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Make a Wish...

||Apr 11 5:50PM

Mood:not much XP
well...yesterday i went to Victoria on Vancouver Island and i had to wake up @ 5:30. which is stupid cuz the bus didn't leave until 7;30 anyways!! i was SOO tired for like the first half of the tour. we went to Butchart Gardens btw. The garden is pretty nice...theres a lot of different flowers...and its kinda like QE park. except that there are diff "gardens" within that big Garden. like Japanese garden...Sunken Garden...Italian Garden. i'll post up the pix on IMagestation soon =P no time rite now hhehe. Caught the 5pm Ferrie and got back 2 vancouver @ around 6;30. we than went back to our meet up place..and took our cars and went home. well our family went to dinner after that cuz we were so hungry. the lunch they provided was on the crappy side -_-;. it was @ a Chinese restaurant. but all we ate was Rice with a couple of dishes. like chicken pork brocolli and celery -__-;. and a corn soup!! thats so cheao!! and there was so less of it cuz it was 11 ppl per table ~___~ we practically had to fight for food! i ate two bowls of rice rofl. after lunch it was free time to shop around Downtown. but we've been there before so we went to a gelato shop and ate Gelato until it was time to go lmao. i had "fruits of the forest" its pretty good!!! except that theres a lot of seeds and stuf >_<; slept most of the time on the bus and ferrie haha.

well right now its kinda crazy outside. its raining and its sunny -__-;. i didn't wanna start HW yet. and i'm looking for a msn7 plug/shell to make my DP oversized. it keeps chopping all the important parts off my DPs @_@;. omg i was looking @ Lead's pretend to be women pix ITS SO CUTE!! omg. Keita and Akira are definetly hot girls. i mean check that OUT!! he's SO ADORABLE <33. his makeup isn't that great but he's half decent at it haha and akira especially he looks like a hardcore business women =P. pic credits:

WOOT late start for school tmr!! 10am hehe ^^ but i have clothing tmr first block i guess i can be latish O_o; and slack off during that class. puhaha i'll probably leave all my HW to do in that class from now on XP; the only good thing about this rotation is Day2's schedule rox =P. well enough typing for me XD;; TooDlez [-Sofiee-] |

||Apr 8 7:26PM

Mood:not the best~
holy cows...its 7 sth and the sun is still out!! LOL its hurting my eyes *__*;. just finished chinese school and my mom let me drive her BMW for like 30mins XD;;. i was practising parking and stuff with her XP;; i dont think i'm a good parker...@ least not with her car..cuz i dunno how to aim the spot. with my instructors car i can park it fine ^^;. omgosh did my phyics test today!! IT WAS SO HARD T_T;; *cries* i'd be shocked if i got an A.. even Sandy and Melvin and Kingston said that they guessed a lot of the answers on the test >_>;; i'm doomed!! but i studied so hard last nite. i didnt get to sleep until like one AM. *yawns* i'm still a bit sleepy today. i just realized i haven't posted at wFL in like 2 weeks *__*;; i wonder whats different now? probably the layout is changed? hehe i'm excited to see who it is. i have to download Leads new single stuff too!! and look at their pretty pictures!! i haven't seen wFL pix in the longest time *__*; been so busy downloading other peoples media haha. Probably gonna d/l Parago's new single when someone uploads it XD. gosh i dunno what i'm doing for english man! my gruop doesn't seem to be giving me anything to do. but i'll feel so guilty if i dont contribute to the group. and they'll probably give me a low percentage of conribution mark >_>; grrr~ i'm not even sure if i'm going to Cypress tmr *__*; if i am that means i have to sleep early today. OH wait...i also have TKD tmr...wth this so screwed @_@; if i start skiing @ 9 i have to leave the mountains @ like 1;30 or 2. cuz TKD starts @ 3 -___-;. im' gonna be so tired and hungry too lol. so we're probably gonna have to eat b4 that. and i won't get enough ski time X_x;. blah i'll have to ask catherine if she's actually going if she's not i probably won't either <_<;;. okay i'll blog later TooDlez [-Sofiee-] |

