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Nothing's impossible =)...

||Jan 29 5:37PM

Mood:Feel Fine XD
omGosh!! i finally went to Chura to get my hair cut!! WooT!! *dances* i've posted my new haircut pix at image station again bcuz i'm too lazy to resize, sorryX_x!! Member:Mz_kitamura psw; jennifer. ummm ya my hair is kinda messed up cuz i went to TKD rite after i got my hair cut....and the wax and hair spray kinda died down bcuz of all the sweat ^^;; heh. i'm still in my TKD uniform rite now lmao. so sweaty and stinky! gosh...i was a PATTERN leader today!!! *proud* i lead the kids to do their pattern and i did the counting and i said the "attention, bow" thingy XDD; muahahha. i should work there =P. lol so ya, i learnt my Blue belt pattern copmletely today and memorized it too ^^;;. backtrack: Shiori bought this realy awesome Adidas T-shirt from a shop in DT called "blocK" it cost $25(+tax) only!! wow its a pretty good deal...cuz they have a winter sale going on. lol i've never seen that Block shop before *__* first time i've shopped there with her. hmmm...some comments on my haircut: it pretty funky except that i didn't buy wax-_-;; i'm so stupid! LOL i walked out of that shop debating whether i should buy the wax from their salon or buy it at some other place.and turns out i never bought it i dunno how to style my hair now -_-;. its very thin @ the back...hehe i like it..and the top is short so i can spike it up or w/e i want =P. when i looked down on the floor it was ALL HAIR. its crazy lol looked like they shaved me or sth =P. there was so much hair on the ground they had to sweep it away even before i was done cutting XDD;;. i hope i dont have to cut my hair before summer -_-;;. its so hard to arrange a time with them >___< sucha busy shop there!

arghs..on the minus side..i still haven't finished my CAPP project. GRRRRRr i feel like i'll never finish!! cuz i get so less internet time! and i still have to study for tests and what not. especially math and phys chem......we're having mid terms in like 2 weeks!! and i can't cram 6 subjs together!!! so i gotta start reveiwing stuff NOW O__O;; . ;_; aww my dad isn't gonna be here for my bday again....he's going to china on the 19th T_T;. but he says he'll buy me a present.....but i dunno what i want @_@. i want many things lol. like a nintendo DS!! or mayb some wFL stuff..or mayb a new blazer? XDD; but those are all materialistic thingys =P . or a CAR would help XP. just buy a cheapy one......mayb Mitsubishi? or Accord, or RSX? ^^;; *dreaming*. OH YEA! i made some ONIGIRI for lunch on thursday!! i posted it in that haircut Album on imagestation =] so ya! check it out. hehe it tasted kinda crappy cuz i made it over night so the rice was hard and cold....*sighs* just don't have enuff time to make it in the morning. i wanna try making omlette rice ^^ looks tastey muhahah and i'll have the best looking lunch out of my friends XD;. i luv it!! XDD anyways..gotta start capp!! TOoDlez [-Sofiee-]

||Jan 25 4:23PM

wow.....its already been one month since the Tsunami thing. Time flies when you're busy eh. well my school is asking us to bring money to donate again -_-;. i'll probably bring a few bux lol. Schools alrite these days.....but i'm not getting the marks i NEED. True, its only grade 11 for me right now and i still have 1 year left to go...but i already need to worry about the requirments of UNiversity and entrance grades ><;;.

i dunno whats more annoying, doing the CAPP11 assignment online or doing the research of Universities and worrying about your future?! Well both is getting to my head..i could barley sleep @ nite becuz i'm so worried about which courses i need and what average i need to aim for. and if i have enough provincials or if i need to take sum special exams to go to the states or toronto ect. i really dunno where i wanna study....i guess i'll go to whereever i get accepted? but definetly not UBC. If the only school i get accepted into is UBC than i might as well suicide. Not saying that UBC is a bad has nice programs and its pretty popular in canada. but...if i wanted to go else where after i grad its hard...cuz not a lot of ppl know UBC internationally -_-;. which is a bad i'd rather study in Toronto or USA. but the bad thing about my choice is that i'll have to work EXTRA hard. and take SAT exams -_-;. they cost money too......stupid rip off!! ><; i hope i get into sth i like....or @ least a helpful program. i dont even know what program i'm aiming choices so far are

1.Sciences(pharmacy or other chemistry stuff)
2. Engineering (Aero engineering preferably)
3.Government Jobs(Customs officer?,immigration?)
4.Airport(airplane traffic control,jobs in the radar tower?)

