West side rider
This might be boring... but if are are intrested..

Thursday, June 24th, 2004

Whoa.. haven been updating my webby from a long long time.. yes i know. it's not that i am lazy to update or anything.. just that's i seem to be very trouble lately.. about everything.. all i did lately was making plans for my future.. so.. i am kinda headache. Hey i notice what's happening to the all those of my friends who visit my website you people i mean.. what's everyone been doin lately.. i don't see no one taggin on the tag box anymore... for a very long time... man.. i wish everyone have a bright future and living life till the fullest.. let's us all work for this day to come.. Take care guys.. hope you guys are alright....

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, June 4th, 2004

YAY.. today is 4th, woohoooo that make my relationship with rebecca "4 month" YAY !!!! *CHEERS* baby.. hehe :P

hmm, but i am still the same.. wahhhh :'( still a useless pig.. wasting my life away slacking.. -_-" is there any job out there where you could earn money just by slacking.. :P haha lol.. hmm.. time to do something about this.. hmm... peace out guys !!! take care.

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, May 29th, 2004

This is "BIG MISTAKE !", in a few more months i am gonna turn 18 !!! Noooooo, i don't wanna grow old.. :' ( i miss those old days !! back in secondary school, where by everyday seem so great and fun.. NOOOO !!! it's kinda funny to think back.. hehe. well it's like when you are still young ! you kept thinking about growing older ! so you could just do whatever you like.. but that's a big mistake !! hell wrong... way off couse !! man... how i hope i just could go back in time and get another shot in life ! :' ( i am gonna wish i could go back in time this birthday !! hope my dream could come true.. but of couse i already know the result ! *snif* *snif* !! NOOOOO !!!!!! :' (

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, May 28th, 2004

Well it's been such a long time since i last update, sorry for those who came but get to read nothing. Haiz, this few week is like trying to find my way out the the fog of mist ! Did alot of soul serching, and it came to "Nothing ?" quess i am still trying to find a a way out.....

Walking down this tunnel, i can't see no light at the end for me... *sob* :'( man.. i am stuck !!! helpppp. Well acturally i am just disapointed, haiz.. everyday sitting in front for the com, acturally doing nothing else other then waiting whole day for my gf to online.. but haiz..... it's dosent seem any important now.. cos anyway i am always the fool :' ( or maybe i feel like. Well those of you who read this, will surely think i am crazy ! writing this to toy with my relationship "well it's like something is better left unsaid, keep it a sercet". *sad smile* well i don't even know it myself.

Well it's ok, i am gonna get a job soon. since my bro all have finish school exam and it's holiday time. Time to get a job.. earn some money.. and proberly after that.. i am on my way to NS.. YAY, HOW COOL !!! 2 YEARS !!! + getting a job now = to....... to..... lots of days without you rebecca :' ( feel so sad now..... hopeless....... :' ( i got a feeling something i gonna happen right b4 i get into NS.. hmm.. just a feeling... hope it's about someone got the guts to kill me...... hopeless..... like a junk waiting to be thrown away.. :' (
----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, May 14th, 2004

Hmm.. it's 4am in the morning... as usual i am still fully awake, enjoying the night life !! I didn't intend to update my website acturally.. but 1min ago i just change my mind.. cos a phone call scare the hell out of me.. u know. it's unusual to receive any call at this hour of the time.. i pick it up.. and heard a man voice.. it's was my uncle !! and in my heart i know somemore must have happen between him and his wife.. haiz... but this is not the normal quarrering that u are thinking now.. it's a very BIG PROBLEM i am talking about here.. "DEVORCE"... haiz,when love turn to hate, when anger turn to violence, when violence turn to desaster !!! A heart with a hole, A house without soul !!! haiz... my uncle asked me to get my mom.. so i wake her up. and return to my room.. when i acturally wanted to switch off the speaker mode, there a urge inside me that hold me from doing so... so i sat down and ear drop their conversation !! i know it's a bad thing, but i am worry from my uncle and my aunts.. they use to treat me damn gd went i am still very young that time.. every weak i will go over to their house and stay there for the weakend.. and they will always bring me around.. buy stuff for me. haiz.. now seeing their family which is about to break apart.. my heart sank !! :' ( one word.. "It's all about the money"........ maybe we should burn all the cash !!! *sob* *sob*... what i pity the most is their kids.. there's 2 of them. one not even secondary school yet !! and the other was just about 5/6 year's old.. haiz. i hope i could help.. but you know.. adult !! like they will listen to me.... :'(

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, May 11th, 2004

OMG !!! i think i am going crazy soon........ helppppp. i just notice myself staring at my wallpaper for no reason for the past erm.. 25mins or more.. ahhhhh -_-" wtf am i doing... i am bored to death here, HELPPP !!! haizzz.. suddenly felt that life is so pointless now. I miss you baby, i want you here with me.. haiz...... well anyway.. i am starting to feel like a batman, ahahaha lol. went the time came for you to slp.. i will be fully awake. And went it's rise and shine for you.. it will be time for my slp.. hehe :P this world have too many bad peoples. so i am here to SAVE THE WORLD !!! MAHAHAHAHA !!!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, May 5th, 2004

well well.. another day, another post eh.. haha lol. hmmmm, i am starting to wonder how's all my friends ?? okie.. this is.. erm... the third day since i left the school.. well what can i say.. i miss school quite alot. my friends, the laughter.. and basketball !! wahhhh :'( but if you ask me did i regret for leaving school. that will be a "NO". Couse i don't like regreting on the things that already have been done.. all i feel now is kinda bored. You know, i am out of school already.. there acturally nothing much to do staying at home except that i keep watching pirated movie which i downloaded off kazaa.. hack, even my kazaa was a hack copy. which they remove the banner and sponser and the spyware.. weeepeee, no moe spyware. ahaha lol.. =P My mom is kinda mad with me.. u know couse i lzy around the house doing NOTHING ! ahahaa lol, who care.. got food to eat, won't die can liao.. ahahahaa lol shhhh, don't tell my mom i said that ! she will go into crazy mode ! DANGERRR ! ahaha lol.. hmm.. i better get off now.. cos i just finish downloading "Dawn of the dead" YEAH !!! it's midnight.. woohoo.. time for some scary movie.. i hope i don't die of heart attack.. mahaha.. i am afired of ghost u know.. hehehe =X lucky now it's zombie.. *shrugg*..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, May 1st, 2004

haiz.. hey guys, yea.. my webby is starting to quiet down huh.. haizz.. well watever it is.. man i don even care anymore. what i mean is, i don't even care does people still visit my website anot.. it's like a place for me to tell what i feel and stuff that happen to me. it's alright if people don't come offen anymore to read, i am starting to get use to this lonely lifestyle, this world of my own. Well acturally today i got back to the school.. but not to study... not to hang out with friends and laugh the whole day through, like what i always do.. But to go back "Once last time", well it turn out the way just as i thought. Get to the office, with my form teacher.. take a seat.. and all those words and craps was throw stright at my face !! But it's ok.. i am the cause of all this.. but the funny thing was, HEY, i didn't get kick out of the school !! all of them wanted to see me complete my ITE, and leave the school with a Nitec cert. a one last chances was given to me. Couse they don't wan to see me waste my time and my life !! They made it this way, so the choice is for myself to chose, but i chose NO. I quit. Oh man... i feel like ending this suffering !! this pain !! oh craps... Well one the way to school bring up all those memories.. couse i took the way that i and my *whole group* of friends use to walk after school to get to the MRT station.. haiz... looking back. it's just felt of nice to have this wonderful memories... but hack.. it's was all the cause of friends leaving school one after another.. and now it finally came to me.. well sorry about this poor english tonight !!! i don't even know what the hell i want to do now... i was totally worn out !! If it's not bacuse of the responsibility of being a son of my parents, i would have kill myself by now.. end all this once and for all !! haiz.. why does it have to end up this way !! haiz... it's something that call "like father, life son", everyday i look at my father i keep telling myself.. man, i don't want to be like you.. i don't want to sell my life to my job. but now, i feel i am gonna end up like him. what a stupit move i have made ! well, since young i don't like to study or even do my homework.. i know that not just me.. but everyone else.. but for me, i am always the problems creater !! now tell me.. how many of you have gotten caught by the police at the age of 11 and had file a police record for running away from home. going to school and been keep and eyes on from every single teacher.. visiting the prinsiple office countless times in a year, and not to mention how many times i have been punish infront of the whole school and the tons of stupit stugg i did when i was young. Even set the whole playground on fire, and make a hell of of peoples life. Back then in my primary schoo life in my class there's this guy who like abit u know.. Stupit, i and one of my friend will always like tear up his books stop him in everything he tries to do.. follow him all the way home just to wack him up on the way. hack, i was even a gang leader when i was young.. WTF ?!?!?! u know, simple stuff.. walk around the class. get people homework to copy by force. grab, stap jab and a punch in his face ! his nose even bleed.. oh god. so many stuff i did back then.. abd part of my life in primary school i hang out with a brunch of chinese which what we call a group, just that i feel like i don't belong in it. couse no one like me you see... even my own parents don trust me.. when i say the trust. haizz, It's like, that me !! what you wanna do about it ?? oh god, did so much bad ass moron stuff back then, somethings i still felt sorry of the people i offen.. but i don care what people think. Or how they look at me.. well anyway i am use to it. I am always the laughing stock infront of my mom friends.. i don mind.. but it's bring my parents shame, shame to have a son like me.. a fail project !!!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, April 19th, 2004