||Apr 4 4:54PM

Mood:Feel Fine!<3
well first of is a very sunny and pretty day so i'm in a pretty good mood =]. i haven't had one of these days in a long time ^^;;. not much happened today except i got a lot of my clothing project completed today =]. still gonna be a couple of weeks before i finish but i'm getting there! hehe okay lets talk about yday. Yesterday my dad woke me up @ 11am which was actually Noon time because he forgot that it was Day Light Savings time. so he didn't turn the clock ahead one hour -___-; so yea i woke up @ noon...and got ready and we rushed out of the house @ like 12;45 becuz we needed to go Yum Chan in Richmond at 1pm. when i got there...i discovered that we were gonna go Yum Cha with Joyce =] and she gave me a couple of accessories she got from work. it's a clothes brand called "Violet Muse". there were circle pins,magnets, and a white heart shaped keychain ^^;;. if i have the time i'll upload a picture~ Violet muse seems like a cool brand...but i've never seen it i'll ask her where it's sold ^^;;. i think they have an official website ~__~;;. i'll try searching it...i hope its not too expensive =]. than we went home..and i did HW the whole day. worked on my Fadidas french ad. lol..i'll post up a picture when i'm finished XP;

Saturday was really cool~ i got to drive my Mom's BMW 330<33 it was pretty awesome!! =] hehe really different from the usual Corolla i drive with my instructor *__*;. but i only drove for like 20mins O__o; Not really used to driving that heavey steering and hard brake XP;. after driving to my moms house we ate dinner @ some Taiwan restaurant...with her friends. after that they all went to her house and we played Monopoly...X_x i lost of course~ it wasn't that fun this time around...Monopoly was so much funner in Accounting class lmao. some ppl were watching Alien Vs Predator and some were just reading mags. while me my bro my mom and one other friend played MOnopoly ^___^;. i went home @ 10pm cuz my dad said its getting yea i went to sleep and thats pretty much my weekend. DARN i have a shoe dillema i dunno which to get!! but i know i need new shoes badly cuz my Puma's are getitng ruined>__<; and i also want new pants and tops XD my dads gonna freak out if i buy everything in one day lmao. okie dokies not much to blab o_o; ToOdlez [-Sofiee-] |

pray that it remains sunny until the end of the week =s [edit] yo guys take myQuiz haha good luck and thanx for participating XD [/edit]!!

||Mar 31 7:36PM

Mood:angry and uber bad mood -_-
omg i dunno why but i'm not in the best mood today. probably cuz i'm really tired from really less sleep last nite...and because its a RAINNY day today!! can u believe it?! yesterdays weather was SO MUCH better -____- i actually had a good school day yesterday. but today is like total opposite... everything's not going my way.....stupid brother bullies me when i get home. i wish i could move out!! so i can get some peace and quiet!! geez....i coem back and he orders me to do things for him..and he's what...grade FIVE?! hmpfz.."SOPHIA! get milk for me!" and i ignore him and he chases me around the house and beats me. i wanted to eat sth and he wouldn't let until i helped him....fak man this stupiid little brother is the most annoying thing >=[. CRAP man i have chap6 test tmr!! and i'm really scared cuz almost everyone did badly on this test ><;;. OH YEA totally 4got to mention this! theres 6 Japanese exchange students at our school rite now =] they're here until saturday!! hehe...4 girls 2 guys LOL. so less guys T_T;; and they're not hot either...*sighs* but u never noe LOL they mite have some hot friends?? XDD;; so its a good idea to be friend them ^^ lol and the girls are alrite too...not the prettiest but they're decent =]. theres this girl that everybody thinks is cute...but i dunno if i've seen her...supposedly she has a really sweet smile and is 15 o.O;;. i don't get why they're all diff ages...the guys are 16 and 17 but the girls seems to be younger..O_o;;. But yea...mite as well be friend the girls too LOL cuz they mite noe some hot guys? XDD DAMN its so hard to befriend them cuz they're always walking around the school or in some other peoples class room but never in my classroom -_____-;;. some FAG...hogged robin look alike(one of the jap guys)for like 2 classes. well i know of two...but he probably hogged him for all 4 classes >_>; GEEZ MAN SHARE!!! other people wanna be his friends too you know?!?! okay enough blabbering...i'm hungryy....X_X;; oh ya side note: i mite be changing to LJ soon so..yea~~ xD;;[-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 29 2:46PM

