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||July 22 6:48PM

Mood:SO pooped out=_=
holy cow. i had my French Mid-term was pretty hard. i'm not sure i did well on the reading comprehension..i totally suck @ those. -_-;; OMG IVAN IS beating me in French!! he's getting 90 i'm getting mark is the "class average". thats how smart ppl are in my class! there's only 2 ppl getting B's. everyone else is in the high 90' Diane this girl that sits beside me got 97 percent..and its mid term already...we only have 3 weeks left!! T__T stupid project and orals screwed me over. *sighs* i feel so defeated...Ivan doesnt even do his HW...he only does well on compositions and exams. i have no idea how though -_-;;. He doesnt even use Vocabulary much....I think the teacher favors him *sniffles* =( i need to get better before school is over!! Je veux obtenu 90% quand l'ete est finir!!! i think i worded that wrongly too -__- omg i just SUCK.

crapp i haven't finished my Memoir!! no time!! i regret starting it!! now i'll feel incopmlete! >__< graaah i wont have time until summer school is totally ended. but i mite go on vacation with my faimly after. and i also have the Road Test on Aug 5th!! *eek* so scared lol i'm nervous!! even though people say it's pretty easy....i gotta have faith in myself. ~__~ i hate parking though..and i find myself speeding in playground zones often haha ^^;;. Went out with Stef Chou on wednesday =] it was fun lol we had a lot of laughs especially good memories from gr8-10... those were the good years. *sighs* i miss those good times....thats when our group of friends were united and peaceful. good times..good times We basically went to BBT after my school ended than went to eat lunch @ that London Drugs Pho place on kingsway...later, we played on the swings @ carleton for like 30mins lol...the swings are so low!! i'm not used to it lol..god we were so short in elementary we took the bus to Metro Town and we visted Doro @ her work. lol...she works @ "mimi mcQueen" that new shop with all these funky clothes!! so awesome...i saw girl STUSSY @ Plenty!! kyaaaa i wanna buy it so badly!! but i gotta resist..gotta save up my money!! =] it was fun...after we took black and white Booth pix..but it was ugly. later we got tired of walking so we sat down @ those couches beside the new Foutain beside Lululemon lol. we sat for like 1.5 hours talking about wFL and other people =]. so funny...we planned our next get together too!! we're gonna go to BEACH!! or watch movie or go to richmond lol. really wanna go to the Beach with her =] she wants to go badly too hahah. Mayb when the fireworks start ^^ than we gotta take COLORED booth pix. Her's and jeannie's turned out so nicely! kyaaaa i wanna go out with Jeannie too! T_T i miss her. but she never talks to i dunno mayb she mite not wanna go with me?? ><;; we're kinda distant now wif our friendship. anyways enough blabbering..TooDlez [-Sofiee-] |

||July 13 6:30PM

Mood:Bored n Tired
Aish!! Gomen ne, minna-san!! I haven’t blogged in a long time becuz of summer school…next week is gonna be hell for me!! Orals, Projets, and Mid-term exams. *sighs* I have to rite Jounrals in French everyday..thats y I don’t really have time to rite them in English online anymore lol XD;. T__T and I thot I’d be able to forum and blog insanely during the summer…I was SO wrong -_-;. Taking French in summer school is sucha bumer…I feel like I’m in French emersion or sth *_*;. Everybody in my class sounds frechy except for me and the other two killarney people lol. Killarney students are such rejects X_X; we get a verb quiz everyday…and we read short stories and do comprehension questions…we rite compositions and have listening activities like everyday. She also makes us speak in class…like mini convos ><’. Friday is our mock provincial exams day…it’s hard man lol I almost failed the last Friday one.

Can’t wait to see Fantastic Four!! Jessica Alba is SOO HOT!! *faints* and I’m waiting to hear the Kirkirmai Orange Range song in the movie lol. Maybe its gonna be for the ending credits lmao XD!! Omg it’s so stuffy in my room rite now!! I’m sneezing like crazy >__<’ I need to buy more allergy pills. I’m hunry….my house is in MAJOR need of junk food!! I have like no food @ home T_T… no coke or anything! Gahhh how is a teenager suppose to survive under these conditions!??

