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AC Dixon
AW Tozer
Bill Rice
Billy Sunday
BR Lakin
CH Spurgeon
Clarence Larkin
Curtis Hutson
CI Scofield
DL Moody
FB Meyer
Fred Barlow
George Alquist Jr
George W Truett
Harry Ironside
J Vernon McGee
Jack Hyle
John R Rice
John Roach Straton
Ken Trivette
Lee Roberson
Lester Roloff
Oliver B Greene
RA Torrey
Raymond Barber
RG Lee
Shelton Smith
T DeWitt Talmage
Tom Hayes
Tom Malone
Tom Wallace
Vance Havner
Zeno Groce

CH Spurgeon (Sermon #69)  Allegories of Sarah and Hagar, The  Galatians 4 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #219)  Appeal to Sinners, An  Luke 15 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #210)  As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be  Deteuronomy 33 (v25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #163)  Awake! Awake!  I Thessalonians 5 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #61)  Beatific Vision, The  I John 3 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #244)  Bed and its Covering, The  Isaiah 28 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #311)  Beginning, Increase, and End of the Divine Life, The  Job 8 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #256)  Believer's Challenge, The  Romans 8 (v34)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #247)  Best of Masters, The  John 14 (v27)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #15)  Bible, The  Hosea 8 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #301)  Blast of the Trumpet Against False Peace, A  Jeremiah 6 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #266)  Blind Beggar, The  Mark 10 (v46-52)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #277)  Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, The  Hebrews 13 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #228)  Blood, The  Exodus 12 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #118)  Blood-shedding, The  Hebrews 9 (v22)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #71)  Bottle in the Smoke, A  Psalm 119 (v83)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #261)  Call of Abraham, The  Hebrews 11 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #174)  Call to the Unconverted, A  Galatians 3 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #58)  Canaan on Earth  Deteuronomy 11 (v10-12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #20)  Carnal Mind Enmity Against God, The  Romans 8 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #22)  Caution to the Presumptuous, A  I Corinthians 10 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #268)  Ceremony of Laying the First Stone of the New Tabernacle, The  *
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #280)  Chaff Driven Away, The  Psalm 1 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #78)  Character of Christ's People, The  John 17 (v16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #48)  Chastisement  Hebrews 12 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #122)  Christ About His Father's Business  Luke 2 (v49)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #7-8)  Christ Crucified  I Corinthians 1 (v23-24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #91)  Christ Exalted  Hebrews 10 (v12-13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #191)  Christ Glorified as the Builder of His Church  Zechariah 6 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #103)  Christ in the Covenant  Isaiah 49 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #139)  Christ Lifted Up  John 12 (v32)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #29)  Christ Manifesting Himself to His People  John 14 (v22)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #54)  Christ Our Passover  I Corinthians 5 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #242)  Christ Precious to Believers  I Peter 2 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #273)  Christ Triumphant  Colossians 2 (v15)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #96)  Christian—a Debtor, The  Romans 8 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #222)  Christian's Heaviness and Rejoicing, The  I Peter 1 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #291)  Christmas Question, A  Isaiah 9 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #310)  Christ—Our Substitute  II Corinthians 5 (v21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #282)  Christ's Estimate of His People  Solomon 4 (v10-11)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #329)  Christ's First and Last Subject  Luke 24 (v47)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #21)  Christ's People—Imitators of Him  Acts 4 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #47)  Christ's Prayer for His People  John 17 (v15)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #132)  Christ—the Power and Wisdom of God  I Corinthians 1 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #28)  Church of Christ, The  Ezekiel 34 (v26)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #279)  Come and Welcome  Revelation 22 (v17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #100)  Comer's Conflict with Satan, The  Luke 9 (v42)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #51)  Comfort for the Desponding  Job 29 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #5)  Comforter, The  John 14 (v26)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #227)  Compel Them to Come In  Luke 14 (v23)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #151)  Condescension of Christ, The  II Corinthians 8 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #216)  Confession and Absolution  Luke 18 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #113)  Confession of Sin—a Sermon with Seven Texts  Exodus 9 (v27)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #13)  Consolation Proportionate to Spiritual Sufferings  II Corinthians 1 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #320)  Contentment  Philippians 4 (v11)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #45)  Conversion  James 5 (v19-20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #202)  Conversion of Saul of Tarsus, The  Acts 26 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #234)  Corn in Egypt  Genesis 42 (v1-2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #189)  Cry of the Heathen, The  Acts 16 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #129)  David's Dying Prayer  Psalm 72 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #19)  David's Dying Song  II Samuel 23 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #95)  Day of Atonement, The  Luke 16 (v34)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #173)  Death of Christ, The  Isaiah 53 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #43)  Death of the Christian, The  Job 5 (v26)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #217)  Declension from First Love  Revelation 2 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #31)  Desire of the Soul in Spiritual Darkness, The  Isaiah 26 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #190)  Desolations of the Lord, the Consolation of His Saints, The  Psalm 46 (v8-9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #166)  Destroyer Destroyed, The  Hebrews 2 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #287)  Dilemma and Deliverance  Psalm 9 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #262)  Distinguishing Grace  I Corinthians 4 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #276)  Divided Heart, A  Hosea 10 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #77)  Divine Sovereignty  Matthew 20 (v15)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #99)  Duty of Remembering the Poor, The  Galatians 2 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #260)  Earnest Invitation, An  Psalm 2 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #324)  Effects of Sound Doctrine  Matthew 24 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #73)  Effectual Calling  Luke 19 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #41)  Election  II Thessalonians 2 (v13-14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #303)  Election and Holiness  Deteuronomy 10 (v14-16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #134)  Elijah's Appeal to the Undecided  I Kings 18 (v21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #64)  Enchanted Ground, The  I Thessalonians 5 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #27)  Eternal Name, The  Psalm 72 (v17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #206)  Everybody's Sermon  Hosea 12 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #223)  Evil and Its Remedy, The  Ezekiel 9 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #101)  Exaltation of Christ, The  Philippians 2 (v9-11)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #55)  Exodus, The  Exodus 12 (v41)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #62)  Exposition—1Jo 3:1-10  I John 3 (v1-10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #235)  Fainting Warrior, The  Romans 7 (v24-25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #107)  Faith  Hebrews 11 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #271)  Faith Illustrated  II Timothy 1 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #231)  Faith in Perfection  Psalm 138 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #120)  Faithful Friend, A  Proverbs 18 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #102)  False Professors Solemnly Warned  Philippians 3 (v18-19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #154)  Fast-Day Service  Micah 6 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #213)  Fatherhood of God, The  Matthew 6 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #156)  Fear Not  Isaiah 41 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #226)  Feast of the Lord, The  John 2 (v9-10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #75)  Final Perseverance  Hebrews 6 (v4-6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #162)  First and Great Commandment, The  Mark 12 (v30)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #168)  First Christmas Carol, The  Luke 2 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #148)  Five Fears  