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Whether or not we are talking physically, mentally, or financially.

There is a giant circle that we are all traveling through. The circle is huge. It is too vast to even measure. As we walk along, we are faced with adversity. We are also rewarded with accomplishments and glory. At times, it seems the circle will never bend. We will never make a turn to bring us closer to the truth. It is in those times that we are twisted and bent, sometimes beyond our limitations... Many of us are broken. Many of us fall down. Some don't get up. I have been bent and twisted. I am covered with scars from falling down... I get tired from the journey. I grow frustrated by the walls that pop up in front of me. We are the same, molded from the fires of generations of people who continued to have hope... People who always got up when they fell... People who saw things through. They never lost faith in who they were. The circle is unbroken. The changes, the challenges, the waiting, the wanting, the defeat and the glory are all part of the circle that is our life. The dream I have is that some day, maybe I will come full circle. Maybe I will arrive at what I'm destined for. If I am that lucky, and I pray I am, then it will have been worth every step along the way. I hope the same for you and although you must have blind faith, I think the path is more clear than it seems. So push on and do the things you must so that you can fulfill your dreams. I will do the same.

My Favorite Web Sites
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