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Make a Wish...

||Dec 8 7:42 pm

DARNIT, i have cramps rite now. and i dunno what to rite......except that schools really pissing me off. ya doro and jennifer are rite.....even our most trusted guy friend can betray us! grrr that just makes my lungs and head burn up inside. i know its tough to see people whispering and not letting you know what they're talkin about. but....take a look! u guys all do it. so don't critisize other people unless u TRULY NOE what u're about to say. and if u dunno what ur doing......mayb try sitting down and chillin and THINK just SIT sumwhere and THINK! THINK what u've been doing for the past month and a half and realize what you're doing. u give me the impression u don't realize what u've done. u don't realize what u've changed. and who's changed u. i know our circle of friends can no longer sustain in peace.....but @ least hesitate to make it even WORSE?!?! THINK GOD DAMIT i've thought for that is why i've realized so many things. yes i have to admit i'm a bitch. and i don't deny it. but @ the very least....i use my brain and realized whats happening and what i'm gonna do about it. AFTER ALL....that IS what your HEAD Is for. not for u to go to sTUPID things and piss off ALL your friends and than try recruiting new friends because u wanna be noticed. *ahem*

...yes that was my speech...and i really had to let it out -_-;;. even though it might not even be read..but still its better than leaving it....and than not remembering what my reasons to get mad were XPP. anyways ya schools going fine and stuff. WHOOP x'mas is soon!! what u guys gonna do?? LOL i have to send presents OBVIOUSLY....hmmm mayb to FLAME and Lead. and some penpals like u guys ^_^;;. i'll have to buy a lot of stamps haha XP. and mayb a lot of x'mas a new year cards ^_^;. BRB [-Sofiee-]

||Dec 6 1:09 pm

yup no school today so i'm stuck @ home. decided to blog cuz i didnt for a long time. even though i've had a lot of things on my mind....i just never had da time to post it up -_-;. i was suppose to go take Santa pictures with Jenny Ingrid Jeannie Karman and Corinne. but they never told me where to meet and stuff like that, so i've decided why should i go if they never had the intentions to let me noe about their plans!?? and the evilest part of it is....they told me not to tell anyone else about this outting. as if its sum kinda secret outing where they wanna be alone and private in their on lil friends group. i begining to believe that those girls don't even regard me as a friend anymore. just another person to make their group look bigger, happier and cooler. they're all like that.....only asking ppl to go when theres not enough people by their sides. they cannot stand being alone....they're attention getters. and gossipqueens. well maybe not all of them.... but one or two of them definetly are! >=[ and it makes me mad....cuz its THOSE girls that are making the group more complicated than it has to be. back in gr10 or gr9 we never had "sub-groups" it was all of us sitting down eating lunch together...having a few laughs. and i would enjoy having lunch with them back in those days. but its SO different seems lik theres no point being feels like i'm just sitting there as if in a lecture! every lunch feels the same.....there is no warmness or togetherness....because EVERY lunch we would sit in the same area.....but break up into lil sections. like one group sits across from us....and another group forms a circle...and another group sit further away. when people outside of our group look @ seems like we're having a lot of fun..."oh those kids have so many friends!" but once you're in the circle....u feel like there is no unity.'re friends with these people just because they're around. not because u have many things in common or if they really click with u. and i find that kind of sad.....cuz its only december and we're having these problems already....whats gonna happen nxt year?? and in gr12?? lifes gonna be horrible. all my friends are leaving me......ingrid...jeannie..i dunno about jeannie i'm not even sure she was my friend -_-; she seems more happy with corinne. starting tmr......i'm gonna go sit somewhere else for lunch and break. i'm tired of them being fake with us.

with that aside....yesterday i was bored so i scanned some of my puri's that i took with Vonney and Chewy =). lol its a little late but still good rite ^^ hehe. i also made some new shop items! ^___^ i hope ayura will be proud of me XDD; anyways.....dozo~. [-Sofiee-]
another Puri
Mission: Stalking FLAME (LJ) by animepam
Partner in crime
You stalkedYuu Kitamura
Whacha do to him?Glomped him so tight, he can't breathe.
What did he do?Smacks your ass.
Chance of another meet-up:: 43%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Mission: Stalk FLAME! by animepam
You stalkedHisato Izaki
Whacha do?Feeling him down, WOOO!!!
What did HE do?Hands you a banana and SLOWLY moves away.
Chance of another meet-up?: 7%
Quiz created with MemeGen!