Ecclesiastes 8 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #24)  Forgiveness  Isaiah 43 (v25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #186)  Form and Spirit of Religion, The  I Samuel 4 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #79)  Form of Sound Words, The  II Timothy 1 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #233)  Free Grace  Ezekiel 36 (v32)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #199)  Free Salvation, A  Isaiah 55 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #52)  Free-Will—A Slave  John 5 (v40)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #125)  Fruitless Vine, The  Ezekiel 15 (v1-2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #309)  Full Redemption  Exodus 10 (v26)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #184)  Glorious Gospel, The  I Timothy 1 (v15)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #46)  Glorious Habitation, The  Psalm 90 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #80)  God Alone the Salvation of His People  Psalm 62 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #93)  God in the Covenant  Jeremiah 31 (v33)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #49)  God of Peace, The  Romans 15 (v33)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #81)  God of the Aged, The  Isaiah 46 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #177)  God, the All-Seeing One  Proverbs 15 (v11)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #35)  God's People in the Furnace  Isaiah 48 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #109)  Going Home—a Christmas Sermon  Mark 5 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #146)  Good Man's Life and Death, The  Philippians 1 (v21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #70)  Good Works  Titus 2 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #76)  Gospel Missions  Acts 13 (v49)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #179)  Great Reservoir, The  Proverbs 4 (v23)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #185)  Great Revival, The  Isaiah 52 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #278)  Grieving the Holy Spirit  Ephesians 4 (v30)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #89)  Hatred Without Cause  John 15 (v25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #53)  Healing for the Wounded  Psalm 147 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #56)  Heaven  I Corinthians 2 (v9-10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #39-40)  Heaven and Hell  Matthew 8 (v11-12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #198)  Heavenly Race, The  I Corinthians 9 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #133)  Heavenly Rest  Hebrews 4 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #110)  Heavenly Worship  Revelation 14 (v1-3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #318)  High Doctrine  II Corinthians 5 (v18)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #215)  His Name—the Counsellor  Isaiah 9 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #258)  His Name—the Mighty God  Isaiah 9 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #214)  His Name—Wonderful!  Isaiah 9 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #50)  Holy Ghost—The Great Teacher, The  John 16 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #167)  Holy Spirit and the One Church, The  Jude 1 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #252)  Holy Violence  Matthew 11 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #259)  Home Mission Sermon, A  Ecclesiastes 9 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #294)  Home Question, A  II Chronicles 28 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #25)  Hope of Future Bliss, The  Psalm 17 (v15)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #264)  How Saints May Help the Devil  Ezekiel 16 (v54)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #180)  How to Keep the Heart  Philippians 4 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #182)  Human Inability  John 6 (v44)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #194)  Human Responsibility  John 15 (v22)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #237)  Hypocrisy  Luke 12 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #170)  Immutability of Christ, The  Hebrews 13 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #1)  Immutability of God, The  Malachi 3 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #307)  Importance of Small Things in Religion  I Chronicles 15 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #57)  Incarnation and Birth of Christ, The  Micah 5 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #149)  Independence of Christianity  Zechariah 4 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #150)  India's Ills and England's Sorrows  Jeremiah 9 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #83)  Indwelling Sin  Job 40 (v3-4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #290)  Inexhaustible Barrel, The  I Kings 17 (v16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #158)  Instability  Genesis 49 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #72)  Israel at the Red Sea  Psalm 106 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #136)  Israel in Egypt  Revelation 15 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #239)  Jacob and Esau  Romans 9 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #302)  Jesus About His Father's Business  John 4 (v34)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #17)  Joseph Attacked by the Archers  Genesis 49 (v23-24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #255)  Justice Satisfied  Romans 3 (v26)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #126)  Justification by Grace  Romans 3 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #10)  Kingly Priesthood of the Saints, The  Revelation 5 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #293)  King's Highway Opened and Cleared, The  Acts 16 (v31)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #37)  Law and Grace  Romans 5 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #121)  Leafless Tree, The  Isaiah 6 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #205)  Lecture for Little-Faith, A  II Thessalonians 1 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #288)  Let Us Pray  Psalm 73 (v28)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #160)  Light at Evening Time  Zechariah 14 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #272)  Limiting God  Psalm 78 (v41)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #65)  Lions Lacking—But the Children Satisfied  Psalm 34 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #248)  Little Sins  Genesis 19 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #195)  Looking Unto Jesus  Psalm 34 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #229)  Love  I John 4 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #145)  Love Thy Neighbour  Matthew 19 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #164)  Loved Ones Chastened, The  Revelation 3 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #104)  Love's Commendation  Romans 5 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #117)  Lovest Thou Me?  John 21 (v15-17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #87)  Majestic Voice, The  Psalm 29 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #98)  Making Light of Christ  Matthew 22 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #105)  Manasseh  II Chronicles 33 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #285)  Man's Ruin and God's Remedy  Numbers 21 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #63)  Marvellous Increase of the Church  Isaiah 60 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #265)  Meek and Lowly One, The  Matthew 11 (v28-30)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #304)  Memento Mori  Deteuronomy 32 (v29)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #90)  Men Chosen—Fallen Angels Rejected  Hebrews 2 (v16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #137)  Mercy, Omnipotence, and Justice  Nahum 1 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #111)  Mighty Saviour, A  Isaiah 63 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #289)  Minister's Farewell, The  Acts 20 (v26-27)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #204)  Mission of the Son of Man, The  Luke 19 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #297)  Mr. Evil-Questioning Tried and Executed  II Kings 5 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #298)  Mr. Evil-Questioning Tried and Executed  II Kings 5 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #246)  Mr. Fearing Comforted  Matthew 14 (v31)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #153)  Mysteries of the Brazen Serpent, The  John 3 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #32)  Necessity of Increased Faith, The  Luke 17 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #251)  Necessity of the Spirit's Work, The  Ezekiel 36 (v27)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #212)  New Heart, The  Ezekiel 36 (v26)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #292)  New Year's Benediction, A  I Peter 5 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #85)  Omniscience  Genesis 16 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #284)  One Antidote for Many Ills  Psalm 80 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #201)  Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, The  Acts 10 (v44)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #308)  Parable of the Sower, The  Luke 8 (v4-8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #123)  Particular Election  II Peter 1 (v10-11)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #181)  Particular Redemption  Matthew 20 (v28)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #221)  Pastoral Letter, A  *