Mood:so tired and bored

sticker photos i took with Diana and Jennie on Sunday~ =](i'm the pink shirted one;I know its bad qualityX_x) surprisingly Metrotown wasn't we went to Crystal instead and ate at the food court lol. than i went home @ like 630~ its dark around my area already so walking home is pretty freaky. Xp i wish i had car!! its way safer and more convienient! but anyways its really funny taking the pictures XP; i haven't went shopping with them in the longest time so it was pretty good ^^;; even though i only went for like 2 hours -_-;. hehe...

omgosh can u believe it?! tmr @ this hour i'd be in school rite now during my last block...which is chemistry which i have a quiz tmr too ~_~;; *sighs* i have to read and study later...but i have tutor @ 6pm later for math..i should actually be studying for math too. stupid brother is throwing stuff @ me...i can't concentrate!! he's throwing erasers and pens and crap @ me and yellling @ me to throw it back to him or else he throws more. annoyign can little brothers get?! he's got his own HW too!! and he's BOTHERING ME?!?! FAK! really makes me mad!! i barley have anytime to study and do my HW today and he BOTHERS me...does he realize that school starts TMR?! A LOT OF people don't realize that school is starting TOMORROW!! STOP fooling around and do your frekaen HW....get serious man...schools starting no more break!! >=[ i dont understand can people be going out with friends and talkin on the fone or watching TV today...while i'm studying and doing HW!? its not fair X_x;. i haven't even went out much during Spring break..i've worked MOn-Fri during 10-4;430!! and on MOnday and thurs i had Driving lessons after work toO! u noe thats really tiring?! especially if u're standing for 6 hours non stop?! my feet were always hurting at the end. and u noe i didn't go on internet much this break...cuz my net ends @ 8pm....and i get home like @ 630?! so theres very less time i was actually on the computer. Its so sunny outside today too!! why can't i be outside playing basketball or sth!? i have to be stuck @ home worrying about if i finished all my HW or not?! <_<;; makes me angry...hmpfz..enough posting [-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 26 1:25PM

Mood:neutral XP
Whoa~ last night my brother, Jenny kim, My mom and a couple of her friends watched the Ring two together ^^;;. it was pretty good. I was a big disapointed cuz i thought it would be scarier than the first. wasn't. but this one was more interesting, like the story line. we find out about Samara's real mom...and why she wanted to kill Samara when she was a baby. and yep...alot of mystery stuff we didn't know in Ring one. after the movie Jenny and I were making fun of the movie lol. yeah i recommend people to watch the Ring2 if they've seen the first one...cuz it will make more sense ^^

wheeee~~ my work Exp at SPORT CHEK is over!! friday was my last day hehe. i enjoyed working there ^^;. a lot of nice people and some are pretty cute too. like..these guys in the Footwear department =]. i luv working there. hehe....and the managaer was so nice to us...he didn't really care that we slacked off ahah. but the bad part about it was we only get 30min break lol. so we had to eat really fast and get back really fast ^^;. Nicole might get hired there -____-; cuz she was helping out sell shoes. and this Gary guy(i think manager too) really likes her. *sighs* i just hate people that pick favors >=[. Teachers too! err...but anyways. yea i didnt go out much over the Spring break. only 3 more days left!!! wednesday is back to school! *sighs* i didn't even buy new clothes or new shoes or anything!! T_T;;. but i'll be going back to SportChek to buy an adidas jacket! its SO NICE!! and this dude said he can get 50% on clothes for me!! <33 sucha gentlemen hehe. he's pretty cute too....gr12 i heard. XP;;