well first day so the start of a very long holiday.. haiz, since now i no more schooling. What a waste acturally, 6 more month to graudation, and i drop out at this time.. it's so dumb !! i could have kill myself for being lazy. haiz.. wat to do.. well acturally i am not lazy about going to school.. it's more like i lost my intrest in studying.. just hate doing the things i am force to do !! isen't studying a kind of force to do thing ?? no ? time fly by really fast.. it's like i still can remember the first day i got into AMK ITE, like it just happen yesterday. and now it's already been 1 and a 1/2 year. well i quess nothing last forever !! althought something do last forever.. get what i mean ?? my lifeless sprit !!! remember a line "Get a life" wel.. that line is mend for me i quess.. haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, April 17th, 2004

well well.. hello everyone.. erm.. sorry about the late update !! been so busy lately.. got a pile of personal problems still waiting for me to settle !! haizz.. wat to do ?? "That's life" ! hmm.. this whole month have been a real hard time for me.. so many things had happen ! I am kind of like.. happy, and at the same time.. "lost" :'( Great thing was, rebecca came back to sg for the last 3 weeks ! at first, i was more then happy ! but later on i just felt sad and disapointed !! haiz.. but i treasure the time being with u *baby*. well.. 3 days ago, my uncle brought my dog(use to) "Max" to my house. Couse my grandpa house electricity was cut of.. due to my uncle....... ahh nvm then.. !! it's acturally remind me of the first day max came into my family ! i was acturally happy that he still remember me, but the sad thing was.. i felt a "GAP" so wide between us !! haiz.. another problem was.. my granny was acturally in the hospital for weeks now.. and due to the fect that my whole family knows we are gonna lose her soon.. that's what everyone feel !! problem 3, school issue, my dad acturally talk to me today about my school problems !!! then i realise that the teacher acturally called them up.... erm.. u know, the usuall stuff !! "Your son huh.. still want to study anot huh ???" haizzz.. -_-" but what i am most depress about was u, rebecca !! just 2 more days, and u won't be here anymore, don know when we will meet again !! :'( "SEE" so many problems !! so pls don say i am slacking for not updating my website !! haizz !! so long guys.. !! cya soon.. *goes off and countine banging my head on the walls*....

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, March 31th, 2004

hello everyone... hehe :P oopsy.. so long didn't update my webby.. as i can... or should i say we can see someone is already nagging me on the tag-board about this.. "OK MOM.. i will update it now.. can't u see i have already started ??" ahahaha... lol. well btw.. i have been very busy lately.. that's the reason why i haven been updating it... haiz.. so much stuff for me to settle... starting to become like a business man here.. hahahaa lol.. quess wat ?? i just sold my ps2 awhile ago for just $300 BUCKS !!!!! WHOA !!! that's crazy.. i lost a pile of hard cash like... 700 bucks !!! wahhhhhhh *crys* haiz.. things which is close to me, always goes away one after another. WHYYYYY !!! haiz.. it's always because of the money !!! D@MN FUCKING ASSHOLE !!! max leave me partly because of the money problem.. and my parents.. now even my ps2... wahh not to mention the tons of stuff which i sold away back then... haizz... it's ok nvm... i will get it back someday.. and i know i will !! hmm.. so how u guys been.. those frens that i hardly see.. how's everyone ?? victor ?? joanne ?? andrew ?? and lots and lots of my friens !! sorry.. can't mention all.. hehe :P hmm.. hope to seee u guys soon !!! cos wana go crazy together... ahahahah LOL "SIAO".. hey i gtg now.. will update once again tml.. and i mean it !! so long guys !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, March 24th, 2004

Hey everyone.. i am back !! ahahaha lol.. wow !! time fly by so fast. it's already the third day of school since last week hoilday. haha lol and OHHH man.. last week was great !!! so relaxing and i enjoy my life to the fullest !! Eeeehaaa.. haha lol. but too bad.. it's all over now.. need to get back to school.. haizz.. u know.. the usual stuff... get to school, talk alot.. joke alot.. and laught like hell.. and end another day with a smile on my face.. haha lol. haiz.. how i wish the holiday will last forever.. but haiz. that woulden't happen.. unless someone is daring enough to burn down the school !! haha lol. me ? hahahaa jk. so.. basically i just slack thr out all those 7 day, playing my games 24/7 ahaha.. so wat did u guys do ?? any nice thing happen share it with me k ? haha lol.. haiz.. just now i wanted to go online after i reach home from school to play my game.. listen to music and chat with "u", my baby.. ahaha lol.. but damn !!! my narbour came over to me and ask me weather can borrow my com, cos wan to do some project stuff.. so it's like i asked him wat happen to ur com ?? quess wat he told me.. "Ohh last month i surf the internet alot.. the bill was a bomb ! now my mom won't let me use it" then in my mind i was thinking.. "U think wat !! i pay the internet bill for u to use isit ?" ahaha lol but hey.. wats fren for right ?? haha lol so i went to have my dinner and then lied on my bed while he use my com.. then "click !" i when offline and into my own dreamland.. haha lol woke up at 12 just now.. and now.. DAMN !! it's 3.26 in the midnight and i am typing all this craps to let u boring peoples see.. hahaha lol.. jk.. haiz.. i better go now.. tml still have school !! bye peps !! take care !! and u too, my baby rebecca !! ahaha "blush" !

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, March 15th, 2004

Hey, guys it's me again. wahaha lol.. so.. did u guys miss me.. waahahahaha. This is the first time ever that i skip 3 days of updating my webby.. haha lol.. hmm, maybe i am slacking too much or something... haha lol or am i just lazy.. hahaa lol who knows ?!?!?! today is the first day of my hoilday.. things seen to look great for me.. haha lol, so relaxing.. YEAH !! But, how about you guys ?? having fun yet ?? ahaha.. hmm.. it's getting abit bored staying around in the house alone.. just laz around doing nothing.. phewww... this few night i have been soul searching myself and in the end.. i still came out with no idea wat i really want in my life.. haizz.. i better think of something fast... haha lol.... but for now, i think it's time for some afternoon nap.. too tired to think what to type down here.. Bye guys.. Gd night.. hahahaha :P cya !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, March 11th, 2004

O..k.. let's see... hmm... ok guys.. it's 11 in the morning here.. haha lol.. HEY STOP ! Are u wondering why i am here updating my website again ?? hahaha lol don even think about it !! i didn't skip school OK !! haha lol.. hmm, YEAH !!! schools off till the week after next.. BEST LAH !!!! haha lol time to slack at home and play computer games.. hahaha lol.. WOW.. now i finally feel some enjoyment in life.. hahaha. i am siting down here eating some chips.. and typing all this craps.. hahaha lol. Oh ya.. Hey baby rebe, thanks for the song u wrote... it's really nice and i love it.. "Muackkkk" hahaha lol.. *blush* ! ok guys.. i really really really got to go now.. no time to waste.. haha lol !! bye.. Take CaRe dude.. !

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, March 9th, 2004

oops.. it, seen like ytd i forgot to update my webby.. :P haiz.. ytd in school was great ! i was the Third to reach class.. hahaha lol.. it's been awhile since i reach school so early.. haha lol. But wat's the point ?? no reward given to those that come early also.. hahaha lol.. Hey.. no no.. the reward is.. u won't be late for school.. hahaha lol.. LAME ! o_0" and one more thing that i done in school ytd was.. i was paying full attention in class, which i haven been doing that for guite some time.. haha lol, i am quiet happy about that acturally.. althought 80% of the time, my eyes keep trying to force themself close. haha lol. But that's not because the lession was boring.. it's because that night i was playing my game till 3.30 in the midnight.. haha lol.. miricles isen't it.. can reach school so early, went i slp at 3.30 in the night. haha lol. i am acturally quiet shock myself too. hahaha lol.. hmm.. but today.. HAIZZ!! i overslept.. so i didn't went to school today.. haizz !! i wanted to go very much acturaly but.. haiz.. u know.. ! haiz.. tonight slp early.. target 12pm haha lol :P ok guys.. gtg now.. i haven eat from morning till now, so i need to go hunt for food again.. ok guys.. TaKe CaRe.. !

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, March 7th, 2004

Yeah !! hey guys.. the picture site is GO NOW !!! it's under gallery section.. hahaha lol of couse it's under gallery section.. wat else could it be... hahaha lol today.. i won't be saying anything about wat happen.. just go enjoy the website guys.. supports us 3 "bo liao kids" hahaha lol remember to read the story before u view the pics to enjoy it fully.. mahahaa :P