||Nov 28 2:24 pm

Mood:*yawn* tired
wow so tired....wish i went to sleep earlier ~_~ but i was talkin on msn until like 12am XDD; which is not so bad......but i didnt have much sleep over the past week. =P WOot all my tests are overrrr!! except for the band test on monday....which i think is gonna be fine...cuz its only chromatic scales, rhythmes, and articulations. ^__^;; but i suck @ the notes lol. i still haven't remember all my notes yet! aish....i'm a bad student =P. well i'm suppose to be doing my chem lab rite now....but i totally don't understand the questions so i have to ask my partner later XP. my comps SUPER slow rite now cuz i'm moving my music files into my D drive.....*sighs* C drive is way too full to operate normally =P. but i hope my Ddrive is big enough for all my music and videos XDD; puahha....i have way too much. i still wanna d/l DEVILMAN THOUGH!!! ARRrrrghs but i cant find the torrent ><; must ask fellow wFL's later =P. meh... i'm so bored -_-;

oh yea!!! i got my Cypress skiing pass yesterday! and i also bought my ski goggles WooT!!! gonna go skiing soon! ^____^ i luv it muhaha. oh yea and i also bought fabric....i'm planning to make a hoodie....and put a FLAME logo on it XD; i'm so weird! lol =P but i hope it turns out okay.....cuz i picked a red fabric...those fluffy kinds. holy cows...SPONGEBOB the movie rocked!! XDD its so hilarious =P.....but i was gonna watch Polar Express in the first place.....damz...but they didnt have anymore show times when i was we watched spongebob puahah. its so funny when they were at the cafe place and he keeps eating the icecream sundae XP. cracked me up so badly. and the part where he got dried up into a real sponge....and patrick turned into a starfish lmao XD. i wanna buy this movie~~ but i still havent watched the Incredibles *sniffles* people sya that movie is SOOOOO GooD. dAMz! i have so many movies i still need to the Grudge! muhaha scary movies rock my sox.....but resident evil is definetly my FAVE. da story is really good =]. aish my report card isnt look too good......english teacher gave me a B ><; low B too!! like 76% -____- *sighs* this is so disapointing~! i think i'm only getting 3 A's this term. my dads gonna be mad....and he might d/c my internet *___*;. totally sux! i cant live w/o the net. no more more more lookin @ pix. GAhhhhh i cant imagine! ahh well anyways ....better finish up my HW....TooDlez [-Sofiee-]

kyaa sexy husband XD

||Nov 23 7:47 pm

Mood:errr not that well ~_~;
well i'm still super tired from the whistler trip! we had sectional clinics for half the day everyday >__< and it was so cold there! and i think i kinda got sick on the last nite there..@_@;; its from going to the out door hottub and than going in again ~__~; so krazy! da pool is really HOT but the air is freezing cold. this times whistler wasnt as good as the one in gr10 *sighs*..da experience isnt the same i guess. the last rehersal didnt really make me cry either..-_-kinda disapointing. the Pines of Rome is a great song ^_^;. the down parts to this tirp was.....gossip. much of it. and i dunno what to do....cuz the person that gossips is a "friend" well.....aquaintance to make it more realistic. i hate it...y does ppl gotta talk about me behind my bak...i'd much rather them talk to me in person so i can slap them across the face! u noe what i mean?? >=[ grrrrrz. and the problem isnt even about ME. cuz its not MY FAULT the guy she likes didnt ask her out yet. gosh...doesnt she realize that with or w/o me in between them the outcomes ognna be the same? its not like i'm trying to steal him away from her. pshhhh by all means.....take him away. i dont mind!!! i'd be SO MUCH happier if he went out wit her too! than i wouldn't have to be frusturated and worrying about this "LUV" stuff. hmmm infact....i mite talk to him at school tmr.. just to get things straightened out....cuz i hate getting Burned by him. just the other nite he burned me badly...-_-;. can a girl and guy not be regular friends?? HUH HUH!?!? SHE'S GOT SOME MAJOR ISSUES>.......and if she doesn't solve them by herself soon....than i guess i'll have to slap her silly until she comes to her senses >=[. hmfz....i dont go to TKD for no reason ya know XD![-Sofiee-]