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #274)  Paul's Desire to Depart  Philippians 1 (v23)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #16)  Paul's First Prayer  Acts 9 (v11)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #171)  Paul's Sermon Before Felix  Acts 24 (v25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #12)  Peculiar Sleep of the Beloved, The  Psalm 127 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #11)  People's Christ, The  Psalm 89 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #232)  Perfection in Faith  Hebrews 10 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #312)  Personal Service  Psalm 116 (v16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #4)  Personality of the Holy Ghost, The  John 14 (v16-17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #88)  Plea of Faith, The  II Samuel 7 (v25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #30)  Power of the Holy Ghost, The  Romans 15 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #240)  Prayer Answered, Love Nourished  Psalm 116 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #138)  Prayer—the Forerunner of Mercy  Ezekiel 36 (v37)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #34)  Preach the Gospel  I Corinthians 9 (v16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #143)  Preacher from the Dead, A  Luke 16 (v31)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #114)  Preaching for the Poor  Matthew 11 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #241)  Predestination and Calling  Romans 8 (v30)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #196)  Present Religion, A  I John 3 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #135)  Presumptuous Sins  Psalm 19 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #97)  Pride and Humility  Proverbs 18 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #176)  Prodigal's Return, The  Luke 15 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #92)  Profit and Loss  Mark 8 (v36)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #187)  Providence  Matthew 10 (v30)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #253)  Psalm of Remembrance, A  I John 4 (v16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #108)  Question of Fear and the Answer of Faith, The  Job 23 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #119)  Rahab's Faith  Hebrews 11 (v31)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #188)  Redeemer's Prayer, The  John 17 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #238)  Reform  II Chronicles 31 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #130)  Regeneration  John 3 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #2)  Remembrance of Christ, The  I Corinthians 11 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #44)  Repentance Unto Life  Acts 11 (v18)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #306)  Resurgam  I Corinthians 15 (v35-38)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #66)  Resurrection of the Dead, The  Acts 24 (v15)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #296)  Revival Sermon, A  Amos 9 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #208)  Righteous Hatred  Psalm 97 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #131)  Salvation of the Lord  Jonah 2 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #84)  Salvation to the Uttermost  Hebrews 7 (v25)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #224)  Samson Conquered  Judges 16 (v20-21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #225)  Satan's Banquet  John 2 (v9-10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #281)  Saviour's Many Crowns, The  Revelation 19 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #257)  Scales of Judgment, The  Daniel 5 (v27)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #172)  Search the Scriptures  Isaiah 8 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #116)  Secret Sins  Psalm 19 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #161)  Security of the Church, The  Psalm 125 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #218)  Self-Examination  II Corinthians 13 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #305)  Separating the Precious from the Vile  Exodus 11 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #236)  Shameful Sufferer, The  Hebrews 12 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #140)  Simple Sermon for Seeking Souls, A  Romans 10 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #299)  Sin Immeasurable  Psalm 19 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #3)  Sin of Unbelief, The  II Kings 7 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #337)  Sin Slain  Judges 4 (v22)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #124)  Snare of the Fowler, The  Psalm 91 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #183)  Solar Eclipse, The  Isaiah 45 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #68)  Solemn Warning for All Churches, A  Revelation 3 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #339)  Sons of God, The  Romans 8 (v16-17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #147)  Sound in the Mulberry Trees, The  II Samuel 5 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #207)  Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility  Romans 10 (v20-21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #60)  Sovereignty and Salvation  Isaiah 45 (v22)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #197)  Spies, The  Numbers 13 (v32) 14 (v6-7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #9)  Spiritual Liberty  II Corinthians 3 (v17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #300)  Spiritual Peace  John 14 (v27)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #127)  Spiritual Resurrection  Ephesians 2 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #38)  Storming the Battlements  Jeremiah 5 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #263)  Story of God's Mighty Acts, The  Psalm 44 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #336)  Struggles of Conscience  Job 13 (v23)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #141)  Substitution  II Corinthians 5 (v21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #142)  Substitution  II Corinthians 5 (v21)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #192)  Sunday-School Teacher—A Steward, The  Luke 16 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #6)  Sweet Comfort for Feeble Saints  Matthew 12 (v20)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #283)  Sweet Uses of Adversity, The  Job 10 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #203)  Sympathy of the Two Worlds, The  Luke 15 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #267)  Tabernacle of the Most High, The  Ephesians 2 (v22)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #152)  Things that Accompany Salvation  Hebrews 6 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #23)  Thoughts on the Last Battle  I Corinthians 15 (v56-57)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #157)  Thy Redeemer  Isaiah 41 (v14)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #18)  Tomb of Jesus, The  Matthew 28 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #94)  To-morrow  Proverbs 27 (v1)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #82b)  Tract—Actress, The  *
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #82a)  Tract—Infidel's Sermon to the Pirates, The  *
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #295)  Treasure of Grace, The  Ephesians 1 (v7)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #159)  True Christian's Blessedness, The  Romans 8 (v28)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #328)  True Prayer—True Power!  Mark 11 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #106)  Turn or Burn  Psalm 7 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #26)  Two Effects of the Gospel, The  II Corinthians 2 (v15-16)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #175)  Two Talents, The  Matthew 25 (v22-23)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #86)  Unimpeachable Justice  Psalm 51 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #128)  Uses of the Law, The  Galatians 3 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #230)  Vanguard and Rereward of the Church, The  Isaiah 52 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #14)  Victory of Faith, The  I John 5 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #323)  Vile Ingratitude!  Ezekiel 16 (v1-2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #249)  Vision of the Latter-Day Glories, A  Isaiah 2 (v2)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #211)  Voice of the Blood of Christ, The  Hebrews 12 (v24)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #144)  Waiting Only Upon God  Psalm 62 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #112)  War of Truth, The  Exodus 17 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #250)  War! War! War!  I Samuel 18 (v17)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #165)  Warning Neglected, The  Ezekiel 33 (v5)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #59)  Watch-Night Service  Lamentations 2 (v19)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #209)  Way of Salvation, The  Acts 4 (v12)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #245)  Way to God, The  John 14 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #243)  Weak Hands and Feeble Knees  Isaiah 35 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #36)  What are the Clouds?  Nahum 1 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #169)  What Have I Done?  Jeremiah 8 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #275)  Who Can Tell?  Jonah 3 (v9)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #115)  Why are Men Saved?  Psalm 106 (v8)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #200)  Wicked Man's Life, Funeral, and Epitaph, The  Ecclesiastes 8 (v10)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #74)  Willing People and an Immutable Leader, A  Psalm 110 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #33)  Wise Desire, A  Psalm 47 (v4)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #286)  Woman's Memorial, A  Matthew 26 (v13)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #178)  Work of the Holy Spirit, The  Galatians 3 (v3)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #193)  World Turned Upside Down, The  Acts 17 (v6)
CH Spurgeon (Sermon #254)  Wounds of Jesus, The  Luke 24 (v40)

