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Bone's Blog
Tuesday, 30 September 2003
Good evening. Planning on this being the last post for the night. First things first... I forgot to mention one of the first things my uncle said when I saw him today was, "Gained a little weight haven't you?" Good grief. I'm 6'1", 178 lbs. That's not too bad, is it?

I didn't make it running, because KIM called right as I was stretching and said she was gonna have dinner done in a few minutes. Will try to make it tomorrow. Just about done with LAUNDRY. My final load is drying right now.

Planning on doing the BILLIARDS thing Thursday night. I need to go buy my MOM something for her birthday, which is Friday, so I figure I'll do that, then head over to play some BILLIARDS. KYLE has been a little depressed lately, so I figure that'll cheer him up. lol

The sun has set on this final day of September. The end of an era. You and I will never see 9/2003 ever again. Hopefully, this month has been good to you. Often times in life, we find it hard to say goodbye, hard to let go. Just as often, we find we have no choice. So to you, September, I bid farewell. You will always hold a special place in my heart, and a special place in my calendar, right between August and October. But we must move on, and look to the future. For tomorrow brings October, and thirty-one days of unknown adventures, good times and bad, happy times and sad. And remember, next month, if someone should knock at your door donned in strange apparel, you should first offer them a sweet sugar-filled treat. If this offer does not appease the visitor, then you may have a problem.

"I don't remember how we got this far away. The layers of my heart have all been peeled away. And I'm not sure I can feel that way again..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:20 PM CDT
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Good afternoon fellow members of the Blog Nation. Sorry I haven't posted much today. It has been busy, and that's an understatement. I've been home all of about ten minutes it seems like.

At work, the boss was back in today to ride me some more. Ah well, I'm getting used to it. Yesterday was a nice aberration from what has apparently becoming the norm. I just want to say, "Look, this isn't freakin' Peanuts and I'm not the complaint department. The doctor is out!!!!!" There... better.

After work, my sister called and said my uncle and little cousin were over there, so I ran by there. I got to see my lil' cousin, Abby. She is soooo sweet. She was lying under the coffee table hiding from me when I came in. That's what she always does. She's always so shy the first time she sees me. lol She is doing so good. She still has a little bit of a problem with her foot. She was born more than three months premature, and needless to say had a long struggle just to live. But it always makes my day to see her. She is nearly five now.

While I was over there, I mentioned to my uncle that the heater in my truck still wasn't working. So he went out and looked at that awhile. Then after I got home, Dad called and a friend of his that works on cars said he'd look at it. So I ended up buying another thermostat and putting it in. We'll see how it goes in the morning when it's cool. Dad was all like "You need to trade in your truck and get you something new." I was like, what the freak? About three or four months ago when I was really looking into buying the MALIBU, he was like, you just need to pay off your truck and keep it. So I didn't get it, and someone else did, and now I can't find one I like. Uuuugggghhhhh!!!

Has today not been PERFECT weather around here? It has been awesome. I love days like today. There aren't many. I guess I'm about to go for a run. I'm gettin' a free meal tonight, so as a bachelor, you always take advantage of those. lol

That's about it. Have I mentioned that I love my POP-UP BLOCKER? 'Cause I do. I wish I was a pop-up blocker. Then when anyone tried to interrupt anything I was saying or doing, I could just be like, "BLOOP! Sorry. No pop-ups."

"Well she's taken him for granted. God only knows why he keeps hangin' on. 'Cause it's better to be gone, but not forgotten. Than to be forgotten, but not gone..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 5:43 PM CDT
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Sometimes I think I should change my blog name. I mean, it seems like everyone seems to try and come up with these cute names for their blogs. I think sometimes I should start a Blog Solutions service, helping people create, maintain, and advertise their blogs, as well as giving helpful advice and blogging tips.

Here's a random SEIN excerpt for your Tuesday morning, from "The Barber":

Elaine: "Okay, next bachelor is number, um, 124, on your program. He's uh, he's a high school graduate."

Kramer: "Equivalent."

Elaine: "Oh, uh equivalency. A high school equivalency program graduate. He's uh, self-employed. He's... I don't know, six foot three, 190 pounds. He likes, uh... fruit, and he just got uh, a haircut."

(Kramer falls off the stage)

Elaine: "Okay uh, why don't we start the bidding. Do I hear, uh, five bucks?"


"And of course you can't become, if you only say what you would have done. So I missed a million miles of fun. I know it's done for me, if you steal my sunshine. Making sure I'm not in too deep, if you steal my sunshine..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:14 AM CDT
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Monday, 29 September 2003
Rods and cones
Sittin' here wondering what kind of fruit that was that SHANE was eating off that tree when we were up in JERSEY. lol

Well, my friends, today was a good day. I made it thru the day at work without hearing from the boss. That greeting card just put my day on the right track.