||Nov 17 6:51 pm

okay....first things first. the kiosque was a waste of time.....seriously!! i spent so much time on the presentation that i didnt even have much time to study for the big math exam >=[!! i don't think spending like 16hours on the work and showing it off for only 2 hours is worth the effort!! after todays presentation....she told us to throw it away WTF MANS!! all our hard,writing,drawings, pictures......she didnt even wanna mark them?? she just took a glance and told us that she's not gonna need them anymore after todays kiosque -______-; i swear it ........french class is created to ruin your schedule! if i knew that the banner was gonna take so much time i would've given it to my group members......cuz i found out @ the last minute that i had to rite my math exam during the french block in the morning cuz i couldn't do in my regular math blk cuz of the Kiosque(btw kiosque is just like a lil food fair^^;;). i started studying math @ like 11;30PM LAST NITE! krazy shit mans!! and i didnt go to sleep until 3. 3am ppl! thats krazy....considering i had 2 go school early to put my food stuff in the fridge @_@! we better do well on this food fair business or else i'll be so angry >=[!! i'm already getting like a B in her class. if i drop more i'm transfering out of her class[well...mayb too late now] -_-. i totally screwed up the french test too!! ahhhh i'm DOOMED all my subjects aren't going well. X_X except mayb Accounting......haha but thats a slack off courseXD. clothing too.....i must get an A...or else ~_~;. but most of the food @ the fair was really great ^__^ ppl spent a lot of time cooking and preparing the ethnic foods ^^;. but i only melted some chocolates and cut up some fresh fruits LOL. my cuisine is swiss =D.

on the contrary. HURRAY!!! Going whistler on FRIDAY BABY!! lol i better start packing some warm clothes.....cuz its snowing up there already =D;. we're gonna have so much FUN! wheee~ i remember last was so hilarious...but kinda tiring cuz we had clinics for practically half the day -_-;; and my jaws and lips got sore. but i was really glad about the rehersal last year....hehe we played so well that it almost made me cry ^_^;. the best part about Whistler is.....going out with friends for Dinner lunch and breakfast LMAO XD no parents!! and lots of places to spend your money....but it's still really expensive up there. *sighs*....but the bad part is....i still have to make up for the Band test that i missed today on Friday morning. ARghs....i hope he runs out of time lmao ^_^;. cuz there were so many people @ the French thing. i hate doing band test in front of everyone....its so embarrasing and hard to make your notes sound my breath gets all shakey! ACk! and i think Pope is gonna test us on the Mole stuff too......dam!! i must learn it by tmr or i'm gonna bomb that too >___< better start studying and practising!! ToODlez [-Sofiee-]

Quote of the day:"Some stains never go away no matter how hard/long you scrub them"

||Nov 14 4:18 pm

Mood:part happy =)
wow sunday tmr. T_T *cries* i dun wanna take the freaken french test~ i hate writen french exams!! arghhhhh and i also have to start worrying about the math cross grade...T_T;; i'm doomed. and i dont realy understand all this mole business in chem. @_@ too much information~! ahh damit i was gonna enter my cosplay of machi for the wfl cosplay contest....but i think im a bit too late.....the entries were due yesterday night....and i still don't have my costume mayb i'll just save the costume for nxt year or sth LOL XP;. but ...i also wanna make another costume for nxt years haloween ^___^;;. not much happening is coming over for pot i think XP. so cold! my hands are freezing =P. took sum webcam pix today.....mayb i'll upload them tonite hehe....imma go study now.TOoDlez [-Sofiee-]