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, March 6th, 2004

haiz... Yesterday night was so peaceful till i fall asleep, and have a nightmare.. i think i offenced god in some way.. cos it's like i been saying bad about him lately, and i acturally blame everything that god have given me !! Mins after i fall asleep.. i dream that someone keep chanting dunno what craps beside my ears.. and for like 5 times.. my whole body was caught on fire, and i can shake it off.. i woke up in the middle of the night breathing so hard and my whole body was cover with my sweat.. i was in shock !!! and i acturally thxs god that's it only a dream ! hope this is not a sign.. like in the show.. "final destination" whoaaa.. it's so scarry.. for a moment i almost thought it was real !! i can even smell the smell of burning skin.. and i and also felt the heat !! And the sound of whoever keep chanting into me !! I try to scream but no sound came out !! whoaa... phewww ! see, that's god mightly power.. i believe it like warning me to stop all my wrong believe with him. But siencetist have porve that u dream of what you think ! but for this part i think that just bullshit ! if it's really true that u dream of what u think.. then how come so many people have dream of the future including me. And it really did happen like wahat i see in the dream !! haiz.. forget it. Just don let this kind of dream get into me once again tonight, then i will be more than happy already... (did my dream remind u of the line "burn in hell" ?) hmm, this afternoon... i let techno run thr my mind, and mostly i will be listening to rocks song.. Cos techno suck ! and it's acturally meaningless.. But just to get the creepy feeling out of me.......... hahaa lol.. hey guys.. i got to go now.. TaKe CaRe DuDe !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, March 5th, 2004

wooohooo !! finally, it's friday.. haha lol, yeah !! tonight can stay up whole night play computer game.. wahhhh what can be more enjoying then this ?? siting infront of the com, only the table lamp is on.. a cup of coffee on the table.. and playing ur favourite game.. in your own room.. and the night winds blowing thr ur window.. !! cool ! can't wait till tonight.. haha lol. hmm.. today smoking record was a sad thing... it went up to 4 again.. haizzz.. but nvm.. from this very moment, i am not gonna light another one up till.. this monday.. wahhhhhhh.. :'( can bang my head on the wall liao... wahhhhhh hmm.. i am starting to wonder.. which is a better way.. "die trying too hard to quit ? Or die smoking ??" hahaha lol.. i am jk. hmm.. O ya.. about the pictures site... i am sorry for dalaying it for so long... but i dunno, wat's happening.. things just since to screw itself up lately.. hmm.. but nvm.. i will see into it.. haha lol.. so.. all u guys got to do.. is sit back relax.. and wait till we upload it.. i will notice u guys went it's up k.. haha lol. just wait there ! haha lol. hmm.. sorry about today short posts.. i just came back from school and i am totally worn out.. i quess i will go get a nap now.. gd night dude.. haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, March 4th, 2004

hi everyone !! feeling happy today ?? hahaha lol... cos i am. hiyo, don sad sad face.. smile.. hahaha lol.. live happy, stay cool.. okie.. people ?? haha lol. as for me.. i am acturally quite happy about the presents that god give me. meaning.. "Today" wahahaha lol... kk enough of those craps.. althought some of you think it's true.. hahaha lol. today on the way to school... i met a old fren that use to be in the same primary school with me.. haha lol.. he told me about his problem with his girlfren.. And then i realise.. singapore still got this kind of "slut" around... haizzz.. sad things to my friend.. haha lol.. but nvm, the story is kinda nice to listen to anyway.. haha lol, i wish him luck.. don wanna see my old fren suffer.. cos i am him was once very close.. hehe :P hmm.. let's move on.. haha lol.. at 12 noon just now.. i am my groups of fren went outside the schools to eat.. WOW !! in almost half year.. we didn't do that already.. it feel so great enjoying life..haahaha lol.. heler, my another gd bro.. haha lol.. he was the poor guy in this part of today story.. everyone know he's a f**king blur guy.. wahahahahaha lol.. so he ended up been "disturb" by everyone.. hahahaha lol.. haizz.. poor thing.. hehehe :P and right after that i went stright home with siwei.. and ended up typing all this craps just to let u people see.. hahaha lol.. ohh ya.. for today smoking record.. 3 stick.. haizz.. still can't get lower then that.. haizz.. pls try to understand.. this kind of things that time.. haha lol.. baby rebe.. i know u will. right ?? haha lol.. hmm.. gtg now... time for dinner.. wahhhhh.. so hungry.. hold it, i forgot to tell u guy i added a horoscope.. haha lol TaKe CaRe u guys...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004

Ooo great.. another day in hell.. haizz... felt so week and tired.. but, so far so gd.. haha lol only smoke 2 and a 1/2 stick.. hehe :p and i will stop at here.. la la la la la.. ahahaha lol, i keep on serching for things to eat around the house... haha lol. very soon, i am gonna start eating my house too... hahaha lol.. oo ya, i got thr my test in school today... and althought i still dunno weather will i pass anot.. but i have confident.. haha lol.. haizz... feel so bored without those "fags". it's like i am getting more and more hard to breath.. i think i am trying too hard on quiting it... haiz, but no choice.. for the sake of u.. my baby rebe.. i think i can make it.. just a fews more day.. and i will start throwing my lighter away.. o ya.. i even given my lighter to my fren in school today.. haha lol... ahhh... "don think about it, don think about it" damn it.. i am suffering here... can someone kill me now pls ??? haha lol hey.. i think i better go now.. will update u guys again tml is there's any new record.. haha lol ! TaKe CaRe.. and remember.. Say "NO" to drugs. if u don wanna die up like me...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004

hmm wat to say about today.. haiz.. i came here with nothing to say.. felt so headache for trying hard to quit smoking.. with all those money i spend on them saved up.. i could earn a pile!!! Yeah, but i am getting closer to kick that habit away.. haha lol. O ya.. i think i will use today post to thx my baby rebe, hey, it's was ur words who give this power.. hehe :P it's true u know.. that night u told me to quit smoking.. and then it's like i suddenly felt the urge to made it happen ASAP.. i myself also don even know why.. hmm. today record.. 3 stick only.. and ytd was 5.. WOW !! that's magic !! i usually smoke more then 20 stick a day.. see the big different ??? YEAH !! tommorrow i try.. 1 stick ONLY.. hope i can make it... thxs rebecca.. u really are great !! love ya... hehe :P but one thing that suck is.. i skip school today.. haizz now my mom is very mad with me.. didn't even want to talk to me went i try to talk to her. Ok fine.. that's ok.. i also don feel like talking to her anyway.. hey guys gtg.. if i don get away from here fast, i am gonna think about lighting up one again.. cos of all the stress.. haha lol ok guys TaKe CaRe ! support me on "kicking the habit of smoking" k .. thanks !

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, March 1st, 2004

haiz... haizz... haizzz... went life throw things at u.. u should try to make the best out of it.. haiz.. haha lol.. anyway.. today was kinda like a bad day for me... woke up late for school today.. just slighty late.. and i end up in a bus full of peoples.. wahh.. the driver was so f**king stupit.. bus full still stop at every bus-stop trying to get more people on the bus went he know it's imposible.. bird brain.. hahaha lol.. but nvm anyway.. from the moment i leave my house.. i already know it in my heart that i sure will be late.. but is's ok.. the main reason i care to go sch is for the test, if not i would have countine sleeping.. hahaha lol, but once again F**K !!! i reach school and the teacher won't even mark a late in the attendent book.. he give me a "MIA" meaning, "missing in action".. fuck this world man.. oop !! sorry to censor the "f" word.. hahaha lol haiz.. but at least.. i get to take the test i miss last month, so it's not really a bad day.. haha lol. At 12 noon.. i was thinking.. since no attendent given.. let's go home.. haha lol !! and on the way home was was bored.. and my baby rebe, if u are reading this.. i know u would. haha lol. it's like i keep thinking about you on the way home... and when i was at yishun while waiting for bus 171 to go home.. the control there was playing that song.. "Love me, by Collin Raye" hey.. that's the song u send me went we first knew.. hehe :P i fall alseep on the bus, and almost over shot my stop to get off.. hahaha lol.. the moment i reach home.. i took out the half bottle of beer, and all goes down into me.. haha lol. In my mind i was saying this to myself "ahhh wat a hard day.. phewww.." hahaa lol.. i wish i could shout.. honey.. i am home.. haha lol.. but that's too far away.. haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, February 29th, 2004

ohh man.. damn it !! not feeling so gd today.. haiz... woke up this morning at 11 and my whole body was in pain.. i am totally worn out from ytd riding.. went to make some coffee.. hoping it could wake me up abit.. but hack !! that dosen't work !! so i went online hoping that my baby rebecca was there.. but damn.. u ain't there.. but it's ok.. just wanna say gd morning to you, and anyway.. i am stuck at home.. so i could wait.. haha lol. but.. it's already 5 in the late afternoon.. and u are still not here.. haizz.. nvm.. the sad thing was.. i just found out something after i woke up from my afternoon nap.. it's not really a afternoon nap tho.. it's more like i fall asleep while waiting for u. haiz.. o ya.. i found out that i hurt my wife very badly.. which is.. my bike.. haizzz. the front rims was totally screw up.. a few spoke was bend. and part of the rims was craving in... fuck this world man.. how man i gonna go riding like this.. And i am kind of broke ! even the cheapest rims cost a bomb !!! damn it.. hey andrew.. i seriously shoulden't have sell u my alex triple wall rims back then.. haiz.. now i am dead.. dunno went will i ever get the money for a new set of rims.. haizzzzzzzz. die lah.. stuck at home with nth to do now.. i think the best way is to go roof top jump down.. "game over" ever thing setter.. haizz.. for now.. better get some works started on the picture site.. then see weather should jump anot.. haha lol... hey.. guys.. i better go now.. TaKe CaRe u guys.. remember.. "BMX RIDERS NEVER DIE" wahahaha !!! once i get my bike fix.. i am going out there on a search and destory mode... wahahaha.. haiz, like real only.. somemore the rims is unfixable already.. haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, February 28th, 2004

woohooo.. finally after the whole day of hardcore action.. i am finally sitting down here drinking my coffee relaxing typing this to u.. hehe :P ok here's the story for today.. I was suppose to meet up at andrew house at 8am sharp this morning.. but somehow i overslept till around 8.45, hahaha lol sorry guys.. u know me.. hehe 0_olll hmm.. ok, so i call up siwei and ask him to come over my house while i get ready.. moments later.. i was all set and ready to go.. and just nice he reach my house.. YEAH !! and off we go... haha lol. We both reach andrew house at around 9.30 damn !! we have wasted so much time.. and andrew was still slacking on his sofa drinking alcohol while watching kid centre with his Tv set.. wahahaha lol.. so we both just join in the fun and slack together..wahahaa around.. erm.. i think 20mins later.. we ask siwei to try out his camera... and to our shock, we found out that siwei didn't charge the battery properly.. wahhhh :~( but nvm.. we still got time.. and anyway.. it only need 2 hrs to fully charge the battery.. so we cycle all the way from "cck" back to "bp" cos we need to get to siwei house to charge up the battery right.. haha lol. before reaching.. i went to the 7-11 to get something to bite.. hehe.. wahhh... slacking at siwei house was damn bored.. it's like the clock was talking it own sweet time.. haiz... suddenly andrew came out with a stupit idea.. and i ended up comparing out body parts.. haha lol from tougue length to finger length even forhead length.. hahah lol.. lame huh.. hehe :P haiz.. it was a long story acturally.. don wanna say it here.. if u wanna know, check out the picture site in a day or fews... ahh.. so tired.. need to rest for now.. TaKe CaRe DuDey.. haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, February 27th, 2004

