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Jason Lancelot ChinFatt



Bout Me

D.O.B.: June 16th, 1982

Hometown: Born and Raised in Flushing, Queens, New York.

Marital Status: Single and just doing my thing.

Occupation: Student @ Union College, Poet, S.M.U.R.F., Full-time Friend to my friends.

Major: Art History with a concentration on American Art.

Minor: East Asian Studies with a concentration in Japanese language and Culture.


My Peoples



Me, Shawn, Mari, Jany, Fitz,Yazmin, and  Kevin

Nicole, Jany, Me, Wendy, and Mara.

Me. FLIPS, Shawn, and Fitz.

Parties @ My House


End of the fall 2002 - Shawn Hector, Fitz, Kevin and Me

Party 01/10/03  Me and Wendy

My Friends Back Home

Irene you are like a sister to me, the love for you will never stop you been there for me too many times and I for you as well.

This is my boy back home Jorge, We are always gonna be dogz-4-life. Dali is the lady in the pic and has been a good friend to me as well.


This is my younger Brother Tristan. He is my blood and one and only brother.

Lastly it is me in the year 2k3.