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Feelings and Observations of an Aquarian

Tuesday, 23 December 2003

Concern over a princess
Hm. It seems to me that my princess may be under some sort of... unusual stress. Unusual in the sense that she may feel torn in her self; IE: "I hate EVERYTHING about you/ why do I love you?". I can assume that she may be talking about a certain adoptee with classist parents. But I could be wrong. Her poem simply could be a creative work. Though, most creative work requires an inspirational idea/object. Shizzle. I haven't seen her in a while. perhaps I should act objectively towards her. By objectively, I mean that I should act with her best intentions at heart, disregarding my own. Heh. besides. I am lonely most of the time anyway. Why not make it all the time. Also, I am the gentleman that is 2500 miles away. Heh. I have been reading about Bushido (japanese-the way of the warrior) recently. It says that a true samurai dies each day. Or rather invisions himself dying in every means possible, so that he will be prepared for death. It also says that a true samurai loves secretly, and will not be found out during his lifetime. Perhaps that is how I should become. Would not letting her know that I love her help her? It would provide a relief. I am her home boy. Her teddy bear. I could banish myself to the dull and flat friendship that her guaranteed well-being entails. I'd prefer not to, but...what ever works. Have a better day than me.

Posted by blog/liwet at 1:14 PM CST
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Saturday, 13 December 2003

Lets see what happens.
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 2. Am I lovable? 3. How long have you known me? 4. When and how did we first meet? 5. What was your first impression? 6. Do you still think that way about me now? 7. What do you think my weakness is? 8. Do you think I'll get/stay married? 9. What makes me happy? 10. What makes me sad? 11. What reminds you of me? 12. If you could give me anything what would it be? 13. How well do you know me? 14. When's the last time you saw me? 15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 16. Do you think I could kill someone? 17. Describe me in one word. 18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? 19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? 20. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you?

Posted by blog/liwet at 12:42 PM CST
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Wednesday, 3 December 2003

I don't understand why people don't read much. Often they give the excuse: "Oh, I'm busy" or "Oh, there is nothing that I find interesting". Here is what I say to you people: " Double-You...Tee...Eff?! You can honestly tell me that you don't have literally 5 minutes to sit down and stretch you brain some? God forbid that you you need to USE the most important organ in your body." Indeed. I cna to some extent understand the idea of not having any time to read uninterupted....but that is what book marks are for. For the people that say the second option, here is what I also say to you: "SIE BIST EINEN IMBICILE! Are you going to lie to my face and tell me that there is not a book about something that interests you? There is a book about literally everything!...Well...except for puppet pornography made for children...but you never know." For Shizzle. If you enjoy something, then there is a book about it, infact, if you hate everything, there is a book about it...Come on boys and girls...Boys, it will help you to think on your feet and be clever. Girls love that. Girls, you won't fall for stupid tricks that guys pull, it is a good thing. As a matter of fact, intelligence is THE deciding factor when I am deciding to begin or continue a relationship with someone (regardless of sex or type of relationship). Ignorant people annoy me sometimes, but Ignorace can be fixed. Stupidity is not forgivable......You know...I don't even know why this came out of me. Hm....Have a good day. Muah.

Posted by blog/liwet at 2:10 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 3 December 2003 2:20 PM CST
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Monday, 1 December 2003

Been Busy
Sorry Homies, I've been out doing various stuff such as being moody, finding out that I can stand on the tips of my toes, and throwing around railroad ties for exersize. But by far the best thing that has happened to me so far is thus: By the end of the week...I shall own a Black on Black '96 Lincoln Town Car...Thats right. I do not want a car, I want a tank, Damnit. :) Lets see...what else is oing on today? I detest my art class, though I cannot say why, it is quite odd. Perhaps that I enjoy feeling a medium as opposed to it being flat when I create it has something to do with it. Well yeah. I am a bit late on my college applications, waiting on some last minute recomendations from a few of my teachers. There may be another post in a bit...I must go figure out how to make my cd player work.

Posted by blog/liwet at 6:19 PM CST
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Tuesday, 23 September 2003

Old friends
I have see recently that i have drifted away from my friends...and they do not want to waste their time listening to me breathe. Unfortunatly i completely understand and would not like to waste my time hearing someone just breathe either....But am I supposed to say to someone who with who I cannot stand to be without, but have surprisingly few senses to communicate with. In order for me to communicate with someone well and rewardingly, I must A) Have an extreme psychological and/or emotional bond with this person, or B) see, feel, smell, and touch them. No, I don't lick my friends...often. I hate being so animalistic. I am a f'ing guy with the mind of a scientist and the conciousness of a werewolf. ::loud roaring compressed into a precision shotgun sound directed at the stratosphere::

Posted by blog/liwet at 6:20 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 6:23 PM CDT
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Thursday, 18 September 2003

How to kill the AIDS Virus....
I have an idea...I have devoloped an idea for killings off Aquired Immune deficiency syndrome. Let it run it's course. The virus itself doesn't not kill you, but simply removes your immune system so that any number of normally harmless things CAN kill you. If the subject were to be kept in a homeostatic living enviorment, were given food and living conditions that were completely sterile...the virus would eventually destroy all of the "T Cells" in the body, thus leaving only remnants of the virus such as cellular protien or a few stray amino acids. Afterwards, an implant of a doner bone marrow could theoretically replenish the body's immune system, virus free. This of course could only be done after several months of observation so that it could be assured that the virus is destoryed and/or absent. Just an Idea.

Posted by blog/liwet at 2:23 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003

In the beginning...
Hello everyone. I am here today for a single purpose: Explaining my view of life, liberty, emotion, and stupid americans. Well, that and to give anyone who is confused by the way I am acting and/or feeling. My thesis statement is finished. Today, I will discuss a part of life that I disagree with. Life: Life is a bit wasted, currently. No, not because of the "war" in Iraq, or because of the "hunt" for Osama bin Laden (who is not dead, but surely has shaved and now lived in another country). Life is wasted because we put it to waste. Look at the youth of this generation. There are 5 and 6 year olds that are being drugged simply because they are rambunctious. Ritalin is a depressant just as alchohol, marijuana, and morphine are, but it does not get a poor assocation because it is so widely used around the world. Though I know of little that can beat the conglomerate pharmacutical suppliers down, it should be taken into consideration that the proper enviroment for a disease to be cured is usually when the patient is concious of it and wants it gone. Then, the rest is a matter of months.

Posted by blog/liwet at 2:22 PM CDT
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