Hello pep ! wahahaha lol.. still can't stop laughing from all those things that happen today.. hahaha lol. and ya.. today i went to school.. althought abit late.. for a simple reason for waiting for my frens at the bus-stop this morning... but it's ok.. cos i didn't skip lession.. haha lol.. it was 9.45 in the morning after break.. i was sitting at the chair beside the soccer field.. sooo many people was there waiting for class to start.. suddenly a teacher open up the door.. he came out and turn his head to look around.. it was just only second and the soccer ball come flying full speed locking onto his forehead... hahaha lol "target lock" kaboom !!! hahaha lol he was hit by the ball.. he took 2 step back and fall to the ground.. wahahaha lol.. he is abit round somemore.. wahaha know wat i mean.. hehe :p u really should have seen him fall.. so funny.. everyone laugh !! even himself.. hahahaha lol... haiz.. haha, just now after school i went to meet up with my brother, Allen.. haha lol.. went over to his house with siwei.. and shortly later.. another one of our friends came over.. wanted to play the computer... haha lol.. then his computer kanna virus.. wahaha.. poor allen.. now got to wait till monday.. cos computer send for repair.. haha lol.. so we play the playstation.. but is ps1 lah.. haha lol.. we was playing soccer game.. haha lol then my other fren go off the tv just to disturb him... wahahahahah lol.. and quess wat.. this time the TV set spoil.. wahahaha lol switch off one time.. cannot on forever liao.. wahaha lol.. wahh.. allen ur whole house comming apart... haha lo :P haiz... can;t stop laughing.. wahhhh.. cannot take it anymore.. hahahaha haiz.. and for the rest of the day.. we went to find our sister... cos she working as ice-cream selling.. haha lol.. so funny... haha lol aiya.. ok lah.. i think i stop here.. later all laugh until die.. i also die.. haha lol kk gtg now... cya !! haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, February 26th, 2004

YEAH !!! i finally made it... a day in school.. no late, no running.. no nothing.. YEAH !!! haha lol :P hmm.. today was great... never knew such gd friend still exist.. the story goes like this.. just now at 12pm(break time) my eyes was like trying to force themself close already.. so i told one of my classmate.. which i only get to know him like last month.. i told him i was damn tired and i felt like going home to slp and play some games... but he told me not to run.. although this is not the first time, and he's not the first one who try to stop me.. But, i think i should listen to my friends for once.. and i stay on.. haiz.. oo ya.. did i mention he taught me school stuff just now... GREAT !! so much to catch up on !! "justin" thxs ! gd frens are hard to come by.. haha lol.. wohhhh... just now at 3.30 tea break.. we order $3 worth of cut fruits.. wahhh.. one mountain of fruits.. hahah lol.. i share it with all my friends at the canteen... haha lol.. so "pai sei" cos alot of people look at me wen i was carrying the big plate of fruits to the table.. haha lol.. haha lol.. break the school record.. no one order so many b4.. haha lol tml we planing to order a $5 one.. wahhhhhhh the biggest plate !! hahahaha lol.. all going nuts liao... hahaha lol oo ya.. this saturday me and my riding gang.. planing to get new pic.. meaning.. picture site will be updating like.. maybe sunday.. wahahaha.. time to rock.. can't wait !! so long guys... gtg now !!! byeeeeee

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, February 25th, 2004

helloo everyone.. how's ur day ?? for me.. haiz.. it's kind of like wasted.. hey, i made up mind.. from tml onwards. i will go school everyday, no more skipping school and no more running away b4 last lession.... okie, back to today !! i woke up this morning at around 9.. and i was acturally shock !! moments later, i felt like i am in a warzone !!! haiz... but it's ok.. all i got to do is to get the *F* out of this mad house. so i called up andrew and meet up with him.. haha lol.. of cos i with my bike.. haha lol.. i waited for him like 45mins.. haha lol so it was damn bored to wait there alone.. haiz.. but i am use to it.. so it's ok... oo the funny thing was.. i asked andrew weather could i borrow a $2 cos i wanted to go for lunch.. haha lol.. and it turn out that he own me $5.. haha lol. i have totally forgotten about it.. hehe :P thxs dude.. that's was so kind of u.. haha lol. so we went to out favourite "coffee shop" haha lol haiz.. no money for macdonal lah.. hahaha :P but after that.. we didn't really get into the riding mood.. haiz.. we was down there and started wondering.. wat if u really do some "trick" or "stunts" or watever.. wat do u get ?? u get nothing.. and i suddenly realise how boring we guy acturally are.. haizzzz.. but come to think of it.. it's for the fun.. haha lol.. ahhhhhhhhhh *die*.. father gonna be back any moments from now.. i better be off... TaKe CaRe u guys !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, February 24th, 2004

wooohooo !!! finally !!! finally i am not late for school.. and i go thr every lession.. woohooo !!! YEAH !!! hey, why are u looking at me like that ?? wat are u thinking ?? erm.... ok ok.. i admit, i skip the last lession.. hehe :P got improvement right ?? haha lol. yeah !! tml will be wednesday.. yeah !! cos school end at 12 wahahahaha "shiok" :P hmm.. today in school was damn funny.. i laugh almost every second of my time... wahaha lol... the most funny part was went i was playing basketball with my friends... hahaha lol.. but i am not gonna say the whole story here, cos that why be too long hahaha... wahhh !! "heng ah" today in school teacher never aim me.. phewww !!! haha lol... only that he was aim by me.. wahahaha lol !!! haiz.. jk only.. hehe :P haiz.. go play some computer games liao... bye bye.. TaKe CaRe !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, February 23th, 2004

Gd afternoon everyone !! haha lol :P guess wat... i skip school again... mahahahaha !! but skip 1/2 only.. hahaha :P woke up at 6 today.. and was damn sleepy, so i went back to bed.. haha lol.. went i got up the second time.. it's already 9.30 in the morning, so i called up siwei.. and went to AMK centre to have our breakfast haha lol.. that's was so fun.. hehe :P walk around.. check out some of the shop there.. and finally start walking slowly to school.. haha lol. the time we both reach there it was just nice 12pm in the afternoon and it was break time for everyone.. so, we climb over the back gate.. and i play 3 round of basketball with my classmate.. haha lol.. we won all 3 round.. haha lol all thxs to one of my fren, cos of his skill at bball. wahh.. today my teacher ask me to stay back to see him at his office.. went the class end at 3 !! haha lol... of cos i ran away.. hehe :P i have already plan.. if tommorrow he ask me why, i will tell him "the teacher taught us, after school go stright home... don wonder around" wahahaa lol.. i think this line would seriously piss him off.. haha lol ok guys, TaKe CaRe..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, February 22th, 2004

ahh.. so sleepy, eyes gonna close anytime from now.. cos i didn't sleep the whole night !! ahhh.. stupit andrew.. u work me up while i was in my dreamland this morning... haha lol :P just kidding only lah.. hey.. why didn't u tell me u stop working long ago... haiz... wasted so many days for riding.. hey.. this week go ride k.. i feel the urge go into crazy mode !!! call u soon... haiz.. okie.. back to today. i was stuck at home whole day long infront of my com playing computer games.. and at the mean time missing u.. my baby ! haiz. so bored... but it was kind of great just now.. my mom came home from work and brought alot of food.. haha lol. so i was siting at my living room enjoying the food with my family and watching the tv show.. i know it's normal maybe to alot of u.. but for me.. it's a different story.. so.. it's kind of cool.. ok guys.. gtg now.. TaKe CaRe dude !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, February 21th, 2004

hmm.. today, was great.. wen over allen house just now for some jamming.. haha lol :P hmm.. (start singing) It's a beautiful day.... don't let it get away.. (stop) haha lol :P hmm... wooohoo.. after that we brought alot of snack and slack under the block and sing a hell lots of song.. haha lol that's was so relaxing.. hehe... o ya.. did i mention i was with my bike.. haha lol cos i feel like taking it out for a spin... hehe :P hmm.. ok guys, nothing special happen today.. so i quess i will end here today.. ok guys.. TaKe CaRe.. and stay cool always !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, February 20th, 2004