Ohhhh!! best song of the month is Hyori Lee- Animotion. i'm loving it!! i luv the MV she dances so nice!! if i have the chance i'll upload it^^;;. She's hot but a lot of korean people say she's better in FINKL. but i've never seen her there LOL. i wasn't really into Kpop back then XP;. i'm so obsessed with this MV that i watch it almost everyday XDD haha. she's so cooL!! I wonder how long she has to practise her dances @_@;. oh yea! i didn't post up my Report card lol. but i'm not that happy about it cuz most people got 6A's. *Sighs* it's not sucha great accomplishment. but i guess it makes a difference cuz i never cheated on my mid terms or tests or quiz ~_~;; everyone else that i know who got 6 A's got them by means of Cheating. but its not like i can do anything about it cuz they won't listen 2 me anyways -_-;. i'll just let it slip away. and i dont wanna tell the teachers cuz i'm not gonna gain anything either. instead my friends mite get angry -___-;; they always get their answers from the smartest guy in the class too!! no wonder their marks are so high rite? mmm i'm bored...gonna forum now ToOdlez [-Sofiee-] |
report card<3the 2nd column is term2~

||Mar 19 2:30PM

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omg isn't Donald and Zita so cute together!?!? i totally luv this episode so much!! its when Donald finally goes out with Zita after her seeing the DONALD LOVE ZITA Beach picture ^_____^ its SOOO CUTE omg.....if some guy did it for me....i'd cry XP. i almost cry in every episode of Triumph in the Skies XP. its just TOO TOUCHING!! this has got to be the BEST DRAMA of the year!! the story line way cool and the guys are super cute in their pilot uniforms ^____^. *faints* and da love stories are so touching *sniffles* T_T. the most tragic love story was BELLE AND VINCENTS~ after that would be DONALD and ZITA imo because DONALD really luved Zita but he had to break up with her because he had to go back to his dad's company and fix it up. *Sighs* how they broke was so sad too......donald told chris too put on a "show" and pretend that donald was just playing her. and she heard the whole convo and she ripped the love letter into bits and ran out the door...T_T; thats so sad. i dont think Zoe and Sam's love story was that great.....they don't even match. <_< and Zoe ain't dat pretty in the first place lol.

okay enough Triumph? i'll talk about the weather today. lmao...its raining and i still had to get my drivers lessons today ^^;;. first time drving in the rain......its quite freaky..cuz when u're changing lanes everyone behind u seems to be going so fast still!! and u're crawling like a turtle!! lol....i had a bit of trouble with my turns today ~___~ *sighs* i can never recover the steering fast enough. OH great lesson today!!! I learned how to park!! with the end of the car in first. lol...its actually not that difficult except that i'm SLOW XP. i dunno how to park my dad's car though....its so much taller and wider and longer O__O;. i'm scared he's gonna make me drive da next time we go out. *Sighs* he's gonna yell 2 me so muhc...and make me nervous. and his car is so expensive i dont wanna crash it lol......or even scratching it is servere enough XP;;. oh i've heard BoA - Do the Motion i luv da PV. its very elegant!! the dress is so pretty and her song overall is pretty catchy lol. wow...her c/w song is all high notes *__*; i think its very hard for her to reach up there....cuz her voice gets really scratchy =S. EXILE(COLOR) - Move so Fast was good too......except i didnt watch the PV yet XP. i haven't got my hands on that yet hehe. i hope to get it soon =D. It sux cuz i don't regularly post @ so i dont have enough posts to enter the donwloading section T_T;. *sighs*...the only stuff i can access is the free uploads from members. lol..i think i have like ZERO posts there -_-;; yep....i'm a bad aznpop member. but @ least i'm loyal to one forum rite?? XDD;; oky enough blabbering i think i should start on my Spring Breaku HW <_<;;. [-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 16 7:05PM

