KB)
    Peter Bozeman in Alabama
  • Civil War (70 KB)
    Josiah Marion McClain in Alabama
  • Civil War (16 KB)
    Seaborne Anderson in Alabama
  • Civil War (9 KB)
    Thomas Carter in Alabama
  • Cherokee Children (53 KB)
  • 1915 Kansas (28 KB)
    Aunt Ruth Coonfield with Charles Gray, holding Luella's twins
  • Cherokee Mom (16 KB)
    Annie Lee Carter changed her name to Anne Alice Carter, because she had no idea that her grandmother was Annie Lee
  • Stone Fenn Carter born about 1875, so she chose to use her own mother's name Alice. Annie Lee Stone might have
  • been the full blood Cherokee we are searching for. Of course Annie Lee Stone might have married a half blood
  • Wm Fenn in 1893 as we see the Cherokee blood runs strong in his mother's line of Harrell.
  • Uncle Billy Carter born 1935 (63 KB)
    Handsome Cherokee son of Cecil Earl Fenn Carter grew up to be security guard in Enid Oklahoma
  • Cherokee Great Grandparents (12 KB)
    Grandparents of Frankie Lavern Cochran left Kentucky for Arkansas, Benjamin Coonfield and Latte Cedonia Little.
  • 1956-1957 (447 KB)
    Great grand-daughter of Charles Allen McClain
  • Obituary Teegardin (177 KB)
    Frank's cousin Dorline Gray Teegardin
  • Emma Lorena Bozeman McClain (7 KB)
    Ramer Alabama Her Cherokee mother was Emma Alice Lorena Stephens
  • Obituary Cochran (62 KB)
    Frank's sister Mary Lou
  • Wm Franklin Fenn Jr b 1896 (10 KB)
    Thompson, Bullock County, Alabama
  • Uncle Sam and Nancy Little (10 KB)
    Luella's Uncle
  • Cecil Earl Fenn Carter, brother of W F Fenn Jr (13 KB)
    Thompson, Bullock County, Alabama born 1899 or 1900 died 1939
  • 1972 (48 KB)
    July 14, 1972 Charles and Kathy with Anne and Mary on Kiwanis Street
  • Robert Lee Fenn, brother of W F Fenn Jr (13 KB)
    Thompson, Bullock County, Alabama headstone found buried beside his brother, although Robert never appeared on the census
  • 1977 (47 KB)
    Charles and Kathy in friend's wedding
  • Emma Alice McClain Carter, wife of Cecil (2 KB)
    Ramer Alabama, daughter of Lorena Bozeman McClain
  • 1996 (79 KB)
    Funeral of Frankie Cochran December 1996. On Christmas Eve he hugged Kathy and said I love you more than you will ever
  • know and at 3 am he was gone. Brother Darrell and sister Mary Lou shown by Deloris
  • William Lawrence Carter, son of Cecil & Alice (16 KB)
    Montgomery Alabama
  • Bubber - Bessie Mae Hood Thornton (114 KB)
    second photo is her daughter Mary Ella Thornton Brooks with her children
  • Uncle Emmett Fenn Obit 1959 (21 KB)
    Grandpa Cecil's brother
  • Cherokee Stephens Family (170 KB)
    Montgomery Alabama, from NC
  • Charles Allen McClain wed Lorena Bozeman 1908 (17 KB)
    Ramer Alabama
  • Stephens, W E (72 KB)
    Ramer Alabama
  • Sam (121 KB)
    riding horses
  • McClains, Charles and son Walton (25 KB)
    Ramer Alabama
  • 1980 (295 KB)
    Frank Cochran at Shriners Construction Site
  • OOTCHA Annie Broadway (49 KB)
    Ramer Alabama
  • 1850 (380 KB)
    Michael Stone in Macon County Alabama, Anna Stone Fenn's great grandfather came from Maryland
  • FENN, Virginia Leigh, daughter of WF Fenn JR (4 KB)
    Bullock Alabama
  • 1820 (482 KB)
    Charles McClain and Elizabeth Moon in Spartanburg had son Josiah who had James who had Josiah Marion McClain who served
  • in the Civil War and marrie Elizabeth Broadway who had a son named Charles Allen McClain in Dublin Alabama
  • Carter, Mark b 1950 (5 KB)
    NC, son of Cecil Carter Jr
  • 1860 (472 KB)
    Elizabeth Broadway with parents Mary S. Stephens and Abner Broadway may have been Creek Indian Blood
  • 1956 Dad (30 KB)
    Living in Mesa Arizona, one of my dad's receipts for pay at his job.
  • 1850 (683 KB)
    Joe Stephens age 4 served in the Civil War and had a daughter named Alice Lorena Stephens Bozeman - Grandfather Joseph
  • later bought land near Talladega in his elder years, while many of his Stephens relatives migrated into Florida and Panama.