errrrr i dunno. some jobs seems a bit unrealistic. I dont even know what education requirments are needed for govt jobs @_@;. i need to do A LOT of research. *Sighs* not much time for intenet, forums,anime,movies. i spend like hour of the day doing HW or sth related with school. I'm drifting away from wFL pieces by pieces ;_;. i've d/ling deeplove vol.1 episodes but i haven't even had the time to watch it yet T_T. wow...Canada is having crazy weather i heard.......2 feet of snow of the west coast?? o.O but we're getting HEAVEY rain. it was raining so hard that the ski mountains had the close down...and there were mudslides!! O____O good thing i don't live in North vancouver. but much water..some of my teachers houses were flooded in the basement cuz of the messed up drains in the city. XPP i dont want my house to flood LOL too much precious things laying around! gosh i have tutor in 1 hour....hopefully i'll be able to concentrate and understand this stuff quickly...cuz i need to get ahead of the class and do well for the rest of this school year>_<. since i won't blog tmr...i'll just say

HAPPY BIRFUDAY JAMIE LEE!! WOooT you're 17 now!!(old timer)ahahha XD best wishes *hugs*!! [-Sofiee-]

enlarged XDD; kyaa i bought a Shiseido "Water In Lip" chapstick^___^ its so pretty!! but cost me $5!>=P not a good deal, and its so short too~ *treasures it XP*

||Jan 20 7:52PM

wow its a big day today...first dads wife came home from the hospital today. She gave birth to a baby boy!! hrmm...i duno whether to be happy about this or angry...cuz i'm lyk freaken 16 years apart from this "step-brother" and the time i go to probably won't even know who i am still!! or barley know how to speak?! o.O;;...well at least its a boy...if it were a girl i guess i wouldn't be too happy about it. i guess i'll just have to get used to having ANOTHER annoying little sibling -_-;. i think its tough for my brother too! i mean he's 10 already..and now he's gonna be a big brother?! lol i don't think he can handle it. they probably won't "fight" though...cuz 10years apart...whats there to fight about?! was 8lbs....while me and my bro were only 5lbs. yea, we're quite tiny/underweighted when we were born...

||Jan 19 4:46PM

ackk i just finished a physics exam today...>___< i'm scared!! some of the questions were really the word answer ones @_@;. *sighs* i hope i did good......cuz last time i got 93% lol...i was so happy i got that mark in physics XPP. its a tough course....always have to study and review your HW. I don't think my Math test from yesterday went too well was a short class and i didnt have enough time to check it over or finish factoring sum of them><. stupid factor theorm stuff take so long to test!! and the questions were so long....i only spent like 15mins on MC~T.T!! i'll have to complain tmr to see if he could scale it....majorly!!! but tmr is short period too...we have some electives fair starting @ 1;30-2;45. well @ least we get off school earlier tmr^^! haven't been bloggin much this week becuz i'm so busy on school days PLUS weekends......weekends i have TKD and skiing lessons....weekdays i have tutor on thurs and tues...friday i have chinese school. so its not that much free time T_T;. *cries* and i have to start doing my stupid CAPP project about course planning. its so hard to choose cuz i still dunno if i wanna take summer school or not. and if i want a provincial exams course or not. arghs. *headache*

yosh!! the plus side to this week is WFL forums has a new luvly layout featuring the one and only FLAME~~~ with SEIGO now WooT!! thats so excellent!! they look astro sexy in it =]!! and the ITEM CREATORS are fixed..except that we have to delete all our old items....*cries* i'm gonna miss them. but we'll have room to design new items XD. must get animation shop sumhow! cuz they're all making binkie's now stealing our business away ><;. uahh i just finished watching an episode of "Triumph in the skies" that chinese pilot drama!! its so goodddddd~~ lol DONALD and VICENT are so cute!! LOL i never fangirl about chinese dramas much....but this one is very good ^^;. especially DONALD he's so cute and adorable! lol...he looks a bit nerdy though..XP his hair cut haha. vincent seems like sucha nice husband <33! Him and Flora look so good together ~ well in the drama XD. OI! i had the craziest dream last nite XD. i dreamt that there was a BNE concert in vancouver and i begged my dad to buy me a ticket LMAO i even rmember the ticket price....$77CND. puhaha and i went and saw Lead LIVE!! kyaaaa and it was so sexy!! lol but my bro and dad were sitting beside me 4 some reason and they were falling asleep cuz its so boring to them XPP. it was the best Lead dream i had in ages!!! <33 *wubs* and they waved @ me =P. it seemed so real! but i was sitting in the far rite in the it was a weird angle =P. i had to wait so long in line to get in the concert -_-;;. that dream i think lsated the whole nite? XDD;. i woke up in the middle of the concert...*sighs* oh well!. was great while it lasted <33. gosh i need to make a new layout soon ne....LOL and i'm gonna put a wish list up since my friends @ school are probably wonder what i want for prsents...i'll just tell them to check out my blog LOL XPP too lazy to tell them one by one~ haha =D kk i guess i'll study now ToODlez [-Sofiee-]