Cyrus I Scofield  Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit  
Cyrus I Scofield  Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth  
Cyrus I Scofield  The Biggest Failure of the Church Age  
Cyrus I Scofield  The Personal Relationships and Indwelling of the Spirit  
Cyrus I Scofield  The Purpose of God in this Age  
Cyrus I Scofield  The Trained Christian Worker  

DL Moody  All In All  Colossians 3 (v11)
DL Moody  Christian Love  
DL Moody  Disciple's Prayer  Matthew 6 (v9)
DL Moody  Does God Answer Prayer?  
DL Moody  Enduement for Service  John 20 (v22)
DL Moody  Give God the Glory  Mark 9 (v31)
DL Moody  God's Service and the Holy Spirit  John 3
DL Moody  Good News for Everyone!  Mark 16 (v15)
DL Moody  Heart-Searching  Psalm 27 (v11
DL Moody  Heaven - It's Hope  
DL Moody  Heaven's Inhabitants  Isaiah 57
DL Moody  Hell  Luke 16 (v25)
DL Moody  How Can Non-church-goers Be Reached?  
DL Moody  Lost and Found  Luke 19 (v10)
DL Moody  Popular Execuses to Avoid Salvation  Luke 14 (v18)
DL Moody  Prayer and Daniel  
DL Moody  Repentance  Acts 17 (v30)
DL Moody  Shall We Meet Our Loved Ones Again?  I Corinthians 15
DL Moody  Sovereign Grace
DL Moody  The Blood  Genesis 3 (v21
DL Moody  The Holy Ghost  Job 26 (v13
DL Moody  The Lord's Work  
DL Moody  The Qualifications for Soul Winning  I Corinthians 1 (v27-9)
DL Moody  The Reward of the Faithful  
DL Moody  The Right Spirit  Psalm 51
DL Moody  The Seven I Will's of Chrits  John 6 (v37)
DL Moody  The Ten Commandments  
DL Moody  The Work of the Holy Spirit  
DL Moody  Therefore Be Ye Also Ready  
DL Moody  To The Afflicted  
DL Moody  Tomorrow May Be Too Late  Isaiah 55 (v6)
DL Moody  What Must I Do To Be Saved?  
DL Moody  Where Art Thou?  Genesis

