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Happy For Once
My Life Sucks
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My Blog
Tuesday, 10 October 2006
I might finally have a job!!!
Well today I turned in my application to McDonalds. It may not be the best job in the world but it will do until I get my license. I'm supposed to go for an interview tomarrow at 2. Danny is worried though because he knows if I work at night we will never get to see each other because he works during to days. So hopefully I get hired for early morning work. But I do need a job. With the wedding coming up we could definantly use the extra money. We might be renting an apartment or going ahead and buying our own house so the both of us working would deffinantly be a plus. The next most important thing is to get my license so I don't have to rely on my dad. Which means I need to start practicing. Lol

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 11:43 PM EDT
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Monday, 2 October 2006
My Weekend
Mood:  a-ok
Well this weekend wasn't very good. Danny had to work on Saturday. And I spend every weekend at his house. The funny this is both of his parents had to work too. I was stuck at his house alone until 4. They all got up at 4:30a.m. and I was awake too. I stayed awake until about 10 and then I fell asleep for a couple hours. It was fun because I got to watch parental control and eat pizza. Lol. Then when Danny got home we went and watched Jackass 2. It was a funny movie. Some parts of it will make you sick though. I thought the guy sitting behind me was going to puke on me. But he didnt so it was all good lol. I also bought Byou. It's a dance exercise DVD. I havent really been able to watch it though because my DVD player on my computer is slow and I don't want to dance in the living room lol. Danny found a wedding planner so we may be visiting her this week. Yay!!! So everything is finally starting to come together. Except for the house that is. But who knows what will happen.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 1:17 PM EDT
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Sunday, 17 September 2006
The Weekend
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Happy For Once
So its Sunday and I just got home from Danny's a few hours ago. It's been a awesome weekend. First we went to a football game. Our team did bad. As usuall lol. Then there was a fight between two girls which was awesome. Lol. Danny dunked a guy in a dunking booth. Then we went to the fair. It was very small. He tried a basketball game and lost but the guy gave me a small bear anyways. Then we saw some of his friend who took my bear and did some freaky stuff with it so I didnt want it back lol. Then he popped a balloon with a dart and one me a small picture with a cute dog on it that said smile I love you. Then saturday we went and watched the parade. I got to see a friend I didnt think I would ever get to see again cause she is joining the national guard. She had her nephew and he was picking up the candy they through at people. Then we went to morehead and hang around with our friend jahred. We went shopping and the we played putt putt golf. It was so much fun. Then we got three pizzas and ate them in his dorm room. And that was my weekend.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 10:38 PM EDT
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Friday, 15 September 2006
I Can't Sleep At Night!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Bored
So...another long day and a night of staying up and surfing the net. It seems like my life has no meaning except for one thing. And that is my boyfriend. I stay up late at night missing him, and then I dream about him and our weddin, and then I wake up late the next day and I sit around waiting for him to get off work which could be anywhere from 3 to 8 or 9 at night. Until the weekends. That is what I live for. Every friday he picks me up and we go to his house. I stay there until sunday. Sometimes we even get alone time which is awesome. We never get that at my house. I just wish things were better though. Everything with me and Danny is fine and I guess that is more than enough to ask for. But I just wish there was something else. A purpose for me. Besides sitting around waiting like a helpless child.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 1:39 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 12 September 2006
Finally Awake
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Bored
Today is going to be another boring day cause my boyfriend had to go back to work. He didn't have to work yesterday (monday) so he spent sunday night at my house with me. We stayed up late watching music videos on yahoo lol. Saturday I went to my high school's marching band competition. It was fun to watch all the bands but it made me kind of sad cause I know I won't be a part of that anymore. That night we went to walmart and hung out with our friend chris. That was pretty fun. I bought a blanket and a Cherish cd. Sunday we were going to go back to walmart with Danny's parents but we figured that would be boring so we stayed at home until his mom call from a yard sale down the road telling us about a wedding dress. We got there in like ten minutes and I tried on the dress. It fit perfectly and it was only $75. Not bad. And now that's one less thing to worry about for the wedding.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 12:18 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 September 2006
My Life Sucks
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Nelly Fertado
Topic: My Life Sucks
Today wasn't a very good day. Danny got off work at around 5 he went home and ate and changed and then he came here. He got here around. We ate ice cream and then at 8 we watched Fear Factor the Ex one. And after that Danny was getting ready to leave. Then he was saying how he was always tired and he should stay home and I keep telling him that he should go home after work cause he is tired anyways. But he ended up getting mad at me. It really sucks.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 8:58 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Bored
I'm sitting here waiting on my boyfriend. He had to work late today. He is a flagman for a road crew. The pay is really good though. He is going to get a lot of over time so he's gonna get his cougar payed off and then he said we can start working on the wedding, which won't be long. I just get so tired of waiting. It's annoying. I want to go try on wedding dresses lol. Which is why I need a job. So I would have my own money and I could go whenever I wanted. Lol. Not really I don't have my license yet. I did finally get my permit though, yay me!!! Well I guess I'm finally done for today, but I will be back tomarrow.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 7:24 PM EDT
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About Me
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Bored
Today has been a pretty boring day. Last night I stayed up thinking about my wedding and I didnt wake up until 12:30 I found a dress I like on the internet and it's $99 which isn't bad. And I also found bridesmaid dresses for $49. They are light blue. But the thing is I am getting married in the winter so I was wanting to get a long sleeved wedding dress. I might be going to see if I can rent one in the next couple weeks. Thats going to be fun. I am so picky about the wedding dress I want because I want to look beautiful for once and not like I'm wearing something cheap.

Posted by blog/lillydannysgirl at 2:14 PM EDT
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