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..About the Web Mistress
Alias: Kattalina
Mood: Happy/Excited
Age: 19

NETCOM. COM is © 1999-2003 site created, owned and maintained by :: Kattalina:: All Rights Reserved.

Infection Mutation Outbreak Quarantine

Welcome to NETCOM. COM.

NETCOM. COM, is the online gallery and personal homepage Kattalina. This is almost always under construction. New work and Art are normally added daily upon their creation.

Updates:// MAY 19TH, 2003

Finally a layout that fits the name of this site. For those that are new here, this isn't a .HACK//SIGN site. More so, it is not only my online art gallery, but it is my personal homepage as well. The only Anime like shrines of mine you'll find are the ones listed underneath the Network Site section of this site. As for updates: New layout featuring Elk from .HACK//SIGN, Talon The Kendo Master chapters 1-4 have been uploaded to the Library section. Nightmare Stalkers has been taken down for the time being for revision.  

Also to save time and such for uploading and updating thumbnails for my art page, I now have a Deviant Art site for you people to enjoy and or drop me a line:

This should cover some of the updates for now. However, I won't be updating again, until the first week or so of June. The reason being, is that I will be attending Jacon at the end of May. So I won't be back till than. Until further updates occur.

Please use the Navigational Menu above : Welcome to NETCOM. COM to view what this site has to offer. Thank You!

If you have any questions and or comments, please feel free to email me at: Thanks.