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||May 27 11:30PM

Holy cow!! it's so hot in my room!! 30 degrees celcius! *melts into a little puddle*!! i need AC man....a fan isnt gonna help!! stupid old school-ness. Mayb i'll go to the library tmr to chill out lol. ...cuz the library always has AC =D. muhaha i'd probably study for Chemistry or sth...gosh..Finals are coming up!! Physics, French , English,Math, Chem, kill me now!!! i can't manage physics and math!! and i'm soooo worried about French!! cuz i'm forgetting everything we;'ve learned...and this last unit we're doing is so confusing -_-;; sth about talkin about stress. and giving adivce...

ahhhhh crap!! 11:30am Hair cut tmr!!! i still dunno what i want!! LOL but i know i need to cut it cuz da fringe is getting in my eyes! its like passed my eyes almost reaching my nose XD....sum1 wanted me to cut it lik Mika Nakashima's Yuki no hana hair. but...thats sorta what i have already...and i'm not sure i wanna keep that hair style for Grad photos.. *__* i sorta wanna perm it...but i don't wanna perm it so that i can't wear guyish clothes..cuz most perms are girly rite?? XD;; so difficult to choose. and plus...if i wanted a perm i had to tell them when i made the freaken appointment...that jap haircut place is REALLy busy. i hd to call 1 week in advance to make the appointment. geez...i've never seen a place with so much business!! *__*;. anyways..i should go to sleep early so i can wake up earli tmr =D see ya!! [-Sofiee-] |

||May 11 4:01PM

Well today was the PLAYLAND physics day! ^^ WooT woot!! We all got there @ like 9:15am but the ppl were talking talking talking until 10am to open the gates *sighs*. i could've slept longer!! gosh but yea everyone rushed in once the gates were open. i was gonna rush in to race for the Roller Coaster but my friends were feeling lazy and just walked in. lol Killarney students are so calm when it comes to these things -_- but yea in the end we still got to go on the roller caoster by budging in line X_X; yes its bad but we didnt have much time to play! we HAD to leave @ 2pm cuz the rides all close down >__<:; evil playland workers. i have a bad headache rite now...i think i'm too dehydrated standing outside for so long! lol i barley drank any water =_=; partly my head hurts too because of seecting summer school courses...i'm scared i won't do good in summer school. its so much work into six weeks *fear* and its gr12 toO!! if i dont get good marks i wont get into the university i want. TT_TT thats veryyyy bad. I'm selecting either French 12 or geoprahy 12. both have provincial exams..and both require alot of memorization. *rips hair out* i'm so frusturated about this...cuz my school schedule next year is so packed too!

Accounting 12
jewlery(??? depends if i get good mark in fr12 or geo12)
star means there's provincial exams. so thats FOUR + one in summer school if i pass/get decent marks. i'm so worried....AHHH i'll probably die before grade 12 is over. there's just too much stress and pressure to get high marks. if i don't get an avg of 90% i can forget about going into Sciences in university. =( cuz thats the standard avg mark in the science faculty. darn i need a haircut it's bugging me so badly. >__< chat later? [-Sofiee-] |

||May 04 7:05PM

Mood:so tireddd
so what do u think of my new Lead layout? finally got the font and background colours changed^^. its kinda pale lavender ^^ its a pretty colour ne. hehe @ first i was gonna make a playboy monogram background but it doesn't really match the theme hehe ^^;;. Is my blog loading slower and slower or is it just my comp?? the banner takes so long to load -_-;. mayb i should upload it as jpg instead of png?? *__*; but the colours are so much better as png *sighs*. AHH i'm devastated!! The lead single stil hasn't arrived!! and i'm begining to worry if the singles they're getting are 1st press or just originals >__< cuz i badly want that Lead phonestrap T_T. omgoodness i got my french oral mark back today and its horrible!! 22/30 grrrrr thats like LOW B. i've never gotten this low on an oral before...i'll blame my group for that! cuz i'm usually not stuck with stupid kids for an oral grrrs -_-;. This is seriously the worst oral i've ever had...even Wesley got higher then me ;_;. and Cara?!?! OMG she sucks @ french usually but she still coughed up a 27/30!! i'm darn angry. But the funny thing about today was we got to test our mothers days soaps in chem today. and mine was like pH 9.5 which is VERY BASIC and not safe to use lmao...and it doesn't lather too -_-; how lame!! and we spent awhole clas making it!! but im gonna keep it anyways lol...just for souvenirs XD i'll post a picture up later hehe <33. anyways i better start on the phys and english HW X_x[-Sofiee-] soapy!! |

