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...rOxy cHick 8o8...

last updated page: pictures from san diego trip

linKs- drawings. pictures. poems. games. banners. links. sign book. view book. view old book.


2oo3 march o5
hello! well, sorry guys, but i took off all the little 'cutie' babu and morning glory pics, due to lack of space and memory on my page. also, i find myself too busy to update anymore, besides all my personal things i like to keep on my site. BUT, just for your information, i've listed all the sites i got my pictures from this past few years since i started this thing up, so i hope my shutting down of certain pages does not complicate anything for you. thanks for all the good guestbook comments and stuff! alrite. see yas!

for pictures, go to...
all things kawaii. morning glory. angelic trust. car wash.


you are the visitor since june 1, 2002

linKs- drawings. pictures. poems. games. banners. links. sign book. view book. view old book.