  • 1957 Arizona (23 KB)
    Living in Mesa Arizona, Uncle Billy took this picture of my family and his first wife Lillian.
  • 2000 (31 KB)
  • 1959 Alabama (20 KB)
    Easter Sunday with Roscoe and Katy Coley's grandson, Mike Carr - Kathy, Jr. Vic
  • Mary and James Brooks about 1975. (67 KB)
    Acapulco Vacation awarded to the John Deere employees. James's sister Christine Brooks Bridges attended.
  • Carter (33 KB)
    Victoria, daughter of Cecil Jr. Vickie was the half sister of Bradford Earl, Cecil Mark, Mike, and Jeffrey Earl. Cecil had
  •  married several times.
  • Surveying Greenwood Cemetery (55 KB)
    Fenn family plot owned by Orr is quite a mystery that surely some of the relatives can resolve. Perhaps Bob Fenn knows since
  •  he had Uncle Emmett buried there
  • Grandpa Isaac (195 KB)
    Perry Township History 1820s mention Coonfield and Clark migration
  • Annie's Clan (55 KB)
    Taken about 1968
  • 1840 (371 KB)
    Sellers in Pike County
  • Grandpa Jacob (121 KB)
    Civil War Registration
  • Annie's Clan (46 KB)
    Taken about 1965
  • Lavinia Sellers - 1880 (528 KB)
    Mysterious error on census, Lavinia Jane Sellers Anderson mistakenly listed as Bozeman, but note that she is the mother in law - she
  •  is Corrintha Anderson Barfoot's mother. Lavinia was the wife of Seaborn Anderson and also the mother of Nancy Bozeman
  •  in the next household. Lavinia's parents were Levinia Anderson and William Calvin Sellers - all the Andersons being of the
  •  same family of Elisha and the Sellers all being from 1700s North Carolina.
  • Grandpa Charles and Zachariah (12 KB)
    Georgia Records 1700s Bounty Lands after the WAR
  • Annie's Clan (54 KB)
    Taken about 1953
  • Sellers (40 KB)
  • Grandpa George (105 KB)
    Davies Kentucky
  • Grandparents of Frank (34 KB)
    his father shown on left side
  • Confederate Application for Widows Pension (852 KB)
    Grandmother Nancy Jane Anderson Bozeman ( daughter of Lavinia ) applied in 1899 with her husband's Uncle John A. Hill
  • as the witness - her husband is buried on Uncle John's old plantation in Dublin where I have discovered his tombstone - this
  • item adds to the suspicion of Hill in our lineage as John was the brother of Martha H. Bozeman and her father was also
  •  a John Hill in the American Revolution who eventually settled in Dublin with many of his own children.
  • 1850 (610 KB)
    Vincent Joiner and Aunt Ellen Bozeman took in her brother Meady's son after his death and one of them became big in history
  •  as the Captain Peter Henry Bozeman of Mississippi Calvary - Ellen was one of the daughters of Sarah and Peter of
  • Darlington SC.
  • Parents of Frank (212 KB)
    shown on left side
  • Stone in Macon County (654 KB)
    1850 shows Grandfather Augustus Marvin Stone as a child with his parents Sarah Davies and Benjamin Wilburn Stone living
  • near Ben's brother William, from Georgia, but also near their own father from Maryland, Michael Stone born 1778.
  • 1830 (76 KB)
    Grandpa Elisha Anderson in Montgomery Alabama by his son in law Alfred Sellers and by Jesse and by Captain
  • Benjamin Lewis
  • Grandpa in WWI (130 KB)
    Military Registration
  • 1840 (576 KB)
    W H
  • Grandpa Ben in Civil War (40 KB)
    Military Registration
  • 1850 (616 KB)
    J B
  • Laura's Inquiry (563 KB)
    Owensboro Kentucky - Laura Little Hawes, our genealogist continued her father's research
  • 1830 (299 KB)
    W H
  • Grandpa John (122 KB)
    Land Deed
  • 1820 (531 KB)
    Sellers in Brunswick NC
  • Headstones
  • Scrimpshire girls married Nathan Sellers and Chief Bushyhead
  • Carter Fenn Coonfield Stephens and Civil War
  • Sellers and Brack
  • Cooper and Thornton
  • Frank
  • Pike, Dallas, Lowndes, Mtgy Counties (11 KB)
  • Surnames (1 KB)
    Names in the Family Tree
  • Look ups (312 KB)
  • Records (1 KB)
    Land Records and Civil War Search
  • Introduction (7 KB)
    To My Many Files and Documents
  • 1840 (1 KB)
  • Grandmothers (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Various family records (1 KB)
    Grandpa McClain's ex wife Julia filed to the Indian Rolls in 1896
  • Grandmothers (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Notes and Links (687 KB)
  • Research (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Research (102 KB)
  • Frankie (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Research2 (24 KB)
  • Annie (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Documentation (39 KB)
    Tracing Our Roots.