FB Meyer  Beneath the Shadow of His Wings  Hebrews 9 (v5)
FB Meyer  The Prayer of Intercession  Philippians 1 (v3-4)

Fred Barlow  The Shameful Sin of Prayerlessnes  Luke 11 (v1)
Fred Barlow  You Had Better Get Ready  II Kings 20 (v1)

George Alquist Jr  A Place Called Hell  II Thessalonians 1 (v7-9)
George Alquist Jr  Finders, Keepers_ Losers Weepers  Luke 19 (v1-10)
George Alquist Jr  Holiness  II Peter 3 (v10-12)
George Alquist Jr  Humility  James 4 (v6)
George Alquist Jr  If the Cross Should Speak  I Peter 2 (v24)
George Alquist Jr  Lifting Up Your Empty Cup  Psalm 9 (v1, 3, 14)
George Alquist Jr  Rubbish Behind the Wall  Nehemiah 4 (v1-10)
George Alquist Jr  When a Nation Calls Evil Good  Leviticus 20 (v22-26)

George W Truett  A Promise for Every Day  Deuteronomy 33 (v25)
George W Truett  Life's Middle Time  Psalm 91 (v6)
George W Truett  Life's Middle Time  Psalm 91 (v6)
George W Truett  The Conquest of Fear  Revelation 1 (v17-18)
George W Truett  The Door to Heaven  Revelation 4 (v1)
George W Truett  The Highest Welfare of The Home  Genesis 19 (v12)

Harry Ironside  Baptism: What Saith the Scripture?  John 3 (v3)
Harry Ironside  Eternal Security of the Believer  Romans 8 (v38-39
Harry Ironside  Except Ye Repent  
Harry Ironside  Exposing Error: Is It Worthwhile?  Ephesians 5 (v11)
Harry Ironside  God's Word: Sweet and Bitter  Revelation 10 (v8-10)
Harry Ironside  Holiness - the False and the True  
Harry Ironside  Not Wrath, but Rapture  Isaiah 13 (v6-13)
Harry Ironside  The Book of Revelation  
Harry Ironside  The Greatest Text in the Bible  John 3 (v16)
Harry Ironside  The Mass Versus the Lord's Supper  Hebrews 10 (v11)
Harry Ironside  The Tribulation  Daniel 9
Harry Ironside  What Is The Gospel?  I Corinthians 15 (v1-4)
Harry Ironside  Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth  II Timothy 2 (v15)