woohooo.. i finally gotten to school today.. wahahaha lol... hmm.. woke up early this morning, called up siwei.. and i said i will wait for him.. but didn't say where... haha lol. so i was like waiting for him at the LRT station and quess wat.. 30mins later.. still no sight of him.. haha lol and it turn out that he have chose to walk from his house to the bus-stop.. haha lol.. so, no choice lah.. got a late for attendent.. haizz.. but it's was a great day.. haha lol.. meet up my brother after school with siwei, haha which is also my brother.. haha lol.. and YEAH !!! allen treated me to lunch.. haha.. cos i have no $$$.. haha lol my "walking bank"... haha *oop* better make sure he is not reading this.. after that we went over to his house to do some jaming.. and finally go to siwei house to watch "School of Rock" haha.. second round for me.. but not them.. haha lol... hmm.. could hang out a little bit later.. but then i remember my "baby" haha lol.. don wanna leave u alone on the msn.. so i got back early. but the sad news is.. u are not here... wahhhhhh !! :~( but it's ok. ok guys.. that all for today.. i am going jaming again.. woohoooo.. 12 123 GO !!! haha lol. alright dude.. TaKe CaRe. !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, February 19th, 2004

sorry people, but once again !!! i skipped school.. hahaha lol.. better laugh now.. later my dad come home.. sure *DIE* !! haizz... sometime i really feel like quitting school and go get a job.. it's seen like i have already lost intrest in my study.. haizz... wat to do ?!?!?! but the thought of wasting 1 year in ITE b4 planing to quit make me stay on... i mean is like think about the time and money wasted in this 1 year, it's alot right... so might as well just finish this year and then get the hell out of there... hmm, i should go think about it.. OO ya... to everyone who read this.. pray for me.. tml i will get to school ok.. haha lol. TaKe CaRe DuDe !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, February 18th, 2004

Wahh.. today skip school again.. hiaz... but, i got a reason for that. This morning wake up, my head was spinning, so i thought i slp for 5 mns more.. but quess wat.. the second time i wake up.. it's already 10am in the morning.. ahhhh.. :P damn damn damn... hope i can reason with my teacher tml.. if not i will be really screw.. haizzz.. that's wat happen went i everyday turn in late... haha lol.. hmm.. i think i better get somemore slp now.. bye.. gd night.. TaKe CaRe.. haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, February 17th, 2004

hello everyone... haizz... sch's almost kill me today.. cos today finish at 5, which start at 8.45am !! wahhh.. so stress.. felt so sick... hmm, but come to think of it, went did i never felt stress in school b4 ?!?! hahaha lol... haiz, so fast.. tml is going to be wednesday.. YEAH !!! dismiss at 12... woohoo... "HALF DAY" !! yeah.. that's cool... haha lol. hmm.. i think i better start on my project now, if not i will really be in deep shit.... haiz... time to get started.. meaning, NO TIME TO PLAY AND SLACK !! so long guys.. TaKe CaRe DuDe... and u dear !!... haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, February 15th, 2004

Hello gd morning everyone, so.. how was ytd ?? have fun ??? Yes ? as for me.. it s**k !!! totally s**k !!! walking around in town with my friends and bro, it's was ok at first.. but slowly i start to think about alot of things... seeing everyone puting a smile on their faces being with their love one.. i felt that i was dieing to wan u here with me.. just thinking about the fun we could have together.. haizz.. but... it's ok.. (if u are reading this dear) !! ahhh, felt so hungry.. do u ?? haha lol, cos i just wake up.. ok guys.. i need to go hunt for food now.. TaKe CaRe DuDe. Have a nice day...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, February 14th, 2004

Haizz... woke up by a phone call this morning... Sooo, i quess today is valentines huh.. hiaz, it's gonna be another lonely valentines one "AGAIN" !!! But i hope all the couples out there hava a wonderful valentines, and their relationship will be better then ever... hiaz.. i think i am gonna go "talk to the wall" again.. maybe.. hmm.. just maybe... gonna go listen to the sound of the wind alone.. need to get the F**K out of this mad house for once.. u know, running out of fresh air here !! haha lol :P ok guys, better go "get the F**K out" NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!! TaKe CaRe DuDe, o ya.. treasure ur gf or bf... b4 it's too late... i will bless ur soul.. wahahaha lol :P oo ya.. i almost forgot, hey dear.. if u are reading this, enjoy ur self over there k... don forgot to miss me.. hehe :P

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, February 13th, 2004

hi guys... haiz... i notice my webby time counter jumping more and more slow as day passes... haiz.. sian 1/2.. seen like u people are getting bored about my webby... hiazz.. it's ok.. nvm anyway.. Anyway today i finally gotten to sch.. wahahaha finally.. oo hold on.. quess wat.. i late by a few mins.. F**K !! hiya.. who cares anywhere... oo ya.. tml is valentines day. wooohoooo !! i hope u guys enjoy urself.. haha :p hiaz.. soo poor thing.. gonna go thr it with my dear dear... wahh :~( haiz.. nvm, i will get over with it... cya around guys.. TaKe CaRe Those loving couple out there.. haha and of cos to my fren.. hehe :P

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, February 11th, 2004

OO nooo.. damn.. tell me this isen't happening.. I have been late for school for a row in this week.. even today.. damn. i have a nightmare last night. and it causes me to lose my sleep.. it really freak me out.. wake up in the middle of the night in shock.. Phew... hope it won't happen again tonight... oo ya.. my teacher said something very funny in school today.. there's was once he went to malaysia and brought a vcd... it's a movie which cost him 8 rm... he felt funny that time cos mostly the vcd he brought there only cost 5 rm.. haha he asked the guy why, and he told him.. this one different one different one... not same.. then he is thinking like wat the hell.. so hacking care everything he happily brought the vcd home.. he pop it into his vcd player.. and.. *JACKPOT* is once of those porn movie... wahahahaha i laugh till i drop back in school just now.. haha... ok.. TaKe CaRe DuDe.

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, February 10th, 2004

AHHHHHH... this morning, the moment my eye open up.. i knew it in my heart that once again, i have skiped school... wahhh... i got to do something, or i will be kick out of school soon.. god damn it.. why !!!! hmm.. maybe i should tell my teacher.. "hey it's not my fault, it all fated.. u should go ask god why.. don ask me" haha lol... haiz.. forget it... i really wonder, wat other bad things gonna happen to me today... haizzz !! yummy. lucky i still have my pandan cake with me.. woohooo haha.. haiz.. i think i better get out of this house with my bike soon.. it's been days since i ride.. seriously need to go out of this house cos i feel that my room is running out of oxygen.. AAHHHHH HEEELPPPPPP I.. I.., caaann't breath. haha lol.. gtg now guys.. TaKe CaRe DuDe..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, February 8th, 2004

Hi morning guys... damn gd mood today.. hehe :P thx darling ! if u are reading this.. haha.. oo shit.. not again... tml will be monday.. that means SCHOOL !!!!! damn this world.. haiz.. school is fun.. i just don like to study u know.. haha lol :P but there's something i hate about this world... Everythings need prove... so wat if u are really smart, u need prove.. and wat they call it is "cert"... haizzzz.. but thank dear, u told me in ur eyes i am smart to u no matter wat.. thx, that's more then happy for me.. hehe :P maybe that's why i woke up in a gd mood today.. oo it's still in the morning here 11.46 wahh.. feeling hungry here.. going to hunt for foods again.. haha lol.. bye guys.. TaKe CaRe DuDe..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, February 6th, 2004

WAHHHHH !!! DIE LAH DIE LAH !!! this time don wanna die also hard liao... haiz.... althought i have a hell lot of fun today.. but there are prices to pay... FUCK SIA!!! spended my last $40 today... wah lao.. die lah die lah.. there goes my lunch again... haiz... wen to ktv with my friends.. talk alot of cock.. sing alot of song.. but no marjong to play.. wahahah lol... hmm.. days like this is worth to remember.. wen u grow old u will think back of this day and smile... i just scare my mind run out of space.. haha lol kk gtg now guys.. hope money will come pouring down the sky some day... haha TaKe CaRe

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, February 5th, 2004

WAHhhhh... just spended $75 to get a webcam and a extra usb-port, wahh die lah... left $40 to live on... haiz... can't believe it.. once again.. i am offically "BROKE" !!! hmm... should start to save money once again.... haiz.... i hate it wen i ran out of money... damn it. Gonna go into "crazy mode" again... :-( but i will be alright, cos that not the first time this things happen to me.. hehe :P someday i am gonna be rich... YEAH, i mean it.. erm.. but how.. 0_olll if u know how.. pls tell me k.. haha lol. TaKe CaRe GuYs

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, February 4th, 2004

hi peoples... as u can see, once again i forgot to update my post haha... i am very busy this few days.. and got no free time to slack around.. so always ended up sleeping late.. Haiz... today i was late 20mins for school, and i went stright home the moment i know i have no attendent for class.. haha :P hmm.. Yeah !! 2 week to valentines... but haiz.. no point also.... ok guys.. gtg now.. go countine my sleep.. haha... TaKe CaRe !

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, February 2nd, 2004

AHHHH !!! can't believe i forgotten to update my webby ytd.. haha :P ytd was a SUPER chaostic being infront of my com... On the MSN friends poping out here and there.. talking to one of my friend on the msn using the mic... children playing my ps2 in my room making a hell lots of noise... sms alert tone filling the room like every fews second... on the area00.com game message keep on coming to me and having war with 3 wing... WAHHHHH!!! almost fall flat on the ground... haiz.. finally it's 4pm over here and the whole scene have cool down.. HAhhhhh, wat a day.... time for some ice milo.. hehe :) going to town to meet my friends soon... better get ready now... haha :) i will be back again tml to update my webby.. TaKe CaRe my fren !! oOooo ya.. "So close yet so far", u guys won't understant why i say this here.. so don't waste time trying !!!! bye. login off.........

