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Tuesday, 16 March 2004
Local Radio
Somebody really needs to pull the plug out from Columbia's radio stations. I have broken them down:

Y107 - More commercials than music. The DJs sounds semi- professional (a la Peoria? Perhaps Biloxi? Maybe even Flynt, MI?), but are relatively pointless. I especially enjoy mispronounciations of Kanye West ("Here's one by, uh, 'ka-YAY.'") In case these DJs have been SLEEPING the past years, he's, um, relatively popular to say the least. Shouldn't it be their job to know that? I digress. Moving on,

Q106.1 - Will somebody please, please, please pull the plug on that horrible morning show, especially Cosmo? I mean, seriously, just because God gave us the ability to make words doesn't mean Q106.1 should put anyone with working vocal chords on the air. People don't care what the DJs have to say. They just don't. Seriously. Back to the music.

102.3 BXR - Yes, Simon is British and that is VERY exotic in a small town like Columbia. But that doesn't mean he should be on the air 13 hours per day. Maybe if had something interesting to say. This station should only be listened to after 10 pm.

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 11:05 PM CST
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Take me off!
Will somebody make listservs cease to exist please? As if I hadn't heard enough about the complete caloric intake of toasted raviolis (the serf food of Missouri), now I get to hear from a plethora of journalism students who want OFF! the required journalism listserv. Now, don't get me wrong, perhaps they just can't read. Because we sure as hell know that most can't write (Jenny Marinko, anyone?)

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 10:58 PM CST
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Myrna Blyth
For those of you not in the media circle, Myrna Blyth was the editor of Ladies Home Journal and then wrote an incredibly damning book against the women's magazine industry named: "Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of America" Well, Hello, Miss, you used to EDIT LADIES HOME JOURNAL! That is perhaps the most spin-sister of them all, selling women a lifestyle they may or may not be able to acheive. Sounds like a spurned woman strikes back...Perhaps she's upset she couldn't cut it anymore? In the industry, when one reaches a certain age (a.k.a. or becomes out of touch with the readers - Ms. Blyth?), she is put out to pasture. Can't she just be a cow and chew on her cud?

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 10:54 PM CST
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Monday, 1 December 2003
Usually spend lots of time reading Gawker and em and lo's sex rants on The Nerve, but never realized how much work it is to keep a blog. I'm going to try to stray away from sounding like Cindy Adams (ok, so yes, I'd love to write a gossip column, but enough with the damn Jazzy!) and maybe be a little more page six. Maybe i'll rename my blog "page FIVE" because it comes BEFORE page six.

Vocab you should know to better understand me:

Page Six - Famous gossip page in The New York Post,

Cindy Adams/Liz Smith - Gossip hawks from The New York Post. Jazzy is Cindy Adam's dog, who just died. She wrote books about it. Luckily, she now has Jazzy Jr.

Tina Brown - Crazy ex-editor of the doomed Talk mag, now writes big gossip column for The Washington Post. Queen of high maintence. I worked for her ex-assistant this summer. how exciting! Less than 6 degrees of seperation! I was nearly Tina's assistant's assistant. I should write a tell-all. anyway, i digress.

Metrosexuality - have you been living in a freaking cave the last year? no explanation necessary.

Manolo - as in Blahnik, amazing shoes.

Hmm...ok more TK (that means to come, duh).

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 1:45 PM CST
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UGGS & Other Info
An entire story, ripped off directly from the AP, is going to be published in the Missourian in a few days about UGGs, my favorite shoes ever. The same story was also printed in The Chicago Tribune's Redeye last week. In case you care, I published a story about Uggs in my fashion column MONTHS ago. Just keeping you ahead of the times...

Also, if you're bored you might want to try reading my sister blogger (hehe) at I wish I could gain her notoriety with a website like that, but what am I gonna do, write about all the kooky stuff in Columbia, MO? ha.

I'll be out of here in 5 months. And, yes, I'm counting.

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 1:36 PM CST
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Famous for showing up
This week, my fashion column is going to talk about Paris Hilton and how she's famous for just showing up. I decided to brainstorm some other kids who are famous for just showing up, or who wish they were.

1) Britney Spears: Alas, no room in the column to talk about even tho we're all tired of hearing about her anyway. Even tho we moan and sigh when she's on TV, we still stop and watch.

I'm also thinking of a few other people who wish they were famous for just showing up, and they actually go to Mizzou. And both are people I work (or worked) with in the great world of Residential Life, so I won't say their names. But if you know me, or res. life well enough, you can probably figure out who I'm talking about.

damn, conscious got the best of me :-) To get the real gossip, you'll have to read my real journal. And i'm not stupid enough to post THAT on the web!

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 1:32 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 1 December 2003 1:47 PM CST
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Wednesday, 15 October 2003

Well, I've been looking for inspiration for my Journalism 336 project, but mostly just reading up on episodes of sex & the city that i've missed. Most of my designs are inspired by Gucci, Hermes, the cover of Nov. Cosmopolitan, and Chanel eyeshadows. Very interesting.

But I found a quote I really like on the HBO website:
"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies." -Carrie

It reminds me of numerous conversations between my bff and I. And it's true -- if you don't have the "butterflies," then it's not worth being with somebody. It won't last. I'm happy to report that I'm back with the only person who ever gave me those butterflies :-)

P.S. the girl sitting next to me has one of the worst Goach's I've ever seen (i.e. fake coach bag with "G's." The maneater columnist calls them Cucci's. Whatever)

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 2:39 PM CDT
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My copyediting midterm
I kicked its butt, thanks for asking :-)

Posted by blog/lindsaypowers at 2:30 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 October 2003 2:31 PM CDT
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