J Vernon McGee  Alone With God  Daniel 10 (v7)
J Vernon McGee  Assurance of Salvation   Romans 8 (v1)
J Vernon McGee  Be Sowers of Seed  Amos 8 (v1)
J Vernon McGee  Beware of False Teaching  II Peter 2 (v1)
J Vernon McGee  Christ-Likeness  Romans 8 (v28-29)
J Vernon McGee  Churchianity Revealed  Zechariah
J Vernon McGee  Created By One God  Malachi
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Ephesians  Ephesians
J Vernon McGee  Esau and Jacob  Obadiah 1
J Vernon McGee  God Loves His Children  I John 3 (v1)
J Vernon McGee  God Manifest in the Flesh  Luke 2 (v1-2)
J Vernon McGee  God’s Discipline  Hebrews 12 (v6)
J Vernon McGee  God's Prisoner  Philemon 1
J Vernon McGee  Grace and Mercy  Hosea
J Vernon McGee  Guidelines for the Understanding of the Scriptures  
J Vernon McGee  Love in Action  James 4 (v6)
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Acts  Acts
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Colossians  Colossians
J Vernon McGee  Outline of I Corinthians  I Corinthians
J Vernon McGee  Outline of II Corinthians  II Corinthians
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Galatians  Galatians
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Hebrews  Hebrews
J Vernon McGee  Outline of James  James
J Vernon McGee  Outline of John  John
J Vernon McGee  Outline of I John  I John
J Vernon McGee  Outline of II & III John  II & III John
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Jude  Jude
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Luke  Luke
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Mark  Mark
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Matthew  Matthew
J Vernon McGee  Outline of I Peter  I Peter
J Vernon McGee  Outline of II Peter  II Peter
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Philemon  Philemon
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Philippians  Philippians
J Vernon McGee  Outline of I & II Thessalonians  I & II Thessalonians
J Vernon McGee  Outline of I & II Timothy  I & II Timothy
J Vernon McGee  Precious Blood Was Shed  I Peter
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Revelation  Revelation
J Vernon McGee  Righteousness, Judgment, and Jerusalem  Ezekiel
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Romans  Romans
J Vernon McGee  Sanctification (Romans 6)  Romans 6
J Vernon McGee  Showers of Mercy  Habakkuk 3 (v2)
J Vernon McGee  Sweet Fellowship  I John 1 (v3)
J Vernon McGee  The Best Love  Revelation 2 (v4)
J Vernon McGee  The Gospel in a Nutshell  I John 5 (v9)
J Vernon McGee  The Inside Story  Romans 3 (v10)
J Vernon McGee  The Judgment of Judah and Jerusalem  Zephaniah 1 (v4)
J Vernon McGee  The Millinieum  Isaiah
J Vernon McGee  The Mind Versus the Will of the Heart  Ezekiel 12
J Vernon McGee  Outline of Titus  Titus
J Vernon McGee  Truth and Love  II John 4 and 5
J Vernon McGee  Worldliness  James 3 (v13)

Jack Hyles  The Great White Throne o  Revelation 20 (v11-15)

John R Rice  A Sermon from a Catholic Bible  Romans 15 (v4)
John R Rice  All Satan's Apples Have Worms  Luke 15 (v11)
John R Rice  Bible Baptism  
John R Rice  Bobbed Hair  I Corinthians 11 (v3-15)
John R Rice  Convicted Sinners Can Reject Christ  Acts 7 (v51-52)
John R Rice  Dear Catholic Friend  I Corinthians 2 (v14)
John R Rice  Drinking: What John R. Rice Wrote About It  Habakkuk 2 (v15,16)
John R Rice  Ecumenical Excuses for Unequal Yokes  Ephesians 5 (v11)
John R Rice  Fullness of the Spirit  Luke 24 (v46-49)
John R Rice  Great Women of the Bible  Proverbs 31 (v10-13, 26-31)
John R Rice  Hindrances to Prayer  I Peter 3 (v7)
John R Rice  How Great Soul-Winners Were Filled with the Holy Spirit  Acts 1 (v8)
John R Rice  How to Come to Jesus  John 6 (v37)
John R Rice  Hyper-Calvinism: A False Doctrine  Acts 17 (v30)
John R Rice  Jesus May Come Today  Matthew 24 (v42)
John R Rice  Personal Soul Winning  Mark 16 (v15)
John R Rice  Religious But Lost!  Matthew 7 (v21-23)
John R Rice  Silent Night, Holy Night  Luke 2 (v4-7)
John R Rice  Six Pressing Reasons Why You Should Be Saved Today  II Corinthians 6 (v2)
John R Rice  Speaking In Tongues  
John R Rice  Steps For New Converts  
John R Rice  The Backslider  
John R Rice  The Holy Spirit, Our Loving Friend  Romans 15 (v30)
John R Rice  The Kind of Preaching We Need  I Corinthians 1 (v21)
John R Rice  The Seven Saddest Sayings for Sinners  John 3 (v36)
John R Rice  The Unvarying God  James 1 (v17)
John R Rice  We Can Have Revival Now!  
John R Rice  What Must I Do To Be Saved?  Romans 3 (v9-12)

John Roach Straton  Clusters of Grapes  John 15 (v1-2, 11)
John Roach Straton  God's Call to Men  Proverbs 8 (v4)
John Roach Straton  The Miracle of Men Twice  John 3 (v3-10)