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, January 31th, 2004

EEE haaaaa ... haha.. sorry, i am abit crazy today... hahaha :P thinking about everything that happen to me make me laugh... haha.. hey !!! it's already a new month.. Let's make a wish "I wish that, i will have a hell lots of great time this month" this is wat i wanted to wish for.... hahaha :P How about u ??? haha.. hmm.. today was great !! today is the best day everyever.. in fact.. everyday was great acturally hahaha :p Lame huh... hmm..anyway.. i am enjoying my life to the fullest.. BUT, there's something missing in between that make me felt... erm.. sorry, i don know how to put it.. :P maybe time will solve everything for me.. pls god... haha.. TaKe CaRe my friendssssssss.........

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, January 30th, 2004

They say life is a gift... but i somehow don see it that way... aint we just gods game ?? they say fate is in everyone life... but aint we choose our own path ?? i hate being control by fate, but it always seen to hit me hard... it's hard not to believe in it ?!?!? or was it's just my mind ??? haha... here's i goes again ?? thinking about life again, haiz... pls let me go god !! i am sick and tired of ur game !! just set me free !! hmm.. today was like a fun day.. alots of mad laughter going on here and there on the way to school this morning... haha people seen to be annoy by us.. But HACK WITH IT... i am wearing a ITE shirt !! WHO CARES ABOUT FACE ANYMORE !!! my frens agreeds with me after i told him this !!! Life short, play hard !!! Take Care guys !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, January 29th, 2004

hi guys, it's me again.. haha :P once again... i skip shool today.. haha :P not in the mood to go school today.. haha, like a hotel to me huh.. come and go as i like !! haha.. but it's ok.. meet up a new fren today.. haha. so pai sei.. hehe :P went to orchard, then meet up with my school fren.. then watch a movie together... haha, really have a gd time today !!! hehe :P ok guys.. as u see i update today post last minute, cos i almost forgotten.. haha... got to slp now.. cos tml going to school.. haha, still wanna be a gd boy u know.. hehe :P like real like that !! .. kk gtg now !! cya soon....

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, January 28th, 2004

Haiz.. another day went down the drain !! haiz.... planed out everything nicely today. but some how the plan was screw.. haiz.. wen to school in the morning.. because of a half and hour late... no attandent for me and my fren.. as we thought the teacher will mark a "LATE" there.. instead he mark us "MIA" !!! Damn this world !!!.. haiz.. but it's ok.. at least i finally get the chance to talk to a girl that i just know last month i think ?!?!? cos we always never get the chance to talk properly... i got it now .. haha :P so thcx god.. cos my day was cheer up by her.. haha.. woohoo.. hmm.. today posts maybe short.. by, wat do u know.. life short anyway.. haha gtg now.. bye.. And Ooo ya, TaKe CaRe Dude !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, January 27th, 2004

hmm.. today i am gonna write something about my form teacher... i think he's abit crazy one.. for giving us spelling today.. wat the hell is his mind thinking !! he's treating us a doh we are some kind of underage primary school kids !! wtf.. come on man.. i am tired !! (head already resting on the table b4 he shout "today we are going to do some spelling" across the classroom) not only that.. he keep on doing stupit things in the class that only he himself feel funny.. i laugh at his stupitness... not his action !!! hmm.. maybe i will find one day.. go get a big plastic bag !! cover over his head by surprise and wack the shit of of him.. then i will open up the newly brought spray-paint and write "RIP" arcoss the floor where he lies hahaha.. of couse i don have the balls to do that.. hehe :P ok gtg now.. TaKe CaRe guys !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, January 26th, 2004

hi guys... as u see, i skipped ytd post.. cause i just simply got nth to write about.. hmm.. about today.. haha.. today was a happy day in school, exchange alot of crappy jokes with my fren.. haha.. the best one is we plan in school today how to get a girl b4 the valentine days, as u see it's only 18 days away... of couse the plan we come out with is just to get our mad laughter started. haha. haiz !! gonna be alone on the day again.. haiz... so bored.. every year on valentine day sure confrim one person do nth at home one.. haiz.. wen is this shit gonna end god ??? hmm.. but if u truely love ur bf or gf, everyday is consider as valentine for the both of u.. haha ;) hmm... haha, u know wat i mean ?? mahahahah !!! kk gtg now. TaKe CaRe DuDe...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, January 24th, 2004

Haiz... another bad day, another post again !! i think i hurt someone today.. haiz... but hack with it.. cause come to think of it.. that person hurt me quite badly too.. i don even know wat the hell happen, it hit me so hard that i think the pain will last a lifetime... am i wrong ?? am i right ?? i don even know !! After all this year, it's alway me giving in to people... never once will people give in for me.. why !! why am i always the one to be giving in... don u think it's a little bit unfair for me !!! it's always me being the bad guy. If it is really my fault, i will of couse be the first to say "sorry"... Haiz, maybe that's one of my week spot !!! "Friends don remember u forever, enemy does" remember that ! gtg now.. too heart broken for losing a fren !! a great chinese new year present huh.. better then the red packets !! OK gtg !! TaKe CaRe GuYs

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, January 23th, 2004

Yoz... hi everyone !! haiz... another day gone by again... Time fly by very fast.... But have u heard before the saying "U can't kill time, but time can kil u" haha... Hmm.. anyway, it's been a wonderful day.. woke up at 3pm in the afternoon... go over to my mother fren place.. did a little bit of gambling... haha.. i won $40 at first.. then slowly lost everything away.. lucky i was able to win back $30 b4 they changes to another game which i don't know how to play.. haha... lucky me !! hehe =) hmm... it's ment for fun cause i acturally hate gambling myself... but, for u guys??? win, lose or draw !!! haha.. try not to lose ur clothes away.. haha.. O_olll ok, guys.. cya soon... TaKe CaRe.

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, January 22th, 2004

DAMN IT !!!!! today is the worst day of my life... the whole day was totally screw up... I hate god !!! i hate this sellfish world !!! I HATE MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!! first i was at my grandma house.. all the way to the coner of singapore which is located at marine parade.. suddenly one of my so call "brother" call me... ask me to meet him at cck... so i told him ok. and after that i manage to pyscho my parent to take the cab with me to cck.. so i can save money... cause anyway from there, they are going some other place which they didn't tell me. On the way there, wen i am still in the cab... he called me.. tell me there's a change of plan to meet at orchard... i was like WTF !! i am already on the way... But then nvm... cause he say got other group of fren going to meet at cck to go orchard to find him, which is also my fren too... so i sms one of them to check it out... then after a fews sms going on here and there... then they tell me they are not gonna go anymore... told me that they change to sat.. CCB KNN !!! i already reach cck liao.. with no one to meet no where to go... damn it.. but nvm.. there's alway other fren also right ??? WRONG !!!!! try to contact almost the whole phonebook of fren.. which is in my hp... 3/4 of them ignored me... for those that did reply me, not counting those who half way thr suddenly fone die off one... I wan to say "Thx u" those are wat i call True fren... at least u all didn't ignored me or half way thr suddenly stop replying.. Those who did.. "U SUX TRUELY".. next time got problem don't ever find me.. i won't give a fuck to u !!! As god say,"An eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth"....

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, January 21th, 2004

haiz... started today post in a depress mood.. so sian.. for a moment i felt like going to sleep and never ever wake up... wake up early this morning to find that the whole house was empty... Try to find all my friend.. but no one was free... some can't even be contact.. some get thr liao then got some excuse to hang up asap... fuck sia.. this is wat i mean left in a lonely world... haiz.. too bored to type on anymore... oo ya... but still must wish all my friends a Happy New Year.. don't forgot wat i say that day.. "try to get as much as posible"... haha... u all will know wat i mean.. hehe :P TaKe CaRe guys.. hope this stupit chinese new year pass by soon.... it's like a week in hell, at least for me !!!!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, January 20th, 2004

wow wow wow... do u still believe in that old saying ??? "Last day before chinese new year always bad luck until like hell" hmm.. for me... haha.. sorry, from today onward, i am not gonna believe in that crap anymore... wat happen today was abit funny... me and andrew met someone that we both hate the most.. that person i am talking about is in my "story section". if u wanna know, go read it... haha, just now thought i lost my hp... me and andrew find everywhere like 2 crazy people.. and rush like mad to andrew house.. ahaha.. quess wat... it turn out that i left my hp in andrew's room hahahaha.. so much for the madness rush home.. hahaha... hmm.. actually plan doesn't turn out the way i wanted it to be today (read my previous post)... so sian at first... but i think god is on my side... stil get the chance to see the person i wan to be with by chance.. haha thx god once again... OO it's 10pm right now.. sorry guys gtg now.. accoumpany my dad to the coffee shop.. hahaa.. maybe will be back home drank later... woohhooo.. who know's.. haha.. kk. TaKe CaRe DuDe !!

