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Poetry, books, stuff made by me. Fun shit, Heh, fun? I think not my friend, I think not.
Saturday, 4 October 2003
These are my depressing quiz results!
You're depressed. Really you are. And you
definitely have a reason. You often space out
and stare at things blankly, even if you're
normally hyper and energetic. This is because
nothing really seems important anymore. You
might just be sad right now, or you might be
manic depressive. Don't worry. Have some cocoa
and stuff'll be ok.

How Depressed are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Depressed
You are
only to
how this
Poor babe.
I feel

How Depressed Are You ( with pictures! )
brought to you by Quizilla

You are in Major-Meltdown Mode. Totally. You feel
lost on your world, and like no one cares. You
feel alone, morbid, suicidal...I know how you
feel. I'm not going to go all "Well you've
got friends and family" on you because you
don't. You just have to figure that
out for yourself. And promise me, don't go over
the edge.

How Depressed Are You Inside
brought to you by Quizilla

Am I starting to see a pattern? Wow. Think I am. Hrm.....

Death is the only way out, so fuck the world.

How Depressed Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are more than a little depressed, you are
suicidal..You see things in grey, living life
only wishing it would end, death is the only
way out, but your still here right? try to make
the best of it.

How Depressed Are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah, you're depressed alright. Very depressed.
Either that or just very anti-social. Go talk
to someone with a soothing voice and the
ability to write out lots and lots of

How Depressed Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

you are extremly depressed. you like to push the
line with living and dying by: major self-
mutilation, overdoseing, mixing alchohal and
drugs, taking huge risks [jumping off bridges,
driving drunk, ect.]. people dont understand
you and constantly ask you why you do these
things but you just tell them to fuck off cause
they dont know what its like. you lived through
an extremly rough childhood, but not without
scars. both physical and emotional. you are
extremely suicidal and not proud of it. awful
things haunt your thoughts and dreams making
you more instable. you hate your self and the
world you live in. you think that the world is
a crock of shit and would much rather be dead.
you ahve tried to kill yourself numorus times
but have been un-successful which makes your
preception on things blurry. few people know
what you go through, and no one understands.
[but hey we can just go kill them right?] your

how depressed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Congratulations, you are even more depressed than
me, and that's pretty hard right now. You hate
the world and all it contains. You have a lot
of anger. Hey, cheer up, or at least start to
enjoy being depressed.

How depressed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a sad depressed poor little person. I
would get help if I were you. But trust your
friends they know what they are talking about!
Penguins are cute too!!

How depressed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are 100% depressed. You have tried to commit
suicide seveal times, but your parents usually
catch you. Now they NEVER take their eyes off
of you [DAMMIT!]. You'll find a way...

How depressed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

If you haven't been diagnosed yet you should be.
You're just a wreck. Everything makes you cry
and you can't seem to find happiness in
anything. Take some Zoloft. It really does
help. Believe me, I would know.

How depressed are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by blog/lifegavemelemons at 12:14 PM EDT
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Friday, 15 August 2003
The cold hard truth. You may not want to read this for I am an opinionated bitch.
Okay. Here's the cold, hard, truth. Popular people are only loved because they think they are. Seriously. Nobody loves them, they think that they are because they are egotistical bitches/jack asses. I have a major problem with cheerleaders, do you guys think that when you jump around looking like mindless bimbos that you're cheering anybody up? Nope, you aren't. People go to the mindless games to watch the mindless games, not to see you flying around like a pack of freakishly-flexible Barbies©. I also have a problem with Avril. God she's annoying. Why don't you people see that her music is all pop? Not rock. Not punk. And DEFINATLY not rock. Yet you people follow her around like she is some sort of demi-God or somethin'. SHE SUCKS! HER VOICE ISN'T EVEN GOOD! God some people annoy me. Here is another thing that annoys the fuck out of me. Why must people think that because some people are bi/gay that they have more chance of raping people? It isn't true, thank you very much. I don't feel like writing anything else right now, for I still have my flu.

Posted by blog/lifegavemelemons at 2:06 AM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
Stuff. I am bored. Not like anybody reads this anyway.
Well, since nobody reads this, I will post a bunch of random shit of the hour. I still have my flu, I still hurt like hell. The highlight of my day was that I got to go to the motel my mother manages and sleep in one of the rooms. I am having trouble breathing, and I can't see out of my right eye. Is this a good thing? You tell me. You might wonder why I am online if I am like this, I do not know, so do not ask. You may think I am crazy, and I may not care. You may think I am a nutcase, and I -won't- care. I do not know why I am putting this, but oh well.

Posted by blog/lifegavemelemons at 4:48 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
Hrm. New new's? I guess. Oh well.
'Ello to all. I have the flu. Sorry 'bout my sarcasm and such. I am really not all that..evil most of the time. Though I am bitchy, I can tell you 'bout that later. Well, anyway, back to my flu. My head is congested and full of snot, yep, snot. My head hurts like hell. The pressure behind my eyes feels like there are people in my brain hammering them. I am achy and painy, and I think I might just have appendicides. How fun. Yeah, I have always had problems with my appendics, and I think it is going to rupture. How fun! I am cold, oh so cold, and sweating rivers. I have had to switch the blankets around me about five times because they are sweat filled. To make things -even- worse, I can't get to sleep. I am an insomniac, and right now I am actually tired, but my head hurts to much to sleep. Dammit. Anyway, here are quizzy resulty thingys.
Schizotypal:Very High
Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Posted by blog/lifegavemelemons at 5:24 AM EDT
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Hrm. Fun. I guess.
Hello. I just thought I would tell you a bit about myself to start this bloggy thingy off. I am a paranoid, clinically depressed, girl with partial skitzophrenia. Yeah, I said skitzophrenia. It means my personality splits off and I often go into my own 'little world'. OH well. If you don't like me so far, get your whiny ass out of here and stop complaining. I don't take bitching and complaining well, unless the bitching and complaining is my own of course. This is mainly what I will use this for, complaining and bitching. Call me a bitch if you must. I -really- don't give a fuck what you think of me. Nope, 'tis true. I don't care what you think of me, because, chances are that I will -never- meet you. [update] If you see my quiz on the post above, it doesn't have to do with what I told you about my paranoia, my depression, and my mild skitzophrenia. I have had this prognoised by phycologists and such.

Posted by blog/lifegavemelemons at 4:39 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 13 October 2003 2:49 PM EDT
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