Ken Trivette  A Glimpse of Jesus  Revelation 1 (v12-20)
Ken Trivette  A Sneak Preview Of A Coming Attraction  Revelation 1 (v7-8)
Ken Trivette  A Tribulation Party  Revelation 11 (v3-14)
Ken Trivette  Getting Ready To Crown The King  Revelation 11 (v14-1)9
Ken Trivette  Greetings From The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit  Revelation 1 (v4-6)
Ken Trivette  It's Time for the Trumpets  Revelation 8
Ken Trivette  The Angel With The Little Book  Revelation 10
Ken Trivette  The Antichrist  Revelation 13 (v1-10)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Ephesus  Revelation 2 (v1-7)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Laodicea  Revelation 3 (v14-22)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Pergamos  Revelation 2 (v12-17)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Philadelphia  Revelation 3 (v7-13)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Sardis  Revelation 3 (v1-6)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Smyrna  Revelation 2 (v8-11)
Ken Trivette  The Church at Thyatira  Revelation 2 (v18-29)
Ken Trivette  The Four Horsemen of Revelation  Revelation 6 (v1-8)
Ken Trivette  The Great Tribulation Harvest  Revelation 7
Ken Trivette  The Patmos Prisoner  Revelation 1 (v9-11)
Ken Trivette  The Rebuilding of the Temple  Revelation 11 (v1-2)
Ken Trivette  The Sweetest Words We Will Ever Hear  Revelation 4 (v1-2)
Ken Trivette  The Throne In Heaven  Revelation 4 (v2-11)
Ken Trivette  The Woman and the Red Dragon  Revelation 12 (v1-6)
Ken Trivette  Tribulation Praying  Revelation 6 (v9-17)
Ken Trivette  What Is The World Coming To?  Revelation 1 (v1-3)
Ken Trivette  When Death Takes a Five Month Holiday  Revelation 9 (v1-12)
Ken Trivette  When the Devil Gets Kicked Out of Heaven  Revelation 12 (v7-17)
Ken Trivette  Worthy Is The Lamb  Revelation 5 (v1-14)

Lee Roberson  A Mother's Faith  Matthew 15 (v28)
Lee Roberson  Contending For The Faith  Jude 3
Lee Roberson  Does Jesus Live at Your (1)  Luke 10 (v38-42)
Lee Roberson  Faith and Five Smooth Stone  I Samuel 17 (v45)
Lee Roberson  Faith For A New Year  I Kings 17 (v16)
Lee Roberson  Fireworks Don't Last  I Corinthians 13 (v12-13)
Lee Roberson  Have Faith In God  Matthew 11 (v22)
Lee Roberson  Keep On Rejoicing  John 16 (v33)
Lee Roberson  Little Faith and Hasty Answers  John 6 (v5-6)
Lee Roberson  One Way Home  John 14 (v6)
Lee Roberson  Stir Up the Gift of God  II Timothy 1 (v6-13)
Lee Roberson  The Adventure of Faith  Luke 5 (v4)
Lee Roberson  The Detours of Life  Romans 8 (v28)
Lee Roberson  The Dynamite Of Faith  Mark 11 (v22)
Lee Roberson  The Need of This Hour  II Corinthians 6 (v17)
Lee Roberson  The Shield of Faith  Ephesians 6 (v16)
Lee Roberson  The Victory of Faith  I John 5 (v4-5)
Lee Roberson  Three Magic Words  Mark 10 (v43-45)
Lee Roberson  What Held Jesus to the Cross  Matthew 27 (v40)

Lester Roloff  Dr. Law and Dr. Grace  Titus 2 (v11-14)
Lester Roloff  How to Get Rich  Daniel 2 (v28)
Lester Roloff  How to Go On When You Can’t  Ephesians 3 (v20)
Lester Roloff  I Would Like to Have Been There  
Lester Roloff  Romans 8 (v28)  Romans 8 (v28)
Lester Roloff  Something Everybody Can Do  Psalm 66 (v18)
Lester Roloff  Swan Song  Amos 5 (v6)
Lester Roloff  The Blessed Book  John 20 (v31)
Lester Roloff  The Just Shall Live by Faith  Hebrews 11 (v1-3)
Lester Roloff  This is Your Life  I Samuel 9 (v27)
Lester Roloff  Three Foolish Men  Daniel 5
Lester Roloff  What is Death?  Hebrews 9 (v14-16)

Oliver B Greene  Sinning Away Your Day of Grace  Proverbs 27 (v1)
Oliver B Greene  The New Birth  I Peter 3 (v18)
Oliver B Greene  The Seventy Weeks of Daniel  Daniel
Oliver B Greene  The Sin That Has Taken the Shout Out of The Church  II Corinthians 9 (v6-7)
Oliver B Greene  The Unpardonable Sin  Romans 5 (v12)
Oliver B Greene  Unpopular Preachers  Luke 6 (v22-23)
Oliver B Greene  Where the Worm Dieth Not  I Timothy 4 (v13)

RA Torrey  Are You Criticizing God?  Romans 9 (v20)
RA Torrey  Beginning Right  John 1 (v12)
RA Torrey  How God Guides  Psalm 73 (v23-24)
RA Torrey  How to Be Inexpressibly Happy  I Peter 1 (v8)
RA Torrey  How to Pray  Acts 12 (v5)
RA Torrey  Keep on Praying  Luke 11 (v5-10)
RA Torrey  Looking to Jesus  Hebrews 12 (v1-3)
RA Torrey  Not by Bread Alone  Matthew 4 (v4)
RA Torrey  Prayer of Faith  I John 5 (v14-15)
RA Torrey  Profitable Bible Study  I Corinthians 2 (v13)
RA Torrey  Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible  Mark 7 (v13)
RA Torrey  The Christian Conception of God  I John 1 (v5)
RA Torrey  The Day of Golden Opportunity  Hebrews 3 (v7)
RA Torrey  The Deity of Jesus Christ  Matthew 22 (v41-42)
RA Torrey  The Great Attraction  John 12 (v32)
RA Torrey  The Importance of Personal Soul Winning  John 1 (v41-42)
RA Torrey  The Most Important Question  Matthew 27 (v22)
RA Torrey  The Personality of the Holy Spirit  I Corinthians 2 (v10-11)
RA Torrey  The Power of Prayer  James 4 (v2)
RA Torrey  The Secret of Abiding Peace  Genesis 5 (v24)
RA Torrey  True Christian Union  Ephesians 4 (v1-3)