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, January 19th, 2004

hehe... hahahaha... oop.. sorry.. too happy this fews day.. haha.. maybe is because of that night ba.. haha... hmm.. tml, skipping school... hahahaha ... best lah !!! hehe... :P maybe going to be kick out of school soon... YEAH!!! that's wat i am waiting for... haha... wow, wednesday chinese new year eve... wooohooo... shiok lah... can see all the red packets entering my pocket one by one... "HI EVERYONE !! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!" then they will walk toward me with a BIG red packet holding tight in their hand.. wahahahaha best lah... once in a year experience... hmm.. it's better if everyone mail me the red packets.. haha so i don have to go there... hehe :P hmm.. tml... i am trying hard to find a girl to go out with me... hmm.. dunno will accept my asking anot... haiz.. shit man... tonight can't slp again.. haha :P if u are reading this.. pls wish me luck... unless u are that person i am talking about.. haha :P ok guys TaKe CaRe... and remember hor... new year days try to get as many as posible... u should know wat i am refering to.. haha..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, January 18th, 2004

oo.. gd morning everyone.. haha.. i update so early today is because later at night.. i will be out.. so u know wat i mean.. wahaha :) hmm.. someone that i was missing badly appear in my dream last night... wow.. thx god.. now i am feeling 1/2 better already.. haha... in case u are wondering, no striping or anything happen in the dream last night.. haha :P SERIOUS !! kk .... hmm.. nth much more to say, so... erm.... hope u guys have a wonderful day.. and best wishes to everyone i know in my life.. TaKe CaRe DuDe..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, January 17th, 2004

oo so fast.. time to update again.. hahaha.. hmm.. let me think... this morning i was suppose to wake up 5 in the morning to go cycle until the late aftenoon... but so how.. my stupit hp "auto switch off" ytd night for no reason after i fall asleep.. cause i use my hp as my alarm clock.. hahaha.. but that's gd also.. we have a hell lot of fun riding our own area today... wahahaha.. cant stop laughing... hahaha... the whole story would be long.. so i cut it short.. just now.. we play at a place which the place got a stair at the middle and both side make up of grass which is shape like a 1/4 pipe. so we thought we play some of our tricks there... but wat happen was.. after awhile we got into the mad laughter mood and guess wat... We just hook the crowd !!! haha.. actually i didn't notice it until i land my 180 on the grass... and that idiot andrew shouted "WAH, LESTER KOR KOR CAN DO 180 AH" in a stupit kiddy voice.. and i was like, oo gosh.. and then i goes WAHAHAHAHA !!! haha.. there's still alot of funy things happen today.. but sorry guys.. it 11.14pm now.. and i just reach home awhile ago.. so i am too tired to carry on... ok, TaKe CaRe dude...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, January 16th, 2004

Hiyo.. almost forgotten to update my webby today.. haha... lucky i suddenly remember.. haha :P hmm.. today was great !!! finally get a chance after 1 damn whole week of suffering in school to go out riding.. hmm.., tommorrow is going to be more fun.. Andrew, Siwei and me is planing to go woodlands to ride the streets there... woohooo.. hope we can find lots and lots of spot for us to destory... wahahaha :P kk got to slp early for tonight.. cause tml will be waking up damn early in the morning... eee hhaaa.. TaKe CaRe guys.. oo ya.. before i forget.. how come so long no one contact me thr my hp... wahhhh.. don't forget about me pls.. kk gtg now.. call me soon k.

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, January 15th, 2004

woohoo... tml firday already... finally can go out enjoy again... Yeah !!! or maybe slack at home... wahaha. and one more great things to to happy about, that is next week is already Chinese new year... SWEET DUDE !!! hahaha.. i am in a happy mood today.. alots of great things happen.. but... erm.. just missing "someone" badly.... ok that all for today.. Take Care dude.

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, January 14th, 2004

haiz... another boring day... almost can't stand it anymore... spending everyday of my life doing the same thing over and over again.. this is seriously boring man.. i need something new and fresh soon... or i might die of boredness... wahhhhh... but it's ok people.. i will find my way out sooner or later... hmm.. something scary happen to my frends in school today... 10.45 am this morning.. we finish our work too early.. so we got nth to do, me and 2 of my fren wen to the locker to take out our basketball and wen over to the basketball court... the our half of the court already have people playing.. and their friends were sitting on the ground watching.. no one walking around, and the whole place only have me plus my 2 other fren and the ourside court people (note this.. he wen to a stone-chair by the side of the court to put his newly brought pack of cigarette behind it.. we only got to play around 10mins, right after that.. while we are about to go... my fren wan back to the chair to take back the pack of cigarette, but just to find out that it gone !!! No one walk-by the chair.. Wind can't be that strong... We search the whole place... but coulden't find.. this is something which can be call "The unexplained".. funny isen't it.. no reason found.. no trace................

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, January 13th, 2004

another day another post... haha.. how is everyone... i hope everyone still breathing... haha jk only... wow.. today luck was on our side... was suppose to end school at 4.45. But i think for some reason the teacher wasen't present, so everyone got of early today.. haha lol... just now back in school was so fun.. while we stand outside the class to wait for that teacher to come... my frends disturb everyone that pass-by at the ground level.. haha lol... that was really funny... if u was there at the scene, i confirm u will laugh until like crazy... haha lol... that's the best way to end a day in school... hmm.. no joke no fun... but the moment i got home.. i felt like slping for years.. can't stand it any longer... everyday go school damn early and end late.. hell with it.. but it fun hanging around with frends in school... hahaha.. ok that all for today, nth special happen i quess... haha... ok, TaKe CaRe guys.. May the god be with u... haha lol

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, January 12th, 2004

Hmm.. another boring day again... haiz.. don't know why i suddenly feel like i am all alone... suddenly feel like there's no point to carry on with life. maybe it's just that i am thinking too much or something... I always believe, which path to take is chosen by urself.. But HELL with it.. i am stuck here... So to those above, if u really exist, pls guide me, show me the way.. Thx.

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, January 11th, 2004

Yeah !!!... finally got a new hair cut... woohooo, no more irritating hair... hahaa... best is.. no more benglish look..(joy if u are reading this) haha :P wahhh. so fast, tml got school again.. haiz.. that's kind of s**k... how i wish today was friday... so i can rest my lazy butt at home.. hahaha =) hmm.. today was kind of fun.. got into the madness laughter with andrew again after so long... wahahaha... but wat i feel bad was i didn't manage to do a 180 down 3-stair... haiz... kind of like wasted 2 hours for nth.. butttttt it was quite fun lah, can say... at least get to talk some crap... laugh our ass off... hmm.. andrew was quiet crazy today.. wow. haiz.. kanna burn already... shit !!! hmm.. maybe i should stop here.. still got sch tml u know... haha... ok TaKe CaRe guys...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, January 10th, 2004

Wow... just in time to update my webby b4 it turn 12... haha :P i thought the rain is gonna trash my day.. lucky it didn't last long.. haha.. ya, u quess it right. i am out riding with andrew and siwei again... haha :) sorry, i am too tired to type out the whole story here again.... haha... but all i can say is, it was another fun day that i have.. it been awhile since i felt so happy... hmm.. maybe it's because it's kind of like a break for me after the whole week in school.. and always never get to slp well at night.. hmm.. ok will update again tml... bye guys... TaKe CaRe...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, January 9th, 2004

Holy crap... damn it... was suppose to out riding today with andrew, but too bad.. i forgotten ytd my dad ask me to wait for him at lot1 at 6 today... shit... i just scare later andrew thought i busted him.. shit... wat a waste today... haiz... but i seriously in need of a new shoe.. so meeting my dad later is also a gd thing to me.. haha :P hmm.. chinese new year is coming, woohoo.. that mean my cash flow is coming too... hahahaha :P ok gtg now... time for a nap... TaKe CaRe guys..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, January 8th, 2004

Finally got back from school.... wahhhh... feel so week in school today.. so tired... i think i am totally worn out... damn that andrew, force me out to ride ytd... acturely i plan to slp thr the whole afternoon after school ytd...then he spoil my plan... damn it.. now i am seriously tired... feel like i can slp for years the moment i close my eyes... haiz... hmm.. to all my fren who know me out there.. it's been awhile since we last meet i quess.. so don forgot to call me out soon k.. TaKe CaRe guys.. Zzzzzz....

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, January 7th, 2004

Hi to all... Quess wat in store today.. It the picture site that everyone have been waiting for... wohhooo.. i hope u all will take ur time to read the words that are there also.. haha ok guys.. enjoy urself... I just came back from school.. so i am very tired to type on.. TaKe CaRe guys.. and HaVe A nIcE dAy..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, January 6th, 2004

hello everyone.. it's me again.. haha... of couse it's me.. there no one except me will update my own page.. haha... O_olll ok.. about the picture site... wat i can say is, it's already about 95% completed already.. so it will be uploaded in no time... Ok, back to today... haha, this is the second day of school.. my mood is at it's fullest.. so happy today !! woke up early today... go to school... u know.. those normal things.. haha.. wat i am happy about is maybe because it's be awhile since i hang around with my schoolmate and talk crap the whole day thr.. haha.. and some dirty joke too.. wahaha so funny.... esp the last lession.... wahaha.. (hey.. to my schoolmate.. if u all are reading this.. u know wat i mean ba...) wahahaha.. ok got to work on the picture site now.. TaKe CaRe dude...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Monday, January 5th, 2004

wahhhh.. finally got back from sch...wooohoooo.. today was so shiok... almost every hour will see one chio bu... wahhhhaha. even after school.. hmm, acturetly i plan to go andrew house after school today to finish up the picture website.... but too bad.. the rain started to pour in.. so it spoil the whole plan today.. but it's ok... this give me time to slack at home also.. haha.. :P but seriously.. i think it will be complete tonight if andrew finsh the new link.. and siwei throw his lazyness away.. and start typing the words... ok guy.. TaKe CaRe.. That's all for today..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Sunday, January 4th, 2004

Hahaa.. i went out today with my buddy.. Just to get more pic to add to our photo section... hmm, i am sorry to tell u guys that.. the photo gallery is going to have some delay.. as we have not enough time to finish it today... so, i am very sorry about that.. but it will be uploaded asap i promiss u all.. maybe we just need 2 to 3 more days.. but if things was to turn out great.. maybe it will be here tml ?? who know ? so that all i got to say for today !!! so check by my webbi again tml to find out more about it.. TaKe CaRe Guys... so long....