||Jan 14 3:53PM

hrmm i wants a new layoutXP;; wonder if jennie can make me one!? gosh i'm skipping chinese school again becuz i have to go take some stupid KUMON test >=[ grrrr i dont wanng 2 kumon!! its so useless! it doesn't help me with school work it just helps u with your own weaknesses ><; which is like practically wasting my time...cuz the lsat time i took the test i got a really low level ....and it will take forever for me to reach the grade 11 level -_-' especially for math!! what i need is a tutor..~_~ not a stupid learning centre. anyway...i cancled my hair cut appointment AGAIN!! mygosh...@ this rate i'll never be able to get my hair cut!! >=[. i cancled tmr's appointment bcuz i have TKD @ 3pm which i 4got..and after that i have to go to Karmans bday party -_-;. grrrrs and on sunday i have my week is fully packed makes me mad. LOL i left my brower on for like 3 hours...its 7:30pm now...and i've done the kumon sux...i'm still in like a SUPER low level..but she says i'm doing pretty well in english...well i BETTER be, considering i've lived here for 3/4 of my life!!!!-_-; meh...i should do my hw now...since my schedule is so packed >_<;; toOdlez [-Sofiee-]

||Jan 08 3:03PM

Image Station Link to my snow pictures if you don't have an imagestation username u can use mine ^^;; but plz don't mess aruond with it...account:Mz_kitamura psw:jennifer

yep u guys can feel free to browse my snow pictures ^^;; since snow is rare in Vancouver people here are pretty excited/make a big deal of it XD;;. i noe ppl in toronto probably think its nothing special ^^;; they practically snow everyday lmao XPP. its so pretty outside =] the streets are all white. and its still snow drifting =D. i bet tmr when i go skiing its gonna be REALLY awesome XD. hmmm recap of yesterday...there was no chinese school or Kumon due to the snow ^^ WooT!! built another snowman when i got home too =] u can see it in the imagestation album! hehe its the one with the scarfu <33. lmao and my brother was toboganning outside this morning down the sidewalk XP. stupid kid...i hate toboganing ><; i can never steer the sled properly @_@;. yesterday was also T-day @ our school.....hmm it was some donation day for the Tsunami in asia. everyone had to give 2dollars XD;; ya its little but there was also a bake sale @ lunch and all the money would go to help them. the school board is also donating money~

whoa..i just watched Yuu's bed scene in Deep Love drama yesterday. *__* its really overwhelming... he's pretty good @ acting =]. if he ever quits flame he'll be my fave japanese actor <33. Lol how can he keep such a straight face in a bed with a naked women. well...i hope she wasn't REALLY naked O_____O;;. *hunts the lady down* >=]. and Yu probably wasn't naked...just shirtless ^^;;. kya SHAKE U DOWN poster looks so awesome!! me wants me wants!! but i dont wanna order online damit ><;. and i dont want the taiwanese ones what they sell here. the forward sign make it look ugly LOL...ya sofie is so weird XD;;. hmm no more to talk ToODlez [-Sofiee-]