Raymond Barber  Heaven's Mandate to Win the Lost  Acts 5 (v29)
Raymond Barber  What Will Happen at the Rapture?  I Thessalonians 4 (v13-18)
Raymond Barber  Where Will You Be After the Rapture?  Revelation 19 (1-10)

RG Lee  A Call to Prayer  
RG Lee  Christmas-Then and Now  Luke 2 (v15)
RG Lee  Goodbye to Glory -- Ichabod  I Samuel 4 (v18-22)
RG Lee  Paths of Disappointment  Ecclesiastes 1 (v2)
RG Lee  Payday Someday  I Kings 21 (v18-19,23)

Shelton Smith  Capital Punishment Revisited  Genesis 9 (v6)
Shelton Smith  For Which Cause We Faint Not  II Corinthians 4 (v16)
Shelton Smith  Has America Gone Too Far?  Psalm 105
Shelton Smith  Just Do Your Duty  Luke 17 (v10)
Shelton Smith  Redeem the Time  Ephesians 5 (v16)
Shelton Smith  White Was Right! Homosexuality is Wrong!  Leviticus 18 (v22)

T DeWitt Talmage  Drunkenness  Genesis 9 (v20-21)
T DeWitt Talmage  Gambling  Exodus 9 (v13-14)
T DeWitt Talmage  Mending the Bible  Revelation 22 (v19)
T DeWitt Talmage  Plague of Bad Books  Exodus 8 (v6-7)
T DeWitt Talmage  Question of Questions  Acts 16 (v30)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Broken Pitchers  Judges 7 (v20-21)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Champion Blasphemer  Ephesians 4 (v18)
T DeWitt Talmage  The King Who Became  II Corinthians 8 (v9)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Ministry of Tears  Revelation 7 (v17)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Names of Jesus  Philippians 2 (v9)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Reckless Penknife  Jeremiah 36 (v23)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Spider in Palaces  Proverbs 30 (v28)
T DeWitt Talmage  The Wonderful  Isaiah 9 (v6)
T DeWitt Talmage  Weighed on God’s Scales  Daniel 5 (v27)

Tom Hayes  A Thanksgiving Sermon  Philippians
Tom Hayes  Abel A Type of Christ  Genesis 4 (v1-2)
Tom Hayes  Amazing Grace  Romans 5 (v1-21)
Tom Hayes  Doctrine of the Holy Spirit  Romans 8
Tom Hayes  Revelation: All Things New  Revelation 21 (v5)
Tom Hayes  The Doctrine of Christ  Philippians 2 (v6-11)
Tom Hayes  The Doctrine of Man  Genesis 1-3
Tom Hayes  The Face of Jesus  Luke 9 (v51-53)
Tom Hayes  The Special Virtues of the Righteous God  Psalm 19 (v9)
Tom Hayes  The Story of Three Robbers  Matthew 27 (v38)
Tom Hayes  The Strong Rope of Prayer  Philippians 4 (v6)

Tom Malone  A Good Steward of God’s Grace  I Peter 4 (v10)
Tom Malone  Let God Be Magnified  Psalm 70 (v4)
Tom Malone  The Cleansing Blood  I John 1 (v7)
Tom Malone  The Weapons of Our Warfare   II Corinthians 10 (v4)
Tom Malone  Where There Is No Vision The People Perish  Proverbs 29 (v18)

Tom Wallace  Verily, Verily, I Say  John 5 (v24)
Tom Wallace  What, Then, Is Our Message  I John 1 (v5)

Vance Havner  Are We Playing by the Book?  
Vance Havner  Many Still Lack the Fire!  John 7 (v37-39)
Vance Havner  Time for Judgment  I Peter 4 (v17-18)

Zeno Groce  Because You Are Sons  Galatians 4 (v6-7)
Zeno Groce  Giving the Bible Way  Leviticus 27 (v30)
Zeno Groce  God’s Alarm Clock  I Peter 4 (v17-19)
Zeno Groce  Jesus Cannot Be Hid  Mark 7 (v24)
Zeno Groce  Problems and Provisio  II Corinthians 12 (v1-10)
Zeno Groce  Suffering and Then the Sharing  I Peter 4 (v19)
Zeno Groce  The Arimathaea Christian  Mark 15 (v43-46)
Zeno Groce  The Church Shall Abide  Micah 5 (v4)
Zeno Groce  The Greatest Story Ever Told  Acts 13 (v26-41)
Zeno Groce  The Hour of His Voice  John 5 (v25-29)
Zeno Groce  The Light for a Dark World  John 1 (v1-9)
Zeno Groce  Three Good Things  Titus 3 (v8)
Zeno Groce  You Can’t Do God Wrong Doing Right  Proverbs 3 (v1-12)