||Nov 8 5:26 pm

Mood:Insane >_<;
AHHHH!!!! there's so many things running around in my head rite now!! i just can't handle it......i think i'm gonna explode once again!! Theres so many things happening this week.....first is schoo...Math French English Physics!!! Math quiz on weds. Phys test on Friday french Oral on Weds. i'm gonna die!! i didn't even prepare for the Oral yet..and its already MONDAY!! O___O;;. and the math Quiz i'm so stressed about it cuz i don't have a grafing calc. and i need it badly!! i don't think i can draw those stupid grafs if i dunno what it looks like gernerally. n then the physics test....i just had a physics test LAST FRIDAY for the make up >__<;; ahhhhh *headache* too much HW and tests...and i have a stupid ENglish trial for Lord of The FLies Tmr morning!! Aish....n then theres my Emotional side thats messing me up. I CAN'T HELP IT!! I really MISS the old times we had together......but i guess it can't be helped. now everytime we talk its like so weird and uneasy...nothing to talk about...and its just not the same *sighs* i can't accept the fact that we don't talk much anymore because he likes a different girl....and i dunno....maybe i always had feelings for him but i just didn't know myself...T_T;;. hard to explain. its not like i LIKE LIKE him......but i liked the times we had together. -_-;; and he promised me so many things too.....don't think its gonna happen. like watching world cup soccer all nite long in was the funniest/silliest thing we've done[back in 2002 XPP]. and remembering the funni convos really does carve deep into my heart/memories. nothing can ever be the same i guess? the phase has past....time to find sum1 more entertaining XPP . bottom line is.....i'll miss LGJ. heh was fun while it lastest ^^;. .....well thats all i have to blab[-Sofiee-]

||Nov 5 7:47 pm

Mood:SO TIRED =_= tired rite now!! mayb cuz i concentrated too hard @ school. partly cuz i had Accounting test and then rite after that physics test!! O_____O isnt it krazy! and both require math -_-;;. and than after school i had to search for a house to stay @ becuz i had chinese school @345 i didn't wanna go to my home n den bak to chinese school cuz its gonna be so far now. so i walked to Jenny's house...but she wasn't there...n den i walked down to Diana's house after going to Domino's pizza to borrow their phone -_-;; *Sighs* so embarrasing and tiring!! walking from there to to there...n den back to there again...Geez!!! >=[....n den during Chinese school i was falling asleep....i missed half the things she was talkin about...seriously i was SO tired....n den i came home and took a nap....ate dinner @ 7 and here i am. *yawn* since my internet gets cut off @ 8pm...(my dad set the time limit...i dunno how he did it) i'll just go take a nice hot bath and go sleep rite more doing hw for me today....its already been too much work -_-;. oh ya....and my Dad's back from China today yayyyyy(sorta) he lost my Sim card i presume cuz when i asked him....he didn't have a clue where it is@_@...this is kinda pissing for me....cuz it means that i'll have to get a new Simcard and change my celly #. i guess i'm happy that my dads back.....cuz i have so many things i need him to pay for right now LMAO. like whistler money...tutor money...others~ =P. it kinda feels the same with or w/o him .....but when he's back..he just keeps nagging me to do my HW...thats da only diff i can think of ~_~.

did i mention i spent nearly $1000HK on lingerie? ya its mom told me to buy it @ that store cuz canada doesn't have that brand(Wacoal). and she said its a good brand to wear so ya...i picked out a few =P. Never knew that buying under garments would be so expensive rofl. i have to admit the style's are pretty cute =) very different from American brands IMO. mmmm i'm too lazy to upload pix still....mayb nxt week lmao kk TOoDlez [-Sofiee-]

OMG i really wanna go to FLAME's live*tears of joy*!!!if anyone's looking to buy me a x'mas present...that would be the best one*winx*