Mood:not well
gahhhhh *sniffles* i've caught the cold today!! i dont wanna go to school..but its the last few days before spring break!! i feel like i need to go ><;;. *sighs* my nose just keeps running and running! and my mouth feels so dry;_; *is dying*. so many sick people @ school....its hard to escape the cold ~_~;. well i've been napping a lot these i hope that helps with my energy level o.O;. ack!! my iPod is so DIRTY now. i totally need to buy a case for it....but jacky said it was $50....thats kinda rip off. the white part is turning kidna greyish @_@;. ahhhh i'm sucha bad care taker of things!! but i think its kinda stupid how they don't give u a case for it.....i mean if u're gonna clip if on your belt it'd probably be sliding on surfaces and bumping into things a lot. GAH!! doing french HW right now and i don't get it!! GEEZ stupid substitute doesn't teach crap!!

on the side note: Diana!! Happy Belated Birthday girl!!! hehe how does it feel to be 17?? not much diff eh? gosh we're so OLD!! oldies!! did u still now have cake?? awww thats alrite for jennie's bday we'll eat A LOT of cake XDD;; it's coming soon rite? O___O i hope i'm rite or else she'll get mad lol. anyways sorry couldn't give u a shout earlier...just didnt have blogging time XP;. we need our phone talks!!CALL ME OLDIE!! rofl. okie dokies signing off~

oh gosh...i think we get our report cards tmr...or is it Friday?? well...its soon!!! lol..i wanna show my dad so i can buy some new stuff =]. perhaps a new pair of shoes!! preferably Runners cuz my Puma ones are soooooo ugly and dirty now! but its so hard to decide which new runners i want. Adidas classics?? Nike Classics?? Air force 1's?? Puma classics?? XPP too many to choose!! lol....or i can just buy a new sweater or jeans or sth~ thats always easier =]. i need a hair cut too..-_______-;; i have too many needs! lol no wonder my parents don't let me go out much.....cuz i'd buy too many things or spend too much money!! XDD kk anyways..back to french [-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 9 6:48PM

wow...u noe wat!? i got 92.5% in math!! WOoT!!! *dances*!! if only i can keep up this kinda hard work all the way until end of grade 12 than i'll be ready to go!! hehe =] but yea..i chose a tough path for myself ><;. anyways...i took a 2 hour nap today. woke up and now i'm here XP;; gonna post some more pictures up~
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yep lol its the accessories! XD;; isnt the earphones package cool!? its like in a tinfoil sealed bag =P;. and i LUB the white cables~~ its so sophisticated ^^;. i didn't take a picture of the belt clip bcuz i think many people already know what it looks like~. but the earphones really look awesome!! it comes with two pairs of those black cushion things =D!

gonna try to upload the music now puAHhaa.....i dont wanna open the wrapping~~ i dont wanna get finger prints on it..><; there must be a day i guess O_O;. [-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 8 5:45PM

After so many days of being angry and disapointed and sad...finally THIS DAY i'm happy =]!! you wanna noe why?? well...i got 89.7% in PHYSICS11!! I TOTALLY RULE!! i'm the 2nd highest mark in the class tied with John Chow XPP Wooop!!! i did better in Physics than in accounting surprisingly -_-;. i got my Term2 accounting mark today.....and it wasn't pretty. i got a FREAKEN B, 83%~~~~!!! thats so EVIL how the hell did a drop so drastically!? I asked her if i can see my ch5 test and she tells me to ask her NEXT class. wtf is that,!?! even if she lets me see the marks next class she can't do anything about it cuz marks were Due TODAY!! DEADLINE is TODAY!! gEez...stupid Accounting teachers.....they're so dumb. and she lazy too ~_~;. Dunno what i'm getting in Textiles and Band. hopefully i'll get an A in textiles....cuz i worked SO HARD <_<;;. so if i get A in textiles and B in band...than i'll have 2 B's and 6 A's WOoT!!
English 88%,
Phys 89.7%(90% XDD)
Math 87%(or higher~~)
Chem 88% XD!!
Band B(most likely)
Textiles A(...i hope)
French 11 88% (cant remember actually X_x;)
Accounting B...