  • 1820s 1830s (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Bozemans (27 KB)
    Tracing their branches
  • Grandpa Wm Fenn's Aunt Letitia and Indian Rolls (1 KB)
    Many Files and Documents
  • Family History (36 KB)
    Tracing their branches
  • 1600s (4 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s - 1800s (5 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s (10 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s - 1800s (4 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s (3 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s (7 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (4 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (10 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s (6 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (8 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (18 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s (7 KB)
    Interesting Reading.
  • 1800s (10 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (15 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (8 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1800s (4 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (8 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1900s (3 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1800s (11 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (7 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1900s (4 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1800s (6 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1600s-1700s (6 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1900s (3 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1800s (3 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s (5 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1800s (5 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s (7 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1600s-1700s (9 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1600s-1700s (7 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s - 1800s (8 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s - 1800s (12 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (3 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s - 1800s (10 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (10 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (6 KB)
    Interesting reading.
  • 1700s - 1800s (10 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (8 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1776 (1013 KB)
    N C Archives
  • 1700s - 1800s (5 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (146 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1776 (6 KB)
    Philemon, Phillip, Mordecai, John
  • 1700s - 1800s (7 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800 (5 KB)
    interesting reading
  • 1862 (74 KB)
    Civil War
  • 1700s - 1800s (9 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800 (8 KB)
    interesting reading
  • 1776 (11 KB)
    Levin, Ralph, Philemon, Peter, Phillip, Banks
  • 1700s - 1800s (8 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800 (5 KB)
    interesting reading
  • 1700s - 1800s (13 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800s (5 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1800 (6 KB)
    Interesting reading
  • 1700s (6 KB)
    Interesting reading
    • 1885 (425 KB)
      Sketches page 64
    • 1885 (385 KB)
      Sketches finale
    • 1885 (631 KB)
      Sketches page 84
    • 1885 (338 KB)
      Sketches page 66
    • 1885 (161 KB)
      Sketches Intro
    • 1885 (621 KB)
      Sketches page 86
    • 1885 (387 KB)
      Sketches page 68
    • 1885 (394 KB)
      Sketches page 51
    • 1885 (639 KB)
      Sketches page 68
    • 1885 (410 KB)
      Sketches page 52
    • 1885 (593 KB)
      Sketches page 72
    • 1885 (415 KB)
      Sketches page 53-54
    • 1885 (507 KB)
      Sketches page 74
    • 1885 (399 KB)
      Sketches page 56
    • 1885 (369 KB)
      Sketches page 76
    • 1885 (391 KB)
      Sketches page 58
    • 1885 (543 KB)
      Sketches page 78
    • 1885 (384 KB)
      Sketches page 60
    • 1885 (541 KB)
      Sketches page 80
    • 1885 (398 KB)
      Sketches page 62
    • 1885 (685 KB)
      Sketches page 82
    • 1885 (334 KB)
      Sketches page 118
    • 1885 (404 KB)
      Sketches page 100
    • 1885 (382 KB)
      Sketches page 140
    • 1885 (379 KB)
      Sketches page 120
    • 1885 (539 KB)
      Sketches page 102
    • 1885 (406 KB)
      Sketches page 138
    • 1885 (313 KB)
      Sketches page 122
    • 1885 (505 KB)
      Sketches page 104
    • 1885 (243 KB)
      Sketches page 142
    • 1885 (381 KB)
      Sketches page 124
    • 1885 (522 KB)
      Sketches page 106
    • 1885 (385 KB)
      Sketches Last Page
    • 1885 (280 KB)
      Sketches page 126
    • 1885 (499 KB)
      Sketches page 108
    • 1885 (484 KB)
      Sketches page 144
    • 1885 (343 KB)
      Sketches page 128 - Mordecai
    • 1885 (407 KB)
      Sketches page 110
    • 1885 First Page (161 KB)
      Sketches introduction
    • 1885 (299 KB)
      Sketches page 130 - Peter in the American Revolution
    • 1885 (404 KB)
      Sketches page 114
    • 1885 (391 KB)
      Sketches page 132
    • 1885 (358 KB)
      Sketches page 112
    • 1885 (359 KB)
      Sketches page 134
    • 1885 (350 KB)
      Sketches page 116
    • 1885 (250 KB)
      Sketches page 136
    Isaac Benjamin Coonfield family buried in Arkansas
  • John Wise Carter and Thomas Randolph Carter in Talladega Alabama 1820s
  • Relatives (2344 KB)
  • Sarah (12 KB)
    Research of Sarah "Sallie" Carter
  • Carter Files (862 KB)
    Notes and Records
  • South Carolina Archives (190 KB)
    Records of Carter and Boling.......was the mother of Thomas a Boling???