||May 02 7:50PM

AHHH no time to talk!! no time to change the font colour and BG color...BUT i do have the Lead banner up! LOL enjoy ^___^ i'll change everything else i just noticed that my banner mite not be big enuogh to cover the advertisements behind it darn lol. oh yea...and sorry about the page being off alginment~ i dont have time to adjust that just at the moment ><;; Raining outside....[-Sofiee-] |

||Apr 28 4:25PM

Finally got my Chem and French test's over with. French wasn't THAT bad except i had to guess some words lol and my composition wasn't that well written *shrugs* w/e its 3rd term i don't think people gonna do that well anyways lol XD;. Chem test was so longggg 60 MC and 3 riten questions. i think i messed up a little big on the writen part. but this test was so huge!! from chap 8 - 13 X_x. Thats like almost as much as a mid term exam. but the high part is that we're making SOAP for mothers day next chem class lol. we're gonna make it from fat, acids, bases, colouring , scents lol. i hope mine will turn out okay ^^;;. He said if our soap doesn't pass the test don't let mom use it haha XD; so hilariuous. mine is probably gonna look like a blob of poop =P. Math test on Monday Geometry chapter. i hate Geometry....there's so much proofs and logic to it. there's hardly any formulas to memorize except for the 180n - 360 = S one. i hope i get an A >__<;. cuz im getting 69% in the math term rite now *cries*. Oh yeah we're going to PLAYLAND amusment park on May 11th with the Physics i think we're gonna do momentum and kinetic energy stuff there XP;. sweet im gonna go on ALL the rides....and eat a lot of carnival foods =P.

uahhh i screwed my clothing project up.....i forgot to put in the shoulderstraps for my tank its like strapless...but i wan't wear it strapless cuz the cutting is really loose. its suppose to be those breezy thin summer tanks >__<;. i think even with straps it would look really loose and baggy X_x;. i dunno what to do now cuz i can't pick the stitching out to re-do the straps *sighs*. i'm obsessed with the song HOT STUFF - koda kumi! isn't it great? lol...shes hot imo~ oh yea my next layout will be lead's new single cover photo! i like the summer look to it ^^ hehe very calm and fresh <33 lookin forward to putting it up after this weekend =D anyway toodlez [-Sofiee-] |

||Apr 23 7:38PM

Mood:Feeling proud XD

Dad came back from Hollister/A&F HQ's and bought me back this stuff Picture one Picture Two Picture Three Picture Four
would've posted bigger pictures but Photobucket resized all my pix..*sighs* wOoT even though i'm not totally an A&F fan i'm happy *dances*

[edit]kk since my internet is back now i guess i should explain about all the clothes lol. Well my dad went to Ohio in the States for a Business Trip with A&F's headquaters. He just came back tonite and told me to choose some clothes that i wanted. he bought like the freaken whole store O__O;. He BOUGHT it wasn't like A&F gave it to him for free or gave discount -_-;.. so's pretty rewarding to have a whole closet full of AF stuff now. Altho a lot of the clothes are winterish clothes i'll wait XD;;. like the pants and jackets are all cotton..i don't think i'll have a chance to wear it since the sun's coming out everyday now =P. T_T the pants are long too.....i need to get taller!

[-Sofiee-] |

||Apr 21 4:38PM

Mood:not the happiest
well its THURSDAY! yay *dances* no school tmr!! Finally we get a Pro-D day. but... its not much diff for me cuz i have chinese school after anyways T_T;. and i also have to start planning my French Oral and studying for Unit test and write the script for the freaken Proj. so much crap to do in French class...i swear man that class is SO demannding!! i'd take it in Summer School but i'm not sure if its worse there or worse in regular school ><:; Math quiz today wasn't that hard..i hope i got most of it. cuz if i get a high mark it can boost me up *prays* i'm @ a 69% rite now. grrrrrrs i wouldn't be getting that mark if it weren't for that Chap six text about "logic" i hate it. mayb bcuz i don't have much Logic in myself. next week is gonna be a busy week for me....hopefully i can restrain myself from going on Msn >_<;!! The whole damn month is passing so fast....soon its gonna be Izaki's Birthday and i won't have a present ready for them!!! AHHHHHH! i wanna at least send them a bday card!! they're gonna be 21 T_T~ the years have gone so fast.