||Nov 3 3:50 pm

Mood:normal-ish xP
well....this is my first November post! ^____^ and my first post in like 2 weekz lol. sorry for not blogging so long XPP i was busy and another reason was that i visited Hong Kong last week for my Auntie's wedding -_-;; i only spent 1 week there! so i barley had time to shop ne T_T;;. i only got to shop for clothes etc. for two days!! and i had to walk for SO LONG! it's so tiring there.....not to mention dirty and hot ><;; i really hate the atmosphere there.....makes your hair really greasy and sticky within less than a day -_-;. but in Vancouver the air is so much fresher XD;. okay so ya.....i went to my Aunts wedding for 2 for the registration at Tsim sha tsiu and one for the Dinner which was also @ TST Sheriton Hotel. and i also lost a pair of jeans on the Bus cuz i left the bag behind when i was getting off......and i didn't realize it until it was like 2 hours later >_<;;. Im SO stupid sumtimes!! can sum1 lose Jeans -_-;;. hmm so ya so i went shopping at Causeway Bay with my mom bro and Moody ^___^!! Bought a lot of Playboy stuff..but sum Funky clothes....and most importantly shopped and COcolulu and picked out a Fur Jacket~~~~ i luvvvvvvv it XDD there stuff is so cute!! but my jacket was pretty expensive lol.....i won't be buying Jackets for a long time now....i hope this jacket will last me another year. ^^ but its pretty! so its worth the money i guess...keke. another day i went to Mong Kok with Chewy and Vonney...and we raided Sino....i think i spent nearly or Over $500HK @ sino ALone...yeps....i bought Lead's Delight single....Night Deluxe for my friend and Remind FLAME for my other friend Xp. found a boys quest poster and bought it right away....cuz its so hard to find old posters these days T_T *cries* i want more flame posters!!! bought sum Magazines and lil Cute things like pencils...keychains. bought 6 Anime posters too O___O;;. mostly HXH but i have a DNAngel one too. theres 3 that i might give away for bday gifts puahah =D. n i bought a KILLUA DOLL!!!!!!! i was so happy when i saw it!! cuz when i went to this other store it wasn't for sell -_-;;. its only for display....pshhhh~ but i bought it for $128 HK. my friend said he saw it for 99$ i guess i got ripped off..ARghs!! those bastards. i should've bought more Killua stuff..but it's so hard to find O_O;;. surprisingly all the dolls were sold out except for Kurapica killua and Hisoka -_-;;. holy cow ....its 5 already.

OMG!! i JUST found out KYOHEI is leaving flame........WHY didn't anyone tell me this before!!! this is so heart breaking!! T_T even though i wasn't a big fan of KYO i don't want him to LEAVE FLAME!!! his voice was important 2 the group!! it just won't be the same w/o him!! and its bad cuz they're replacing him with another dude now.....arhgs i just hope they won't ALL break up. cuz that would truly be too sad. T_T...i should've bought more singles and other remember the FLAMEness...i remember back than....lead used to be less popular than flame....NOW its the opposite...*sighs* its really quite my favorite boybandjapanese is going down da drain. i still remember when i uesd to go online everyday to look @ their pix....or stay on the comp until 12am watching their PV's. those were the days.....*sniffs* now i don't even have time to d/l or read wFL related stuff. i'm sucha bad Fangirl. but i really do try my best by supporting them ^^;;. @ least i bought FLAME style~. their complete album hehe. the last album with Kyo i guess @_@;. i guess i should've appreciated KYo's presence in FLAME more that he's gone...i realy feel that flame will be different...-__-; Anyways....HW time...i'll post HK pix up a.s.a.p.[-Sofiee-]

|| Hoos Dat Girl?

[Birthdate] 02/27/1988
[Location] Vancouver
[Bakground] Chinese 100%
[Gender] Female
[Lykz]J-pop,Food,anyfing related wif Jap

|| Contacts
[ICQ] 77105419
[MSN/Email] LiL_AzN_Qt_pie10
[Webbies]AsianAve - Lil_azN_Qt-piez or litl_baby_angel

|| Current
[Desktop]young FLAME[=

[Song]SPEED - Walking in the Rain+ Ayu - becuz of You
[Mood]constantly changing
[Weather]cold n cloudy ~_~;


[Randomized]Jacky,Jenny, Jennie,Jenniferz,Ingrid,Jamie,Shiori, Diana,Catherine,Carmen,Karman,Stefz, Corinne,April,Kingsley,Chris,Kvn, Kingston,Erin,Ehren,KLO,Alwyn,Jeannie, Tony,Robin,Mike,Melvin and every1 in WFL forums!!

||The PaJ
[Theme]FLAME + Apples
[Colors]random blues
[Musik]Field Of Soul- Lead
[Dedication]WFL fans+fwends

||Fan of...

Kitamura Yuu baby, I want you!

||WFL pPplz
yuki ;; jackie ;; taka ;; kyoko ;; momoko ;; Sugomi ;; nareiko ;; chewy ;; cindy ;; thea ;; ting ;; sassy ;; Ayu ;; miki ;; Nicky ;; gem ;; Megan ;; Murasaki ;; SanDee ;; SHL ;; Shelly ;; Kat ;; Mel ;; cindy ;; Stephanie ;;Lisa ;; Ayura ;;Tongari ;; Sana

||Link me

||The Ogatachibana Sisters

11.28.03 - 11.03.03
10.03.03 - 10.28.03
09.1.03 - 09.27.03
08.25.03 - 08.28.03

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