Other tidbits from my Monday...

My new tag came in today, so I put it on my truck. Also went RUNNING around 6:00. It was so nice outside. Crisp, cool, clear skies... beautiful. With a bit of bad news, I weighed today and was at 178. That's ok, but I'd like to stay around 175. I definitely don't need to go any higher.

My sister got pulled over by a cop who was miles out of his jurisdiction. He was yelling at her for not stopping completely at a stop sign and told her she was lucky to live in a jurisdiction where the cops let things like that go. Anyway, he couldn't give her a ticket, he was just being a jerk.

I noticed I got a hit from a blog list on I have no idea how my BLOG got on there. I shot an email to KYLE when I noticed it, because his blog was on there, too. He had no idea either. Anyway, it lists some blogs and breaks them down by city:

KYLE also emailed me and said it was time to do the voice-over work on the VIPERS project. So I headed over there around 7:15 tonight and did that. Hopefully, it will turn out OK. I didn't realize how many former ALABAMA and AUBURN players played for TENNESSEE VALLEY, until I was reading thru that. CALVIN HALL, REGGIE WORTHY, and MICHAEL JAMES were just a few names that stood out. I guess if I had to pick my dream job, it would definitely be some combination of sports and communications... play-by-play announcer, sports writer, sports anchor, sports reporter, etc.

Afterwards, we went to APPLEBEES for dinner. Sat with BETH. She was saying they just ordered JOHN MAYER tickets for his show in BIRMINGHAM in November. Somehow we got into this thing about how I didn't go over and speak to her when I was up there Friday night. She was like "Yeah, you never say goodbye." So from now on, I must make it a point to search out BETH and tell her bye. lol She's a sweetheart. The place wasn't too busy tonight. JADE, ABBY, AND KELLY were working. I had the fiesta lime chicken and a small salad.

Overall, it's been a pretty nice day. Gonna watch a bit of MNF I guess, even though it's another blowout. PACKERS are up 24-6 over the poor BEARS in the 3rd. Oh no, "The Chicken Roaster" SEINFELD is on. lol I've got to watch that. "Jerry, my rods and cones are all screwed up." ROFL

Oh, one funny quote while we were at KYLE'S. Right before I started recording, he was like "I guess I better shut my parents' bedroom door, so we don't wake them up." ROFL I was like, "Man, I haven't heard that in like ten years."


"Cause there's somethin' in a Sunday, that makes a body feel alone..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:02 PM CDT
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Factoid o' the Day
I just read this factoid that said the average American spends 8.3 hours per week doing personal business on the internet while at work. Wow! All I can say to that is... "I have some friends who spend WAY more than that." lol

And from the "Do as I say, not as I do" category... I also just read where the latest judge to rule against the national do-not-call list had his office number registered on the list.

"In the paper today, tales of war and of waste. But you turn right over to the TV page. Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over. Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in. They come, they come, to build a wall between us. We know they won't win..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:33 AM CDT
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An Act of Kindness
I noticed this envelope with my name on it lying here this morning. Well, I assumed it was a thank you note from the owner's son, who got married a few weeks ago, so I wasn't all that excited about opening it. lol But I finally open it, and it's a card from one of the ladies here with a note of encouragement, just to say she is praying for me and stuff. Wow, I was blown away. That's what life is all about, people. It's not material things. It's not what you can accomplish or accumulate in this life. It's about helping others, encouraging others, and touching the lives of others. It's something I need to do a whole lot more of, no doubt. It's one thing to say it, another thing to put it in practice.

And it was just what I needed. I guess everyone has noticed that I've been a little down because of the way the boss has been riding me lately. And just that someone would take the time to do that for me completely overwhelms me. Wow!

You really can't repay an act of kindness.

"There seemed no way to make up, 'cause it seemed your mind was set. And the way you looked it told me. It's a look I know I'll never forget. You could've come over to my side. You could've let me know. You could've tried to see the distance between us, but it seemed too far for you to go. Do you remember?"

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:41 AM CDT
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Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:29 AM CDT
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Monday morning
Just sitting here getting back into the routine. Man, I love weekends. Watched a lot of football yesterday. DALLAS won again, so that's good, if a bit surprising. We're 2-1! lol Watched some of the race, but I hate those restrictor plate races. Way too stressful.

Our latest ratings here are the highest since I've been here, so that's a good feeling. Hopefully, I won't hear any complaints today from management. I just want to make it through one day. I think next time I'll reply with "Why don't you worry about all the radon and asbestos in the building first of all?" lol

I am really not happy about not getting to go to the BEACH all summer. I'm thinking of planning a trip down in a couple of weeks for the National Shrimp Festival, Oct. 9-12. That would be cool. Should still be ok weather-wise, and there will be a nice crowd there for that.