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Saturday, January 3rd, 2004

Hi guys.. it's me again.. hw's everyone today ?? it's so boring being at home today. haiz... but no choice lah, cause busy with the picture site... so tired that i almost fall -_-ZZzz.. infront of the com.. ok.. that's all i got to say for today.. i'll keep u guys update on the picture site thingy.. k ? TaKe CaRe Dude..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Friday, January 2nd, 2004

Finally, i am back home at last... wahhh so tired from waking up too early this morning...u guys should know why lah.. if u read my pervious post.... today was damn fun man, andrew and siwei meet up at my house today.. then we went to our favourite coffee shop again to have breakfast.. abit ate too much just nw.. haha. and after that we are off for the photo section... YEAH, TIME TO ROCK !!! acturetly we are having a hard time about everything that we are trying to do today.. U know, the weather's hot... the sun is very bright... and we are like sweating like hell.. while trying to get the picture done.. haiz.. we went to lot's of fun places and even a underground area where we did some crazy stuff there.. hmm.. yahooooooo !!! haha lol.. We sit down at the block deck and we plan out everything about the pictures, that will be added maybe this sunday... we really put our heart into making all this things.. so i really hope u guys will check it out went it is up k... hmm.. i think that's enough of the "super long" reviews of wat u are gonna see in the picture website that's we are about to upload soon.. haha. =) Just something which i think i should make it clear.. the link on my web to our pictures site, is not make alone by me... it's something that we "3" person combine affort did wan.. and we will use another account which is share by us to host the pic all there. it won't be just plainly picture there.. there will be alot of cool stuff added on the site which i won't tell u guys yet.. haha.. if not there won't be anymore "Kan Chongness" from u people... haha lol.. ok Take Care dude

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, January 1st, 2004

Hi everyone... So, anything intresting happen on ur first day of 2004.. mine was great.. wake up damn early today... at 5 plus in the morning, and just to find out that my dad is not working today.. so i went to the coffee shop with him and my mom... hmm.. something that only once in a while will happen.. ahaha.. Then at about 3p.m in the afternoon.. i went out with andrew and siwei.. we went to town area.. walk around.. see the girls there.. there's something funny happen.. as u see i was taking the lead.. i squezz thr a gap where siwei follow me thr without any problem but then after that.. i heard a loud BANG i turn to see that andrew fat ass stuck in between the gap.. haha lol.. haha.. alot of passerby saw it and i was like controling my laughter.. wahaha.. so after that we went on to bugis to get some stuff there.. i brought some of the clothes there.. woohoo.. finally no need to wear the same shirt over and over again.. hahha lol.. I think i will stop here as i am too tired to type on... And ooo ya.. just to keep u guys updated.. the picture link about us in action will be here soon.. very soon.. as we plan to take some cool photo with siwei digiter cam tml morning.. YEAH !!! so stay tune to catch it the first min k... Take care dude.. may god bless us that we don die tml.. while i plan to push myself to the limit... and hope i don break my leg as the injuries is still not 100% cure yet...

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Thursday, January 1st, 2004

HaPpY bIrThDaY SiNgApOrE... so fast.. it's already 2004.. i think everyone sure have their wish for the start of a brand new year.. hm. maybe u guys can add it on my tag board to wish for something.. but of couse i won't make ur wish come true lah.. haha lol.. i am not god or anything u know.. haha lol.. but i will pray for everyone that their wish come true !! : ) hmm, 2003 wasen't a gd year for me.. alot of sad things happen back then... So i just wish i won't "sway" for the whole year thr 2004.. pls god, if u hear this.. hmm.. maybe later give god a call haha lol.. sorry no offence.. haha, k guy Hope u all enjoy ur new year.. Take Care

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Wednesday, December 31th, 2003

hmm.. today is the last day of 2003.. it's so fast, another yrs just pass by like this. haiz.. the most sucky things is that i am still stuck at home.. man, all i can do is siting down there staring at my bike.. dreaming about going out there for some fresh air.. haiz...ok here's the whole story i promiss in the previous post... 4 days ago, i went riding as usual with 2 of my best buddy.. Andrew and Siwei... that was a wonderful day.. we hang out at our usual spot talk crap for alomst half the day.. Andrew make me realise something that day.. as u see, i always thought that i have no life... just a guy that do nth.. always out enjoying and don't care about wat my life means to me.. But then wat i didn't realise is.. "Hey.. u have a life, wat u are doing nw is ur life" those words from him make me realise that... Glad to have a buddy like him. ok back to the story... after that ya.. we wen to our favourite coffee shop and have out dinner.. haha and quess wat, the night came.. that's is always the time we will ride properly.. so.. we wen to a place where there's place for us to learn our tricks.. hmm.. as siwei was still learning a trick name "Roll back to half cap out" me and andrew was playing glinding.. haha that's was so fun.. but i fell while trying to attemp a glind down.. i over-shot my bunny hop and my front tire drop into the blushes haha.. but lucky it's just came off with a sretch on my right hand.. haha.. after that we desided to move on as nth much for us to do there anymore.. for our next stop.. we went to the mrt station at "yu tee" where there's is a stair all the way to the back facing toward the road side... haha and it was andrew idea to gap down those stair, but that is not our first time gaping down those stair.. haha.. but just for the fun of it.. we do that AGAIN.. haha, siwei was behind me that time... this time is siwei turn to have bad luck.. wahaha lol... his back wheel came loose right after the impact from the gap.. haha. so we went back to andrew house to tune his bike.. after that we went on to the next spot... haha.. this place is a challange to us.. there's a "leach"(spelling) there which we wanted to clear it since long ago.. just can't bring up enough confident for it.. haiz.. as it was about time to go home.. as it's getting abit late.. i passby a stair which for me myself wanted to clear it a long time ago, as to break my own record.. it was a "11" step stair gap... andrew clear it once and it was even recorded on a video cam.. wow cool !! So siwei and andrew was standing along the road.. looking out for cars for me, as the stair was facing the road which is about 2m away.. so i turn around, got all the way to the back and wait for their signal... it was just a fews second b4 i saw andrew signal for me to know "ok, the road is clear" so i ride full speed toward the stair.. without thinking much. i did a bunny hop with my full strength.. haha ya.. it's so fun.. feeling urself flying on air, but then.. things start to trun bad.. Very bad.. i felt myself lose my air balance from that over pull bunny hop... holy shit.. it's just a fews second before i land on my back tires first and my left foot came off the pedal as i faster use my left hand to support on the groung to prevent my head from hitting the floor.. i was sliding on the ground that my jean almost caught fire.. haha lol. i let go of my whole bike and it countine to slide like 1m away from me toward the road it came out spark from both my front and back axlepads and my handerbar.. haha lol.. bt one thing that amaze me was my laft hand, only got a scretch from it.. can u imgine that.. sliding on the ground at full speed with left hand supporting on a super rough surfaced ground... i really can't believe it myself... but my leg really did hurt, until i can't really walk... haha i was laughing my ass off after i gotten up haha.. and they broke into laughter with me... maybe i was crazy or something... somemore this is's not the first time after a accident i laugh my ass off.. haha we went home stright after that.. man.. i have a hard time going home as the pain is like killing me.. haiz.. hope i can get well soon... oo wow.. didn't knew that the story was so long already. thx for taking ur time to read this... Take Care guy..

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


Tuesday, December 30th, 2003

haha... woohhooo.. finally my own webpage is up... to all my fren out there.. do visit my website offen k.. OK.. for nw back to today.. OMG, i am going crazy soon.. been grounded for 3 damn F**king days.. haiz.. hard to explain this.. but it was all cause by my sudden rush of... hmm.. dunno how to put this.. i will add the whole story on my next post... :)

----->>posted by: "Les" The psycho rider !


-=*AbOuT MySeLf*=-

Hi everyone.. i am lester. u can call me "les".. that's wat my fren use to call me.. I am 17, studying in AMK ITE. (NOT ANY MORE) hmm, about me.. i love playing games, but most of the time will be out riding.. I don care how people look at me or even how they think of me unless it's about riding, cause i believe that way u can enjoy life better.. Is always trying to kill myself haha lol.. but abit true.. hope to travel the world with my bike some day, of couse along with my buddy, i think they will enjoy it too.. can't be sure doh. haha, i am someone that always broad over the past.. won't give up things until the very last hope.. I guess i will stop here, maybe u can be my fren to find out more for urself.. TaKe Care dude..

-=*My StAr SiGn*=-

Virgo is an Earth sign, with a need for solid ground and form. Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability. This sign analyzes and organizes life; the goal is to build a firm foundation. A good educational background is important to the Virgo. Mutable' motivation surfaces in the form of helping, teamwork and cooperation. Humbleness and the ability to work behind the scenes, without complaining, often cause Virgos to miss more opportunities than they should. A dose of self-confidence helps Virgo promote what he or she has to offer. Virgo gets stuck if he or she expresses too much earthy energy. He or she may try too hard. When frustrated, Virgo can get trapped in that notorious perfectionism. Because of the desire for security, Virgo may worry constantly about work: "What if they don't need me anymore?" "What if I make a mistake?" Balance comes with trusting that he or she will be OK and that imperfection is only human!




My junkyards

My story

My Believe



!!! Enter here !!!



Locked Heart


The Dark Side


The Serpent's lair


I Cry If I Want To


A BIG thanks to Siwei,for helping me out :)