I’m currently obsessed with BoA’s Girls On Top Korean album<33 I loveeee it so much!! Her hair her style her songs her attitude!! It’s so cool <3 her new image is an influence for every girl!! Now I’m thinking about cutting my hair back to the way it was before lol…but it’s so hard to mess up in the morning…wax, hair spray..water…or mayb I’m just lazy lol..i like the type of hair that when u wake up…all you have to do is comb it and leave the house lol ^^;;. But its kinda boring…like straight long hair*sighs*~ When is FLAME ever gonna release another single!? It’s been like sooo many months already!! Lead and w-inds are releasing!! Why not them!? *cries* I’m losing FLAME spirit by the minute.. still pondering if I should buy Baby Running wild or AGEHA XD;. Or GIRLS ON TOP!? Hmmm sucha dilemma XD;. Blah anyways I should get back to working T_T;. ToODlez [-Sofiee-] | ::I will post more pix up when I have time =D::

||June 30 7:46PM

wow i was so bored today that i had to take pix XD; and i decorated them on photoshop today =]. kinda played dress up haha. Diana came over and we took nerdy pix too ^__^ i'll post it up now NERDS||Heart U|| Untied||Peace yo! || spider=ness||

XDD haha yea...umm i drew the spider on ^^;;. number seven becuz Machi is the 7th spider in Hunter X hunter..yeah =]. figured out how to use the timer i got excited and took so many pix lol ^^;;. i think i'm going to Kelowna tmr with my mom again *__*; this time we're staying one nite over..and there's gonna be fireworks there. hmm..i hope i dont get bored to death XD;. i'll be back on saturday nite though =]. i guess it's a good way to spend the last couple of days before school starts again. T__T *cries* time flies so fast...holy smokes..i hope i can find sum1 to go out with me on Sunday!! >__<;. i don't wanna waste anymore time @ home! blah i have dinner now ToODlez [-Sofiee-] |

||June 29 9:23PM

alrite...Memoir break! ^__^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAR KYOHEI KANEKO!!<33 omgosh i miss him so much!! every time i watch BOYS BOX or FLAME STYLE's DVD thingy...i almost cry T_T;. FLAME had good times with Kyohei around!! but i wish him the best in the future and good luck on the solo thing =D. ganbatte kyo kun<3!!!

Report cards went home today!! *__* lol..a part of me is happy..but another part isnt. cuz i dropped so much in term 3...but overall my final mark turned out fine XP. except for physics -_- that was a major turn off. but i dont blame it. 100% in CAPP lmao. i rule =]. being stressed about that career cruising stuff did actually pay off XD;. anyways here's my ReportCard!
here's a little note:
AC = Accounting 11
CAPP = career planning
EN = ENglish 11
FR = French 11
IMC1B = Senior Band 11
MA = Math11
PH = Physics 11
TEX = Textiles 11(clothing)
umm the Final mark is under the 3rd column 2nd number.

Summer is kinda boring..didnt go out much -_-;; mayb going out tmr..but i just slept for the whole day today lmao. ^___^ i wanna go out before Summer School starts..or else i'm gonna waste my whole summer. noooooo i'm kinda losing interest in writing my memoir..! not a good sign. OMG my birds had to leave my house today..T_T my mom took them to my Grandparents house becuz my dad was complaining about the smell and the feathers..<__< poor birdies...i'm gonna miss them but my dad definetly won't. Shiori's birds are really cute..i wanna go see them again lol ^^;;. kk enough talk TooDlez [-Sofiee-] |

||June 16 1:30PM

Mood:stressed out..kinda tired
plz answer the below questions =] (got these from Misha). thanx mucho for replies ^^<3 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. What was your first impression? 9. Do you still think that way about me now? 10. What reminds you of me? 11. If you could give me anything what would it be? 12. How well do you know me? 13. When's the last time you saw me? 14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 15. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
[-Sofiee-] |