||Jan 06 5:03PM

WOW its snowing!! i woke up this morning and went upstairs to eat breakfast and it was ALL white outside~!!!<333 LOL i was hoping for no school but we had school until 3 i guess 15mins earlier is pretty good considering many of us have to walk or bus and get a ride XP. its really cold out there =P and many cars got stuck in traffic becuz their car can't go up hill or too slippery w/e LOL! well i was happy about all the snow until i got home -_-;; stupid bro asked me to go outside and make a snowman with him. well i finished the snowman and took like ONE PICTURE Of it...with my SUPER DUPER crappy camera...and than he threw snowballs @ me so i threw back ...and i went inside to get something and he started knocking my snowman down!! and i TOLD him NOT to Touch it!!!!! i'm so took me like 1 hour to make that stupid SNOWMAN ><;; and now its all gone..and i only have like a super crapass pic of it -_-;;...what a waste of my time!! the neighbours probably didnt even have a chance 2 see it yet. ARghs...stupid brother...he maskes me so mad sumtimes!! he always gets angry @ me for doing sumthing...but he started throwing snowballs @ me first!! during the WHOLE TIME of making the snowman he was constantly throwing things @ me..and i told him not to do it but he wouldn't listen...and NO ITS NOT FINE becuz by tmr all the snow is gonna be melted!! garanteeed its gonna RAIN or wetsnow -_-;;. and no, my snowman wouldn't have melted anyways becuz it takes a longer time for piled snow to melt. GAHHHHHHh >=[!!!! and i'm way too angry to go back outside and make another one......and besides i have tutor in like 30mins~~><;;. any why the heck did we not have a "snow day"(school not in session due to massive snow) anyway!??! last year it snowed less and they annonced a snow day like rite after break!!! they're so evil!! all the west side kids got out...north van...private schools...every district except east Van!! >__< lol but funny thing was that since it was so hard to get to school today for some of the teachers Mr.chernoff (some funky math teacher) says that he was gonna live @ the school tonite becuz he doesn't wanna drive out there. LOL and he's gonna watch a movie on the computer and eat popcorn and he says its gonna be better than living @ his home hahaha...and he invited Mr.pope(chem teacher across the hall) to stay with him too~ =P. well i'm sure cypress mountain this weekend will be PACKED XD;; theres so much snow up there.....hmmm mayb its blizzarding up there rite now ^^; WOoT!! fresh snow for this weekends skiing Lessons XD;. hmph stupid brother...gonna be angry @ him 4 the rest of tonite...he's sucha bratty 10 year old >=[ anyways...nothing much TooDlez [-Sofiee-]
FIRST SNOW FALL in 2005 BABY!!!<333
>>ps: since i didn't post on new years i haven't posted up Shout Outs XD;; well here they all the fun, loving people of wFL forums! just to name a few: Ayura,Miyuki,Misha, Vonney, Pam, shizuka, chewy, Ting, *braindead* there are more ^^; lol but they probably don't read my blog anyways XP;;. you guys are the coolest people i've met! and i'm really grateful to known you =]. i'll never 4get u guys <33 T_T. i wish we could all meet up one day *sigh*. that will be a new years resolution hahah XD

for ayura ^^;; uahh i rote a new years msg for u but it keeps getting deleted on your tag board i decided to just post it here cuz i didnt wanna spam your board XP;;.

||Wanted List
>FLAME's "Shake you Down" single
>A MJ hat(click for image)
>NY cap - no girly kinds plz!
>any wFL poster that i dont have @ home already XDD
>Playboy stuff
>a stylish new backpack
>NEW HXH manga!!
>Lead BNE live DVD
>Funky Blazer
>anything Japanese? (x_X;)
>A multi plastic pockets folder
>>Ben Sherman BLAZER(j/k lol too expensive)
>>STUSSY t-shirt etc.
>>Wallet<3 (elegant)
>>fragrance o_O?
>>fishnet gloves
>>...UPDATED==>add more later XDD;;

|| Hoos Dat Girl?

[Birthdate] 02/27/1988
[Location] Vancouver
[Bakground] Chinese 100%
[Gender] Female
[Lykz]J-pop,Food,anyfing related wif Jap

|| Contacts
[ICQ] 77105419
[MSN/Email] LiL_AzN_Qt_pie10
[Webbies]AsianAve - Lil_azN_Qt-piez or litl_baby_angel

|| Current
[Desktop]Yu-kun from FLAME!!<3

[Song]Nakashima Mika - Sakurairo Maukoro
[Mood]constantly changing


[Randomized]Jacky,Jenny, Jennie,Jenniferz,Ingrid,Jamie,Shiori, Diana,Catherine,Carmen,Karman,Stefz, Corinne,April,Kingsley,Chris,Kvn, Kingston,Erin,Ehren,KLO,Alwyn,Jeannie, Tony,Robin,Mike,Melvin and every1 in WFL forums!!

||The PaJ
[Copyrited]JENNIE(my Lo Por)
[Musik]Nakashima Mika - Sakurairo Maukoro
[Dedication]for my birthday lol <3
[More]I asked Jennie to make this for my birthday present XD;;.She's done a great job, *muahs* thx so much lady!!

||Fan of...

Kitamura Yuu baby, I want you!

||WFL pPplz
yuki ;; jackie ;; taka ;; kyoko ;; momoko ;; Sugomi ;; nareiko ;; Abby ;; chewy ;; cindy ;; thea ;; ting ;; Sassy ;; Shizuka ;; Ayu ;; miki ;; Nicky ;; gem ;; Megan ;; Murasaki ;; SanDee ;; SHL ;; Shelly ;; Kat ;; Mel ;; cindy ;; Stephanie ;;Lisa ;; Ayura ;;Tongari ;; Sana ;; Miyuki ;; Jennifer


||Link me

01.06.05 - 01.29.05
11.03.04 - 12.06.04
9.11.04 - 10.12.04
08.03.04 - 09.03.04
07.29.04 - 06.24.04
05.01.04 - 06.17.04
04.30.04 - 03.13.04
12.01.03 - 12.28.04

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