lmao.....most of my marks are High 80's. thats so funny haha. if only i got more 90's. But yea...if Gibson didn't scale the Physics midterm i wouldn't have gotten sucha high mark....or actually,the whole class would've done worse~ haha. i got 100% plus i think 4 percent bonus marks for the chap6 math test we just got back last class =] SOOO GOOD! heheh. omg i thot Today was couse planning with Counsellor so last nite i had to rush my litte course planning Sheet with all the course electives. i was soooo worried that i'd pick the wrong courses for my UNiversity entry >_>; cuz if i dont have the requirements than thats pretty sad. and also i was debating for soo long which faculty i actually wanna do....and if i should continue with French 12 -_-;. cuz like most of my courses next year are gonna be related to French 12 isn't THAT much of an important course,,,,but my friends keep telling me not to drop it @_@;;. But instead i dropped Band...and signed up for Arts 12 and Calculus i'm totally krazy. calculus is suppose to be the hardest math -_-;. pray that i'll do well in that course guys!!! *crosses fingers*

ANYWAYS my dad came back from China/HK on sunday and he bought me a BLUE iPod mini!! its so cute and adorable!!! hehe i didn't even open the package yet...well i did but i didn't rip off the plastic and open the earphones and cables and stuff XPP;;. i'm still waiting until school settles down a bit. probably i'll use it during spring break =]. i can wait that long rite!?! i must!! haha i can CONTROL my cravings~~~~ here are some pictures to show u <33:

**lmao...i think the "don't steal music" statement is so funny cuz everyone does it if they own an mp3?!DON"T STEAL MUSIC GUYS!! hahah XDDD[-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 4 7:52PM tired!
ACKKKK i have no time to post a proper blog but heres the adress to my photos for my party!! hehe leave a msg in the gbook if u like! =] i luv seeing comments anyways!! <33 write more later..or perhaps tmr hehe. dam i'm so tired tonite! bye!My Birthday Party Photos!!*click me* [-Sofiee-]

||Mar 3 7:40PM

thanks for all the bday comments people left me!! ^____^ i'm very happy to receieve them! heheh *huggles u all* Ayura:LOL really??cuz the last time i checked i wasn't on the list XD but thats okay!! i still luv u!! and u're still the awesomeest flame fangirl!! <33 i've updated your adress on my linkz *points below* hehe wow u change your blog again! XPP isn't it tough moving your stuff and data around?? o.O; i'd get so pissed off! haha anyways i'll ttyonline or perhaps i'll mail u when i'm free

uahhh!! i have no time to Cosplay yuu yet!! sorry Pam LOL XD did any one else from our guild cosplay yet?! whos kyohei!? we have hisa and yusu already lol XDD;;. we need a seigo too!! but he's not in venus X_x so i dunno how thats gonna work XP. i still wanna do our guild collab still ^^;; that'd be so awesome! except..i dont have a mic yet -____-; (me and my lame ideas)...