||June 10 07:15PM

Mood:part angry
omgosh..i haven't updated here in the longest time! I've kinda been updaing MSN my space more than this place lol XD;; sorry for the abandonment!! also i have xanga..(mz_kitamura) feel free to drop a note or sth =]. okay today i had 5 test/exams...Chinese, Math, Chem, Band, and french!! this is insane!! i screwed up the band test badly cuz it was a sight reading test -____-;; and i absolutely suck @ sightreading...screw it..that teacher makes me so angry anyways! thats why i'm quitting band for GOOD hmpfs....he freaken thinks so highly of his coure...if i told him i had 3 tests on the same day he wouldn't care..he'd still make u take the test...even though Band is like the LAST thing any student would care about >=[. grrrrz!! like WTF its his fault he didn't give us a test earlier. and Sight Reading tests aren't fair..thats like giving a student a chapter test on sth they've never SEEN before!! and he expects them to play it perfectly..right notes, right articulations, right dynamics and right tempo!! SORRY MAN but i'm not a music nerd..i can't do those things straight off the bat! only pro's can do sth like that. Chem test was rather i got 18/17 because of the bonus question =]...but i lost a mark somewhere..i can't remember where Xpp;. i wish i had chemistry last block so i can go home smiling..i LOVE that class...i hope i have that teacher next year..cuz i'd die w/o his chem jokes XD;. Math test was HELLA TORTURE. 28 MC plus like 10-12 WRITEN all in one hour...what a bitch. and we had to like create a budget and everything....i swear Chapter 1 is retarded...cuz none of the other classes are learning it. and its not even on the FINAL exam!! wasting our time i swear it!! >=[ hmpfz...i'm begining to REALLY hate him. good thing i stil have my little 5 marks coupon..but its not like i'm gonna get an A with that. UAHHHH i have to start my STuyding marathon soon!! but i'm so brain dead..i need a break..but do i have time for a break!?? Weds is ENglish...Thurs Phys..FRiday Math. CRAP IT.. i'm so screwed for this. i'll need to study math like 3 chapters a day from now on. T_T;;...i dunno if i can survive thru my high school experience. my head's gonna explode soon ~___~ and plus i have summer school...i probably need the summer to rest.. *sighs*. French test was pretty bad...i screwed up some verbs...umm i dunno about the listening.. i think i messed up there too..and the comprehension wasn't that bad. overall i probably got low A or high B XD;. i hope its the A one hahaha. aish..i think its time to study!! Toodlez [-Sofiee-] |

||June 03 02:56PM

Mood:*yawn* tired as hell
uahh so tired today!! studied too hard last i fell asleep studying on my bed -_-;. *sighs* i hope i did well on the test...cuz i NEED the marks before finals hit me in the face...*scared scared*. i think i have 92% rite now?? but thats still not good enough!! if the final comes along its gonna drop me like 10% >< 80 MC questions...i suck @ guessing..i have poor intuition grrrs.

yesterday's concert was alrite i guess...i only stayed for half of the Eurobands perf. cuz i had to study lol. i didnt get to hear Senior A band play XP;; Mr Knapp got pissed off @ a lot of the B Band ppl becuz we were late for warm-up...i was on time though!! i left the house @ 640! *__*;; but yea..he said he'll take off marks if we're late *eeps* i hope he saw me ontime!! ><;. lol i saw Jennifer and Mike there ^^ most of the other ppl were parents and grandparents XD lmao.

yay i get to go to the graduation ceremony on monday with the Band!!! 1pm we ride the bus to QE theatre..and we dont get to leave until 9pm...yea its a long time....but wth lol. i'm gonna probably cry seeing those gr12's leave *sniffs* it feel like as though i'm graduating lol!! next year!! only a few more months before we're Grade 12's...T_T;; i feel old. i hope i don't have like major stuff due on tuesday...cuz i won't have time to do HW on monday nite *_*;. and apparently we're eating Mc dickys for dinner....@ 430!!! thats insane!!

oh crap i better study for mandarin test rite now! TOoDlez [-Sofiee-] |