17 classes left of each day. can't believe it. Finals are in a month...summer school AGAIN ~_~;. a lot of ppl are telling me not to take summer school because its a waste of the gr11 summer. saying that gr12 is realy stressful and that i'm gonna regret not having a summer break before. hrmmm i dunno i kinda think of it as work hard this year and a half next year...than go to Asian for long SUmmer vacation after grad. i'm definetly gonna have a blast! cuz i'll be visiting Japan, HK, perhaps Korea? I might finally be able to see my fellow wFL fangirls *sniffles*, and prob the main reason for going would be to get my HK ID XD;; . Sad part is..i'm probably not gonna go back to HK during xmas holidays. i'll probably be worrying my butt off about universities by that time. But i really do hope that i can get into U of i can finally leave this crap of a city. i highly doubt that i'll be missing my friends and family. cuz im gonna have a blast living on my own w/o anyone to nag me about hw. Anyone can do w/o friends...its a mentality thing anyways...besides who says u can meet better friends ^^;?

hmmm...just a random thought: 'Tis true that it's easy to get bored of sth attractive..cuz nothing stays attractive foreverfor long. Some things just aren't attractive as they used to be...its a pity *ho hum*. hmm another thing i noticed is that...i get bored of people really easily. I get really irritated when i hang out with a certain person for a long time. [-Sofiee-] |

||Apr 18 5:30PM

Mood:quite happi <3
whoa we've been having nice weather lately! good thing too cuz i'm wearing my NEW KIX! <33 woot!! Pink Nike High Dunks with a Brown check heheh ^^;; not exactly what i was lookin for but......w/e! its the closest thing!! >=[ what i really wanted would probably be akira's or Keita Air Force ones T_T too bad Metro doesn't have them. probably will have them in the states...but i can't wait until summer my puma's are freaken tearing apart!! T_T its sucha pity cuz my puma's were special too =P it was like HK limited! well anyways my bro has new shoes too....Turb Oz shox for kids lmao. they look so funny....i dont believe he's in grade 5 and he's wearing shox already!! ~__~ spoiled little brat. I also bought some new wardrobe from EDC the other day ^^ its really cute! except i probably won't wear it yet........not hot enough outside lol.I bought sth like what Hyori Lee wore in her Animotion video!! XD its the half tops with a tank top inside. i fink its uber stylish. but none theless i'm expecting a lot of ppl to hate my taste *shrugs*=] some ppl just dunno trends when it hits the stores. uahhh speaking of atire...i'm needing a perm. what do u think big curls or little curls like jamie's? i think big curls will look a bit too feminin on me -___-;. but also big curls are a hit in japan T___T or mayb i shouldn't perm it and just leave it natural but cut sth REALLY funky. like those Jrocker bands XDD;; i'd probably scare sumone walking down the street though XPP;. Jennie's hair cut is actually nice but i don't think the salon will understand what i'm talkin about

okay side notez!I have a souvenir from Chem on like.....thursday? I 4get lol anyways the date doesn't matter! what really matters is what the souvenir is!! its a chunk of Silicon!! its an element! and its so shiney lol. Yes..silicon is on the periodic table guys -_-;. here's a couple of pix!! *sofa is sucha show off xD*

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whee~~ looks like a big chunk of silver! too bad =P. oh yea one last note. although i'm quite modest i have to rite this down so i don't 4get it myself. sofa scored 96% on the Phys Fission test *hides* not braging or anything...cuz u noe..i never do ^^; unless its actually sth significant to brag about lol par exemple report cards XDD! heh okay no more riting toodlez<33 [-Sofiee-] |

|| Hoos Dat Girl?

[Birthdate] 02/27/1988
[Location] Vancouver
[Bakground] Chinese 100%
[Gender] Female
[Lykz]J-pop,Food,anyfing related wif Jap

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[ICQ] 77105419
[MSN/Email] LiL_AzN_Qt_pie10
[Webbies]AsianAve - Lil_azN_Qt-piez or litl_baby_angel

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[Desktop]young FLAME[=

[Song]lead - night deluxe!!
[Mood]constantly changing
[Weather]Sunny breeze


[Randomized]Jacky,Jenny, Jennie,Jenniferz,Ingrid,Jamie,Shiori, Diana,Catherine,Carmen,Karman,Stefz, Corinne,April,Kingsley,Chris,Kvn, Kingston,Erin,Ehren,KLO,Alwyn,Jeannie, Tony,Robin,Mike,Melvin and every1 in WFL forums!!

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[Theme]Lead's Shinya<3
[Musik]Kirei da - w-inds.
[Dedication]Friends and Shinya fans!!

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Kitamura Yuu baby, I want you!

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yuki ;; jackie ;; taka ;; kyoko ;; momoko ;; Sugomi ;; nareiko ;; chewy ;; cindy ;; thea ;; ting ;; Sassy ;; Shizuka ;; Ayu ;; miki ;; Nicky ;; gem ;; Megan ;; Murasaki ;; SanDee ;; SHL ;; Shelly ;; Kat ;; Mel ;; cindy ;; Stephanie ;;Lisa ;; Ayura ;;Tongari ;; Sana ;; Miyuki ;; Jennifer

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