okay...about my horribe day. first off i thought Mrknapp (my band teacher whom i HATE SO MUCH NOW) was gonna test us on "El relicario"(it really doesn't matter if u noe the song or not). but Yeah, i practised 2 hours last nite on that song and guess what?!?! He tests us on "ST. THOMAS" today!! like OUT OF no where!!! i don't even know how that song goes cuz i just got the paper last class X_x; and he tests us on that hardest part...duh..but when he asked us to play it i had to sight read the whole thing...counting and notes and dynamics ALL Of it. cuz seriously i've never played that song in my life...except for the first time i got that paper last class we had a run threw the first half of the music -______-;;. most people did pretty bad on the test...but like two ppl got PERFECT..while i only got 75%. this is so bullshit! i studied/practised so hard to El Relicario too!! hmpfz...he's totally ruining my marks for band...i'm quiting band next year. -_-; makes me so mad he always LIES!! i hope he screws up in europe. Da 2nd pissing thing about today was that the Chem quiz was pretty hard -____- it has some cheap questions that u had to look online to get! lol cuz my chem teacher made a "gas laws" website and he told us to read over it b4 da quiz. but how is a person suppose to memorize everything from the website rite o.O;; so i think i got 2-3 rong on the quiz already! just because i wasn't sure of the questions. *sighs* i knew how to do the math and equations....but i didn't know the definitions and peoples name -____-; like for the bonus question he gave us a photo of one of the scientists that made up the gas laws and asked us his full name. -____- it turns out his full name was Jacques Charles but i rote Jaques Boyle LMAO XD;;. i gues no bonus mark for me then ~___~ but the plus part about chem is that we're having a LAB next class. which i hope won't count for term2 ...cuz i'm pretty happy with my Term2 mark @ the moment. 88%...i dont wanna drop by screwing up on my Gas laws Quiz of the lab ~___~ cuz he usually marks hard on the Lab reports X_x;.

ohhhhh nooo!!! Poetry Exam tmr!! i'm doomed!! i suck @ poetry...and i'm happy with my term2 mark so far too!! if i mess up on this last exam my marks are gonna drop ><;; i'm getting like 87.9% the last time she posted the marks...which was AFTER the midterms so yeha. it's a pretty good mark!! i hope she runs out of time to mark the exams and puts it in Term 3 lmao. that would be so great for me. cuz i suck and analysing Poems...and my poetry terms aren't that great ~_~;; theres just too many to remember. shiet...i still have to rite a war poem to hand in better not be for MARKs lol cuz i just wanna make up sth and scribble it down. geez...english is SOO MUCH work and frusuration!! and we need to know all the types of Sonnets X_x. I'm Killed!!! theres Shakespearean, Petrachan and spenserian....geez how am i gonna remember the rhyme schemes <___<. well wish me luck guys~ XD. i'll definetly need it lmao.

YAY hunter 234 is out!! and theres more killua action apparently XD;; except i d/led the Raw's i dunno wat da heck they're talkin about...i have to d/l the translations later =PP. kyaaa i still have to post up some of my Bday pix!! i think i'm gonna put it on imagestation cuz i'm lazy to upload one by one XPP. anyways dinner time for me!! TooDlez [-Sofiee-] |

||Mar 2 1:26PM

Mood:Bored ~_~ tired
uahhh!! we went to the stupid Canada place thingy. and attended a "career fair" err ~___~ it wasn't all that great...i just took a lot of those post secondary info booklets. lol...i took so many from Ontario and eastern Canada. lol i barley took any from like Vancouver and BC ~_~;. yep...i'm definetly planning to move out...but the problem is if i can get in or not. *sighs*...i'd be really sad if i can't. especially U of T because there is a good engineering program there XD;. teheh but i'm scared its gonna be really hard to get in. *headache* again...

so now i'm at angela's house...bcuz we dont wanna go back to school. phys student teacher said we're not doing anything either. so point in going back -_-;;. but i dunno how to get home...arghs..have to call mom later XD;. yay i'm 17 now hehe. but yeah i didn't get much presents=P four presents in total now!! Playboy glass cup from Phoebe and a set up three cups and a pair of earings from Jamie and Angie. a Pencil case from ARtbox from Ricky. XD;;....although i already have a pencilcase i'll still use it for sth ^^;. THANKS u all!! mehhh...i'm kinda hungry rite now...i'll post more later XDD [-Sofiee-] |