  • A Personal Note (11 KB)
    Thank you for visiting.
  • Files (55 KB)
  • Research (55 KB)
    Data Files
  • Articles (1327 KB)
    Webpages and such related info
  • Military Findings (987 KB)
    NC 1770s
  • Links and Things (3275 KB)
  • Annie (60 KB)
    Ancestors of Anne
  • 1849 Dr. W. H. Parker
  • Search Free Books at Internet Archive
  • Dillard in Alabama
  • Links
  • Doty
  • Books of Early Settlers
  • American Indians
  • 1834 Anderson
  • 1785 pg 87
  • 1785 pg 180
  • 1785 pg 85 For Those Who Served
  • 1885 Sketches
  • Hill of Darlington
  • Census of Darlington
  • Southern Quakers
  • Captain Liddell/ Little in 3rd SC Regiment
  • Georgia Archives
  • Elmore County
  • Album Cover
  • 1700s land include Alexander Douglass in Burke County GA
  • George Grauer Westbrook born 1851 grandson of Moses
  • Sequoyah in Cherokee County Alabama
  • General Hood and Abe Lincoln
  • Weatherford Cemetery
  • Sehoy Tate Weatherford Cemetery
  • Covington County's Harper and Bozeman families
  • Map 1827 lands (1047 KB)
    Shiloh was Peter's land and Faith was Jesses land. While I stood in the center of that Stokes Carter
  • Cemetery shown on the map, I had no idea about the churches or I would have looked for them or some
  • sign that our ancestors were there. Peter Bozeman, his wife Sarah, their son William Henry, all
  • could be buried at one of those places,  which could now be  covered in woods.  There was a Matthew Stokes
  • who owned the land fora short time after the Boemans died and he was married to a Campbell who may have
  • been the daughter of Lucy Bozeman and Sterling Campbell but they moved on.
  • Jacob's Grave (14 KB)
    J. B. Cochran born 1822 buried at Hill City Cemetery in Kansas. He had left Guernsey Ohio after the
  • Civil War to explore the Iowa Territory for a few years, then migrated into KS in 1882.
  • Jacob's Military Registration (121 KB)
    J. B. Cochran born 1822 to William Cochran and Martha Henderson served in the Civil War. Some say
  •  that two of his brothers went into Canada and never returned.
  • 1821 William Cochran (35 KB)
  • 1830 Alexander Cochran (202 KB)
    Census shows he obviously had a son named Jacob residing next to him so now we know why the other son
  • William named a child Jacob.
  • 1830 Alexander Cochran the younger son (189 KB)
    Census shows he lived close to brother William on the next page from their father and the Henderson families are
  • all around them.
  • 1930 son of Jacob (901 KB)
    Family moved to Kansas
  • Fuller Tombstone (75 KB)
    Loss of Uncle Larry
  • Researchers (171 KB)
    • Map (44 KB)
      1779 Cheraws District South Carolina
    • Tombstone of George Little (152 KB)
      From Scotland to South Carolina's Continental Army
    • Civil War (40 KB)
      Benjamin Wylie Coonfield in the Indiana Infantry
    • Map (39 KB)
      1818 Cheraws, Darlington County, South Carolina
    • Map of Georgia (202 KB)
    • Georgia Rangers (74 KB)
      Charles Weatherford
    • Map (275 KB)
      1779 North Carolina includes the Peedee River running into South Carolina from Bladen County
    • Map of Georgia (377 KB)
    • Civil War (306 KB)
      Baxley Pension Request
    • Map (263 KB)
      1780 North Carolina, excellent view of the counties and state boundaries
    • Map (189 KB)
      Indian Villages of Alabama
    • Civil War (20 KB)
      Discharge paper of J W Little
    • Map (233 KB)
      1781 map of the south before Alabama and includes the many indian tribal locations
    • Map (255 KB)
      1747 Georgia and the Carolinas
    • Civil War (135 KB)
      Partridge in the Georgia Militia
    • Map (259 KB)
      1814 Mississippi Territory
    • Map (134 KB)
      1820 Alabama
    • Tennessee (7 KB)
      John Dickens
    • Map (336 KB)
      1839 Map of Southern States with Counties
    • Map (141 KB)
      1830 Alabama
    • Charles Brooks (28 KB)
      1972 in his parent's swing
    • Map (559 KB)
      Map of Native Tribal Lands
    • Map (218 KB)
      Forts of Alabama
    • Frank and Anne (54 KB)
    • Weatherford (178 KB)
      Martin Weatherford of VA in GA history, father of Charles
    • Map (36 KB)
      Land Offices in Alabama
    • Frank and Anne's daughter (47 KB)
      from Broken Arrow
    • Civil War (121 KB)
      Jacob Cochran in the Ohio Infantry
    • Frank and Anne (23 KB)