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A Day In The Life Of Kesley, The Escape From The Monotony Of A Mindless Existance


The First Day Of June, 2003. Well, I am not much for introductions, so let me begin by saying welcome to my corner of the internet. My name is Kesley, you may call me Kes if you like. I am 17 years old, and I attend Fountainebleau High School in Mandeville, Louisiana. I was born in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas at Harris Memorial Hospital at 9:40 AM, on Monday, the 7th day of April, 1986. I weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces at birth and I was 19 and one half inches in length. I won first place in the "Looks" event help at the hospital. Although I am pretty sure I couldn't win one today. I lived with my mother until she had to return to college, at which point I went to live with my Grandfather, Bobby Bryant. I lived with him for 6 years thereafter. My grandad spoiled me pretty bad. By the time I was seven my mother had completed college and all that and I went to live with her and my brother Travis in Riverside, California. My mother had divorced my father by this time so she had remarried to Travis' father. They, my mother and Travis, and Tim, Travis' father, ended up moving to Washington state, and I went to live with my grandad. Soon after moving there my mom had my youngest brother Robert. They lived there for a few years in Tacoma, Washington. I was living with my grandad again and we lived in California for two more years, and then my grandad decided to move to Texas, so we moved there too. We lived in Waco, Texas for a while, and then my grandad moved around a lot because of his work (he owns an Architecture and Contracting Company) so we lived in Texas for a while, until I moved to live with my Aunt Daphne (who I love more than almost anyone) and then my mother (who had divorced Travis and Robert's dad by this time) decided to move here to Mandeville, Louisiana. My grandad wrote a cashier's check for our home and my mom's vehicles, and we moved. I have lived here for a year and 4 months. It's not so bad so far. I have made many friends and have met many interesting people since I've lived here. Okay, I am getting bored typing this stuff so I am just going to stop. I will finish up later, promise. Kesley


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