I tell you, one commercial I like, is that new Sting commercial where he's instant messaging people saying "Check out the new Sting video." lol It's simple, but funny. I like stuff you don't have to think about too much. Speaking of that, I just remembered Friday night at AB's, MARK came over and was saying he had a new favorite SEINFELD. I can't remember for sure, but I think he said it was "The Frogger." Anyway, we discussed several episodes, which is always fun, being the aficionado that I am. lol

Ok, back to work for a few minutes.

"Cry when you cry. Run when you run. Love when you love. Well now, represent the ashes that you leave behind. And instead of wishing that the road had shoulder. Man, you're seeing that you're sinking over time..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 8:11 AM CDT
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Sunday, 28 September 2003
I am loving this weather, driving down the road watching the leaves scatter behind you. It's just about perfect outside today. I really need to go for a run. Been sitting here watching the NASCAR race at TALLADEGA and the TITANS game. Titans are up on the Steelers 30-13.

Last night after work, I ended up heading to DECATUR. Ran by MATT'S for a bit. KYLE called when they got done with the wedding and said he was going to APPLEBEES. Somehow I ended up watching the football game at MATT'S and by the time I got to AB's, KYLE was gone. I sat with DONNA. KELLY and TONYA were about the only people there. I came home and crashed on the couch. Woke up at like 5:00 and I was like "Oh man, I have to get up" because I was thinking it was Monday. But then I realized it was Sunday, so I went and got in bed for a few more hourse. Then got up and went to church. My sister called and wanted to know if I wanted some lunch. They were going to MCDONALD'S, so I went over there for lunch. Sat outside and played with the kitties for a bit. I just figured out today, two of them are boys and one is a girl. lol

That's about it for now. Nothing too exciting has been going on today. I need to go RUNNING again. Wow, this was a pretty boring entry. As my mother once told me, "If you don't have anything interesting to blog, you shouldn't blog at all." ROFL

"Once beneath the stars, the universe was ours. Love was all we knew. And all I knew was you. I wonder if you know. I wonder if you think about it. Once upon a time, in your wildest dreams..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 3:06 PM CDT
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Saturday, 27 September 2003
Saturday night=work....Umm, no
Sitting here at work on a Saturday night. All the more reason to get out of this place. Can't believe I haven't posted since yesterday. Well, let's see, to recap, pretty much nothing has happened the past 24 hours. lol

No, I ended up going to shoot POOL with KYLE last night. Started out good, winning the first four games. Then KYLE won 3 of the last 4. The most exciting moment was when KYLE knocked the cue ball off the table a couple of times and almost hit this chick that was playing on the table next to us. I was like, "Dude, settle down." He tried to blame it on my rack. Nuh uh, don't think so. Afterwards, we cruised by the football game, then over to the TV station. Then we ended up at APPLEBEES, oddly enough. Sat with KRISTINA. Haven't sat with her in awhile. I had the buffalo chicken sandwich. It wasn't bad. BETH and CHARITY were up there hanging out. BETH explained to CHARITY the rules for serving us: Free beverages, free desserts, and free salads. lol So now CHARITY wants us to start sitting in her section some, which is good, because we need to branch out. They have a lot of new people working up there. I was trying to get KYLE to go over and talk to BETH while we were eating. But he was like "I don't have a good method of approach." ROFL Now THAT was funny. I think actually walking over there helps. But I'm not too sure. lol Anyhow, I came home after that. Got home around 10:45, I think.

Today I got up about 9:00. KYLE called sometime this morning to see if I did indeed have to work, because they wanted a third person to do the wedding at the PRINCESS. I told him that unfortunately I did, and could not be there hanging out with all the cute chicks at the wedding. MEG is gonna be there because it's her older sister getting married, so I fully expect KYLE will get hooked up tonight. Anyway, I did some stuff I needed to get done around the house this morning, then I went RUNNING around 11:30. Showered, got ready, and went to watch the game. BAMA lost a heartbreaker, 34-31, in double overtime. Looks like it's going to be a long season. The game was delayed by like an hour because of storms, so I ended up having to come into work before it was over. And now here I sit, wasting away my youth. lol I may head to HUNTSVILLE after I leave here, or maybe go up to AB'S. Actually, I'm pretty tired. Maybe I'll just go to bed. lol

"But if that's how it's gonna leave, straight out from underneath, we'll see who's sorry now. If that's how it's gonna end, when you know you've been depending on, the one you're leavin' now... the one you're leavin' out..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 7:30 PM CDT
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